11444111EIBAItltlllEXAMINERllilllilui1111131111 1311 111 11 11 ill gt 11l xx$xiuxxxxxxxv 11 Fresh Peach Mallow nd 5U ae First In Honey Show 23C All Won Ontarians LUNCH AT 11i11 111 11111 11211 1111 1111 BRYSONS ol Siaxnci 1111 1= 11 1=l= kl plot ill 11l III 14111111If Willi 111 111 11 1111111 Aiini 11111 11111 1111111 11 ELIZABETH BT 111 11 11111 111111111 cmxvxx 11 JI11 rtlt Ftn TM FREE METHODIST First Baptist Church Church ll Luck 11A Ill Ministcr 200 Bayficld St 15s IllFli loinlhicv ll Phone 4572 111111 11111 hoir Leader REV AND MRS SlNIIAY SIIITILMHIIR It 111311 5111111111 SINIIAY SCHOOL tilusws for 2111 4111129 ministeral fil Nl Sllllifv1Allltlli4 111111 CHASE 111111 111 9011 CllMl 8310 1111 111111 um MORNING WORSHIP 1111t and Life lospil program ihllll 11stamcnt 11 cs 1o lSUIA school gcpnfnchmy 17 111 IIVICNING SIERVK ifiitlllitl Preaching All Are Welcome 11 11111111111 lioublo llll lllllllY tlIUlKlh Fm Wm Control oncl Collier United Churches Fm Gespel Hall 11 rarkside Drive t11lY SEPIIZAIIJCI 1030 11 aimBREAKING OF BFEAD pmGOSPEL MEETING Thurs pmPrayer Meeting Welcome Seats Free No Collection wf Sim Burton Avenue United Church Carder1BA Minister Dempsey Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1031 11 1nMORNING WORSIIII p111lIOLLY SERVICE VISITORS WELCOME it WH Full Gospel Tabernacle 1o Mulcaster Street Affiliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada SERVICES SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1930 10 amSunday School UNION SERVICES fSlNllAY SIIIVIIIMBER 1931 CENTRAL CHURCH MINISTER IN CHARGE ltlll 11 LEWIS MA BD hoir lfltl Mrs Lenovcr Organist Mr Smith 11 a1ullORNlNG WORSHIP 1714 111 St Andrews Presbyterian Church Itcv Jamis Ferguson BA Minister Angus Ross Organist ll Mr SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1950 ll a1nvMORNING WORSHIP pn1r EVENING WORSHIP 11 am All Departments of Church School COME TO CHURCH 11 aimsMorning Worship Collier St Baptist Church 730 rimEvangelistic Service llndepcndent FriendlyWelcpme AwaitsYiiu REV MITCHELL we the SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1950 Foreign Mission Sunday 11 am pm gcucst Speaker 60 COLLIER ST REV HENRY WILLMS TheHome of Friendly Worship Windsor Ontario SrrCaptaln and Mrs Strachan Mr and Mrs wmms are mis isionaries elect to India under The India Mission iBible School 945 am ch pmAPrayer Study Visitors Cordially Welcome Trinity Church Anglican SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1950 am HOLY COMMUNION 11 amHOLY COMMUNION SUBJECTWHAT IS RIGHT WITH THE CHURCH pmEVENING PRAYER SUBJECTWHERE DO YOU LIVE Preacher for the day THE RECTOR The newly confirmed Will make theirtcommunion this Sunday The Solvent5H Army SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1951f 1V1 amHOLINESS MEETING 230 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL pmEVANGELISTIC SERVICE Fri pm Prayer Meeting and Bible St and carnations Scts lypc lly Hand 1i1ir pupil 1111111 i1 1111117 lion ot alittlillj iioii 111111 11 opvialis llllllli sit by 111111 111111 has handmd lt run by clic trlcitv Mrs Van Malc draws in strict ililic liclwccii llll lllgtlllt and llliil life Its 1111111 to itll win11 Itlllt stops 11111 1111 11111111 11111111gt slw Soiiicliody 1s 11 an droppiug into tlngt office viiiv the fat and much of 1111 papers 1111ws is llltlftfi up in casual ull cisalioli And that ntakts 3111311111111 Mrs Van Malc says tintT line 1111 111 drawn lgtclt1li local llt 111111 says To local gossip lolicy of 1111 papm 11s to avoid scandal and hurting anvonus futlines Mrs 111 Male 1111 1111 papcr aloui during tho part of tlic It 1111cssion when her husband took olllil Work to mill tXIlil Me Nuplials are Held For Dorothy Evans Stayner Bride The l11arriagc of Miss Ilorothy Maric livans daughter of Mr and Mrs John Wilmot Evans of Stay ncr to Kenneth Kcll iii1111 of Stayncr son of Mrs Ifcrcy Glenn and 1111 late Mr Ilonn took placi 111 Stiiyinr Baptist Church on Sat mu turday August 19 1050 Lil 22111 oclock in the afternoon ltcv Maude pcrfornud the ceremony Thu wedding took pllicc in floral rsctting of pink and while igladioli and palms Mrs Thomas Lowe of Stayncr played the Vcddingmusic accoill partying the soloist Mrs Edward lilanna of Stayner sister of the Iglooln in the singing OLWhereer lYou Walk and Still is the Night Given in marriage by her father like bride wore gown of white iChantilly lace ever slipper satin 1with fitted bodice yoke of nylon marquisette long pointed sleeves land panelled skirt forming train The bridal attendants were Mrs to be Scruton of Barrie sister of the bride as matron of honor Miss Marion Mayes of Minesing brides 1maid Miss Wilma Evans of Stay ncr sisteri of the bride junior bridesmaid and Miss Pattie Scruton of Barrie niece of the bride flchr girl The matron of honor wore gown of yellow nylon marquisette over taffeta with fitted time of brocaded satin and carried cas cade bouquet of Talisman loses The bridesmaid wore asitnilarly quisette over taffeta and the junior bridesmaid was in blue nylon mare quisette over taffeta Their flowers were cascades of pink delight roscs The flower girl wore gown of yellow taffeta and blue marquisette and carried nosegay of pink roSes and carnations Lou Glenn of Stayrier was his brothers groomsman and the ush ers were Enos Hannua of Alliston and Lprne Evans of Stayner At the reception which followed in the church hall which was de corated with pink streamers and gladioli for the occasion the mother of the bride received wearing blue figured crepe with grey accessories and corsage of pink delight roses Ihegroms mother was in Dairy blue crepe and wore navy acces sories and corsage of pink delight roses The bride and groom left on motor trip1through Eastern On tario the bride travelling in dress of powder blue sheer with navy coat and navy accessories Her cor sage was of red Briarcliffe roses backed with powder blue ostrich plume They are making their homein Barrie s1 at lltl Vasaga Beach cottagc ilicoiiic Osgoode Hall and what is believed fashionedgown of pink hylon mar1 111111 San llt Run was sung fol 11111111 by 11 iiviicioiis lunch scrvcl 1131 lln lzostissis lln iiixi ilicctiilg will It l1ciil 1111 litlllt of Mrs 111 liltliiiison on Scplrmbir 1l lMiss Jean BishOp llcprcsontativcs of the provincial tltlifllllllilli of wclfarc from llcy Snncoc and Ontario counties vcrl wirkiud guests of Mrs Murray The cckclld included dinner at Wasaga Golf and Country Clint at which 1111 guest of honor was Miss Joan Bishop who was rccint ly traiislcrrcd froui Barrie to intri houn office at Owen Sound Mrs Frank llcwson of rillia txllltSStrtlltglLL of Simch ltlllth Miss Bishop and Mrs Campbell of Orillia prc lscntcd Miss Bishop with matched sct of DaneCraft sterling 14lllilil at losing County Farms Shown On 90YearOld Map Kottlcby Out tCIliA 90ycar old linenback map of York Conn ty which shows the location of cvrcy farm in the county in 18601 is ill the possession of lcsidcutl llcro The map is five fcct squarc and yellow with age It carricsrthi lrcmaincs Map of the fftllh ty of York Canada West and of tllc City of Toronto Frederick Foley owner of tho map says it was bequeathed to him by all old resident of the district when he died Mr Foley says he would like to see it bought by some public IDSLIIIIIIUII so the public could sec it In addition to showing the loca tion of every farm in the courtly the map also carries the name of the owner or lessee of each one Pictures of wellknown Toronto buildings are also shown They in clude St Lawrence Hall the To ronto Exchange Trinity College oronto General Hospital Large Readership of The Examinei British If JAN gt1111111 illllllill1 hardly tltntllllil 1311 11111 1111 ivcragc otfiri alid lacj 111 that =111lly from 1330 Saturday after 111111 ulitil Monday morning lll 111lil sci111s lo 11111 Any formir Edinburgh dwilli would be delighted pail of which shows tllc Danish We saw 11111111 Slilllltlll thcsc films in ostribution centre in American and STANDARD BIDGE By HarrisonGray Dcalcr Fast lame all 10 10 OAK107630Q 10 11 European ChampionE ships 1950 Britain Iceland In Room the British East opened One Club West bid One Dia mond and North One Spade This was passed round to West who made the strong call of Two NoTrumps butE East showed good judgment in passmg North led 9Q and West could only make tricks At the second table East opened With conventional One Club and West made the forcing to games response of One NoTrump North bid Two Spades East and South passed and West was compelled by his system to play the hand in Three hlllIIIIllulllllIllllIlIlIllIllIIllllIlIIIlllllllllllllIlllIIIllllllllIllllllllllllllllIllIIIIIIlluuluunon III NoTrumps going three down after trying for miracle Iceland it is true15 had no luck on this hand when the Diamonds failed to break but the more rational British bidding earned match points IIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIN Means Results for Advertisers With school starting in wardrobe SKIRTS VESTEE Tldeal for High School or College shades Size12 14 16 SKIRTS Cashmere woolPlaids in plains and checks Corduroy and Crepes in all the new fall styles and Shades Wool Jersey Gabardine BLOUSES Long or short sleeves newest styles newest fabrics newest colors Tooke shirts and pyjamas Li Lenas Next to Roxy Theatre New 111 Sch Tuesday and fall just few short weeks awayits time to shop at Lenas Lingerie for yournew fall Matching wool plaid skirt and vestee in new fall gt1 Visit Sweaters Lansea and Cash mere sweaters Car digans long or short sleeve Pullovers new shades for aut umn ngerie Phone 2221 11s with another 11114 film clititlid Waverley Sicps1 historic lll as seen through the cyis of tiny illillllt at the National Film Iiotlltll ttawa where looking through the foreign Canadian film libraries is just as tantalizing lac utiu lltllr lguuis 111111 1112 gt5 11 11 11 35011 1111 shill in for Demonstration 11 11 oudPrlces 1t 111 11 11 rt io1 1111 xx 1211 111 86 William Street Ll iii13 111 11 BarrieOnt l1 Hits 11 11 iillll 1111 uroupi lllltllllllltlll for Ili11 gt1 111 11111 11111 unlit1111111111 111 to 11 111111 1111 lill1 htgt11t11llcill 111 11 1H if Ii 11 11111111511111al tzvllal 1l o111lliilrlirrAlllcltaMrs 1w11111 111 11 drum Jon oilitiiil 111 lulur Lloydiuuistcr i1 111 ll 4111111 l1s 111 1111o 1w rv 111111 Min and Mrs 11111 111111111 11141 1v 1111 tilf 11111r 11 121111 1LitVHlllDltlilitl 11 13 ill 11 ll 1311 11 11 iiiilil1l1 11 Ill 11 111 11 1lt11 11111 11 11 121111 1111 151 11 Cl 111 11 1i11 v11 10f HUI Illllt 11 dis or 1111111 11 11 IJIKII It AACIIIIICTD n1 Jul 11 1I11 11111 1212111 Milt4111 VLIy Hg hr 111313111 11111111111121 Ii 111 11111 111111 Tv1 hm Hp tit 113151111111 11 11 114 111 11 ii lr ll sli iis 11111 111111 1111 11 11 111i v1 11 111 11 il 11 mm 1211111 11 V1 lntlttaua List wclt 1113111 111 1111 W1 11 111 1111 I11 1un 111 111 111 11111i1111lni 111 1i 1111 11ll in 111 11111 1111111 111 ll 11111 Hi Fl 11 V1111 114 111 111 pit 1111 1111 1111111111 11l111l11r11l111 1t 11 111111 11111 Illftll and 11 =11 II 111111 1111 11 31111111 11 ril11 111 1111 111l rlHHH 1111111111 v11 itl1 11111 Hp mlmv dy 11 111 WI Hlillmi IM 11 1111111 1111 on 1111t11 111 111 111 11 1Hitl by 1111111 1111111s 1l11 1111 MUV mm 11 1111 11 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Itllllt Illllllllt salll PM filmminiul llhllml Hum Upwwpu NM Mr Fiaudtatlzvis lock LUV lull Itll lull 51 111 112 1131 111 st gtllilll11 wtw Mr lolill 11 11 my up wowH Ml win 1ud Mi 1111111 optoniitllsls of1 11 111111 111l 11 pi 1W 111 111v 1i Hon1 1111111 I111 lolrl lillilly 111111y dc ll1lll 11 111 111 11111111 1111 tyis WriteV1111 liltyllllni llllilllli danc LBS SHORTENING DEXD 20 Ql BSK 1Ib 37 CANTALOUPE 99 mm SHIRRIFFo JELLY POWDERS NEW LIISIIIIS 3PM 25 sooAlr low Haws hwul PRICE PEAS Int 31 BRADFORD AP TOMATO FRESH TENDER JUNE mil WASllliD mm 10c FANCY 001105 in STAFFORDS CHOCOLATE SAME PICNIC KITS FRESH PASCAL 1602 11 25 Pkg 913391 2402 Ioal CELERY HEARTS lOc SHREDDED WHEAT LIQUID CERTO CORONA SEALERS CUSTOM GROUND hllfih EMTEB ANN PAGE VITAMIN has been Pkgs Btl Med fig59 2111111 scrim suite b1391 31119511 is stick TEA 1331 ANN PAGE ancestor TREE SWEET CALIFORNIA 1310 JOEE YORK BRAND CANNED MEATS WIENEBS YUKON CLUB Contents Only its021111431 migraines 111E ziioezwsiac 1611111111111 gaseziilc lLIUpel Rigtiqudlityilrfeatsi gecmiing MAKER CLARKS TOMATO SNIPS HEINZ TOMATO KETCIIUP 1302 DALTONS PREPARED24tl MUSTARD 15 AP PAPER NAPKINS 227 ANN PAGE PEANUT BUTTER 35 Jar TASTY LOAF CHEESE 39 13 Tins 8921 2602 tins Blade Bone Out BladeRoast Meaty Lean Short Rib Roost Meaty Pork Back SpareRibs Whole or Half Fresh Pork Hams Grade Fresh Boiling Fowl Sliced or Piece Kobossa Salami Shainkless Smoked Picnic Hams Maple Leaf Regular Smoked Hdms Choice Sliced BreakfastrBacon Copaco Rindless lg lbvpkg Breakfast Bacon Copaco Smoked 12 lb Pkg Back Bacon lb 690 lb 63c lb 720 lb 65c lb 551 lb 59c lb 571 37c 47c FISH SMOKED mums 111390 KIPPERED HERRING 1b 28c 1115145c lb 55