Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1950, p. 6

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1111 111111111 llllt CKBB1230 on your dial ll KBB prograins iistnt Ilen are Iirsrd Iontin 1111111141 Saturday r1 rpt Vlitli 1111111t rd II II 1121 $11 100 K1112 1111111 Ill t1 111 3111111 11 13 llt 11 1111 gt 21 1111 111 114 simp 11110 1111 111111 5111 1111 91 11111111 513111 3111 11 lire111 11 Jul 111 111 11 111 11 911 111110 Mon 111191 111 111ll 11011 21111 ill 1131 111 1113 The 1111 11 11 111111 11511 111111t 111 11111 11111111111 1111111111111 111 ll Klntlu 11 11 12110 511v 12471111111111111 Weather 111port 12 10 lllltl 11111111 1111 1111 l11i 111115111 91111111 rl lftIlIIWllla 111 51 11111 111111 1110 lid1l1v Va 11 1111 511 11111113 in lthxtlnn iltllllui1 11 11 11 21111311 511111 ll111 2111 Sat llilldnlc 111view 11111131111 11111 11 111 11 311111 Nev 111171 111tl11V11l 1311 lI=11 21 11 ltlr ltin 1111112 1vlr 11111511 111111 111t 41111 711111 1111 111t on 11111011111 1921113111 11211 515 Sat hour st11 cf 1111 chi 110 Nt 6110111111ty 1111111 1111111 100 111 5111111 tiilll 11311 lliilli 11 111111 11511 1111111111111 Weather Report 71111111111 Tiii $311 N1 711111I11111111 l111 Sat 111s1 Harmony 7111 Mon 11 l111 ll1 l1tic 711 lu1s ll1i111u1 11 int11111 Wed llolland Today 7111 Thin 13111 1111 Iri Wayne limit Show 511 liildrins 1111111 45 Mon c1 i11 Album Time 45 Sat Hawaiian Harmonies 01 News Thur llercs 111111111 1105 Mon lhono Quiz lu1s loi PenI Wed 1111 l111 lhur 111re 11111111 Friday For 11113 Sake Sat laradi of 11111111 11171tluuts Fair and 111111111 11111 Mon Double or 11tltllt 11111 Thurs 1111 Petes 1113 Wed Ior 111t1 900 Sat Ilaylott larty 030 MuirThurs kn l11 Sake 930 Wed K1111 Summer Theatre 1000 Sat Time out for Dancing llll3Tlltll anada 11 Work 1030 News 11001130 Mon l111 Thurs 1111 Ictcs Sake 11001130 chIriSat Dancing From llinets 1130 MonSat News Weather lciiiperature luoc Sport Sttllt 5111111 011 Sweet Clover Crop As 5011 Builder OTTAWA In stitllli1111li 1n tario prowling sweet 1111111 as soil building crop was 1111111111111 practice 1111111 1111 or 11111111 y111 ago Since then it has become 111 creasingly difficult t11 1111121111 51111111 stands of c111V1r 1111111 second year of growth In recent years for if stance sweet clover l11 1111 111111 grown successfully 111 some on certain fields 111 artzit of Essex County It is thought that tuneus dis ease present in them soil respon sible for the rootrot otswe11 clover which kills the plants 1111111111 1111 early spring growth of 1111 1111111l year At the Experimental Substation at Woodslee Ontario breeding program is under way to develop varieties of sWeet clover with re sistance to the root Ironing 111s ease which is prevalent in 1111 dis trict Although the breeding work is in its ea1lygtstages it is hoped says Ayleswortli that re sistant varieties will be available to the farmer within few years At the present time the chief soil building crops used irithe dis 74 PieIm Fe all1 mnln MllllIIII umuua 32 BRADEoRD ST HHNIIll 1111I 111 1ir1tt 1111i Special FOrce Pay Same as For Active Army 1lrom IIn 1nip Itordcn itilcni 1111 11 311111 11 11 11 11 1111 111211 11111 1111s 21Hiii1siiv 11111 31111 11111 it irliili ti1ri 11 li1 11111 $11111 Sllltllli 31111 11 11 111 1111111111 1211111 11111 111 11111 111 plant produce11111711111 1111 311111 7111111 1211111 11111111 Zieioo 111111 111111 111 1111 1131111 1121111115 llltltl 11111 111 111111t1111111Ittfit 1111 till r1pl11111l 11 black 111111111111 111gtt 111111 sir1 ttrs1 i1lIl til1 51 11411 51111 Warrant litter 11111 cites1 11t1nt lilitit 1l11 liit 1511 011 1171111 11111111 1131011 1111011 31111111 711 111 11 111 7311111 73 Iltl 1211111 1111111 t1pt1111 l111 111111111 l1 11iit11l 1111111lt are not provided thr 311111111111 rubber is separated froii 311s tainilv 111 service reasons 111 this allow but 11111n 1111 51111111 111 1121 51111111 they are 1131101 1111tlt1l1 11111 lt1tt 1111 11111111111 to draw Sane 112 51171110 Married personnel will also draw 11111inr1s 111 and 11111 1111 51111111 11111iia 1111111111 111111111 1111 other1s alfalfa xtlfalfa crass mix 1111111111 red clover ixp1nsiv1 111 tlltllllgtll and once es perennial 1111 11111111 for 1vtt1l years crop such as sweet Would tit quite well in soil 11111111 iotation ili lhcsc tal1lislie1l types 111 1lililtll clover live Wlttlt life history 1111111 must be present WWW FltWt 11 17C ttltmn SUCCKSS grains or grasses for the production fnlly it would pro1dutzigtlLLEtUTngt11i 1111 1e11 rust spores and black 1111 1110111101111 111 ISO111 rust spores and also the BarberryI and 111 addition vottllt1$lltpl Still for the production of cluster c1in tantial amounts of oreanic matter ppm11$ Thu gutpoppy however is he absolutely essential for the con 111111111111 11f Stem Ilist It is gen 111dine factor where itli throng11 and 111111111111 for the soil afa RCSDI At Mearoia All OlC personnel of IICS of on Mondale Aug will spend two weeks completing the tactics por tion of their course left IfoijIlvlt 70 where attire over cKBBe EVERY TUESDAIZ 730 0800 p111 This Weeks Presentation DAVID COPPERFIELD THE BOY bY Charles Dickens Sponsored by W1MORRISON co LTD our Mercury Lincoln Meteor Dealers DIAL 5560 wax BARRIIE Grain 111111111111 111111111111 Bdrbeiry 1111111 111 vltl311ll 11I tlltl 1111 111 tltiIt 11 111 111 11 191 111111 1111 l1rhcrr Increases Stem lost 111 11min 11 111 111 1111 lil11111i 111 11 111 111 51111 ll 11 11 111 riit 1111 11 witizx 11 11 111111ift 11 11 111 111n 111 9113111 111111 21119 11111 11 sinls 11r li lti llltft 111 1111 mm 11I1I1i11 111111111111s 1111 tiltlltt1llcg =11 11111111111111 sinres knot11 121 1i1 lhesc rpoiws pral ill rust 111111111 th 111 11111 11111 the 11mm 111 111 spots are fonrd numerous thicknailed 1v11 10110011111111 dark brown sporis known as ibiacz rust spores or wintcr sprees 31115111 Thesi black rust spores 1111 not eer 311111111 3111111 111111 11111 1111 1111111 allowance rations 111111111 11111 111 1111111lti1 Sprint on stubble ill in the fence the 111111 111 not 11131 11 stait the rust on the 41min 1air1 directly 11111 they are able 111 produce another form 111 iiist 1n the l111 111 the huberry it looks very different from ttic ltttst on the 21111 It appenh on the liarberry 11ares the under side 111 which 111 chzsh cups 111 these cups are borne 111onerous chains of thinwall clustcr cup spores These spores cannot cause 1111 rust again on the tarbtrry but it they are blown to g111111 11111111 or grasses they can infect 1111111 and give rise to the red rust 11eaiir Thus it 111 bc 11n that for the Stern llust iunziiis to complete its crally conceded that the fungus may live from year to year without the taiberry Probably some few of the red rust spores tnay live over the winter or possibly some of them are blown by the wind from the south and these may start therust 31151111 iii the Spring lhe ttillltS 111 the amount of rust caused by the presence of tlie Barberry is owing to the enormous multiplication of the rust spores for the first infection of the 51111111 If 311 red rust Spore lives over winter it can produce but one infection in the Sprine and from this only few red rust spores are formed sothat the rust increases slowly When black rust sporelives Over tiiewin ter on germination it produces eight springspores each of which may ipossibly produce cluster cup pusI itule on the Barberry if this shrub is present It has been estimated that each rustpusttilc on the Bar lbcrry may contain at least eight 1million cluster cup spores Thus each black rust spore may cause BERLOU 5Year Guaranteed MOTHSPRAY Phone 5575 Cartage lt 5111 111111111 111111 21111 l11 11111l11111 In111 lillllli Uli 11lllttlt 01111 111 11111111 1111 l1lt 111111111I 11I111I 1111 111111I 11M 11 11111li 111131 1111 111m 1111111 it 111111111111 1111111111111111l l1t 111111 1111 111 li1 1111 511111 3111111 111 111111intiy 111 1sti1ui As to How to Reduce 11Il from irain Rust 111111t11 oi 11111111111 11111 111 11 11111141 1llti 111r1l 111111 11 111inn 5111311111 11Iittv stlitazto 11111 111111 111111i1aA IH IIIIIII 1v 11111111 ii1l 1t1rti 11111 11111111111 of 1111111 Ul 111l 11111111 1111illt while 111 1111 11121111111111 11111111 1111111 lllrhlli 1111111 iriintl 11111 clioniud ieeziid llllllllillt 1111 11L 1111t 1111111 Sec that iiiids sown are 111 111111 11 1111 ltiillrlt1111t11 1111111 111 111 t211litlI always ii1i l1ltl 111 1111 p11nit 11111 1111111111 111 3111111111 pur 111i11t gm 111 11111111d land 11111 11 1111 crop lliis 111111 11111 11111 1l1 1s possible 11111 11111 to some ext1 111 by early 11113 121 ellprepar1d Set11 bed earlier 1111 ll1 111 1n 11111lan11 111 1111 11 111111 respect to the carrying of 111 revolvers 111111 by lvariilies 111 main 1111 those varieties of grain Hahnh 1111 poor returns and are 1111ily 1111111111 by rust 111111 1111 licl1l Husbandry Depart 1ll1 111111111 1ricultttral Collette 111111111 which under the au and 111111111 except 111 permit ltl11tiltl 111 11111111 li111et tlitll s1t1l11ii 1111111111111 cairnand 1111 act the carryinc 111 fire nonresident any place 11111111111111 by name is 11minted cxerpt under 1111 arith ty of 11111111111 license IIcuvy lop of Nuts Amateur weather prophets seem to ltlltt 111echnuts indicates er lll t11ll11w usirie sonid prints 1111 111t records or air 5tlti by not mix varieties of seed 1111 such as early and late ripcn 1111111 11f oats but use only par s111l of one variety to secure uniform ripening Treat all seed 11111111 to prcver smut as plants affected with sinnt are very subject to rust which may 1t started 1111 them and then SIlllIttlI to healthy plants plump erain llillll liltrs that heavy 111111111 scvere win lh1t 1111111 so 1111 winter 111 11110511 should be severe because bcccli trees 1111 hearing an unusually heavy crop of nuts this year 11 11111 11 tl1c111s Sow only sound This can be secured by the careful use of the fannrne Shrivelled grain is very 1111 ly to have been produced by badly 111s111i plants 011 very rich soils be careful in the use of fertilizers contaian 9011111110 111111111111111 large amounts of nitrogen such as barnyard nianIure or nitrate 11fs111121 Such 1111111111121 on rich soil tend to retard the ripening of the erairi 111111 to produce an excessiVely rank growth which invites rust Leaf or rown Rust of 011s This is the most important leat rust 111 grain in Ontario counties of the Province this leaf causcs years The cluster cup stage of tin rust is passed on tin411111111011 111 Bttckthorn Iotest Inventory Iliotouizipliiti 111 miles of Ontario has now 111encom gpleted and experts manaecmcnt and surveys division of landsand eonipiline data which will result ill the first accur ate and most 111railed overall est inventory the North American Continent Ftir nearly five years 1111 aircraft liavi ironed across their skilled crews unroll film lt 111 spots mill 11130111 square of the timber forests now for ever undertaken 111 highfly north ing thousands feet through complicated aerial cameras to provide the 130000 prints r11ptir pli1111reraininctrists In some as thick yellow spotsmet great losses many NI orestry experts ed and are studying the pictures and linking them together to determine Itypcs and other details of the nor lthern wealth Low Market for Beaver I1lts Indian trappcrs are asking what has happened 111 the market of top grade beaver pelts were bringingI as high as $70 per pelt which played partin Ontarios early history is fquoted at $30$35 tops Because of the stocking program icarried on by the department of lands and forests and the zoning of traplines in the north beaver have number if 1111 Illtiltlir structures known as IRIIIIIIIIIIIS Whenever European catliartica sinub is present in in quantity it ed 1111111141 1111111111 spores teimed topography timber lasamarl1d influence on increasLWII ing the amount of crown rust 111 leaf rust of oats few when years BALER TWINE first developed years ago has been steadily 1111 Some twine available to day is so strong that it wohld take bales piledi one on strands on from the irei Baler twine Today such pItlt an important proved 131111 1111111 before bottom bale liltlldOllS plCSSlllC broke MI EXHIBITION Augusr 2611110 September 911 $335 For childrens rates seeyour agent Includes Exhibition admission and bus transfer lilrect into and from the Grounds LEAVE TORONTO 1115 p111 DAYLIGHT TIME Exhibition passengers travelling on regular buses will transfer at Toronto Bus Terminal Io buses running into the Grounds Tickets and Information at BARRIE BUS TERMINAL 73 COLLIER ST REDUCED FARE BARRIE 900 am LEAVE li11111 1111111 11 1111 111i1 rhoas lii icttu 11sztlcnt oi the 1111111111 1111111n1l1l 1311 1113 llilci n1111 1111111 1111 l1111r 1111 1i1l 1111111 11111r 111 111 chair 1v1n 511111 11111 11111 11111111111 11 1311 111 111111 mumer o1 taiaad 1s llislcs team in 111111 EONSERVAIION CORNER Itcpi red by 5111111111111111rlillllin Ontario Department 111 Lands and Iorcsts 111 iron 1111111111111111111111alA All111111 1rno1 111 lllt 1111v1i 111 111use 1111111111 11 1111 John l1 111 i1iticul1l 111 1111 111le 1s 111 l11ll 111111 11111 111 11l llllr 1s 111111 1111111111 of roi pioviio conditions and assurinc 1111 llltthlh the return 111111 pelts 111 til1i1ct to 1111k1t fluctuations The iti1x1r1l1le ll 111 supplv and dc 1121111 still controls tli1 lllltiii1r1i l11st 111 the pelts purchased from 511 t1pp1s 111 1111r1d and ex 1llllt1 ditficulties enter the pic ti1 coupled with 1111 tact that many lIiuop1ins are reluctant 111 spend large amounts of money at this time result the prices hare 3111111 down lcanwinl1 James ltay Indians 111 now prepariru 1111 the winter truppiiii season lhcyrc hopini 11111 111X1 spring when they come out 111 the bush the international 111Llllull may have 111conu 1111111 stable Accident to Antlers pp11entl deer have other tliinus to contend with 111 addition 111 11a ltural enemies man unfavorable Iweathtr conditions 111111 shortages 111 food Neal Marmora recently conscr viiti11n otticer 111 the department of lands and forests found it 111ces 1sazy 111 destroy 1tIt1lllt1ill male 1111 which was found to be in very weakened condition dur 111 an accident to his antlers Although leer antlers are still year it was found that an injury to resulted 11 such an abnormal crouth that 1111 weieht 11f the ant tlers could not be supported and the 11111 was unable 111 iced properly Transfer SmallMouth Bass 1111 transferred to larger water areas wherc more suitable food and eoicr conditions are available The general public have been itain wattrs of the Trent District being transferred will soon contri bute directly to their angling re quiretnents Man Hard to Understand find man hard to understand Last year for instance farmers Were xcpt Sunday ROUND TRIP PHONE 5571 m33k33mSESSSXS$S333 in the velvet at this time of the the tipsof the animals antlers had Smallmouth bass win ov1rpoptt lated lakes of Trent District are be asking that bass be planted iii cer and it is believed that the bass now Beaver in Quinte District must very happy about having beaver clams 1111 their property because during the drought which prevailed Ithe beaver dams helped to keep wells from running dry and the wa BC Forester Urges RcSecding Program 11 1= 11 111 11 1111 11 1111 111 11 11 11 111 11 11 111 11111t 111 111 11 1111 11111 l1 11 i1 11 11 fli 11 11 111 111p 112 1111 r11 11 11r1 1111 ulliotiti Legislature l1 1111111 11 111111 111 11 11111 i1r 111t 11 1lni1 111111 11111111111 1111 11111 it 1111I111lt11 1111111 111111 lln 111 l11 111 11zi1rll11111 11111 111 11 111 11 i1 Ilr t1 ti llll1 1111 111 1111111it11tt it 1111111 1111111 1111111 lhv 1i 11 1111 111111111t 111 111111 11 111111111 1111 1111 1111111 11111s1 11111111111 11 1111 111111 pron111M111 111111 wit11111 11111 11 I111 11111 11111111111111t 1111111 1111111 act 11111 i11 1111111111 111 111111111 111 tlv1 years tractor service 1L ACCOUNTANTS ARMSTRONG MacLAREN CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 53 Collier SL Barrie 67 YOnge St Toronto Resident Partner MacLAREN BC0mm CA BADGLEY ACCOUNTANTI AND AUDITOR 24 Dunlop Street Barrie 2511lelephonc4735 NCOME TAX SERVICE IIICRBERILFTHARRIS Certified Public Accountant Toronto and Barrie Barrie Office Wilsoniiuilding Post Office Square Telephone 3397 Resident Manager CARRICK SAMUEL ROSE Chartered Accountant 119 Collier Street Phone 4949 WARD MAYOR and COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 18 Toronto 81 Toronto Chartered Accountants Trustees Etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Toronto VETERINARIAN DR BRACK Veterinarian and Surgeon Elmvale Ont Phone ElmvaleJIIll DR FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 1545 DR SPEAKIN VETERINARIAN Ellld SURGEON Steele St Barrie PHONE 44211 LIFE INSURANCE ALFRED 11 HARRIS 0111 Personal and Family Plans Pro gramming and Estate Analysis Close Corporation Group Key Man Partnership Pension and Sole Proprietorship Insurance FRIENDLY DISCUSSION OF YOUR LIIEINSURANCE NEEDS Phone 4174 or 2705 Barrie Representing London Life Insurance Co CHIROPRACTORS GEO RELSIE BURNSDIC Licensed Drugless Therapists Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 15 Dunlop Street Phone 3194 CORBEII DC CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone3070 17 Owen Street Barrie BY APPOINTMENT WTEOPATHY EDWIN WILSON BSA D10 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN WILSON BUILDING BARRIE ONT Consultation by appointment ATILEPIIONE 2293 1111 t111il 113 Corby Motors you can rent tractor equipped with the all at 111w rental fee Call in todayand inquire about this new Corby Motors Ltd YOUR FORDMONARCH DEALER Market Sq BARRIE Phone 5226 SSS$$$$$XVS THE DAVIES OF CANADA WELCH ANDERSON QQ 15011111000 Without Endorsers or Bonkuble Security limit6 1111 111V 1111111 19 1111 111 111 tlt11 s1=1i1ii 11 111112111 13111 111i i111 111 1111111 IlZlIw 111 111 11ftlrl Hod111171112141311411 last ilttlttllI 11211 11311111 11f 5111111t11tiail 111 11111 5101611 $1 521479 11111 $49048 st 111 $70058 xii 1111 ANADAS IARGISI IND OIDISI CONSUMIR NAME ORGANIZAIION HOUSEHOLD Home 26 Elizabeth Street Second floor Phone 5529 BARRIE ONI ORIIIIA BRANCH 55 Minluoga St Inn 21111 Floor Phone 1394 11111 111 5111 31 111r11 loom 1111111111 1111111 1111 1111 town 1111 wt 11 Ullrive Tractor Service larnicrs 111re is your op portunity to have tractor right when you need it At implements you prefer and we PROFESSIONAL DIREcron MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON RM1 TEACHER OF PiNO SINGING and THEORY Pupils prepared Iot examinations of the ltoyat Conser vatory of Music Toronto all grades including1 ARCl Modern Mc liods Studio 21 Bradford St DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conserva tory of Music and London Eng1 College of Music Piano and Theory 152 Maple Avenue ANGUS ROSS Instruction in Piano and Theory Preparation for onservatory examinations all grades if desired 1110 Dunlop St Barrie Tali 5775 Studio 04 Elizabeth St Phone 3956 Saturdays Monday VOICE PIANO THEORY AND DRAMATIC READING Students pgpared for all grades Conservatory examinations In struction given during summer months LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyineers Etc MONEY TO LOAN Office 13 Owen SL Borne Branch Office Eimvale Ontario BOYS K11 ROWE SEAGRAM COWAN COWAN Rnrrlsters Solicitors Notorill rConsIulting IIourslO am to 4pm Monday to Friday 11 Ross Cowan COWAN BUILDING 53 Collier s1 Barrie Ont GLADSTONE CURRIE Barrister and Solicitor MONEY TOLOAN 97 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3175 DONALD MacLAREN Kc Barrister Solicitor Etc Money to Loan Masonic Temple Building Bottle IIEBER SMITH Successor to DUNCAN McCUAIG K0 Barrister Solicitor Etc Ross Block Barrie Phone 2719 MONEY TO LOAN == OPTOMETRY Rom BARRE E12311 sARRE OPTOMETRISTS 93 Dunlop St Phone 29011 Attendance 941 ROBERT SMITH ILO OPTOMETRIST 63 Dunlop Stlhono 2580 Hours 96 daily host STEPHENSON 110 OETOMEIRIST Dunlou St Barrie Phone 4201 JOHNSTON R0 OPTOMETRIST 151Cliwperton St office Phone 4109 His 96 Closed Wed

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