THE IIAHIUE EXAMINLR MONO Allil SI ltitl Flood of Old Coinsot Exominer Since Bonk Token Find Reported APIO Tim it lo VICGIS Inspects RCS oi COIC it Hill the iflil llordcir rtlrini iii ii 17 trikir flank half iir iilrilt EH tuicn Crucial rlf per I113 riir lillI or ptctutr iii liril ilill hiw rI litl public piece liilll lbwr rr lutli iii pi ii llll Iilhililthl iiilll1 ii tI clll rri tic iilrr lifttrr Iii ion in Vinita iti iiicts ot iiroud rorwii iflv lllv lil1 ic it fli Iriirrwltrrrpirri lllil ii no lillllihii Ililtziiii rli iir hole in the centre lin Iflfrl illltll llrii ri 1v via rails ii Mint in mild ll wk prhiw iii ri tiri iiiyigtiil IV iiBuli in China Shop iToo Well Mannered tiri it iilfrT liiiti MRItr oriiii cici ticai token Mrs Irroiigiii ada tlIll With St icrill inscription For I037 penny aidwcll Airs iiiti IIlil illili liltifr iiilti trip Agriculture More uraiir tot Imv ii iliitr ill ire my iiw 1111 sciz friut litiir Alliiiitdi shown smut liiili of lirpwi iiii peiiir hitli ili iriii MllIII llilllli ir iliii in irri in vri iiiilT con turei iplglmpl 11m rilltllIflSvm iliii tirrcs iirrt il rii1ti timm iiril Ytic lliaiurii hdfpcirirv AccorriirlIllatroii Jrriada lulu r1 COOKSTOWN Iillli Illilli chrr pm iriu Iuii tr china shop Iirnhe Hitizlv oi ippe flilli gtII1 Improved iit Iirtircsiiclil rlirrnrm half iarrrr lilttr where city illll ilt Frillw ciriiii drop Ill Toronto li lililiil Irzinri liiitll cil Will my Street lli flank of rm inn Ililftll srown ltlit 1p bull lo iIi min lcv Fr ldcys Young is spending it Iroirrliry spear ria cd tliitiilri and Hill lxrir ilrys Iliadtrrril Weekeiiu ginsis zrt ihi Ii iarnr were Mrs Young otloreii Ito Mr ind Mrs Keir Iiidcy rird ilitllllllt cotusr about movie horseback on the other vaiiied at one penny Illill till Frldej china Iolice illitl iriiitiirltirs 1813 Halfpenny McQuay brought in air 10th haifpenny tokI en with an eagle on one side arid lady with spear ringed by gar was found on the eighth lot of the third COI cession in Mednntc on the farm of 70m her father Michael Flanagan lying ground turned up 13 years ago Mrs Charles Iarnticld 00 Brock has had Bank of Upper token and and Mrs James FiIdcy Toronto Itoheit llair ie barred gaics Tircir hc champ railE Mtililll Forester will give an address to the FedoraV Agriculture at nuinity Hall onAugusl Jill There will be special interest for the la dies All members are expected to be present Recent fairies WISH 33vvoald fall olirngwooll this land on the other Niko WW lhe champ bellowed and sitifiedprwed with an aggregate score of Ill The carrieras swung into action Iwo starlets playing the part of fright encd salesgirls fled screaming Then walked gingerly around carefully stepping over the trip wires rrewspapermen and heic had lion oin been triteion mass beef Street Canada since tl ding Erie IVCI lli beach Farmlrands experls along chi cinetechnicians yelled eurvsed cajoled and proce Listi Someone rump This tirade him and his head and kirock over the display pedesi nothing In despair the organizers proi visitors and Mis Macieod at Little Falls $31110 5mm Cliillrihmsb found NJ Mr and Mrs OConnell and nil1820 Upimllunada Commercialiieioh and Peter rhiomhh all of Chance iiicu four roars are Cillinckoff Ni with an and Mrs his garage on the town line of F105 ROJ Hall Mr and Mrs Allan Weir inscribed with two shovels and an iand Linda of Toronto with Mr Sand Mrs Gordon Clark Sunday 01 ori smacked champs anvil and sailing boat ProvinceDu Bas Canada soul found You their farm 31 Dalston mm thochristian Business Men 51itlttfi Rosebud the chariips sweet near the pond in 1943 dated 1837 Association or Barrie took the SCI was brought in by Mrs Bert Sriglviec in the United Church here splendid sermon on Gods was delivered Harold Walker sang Good Night Good Morning Next ESunday August 27 the congrega ition will be iby the Slcssor Quartet Mr Har ivey of Washago will be the speak lllOlC Last group men heart bellowed vigorously walked sedater towards her dis neither 1033 Plan ttiibing crockery This was the last stravSoiire one gave two loaded display tables desperate shove frombehind and emptied crockery and glassware in the champs patch noticeably shoulders and stepped through the mess trip wires nor favoured with music THE GEORGE WHITE Disc Type SllO FILLER can process more IOIIS Of The champ al most shrugged HIGH cmss noes his dogs of the chase which hunt by scent alone strictly deerhounds Hounds TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER CAN FILL YOUR PRINTING PHONE 2414 speaking and grey hounds which run bysight are not hounds NEEDS silage fasterarid with less WWNW Bellini Emit limbw This About Advertising if 69 power than any other of the leading makes SPECIAL BLOWER Design makes possible the clogfree elevation of silage at speeds as low as 450 fpm Many fillers require as high as 1000 rpm ng N0 What does it cost to adVertise quart e3f milk an quart lOWER OPERATING SPEEDS Save fuel and power And alsoavc weai and tear operating parts increascsafety of machine if 7a iBETTER vMORE UNIFORM SILAGE Clean cuttinguself feeding Feed rollers tinder pressurc areiset close to knives pro viding short rm grip Large beatcr roller in con junction with the steel feeder web with upturned cdgestecl slats gathers the feed and FORCES IT THROUGH with no effort on the part of the operator Answer less than 110 quart to advertise the best known brands ofmilk Thats only half the stbry Advertising lowers your cost two ways cuts the selling mats And by helping make mass production Possible lowers the pmdwction costs too SO advertising saves you many time the cost of that 11m per cunt George While Disc Type SILO FILLER can be pur midrr he IMPROVEMENT LOANS ACT chased FIRMV Graves Bros PHONE 9049 North Barrie Candles RCS OF RIFLE III IIIill iilli ior llllti1tliii Post ONTARIO ASSOCIATION MEET tlrom liie iinp Illlllltll Citizen jl he ill or hide Iearrr provedl to be one of 3h bcs it the recent litinllli iiiill Associatlrii Meet boil as individual shots and as team at Loin Iliairclr thi vcilherman vath the arirp llordcii RCAI Sim aftiorr supplied their own tcinpoiary ill re rccoirrinodaitori consisting oi was sleeping durum and cooking facil rim It M3 ii iIiIIIIIHII iiics housed iir fuiir marquees This Humm of Sol or amp and china coiri iiillllliltllitlli enabled four incin WW faulty hers ur the irersc sihohi or it we Mekew r0 Il ii illliili for him in sirirrsh In the turn their qualification fontuniting inf in documentary making iii the lield This iieai well or ganized establishrrreni was marked hullby the red white and gold cicsI they stayed at Ilttli own risk andinf ill RC5 herded them behind walls and Capt Cameron President if the RCS of and amp Borden Bimmti 494 was ushered inIleims arid member of the On liip wires had been iixed to thcitaiio Rifle Association Council leri china his team with the highest aggro gate score of 400 Sgt Watt foil ii 11 Ell llurinzz the tour lav shoot illtiiiii Him ir Izlll hl Sui Wait till liielt Sir Szasx till McKeagcl cooperated by providing clear Wear it my gmmnu in dml ther llre lttS oi in conjunction lilIi cross III ioidoii flit W0 rLIl Gardner 511 OC Inch 501 Sxasx 450 McKcage knowledges lAIlJIIIASSICY MAHII apt aiiieroii ililtl apt Shaw litGOVTNOIIS MATCH Lrpt tameron till Capt Shaw 02 lircli till bras IIIIO AGGIIICGAII izipl Shawcross Trill Il itrlitl1 TICII7IiIE AGGREGATE fapt Ciiliittltiifdiltl Capt Shaw cross gt103 Li lordon Ililli VO iBourne 408 Sgt Wall 480 OC iGardnei A102 Inch 473 OC lair wo Bourne with lair ir Gordon with rats and Capt irf4nloL MLKM ML 1g ltri lShawcross with 485 Capt JimI ernir W0 Bourne and alt were the only seniors on the team the remainder shot as lyros among the COTC Candidates at the RC3 of Ifnr places on the team Five were chosen and these mate good showing by averaging twice At the present time the Team is representing the RCS of at the DCIIA Meet at Connaiight Ranges Earlier in the summer an chmI inatioii competition was hedl 1Ontario Boosts ISoybean Acreage HAIIIIOW Onl Aug 21 lCIJ as much prize money as their cx The increasing importance of the penses Officer Cadets Gardnerlsoybean crop in Southwestern On and Inch led the Officer Cade tario has created demand for ini with scores of 482 and 475 closey followed by Officer Cadets Bant ing McKcage and Szasz During the meet Li Gordon made possible scores in the Banc crs Match at 500 yards and the TaitBrassey Match at 200 yarrs Other possiblcs were lliatieby Capt Sbawcross in the Presidents Match at 600 yards Sgt Watt iii the Gardner in the TailBrassey Match at 500 yards In the overall competition the RC5 of Team made the following individual standings taking med als and prize money Lt Gordon placed first in the Tyro Match and third in the LicutenantGovernors Match Capt Shawcross first in the Presidents Match Capt Cameron fourth in the Bankers Match WO Bourne ninth in the Cornwall and York Match and 0C Gardner eighth in the TaitBrassey Match For Team scores in which the Team placed the City of Hamilton Match first cup and prize money were won Players Match second prize moneyrwthc TaitBraSsey Match third prize money VThc iffolloiwmg arevthc iiidividuai re sults of the matches TY R0 MATC II Capt Shawcross 33 Li Gordon 34 OrC Gardner 29 OC Inch 31 02C Szasz 25 OC McKeage 32 01C Banting 33 BANKERS MATCH Capt Cameron 98 Capt Shaw cress 95 Lt Gordon 96 W0 Bourne 95 Sgt Watt 93 00 Gard nei 93 OICrInch 95 OC Szasz 82 OC McKcage 88 OC Banting 90 PRESIDENTS MATCH Capt Shaweross 50 Capt Cain eron 43 Lt Gordon 42 W0 Bourne 42 Sgt Watt 47 OC Gard ner 45 OC Inch 45 OC 52332 41 OC MCKeagc 38 00 Banting 34 CORNWALL AND YORK MATCH Capt Cameron 67 Capt Shaw cross 63 Lt Gordon 64 W0 Bourne 67 Sgt Watt 66 OC Gard her 64 OC Inch 63 OC 32852 55 OC Banting 59 OC MeKeage 57 GIBSON MATCH Capt Cameron 37 Capt Shaw cross 37 Lt Gordon 26 W0 Bourne 36 Sgt Watt33 OC Gard ner 39 OCiInch 40 OC Szasz 38 OC McKeageai OC Banting 36 CITY OF TORONTO MATCH Capt Cameron 91 Capt Shaw cross 91 Lt Gordon 93 W0 Bourne 91 Sgt Watt 92 OC Gard mar 88 OTC Inch 87OCSza proved varieties steadily increasing acreage of soybeans is being seeded in the counties of Essex Kent Middlesex Elgin and Lambton These counties and others developing soybean acre For Autumn Harvest Sow Early Vegetable Varieties Quickestmaturing vegetableislhe onion parsley parsnlps early radish which matures in 20 days and slowest are winter on 1th which reduire 115 days Between these extremes are oth er vegetables which may take so 40 6001 80 days to reachthe Size and quality which best ts them for table use In the early spring these ma turin dates are of less Signicance than later Early Varieties should always be sown for an early har vest but the late ones also should be sown for fall and winter use As summer advanges however maturity dates become more lm portant and before sowing any crop the gardener should make sure it has time to mature be iore winter sets in Seed catalogues usually give the maturity date for each variety list ed From your local weather bu reau you can ascertainthe aver age date of the rst killing frost in your vicinity Compare these two and you can easily avoid crops which have no chance to develop Sully before winter comes Until June 15 however there are few vegetables which cannot be sown with good chances of crop Long season crops are llma beans broccoli cabbage celery collards hombre 981335 kiln leek Are We All IS MILLIUAN rong iia ltfliil rha ic 12 lliIt k11ti EL iil Lilli it ilit litti Mwtli Ilifftrrnl lorltl you HIIIEIIJ IiIhllIEill will SH although aiiaila biizi iillti rcrtii lIl isso llllillzltLI in of lloiieit lluias iiti 13f lulit im iuzi pli lliitrii iiiiir ilii Itu the fulleriirg ililt liiad liinLgh ifL filiill itir oi the IltllIl of that hard Ycic ei four letting in iiic in in crviiixvu nations lliitel riiairt sitlriis xyiic lrrrilddzg liiil ti tii riui rplin Hillii its til shttsmeir and trtcgcthci xriil LIiIIl wraiig unaliic llttl iiii iiti that knew illl litltl Itlll quotation ri coirid Licirtc Etilti nu think it was from llririis illhi the question dioppcii they have liltii liiitt and within itciniiitcil it their Itllitits and lrtll lira was lie itiillttitl and the tliriilvi ii rrriid in which it thtlllt 1111 iircv Ioutrii itlllliw t1 onlv Words Ring In Mind Mritls mind for iiirr osildc tniallv Will Liorrg iruzr Inc Lilli days afici rs Iigtflili iirll piu tllttt iiutir to the ted by pit sent general and itllllflltl between Soviet lliissia and Westiin Is it possible that and Eiiiig tll tliill Sltlltlillill Illltli Ideally present ii iriii liltl IZli while wrong ililiigtl may he pcrfcctly right burrresistance less iight thcin world iplyiiig jtif Ilir gtiitle advocating 96 WW ALWAYS SAY lilt litiiiiit iitli writing where Thci one Ili iirociacics par wrung altogether Ililti lllll recalled hinstrij Scripture none llllllltlills girlrti tilirisilaii illic triire and it is iltlllZIM ills truth that we ctriilcss rlllinll from Thy vi sheep lillt That we realm go to church and cited lilti least knowledge the existence and sup of moral lav cannot broken Nations as cii is their bui there is hope and redemption for the nation that ac iiiipcifectiorrs MVKHW ml Hunting ifoie iod and can sincerely sing lSiilI stands Ihiiic ancient sacri lice have and this in human lung rcli Ilill iiidividth 1UHLtitiliii1s pr orrrisc ieiriacy ilrte which run TEAM LEADS als suffer without anti coirtrrte heart Iipistlc To Davie lhis reminds me of lluiiis lliilW in his lipislle to Davie in which he says An humble Canada Limited Direct Van Service to Eastern and Western Canada and the USA 101 Dunlop St BARRIE 111 The heart ayes the part aye That makes us right or wrang what Empire arid will about although occasionally in the wrong the heart of the Ilri tisii people was always in the right As World preserved the freedom of the seas maintained among the nations for hundred at the bounds of Say Ilritish bliiiidercd they been mirror 4803 Montrcai NIGHT 3044 Winnipeg place power Ilritarii and general peace time civilization by her explorers traders and col Wherever she went slre good government ultimate freedom peoples who came under her rule She lid not promise them any Uto years and tended Sillllt oiiization brought lion and Just Arrived THE NEW Gilsoii Shilellll Refrigerator Also on display in the showroom of our new store located at Bayficld Street are the new 1950 Gilson Illlllzl5 Washing Machines and Electric Ranges See the new Gilson today BALFE Bayfieild sf Barrie Phone 3003 or 2915 educa to the age present wide and climatic bean varieties are required which will be adaptable conditions The variety of soil conditions and new to these varied breeding at the Dominion experimental farrri here is doing great deal of work in this direction Hybridization and selection have developed many new strains of soy beans which arc carefully compar ed with standard varieties pics of the new strains are grown next to local varieties in different localities in an effort to evaluate them The program Sam released strain for example was tested in Other promising new varieties are undergoing tests recently Harly this manner QW FINE QUALITY SHOES FOR BOYS ANI GIRLS loafers straps and ties patent To please mom sturdy good looking shoes at price to delight her budget iFrosl improves the flavor of broadleaved endlvc 991399 New Zealand spinach rutabaga salsify squash Swiss chard and tomatoes After June 15 these may be risky Cauliower and brussels sprouts are fail crops and seeds should always be sown late Thereiare two saladcrops which are at their best in the fallendive and Chinese cabbage Chinese cab bage which matures in 90 days in difficult to grow in the summer be cause lt runs to seed butin the short days of autumn it makes beautiful elongated heads of crisp leaves having suggestion of cab bage av0r which are delicious cooked or raw Vegetable crops which should not in June include peas early radishes lettuce and spinach All these require cool weather and you may sow very early kinds in August so they will mature in the iautumn Sweet corn is crop for late sowing Early kinds may be put lnas late as July and the nest corn is often produced by late sown seed Quick maturing crops include snap beans beets carrots endive lettuce kohlrabi turnips spinach peas and radishes The later you sow the earlier should be the variety youvsow Hurlhuts Blue Moons Brouwcrs be sown Research brown or black oxfords and boots with ncoiile or leather 50105 Waikwei Shoes 58 DUNLOP sr Opp Post Office PHONE 2397 BARRIEI 555 sssswssoo sy 0omsossyssssysssssysss