Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1950, p. 3

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iPublic School Arrangements ROXY lAre Explained in Radio Talk ilt IilBy Gable Board Chairman First with the Best in Barrie Starts Tonight Monday iI Playing for Days EVE SHOWS 5509pm Matinee Wed 230 pm bizanew ulnar II liiei 12111 wiiii in 11 11 of Iutk oiiiinyioii the mh ilitt luihdlia ilt lit lllt 111 llit it YOU 211111er lill te11 t1itii IVER llziiilop iioitli to Sopliu loi Sophia liasl to Milli anti1 iariii liilinpioi liilvi itill trllinriu l5 Hercx 1111121 on alum tiurui to St to town lnnit All the uea innit of Walw and todiuiiloii 10 V111 to tillllll tilil liiiillt llillciwt ll liitc Ill Set is houndaiics lor illlgt fall the old zone will be ill effect 15 last yeiii llii Ie is Litilllz to he serious crowding for about five iiioiitlis 11 We kii 1o1iiid Hill to Him pupils 4111 ported to ill enrolled attainst lItllLl lit teinr in both the liince of Walts and Victoria schools llicie Wlii be our forty in each class room llitl up to 43 in some The recommended number is thl per room TECHNlCOLOR stoning ESlHER Wllllllllli VAN JUHNSllN lllHN lUNll AND GUEST STARS ELEANOR POWELL LENA HORN Additional Teachers in preparation ilr Newton and the l1ni1enicnt committee of your Board have llltEithtl more teachers There will be fortythree on the staff includine the music supervis or Two of these will not lie teach ing until llillciest school is ready but will form the nucleus of our new cooriliiiatini committee This committee of which llell principal of llillcrest is chairman will act together with the other principals secretary and the trus tees to study the zoning arrange ments prepare for the moving to the new schools arrange teachers and classes to keep continuity 111 study and progress and will prob ably study and make recommenda tions regarding the curriculum and grading And that of course is of con siderable interest too We have with us here William Bell formerly principal of Prince of Wales School now head of Hill crest School and chairman of the coordinating Icommittec Mr Bell would you be good enough to tell us something in regard first to the new regulation recently adopted by the School Beard covering the Iage of entrance to school HERE HE IS FOLKS BACK AGAIN lAUGH PACKED DAYS TONIGHT TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Matinee Wed 230 pm THIS MY GREATEST PERFORMANCE WAS NOT ENTIRELY ALONE Befvedere Mr Bell The change in the age requirement for admitting be ginners to school is actually part of the present movement to make the school conform to the needs Of the child rather than to make the child conform to an arbitrary school programme In the Depart ment of Education bulletin Ont lining the coming revision of the Ontario curriculum issued last December the following statement was made in regard to one of two major defects in our present sys tem of organization It has been found that many pupils in the high er grades have serious reading de fects Expensive and cumbersome programmes Of remedial reading have been advocated to correct these defects The provision Of adequate graded reading material in the Primary and Junior Divis ions and the use of modern meth ods of teaching should go long way to prevent suchdifficultics The modern methods referred to have included much research to establish an ideal average age at which child should begin to read and this is now accepted as being the mental age of six and half years Along with this requirement are many others such as normal health background experience emotional stability and verbal vocabulary much of which is ac quired in the kindergarten year and to varying degrees outside the school Good eyesight welladvanc ed in the fine coordination that reading requires is ofcourse vital If the child is not ready in this respect damage to the eyes and Eve Shows 655 and pm Oftenthrpersonality mustesurely result In permitting children to en rol in September who would not CARTOONEMAECHWOETIME MidWest Metropolis Tune in CKBB Each Morning at 1030 am for MOVIE MERRYGOROUND ing our system was sending them up to the task of reading when they were little over the age of five and half years Little wond er that serious reading defects have come to light in the later grades gt The changegoing into effect this fall requires thatour youngest be ginnerSshall be two months older than formerly and if we areguid ed by the bestavailable authorit ies it will beIa stepin the right direction to advance this age limit two months further next year This might have been done this year Oddfellows Hall 41 IC0lilef St Barrie PROCEEDS INI AID IOF CANCER POLLo TUBERCULOSIS Mom Apg28 ADMISSION 35cTNCLUDES CARDS FOR 15 GAMES FIVE SPECIAL GAMES Jackpot Game PriZe $70 ALL PRIZES CASH Children under 16 Years not allowed pm SHARP FINAL EXAMINATIONS MONTH JOSE to1ttiued floiii page Ule be five XeaTS 01d until the fOHOW assuranceIHc learns his new words ing January as we have been dOIfor the most part by sight recog Barrie Business College 66 Toronto Street Barrie Phone 4824 STANDARD AND CONDENSED COURSES IN SEC RETARIAL AND BUSINESS SUBJECTS PROGRESS AT YOUR OWN RATE OF STUDY FALL TERM BEGINS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER Member of The Business Educators Association of Canada ADDINO MACHINES TYPEWRITERS SALES and uENTALs No Disturbances in Strike Here lfzia lit it Li 1m itiiht if in ii1 91 ttigir intMt fiilh iliii tlr 2i an multitf it il at Ittii Vi lJMt lti ll itlic Iuirtrim iv II II at these 3411 limpliai II 11 iiliiiioti tint the EU lolut oi Yit vii ttllil iti fo the lle ll it idtail iv Hat it ills fiiic in the AWN of lain who IIiI3 IIWII Hattie tulxrlfl gtliixlt 2121 piaiw il it if lt li liul Wit Insrnt Sclioois MW izlllhi tillvtl To Dirty iv wini 21 le woids about the 13 im iiittl Iiilt en the flultl lill 1m 11l ti iit to lllftl 11 Hi My Hi is unit in 1L 11 rWill Ju of ill lilillill Also ill Ici roiiaiiiitlci hate iitLiiil In ili uizd itii are Iitfllii got The two Hi lx Ilw Js III II IIIIIIIIIIII III III IIIIIII II IIIIIIIIII III WIIIIIII IIIIII KIIIII liltli iii11ilcteI wrecked 115 il in sit iilltidit lilt probablyI Vmh EM fIx Hui ittl insti condition that ii time tttil llit1lt til The Siotllnlts li addition 2H eii lttl you well tilllk ti1iiloikiiie lllll and Recruits Here tiiil tier imie Viriliti l1c ttffllltl 111 11 iilll illlitallliitl lA ltl o1lil hate st II III III IIIII Major Wallace ulio ilil oiinlv lt drier the iiniier of in pm beet ii thltlli of iiiiii ot clipboards etc icgii Ht lit oliiieiil ill ll lliiir scliivols lit for it it ii Hm It and iliiiiciitly We are well II hm EMA 11 II II putts lltgtflttilt this new 11 WW III with these schoo ant it 11 iiii tnltilei lioin llari it and Htlllli WW vi IIIWIII and gttlt Well for IttlS to Ltllllt 1= dll lli i1 lli lllll is now coiiiiileiic IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III IIIII III III IIIIII compare well in iiios MI ll II II io clzildiei lii I11ii1ti fioiii school uncllg km III adding 11 like cowiviw the tart lilil lrt Sliool also well cleaned itllt All IA lt ll ici Ill itit lili 1sult Iliumd indi11ep1iedand Victoria 5tliltllslItr but will in good shape to cart on for HM EXilCt COInedY carioon iadx iiieie tonnaiiillli INWd lli 111 It 11 pastel 1111 fiplittlt tests and He now tilltltllltlllltt ined time required that li Llllilitl lllllllll ill Allandalc we have purchased to fiillti when the titllil 11 his his school IIITIIIH WI III Im lots at the rear of the school ical examination at hoile Hill I15 pupil and lii pioLuiss is happier MWM 1d illilitlllitl fairly good play area 1ll he ready They Will also be eiiul for building additions when At the Prince of Wales place on Antth lJ iii and 21 OM and iiioie iapid Thus the uradut Iilfl azti clinnttcti little if any In Driver Escapes as lhat date was et definitely as liii1il you know hi cause line has to be School we now own tlllll with lt ineuheie oiicx1l1in 11111 vt1 ltllilliitfl to ltoiai 1I le tollciuate Board the iitlltt play IIII II III II II II od IN don MUM Md liuits ll in the reu which In limiic sched II U1 III II IIIII II re illr to one lnni entci sthool it 111 11oini to 1c bv ll students as io1 II III IIIII IIIIIII mm ICIIIIIJ lli 11st Ul l1lt11 lllt 111111 tuisolini llllth with turn lie Ii Illtlliil of My LII 1iieIi1lt 2tllllllttl he was drivmg west on No 00 21 and illlit Illltllittl it was on that basis that our ltLllliilltill was drawn up What II II IIIIIII xiaiit to know about ilt It iilt new schools since costs have of lossa Station Friday tliiouuh under the Ctllllllltt IIII Iiisen so much lozal debentures Scliaife of the lltASf at SFRIIIHIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIS III IIIIIILssiIiid were for IStitll0lIt to cover BoiItlcnIescaped with minor shockiMm II IiIuin Schools their equipment 111 insoline was spilled about Itlltltll blHimhml md infusilitltiillllliS such as basic landscaping area from the tank of Illllll Im mfnd IltIliiiid allowing for unforeseen costs callous capacity but tini the school to the needs of tilt IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIFI WIIIIII II fIIW CIIIIIIIICS Now here is soinethiht lsi 011 lllrtllway went out of control and pin the costs of turned on its side in the ditch castl ll Nilt in the for three ve1rs in Him Iwcrc fortunate to liave got started when we lid loday if we were letting contracts for these schools we would be faced with an increase of at least $100000 Not only has the cost bf nearly all materials gone up considerably but much of it is not obtainable Of the principal sum which we loaned to the town temporarily at one per cent is granted and plans are being pre pared But there seems to be diffi culty in including properauditotu iiuin Under the Department of Ed ucation procedure only portion of the cost of an auditorium could be returned by the department as was rOCently explained in the Press But that does not overcome the need for good and sizable auditorium ThcrcI are many uses for one in the collegiatcrcuular assemblies lcc Bonds Brlni lllkrtt lures public speaking band prac Further our debentlllOS LIC lice and concerts to mention only well received and premium Ofia few But consider how desirable nearly $17000 was realized on 5810 it would be as ii municipal audi That is now earning small rate Of toriuny At pregmt we have no interest for as as is good portion sizable space available for such The purpose of this plan is clearly stated in this quotation from the same llcpartmcnt of Education an nouncement II of last December there is unnecessary retardation of pupils who are held in the one grade for years time and are itiltll required to repeat grade Many childrEn are able to complete the work of grade in ti or months These children should be allowed to proceed without waiting for the end of the school year Some children cannot complete the work of grade in the 10 months the school year but could complete it in 12 or 14 Or 16 months These pupils should be allowed to pro IW believe that the buildings pIIIIIOSCI pubC SIIbSCIIIIIIIIIII would cced at their own rate and under 11 bf KOlllIlJItttd of estimated be gtmcuns If swung IIS IIICIIISIOIII take the work of the next grade cos 15mm bond 91 in the collegiate building mium as surplus to be applied We hope that soon definite plans against the last debenture payment will be ready to base some actionl Also we now feel confident that on It is an opportunity or us to sale of thL ViCtOIiil SCllOOl DIOPCILV get an auditorium where it will do will soon be consummated with athe most good further amount available from that want to say word of thanks and of course Victoria School to George Longstaffe our efficient qulimellt will fetch $01110 addition secretary His work already has al amount too In handling Old been Of tremendous value to this surplus equipment notice that bumd IwhmI early this yearI we the secretary md the members 0f found is necessary to engage anothy the property comm11190 are 1Uite Ier sccrctarytreasurcr the board dc adepi at milking fast dollar for icided on one to serve full time The you as well as spending iii wisdom of that decision becomes But here is an interesting way more apparent every day No bus of summing up regarding these iness Of Size comparable to our costs schools in personnel and financial Out of seven t0wns 0f QOmpar transactions would ever be manag aIble Size and similar conditions we ed by any but competent full time find that this year Balries 5011001 person It is financially profitable tax rate isthe lowest1595 mills moveI besides being of tremendous here against 18 in Orillia and up benefit in the handling of the af Ito 25 mills in other tOWHS That fairs Of every sort in the schools 18 the school rate alone Or in And finany message of we Proportions 0f SChOOl 13X to the come to Fe er Sinclair who has total tax we find Barrie with joined our rd to rep1ace George SChOOI tax of 223 Per cenl 0f the Cadogan lle ll be an aSSet to us when they are ready to do so It should be born in mind that we are advised not to rush into the inauinirating Of this scheme It has been tried out in some centres and will be tried out in more this year It will be introduced into the first three grades only at the start Because of the problem of moving into new schools in the new year Barrie will not attempt to put it linto Operation for year at least rByAhat time further information will be available from centres where it is introduced and we should benefit greatly from this Opportunity to investigate and Ob Scrver Changes in the curriculum hinge as yet around two announce ments First is new reading pro development of series of what are calledIBasic Readers Such series is published by each of sev eral publishing companies but all are based upon an accepted word were warm The speciai ioice 1ec1 tlllllltt tool lie lliltllil of tin spmc uu lacciu iaiilwttiyr s1 lit to the chaiiipion amp lions winli liiii lelcuiia and lup the lacerations and liruises They were folduatii 1iiiznatcil lariiitt iii the over 000 attended by Dr truck ltriltt was reiorted IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIS IIWII much iISIII III II II III IIbII Id Ml nIlI siltilli daiiiai 111 towids Billllt lin tlu tiilil l11i ltli l1 lu iirst cami of cussion lllti skepticism regardmg 111M mu llliltt ilt tosts 11M ttll otoiist Ail llopson Angus slot occnried The truck lllltlI the fiiiuh 11Ilillltl tin mm IIIII KIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIICIIlIalteicd practically not at all InIhclpcd Scharfe from the over not ieported injured was llurtonWih tstimited at Still tans II LI IIII 1ng ftults 11it310l5 ltltitt ISIWNd truck and another motorist Guam RR II BIIIIII IIII VIII III II IIII NWT only $ll7 well covew id in out At him to am BI II mom With the youngest group lC IIIIIIIIII AIR m1il in itXAillNlJt A51 A1 Ms room with mumm Actually as you all know we HARRY VOPKIN RONALD COLMAN crust iiom vmciiiir PRICE ART lllelETlER BARBARA BRlllON Plcdyfd by Earned by OEOIGE MOSKOV homo won Crash on No27 fWarminster Vie wii yoziln and 311alloflo it ilzou liiitiidtlllltf up it iizi=iiistei the tiil tllfiilltl ilih iii iitii 71 11 and Each team iii the lhiee HlllJliiIi Itoiiiuatii ll ailnua Ktllittll l7 ley lilsoii lT tlltl suffered Warniinster tlllgtitl lhthoff and sciintiiials lhc playoffs hate ilttfl attracting loid sanl the car was illt lli THE Invite YOu To Visit Your Neighborhood Playground on the afternoon of Wednesday August 30 Here you will see the results Of their summer activities in Arts and Crafts Special Projects and Playground Programmes OUEENSI PARK Friday September It Here you will SeeamaSS display of playground projects special playground programmes Father Son SoftballGame And Movies ROBINSON Counsellor total as against from 283 per cent real help in th work still tO be to 37 per cent of the total in other done this yeaII towns Even with the new deben NOWI inc105ingI tures added next yearfor the new comments are always we1comedI schoolsand if general rates are no IMembers of the pub1 higher school tax will be around IBoaId receive no payI 23 t0 29 Der cent Of the DialStill like millionaires when we at lower than most towns which were the faces of happy Children to CIhECREd Comparativeb We 09 whose welfare we have made so lieve your school costs to be quite contribution reasonable This incidentally was pointed out by MrI Stewart last year Coldresistant grasses are making BDCI Auditorium possible yearround grazing in mud Now just word about matter erate climates Heattolerant grass going Step beyond public SChOOiSI es are extending theSpringVgrazing We havean urgentneedrfor more period and llmitlngthe Slump in high school accommodation That Summer growing list or vocabulary divided into un its suited to the respective grades Thus childprogressively broadens his reading vocabulary and can read frOm Basic Reader of suit able level without encountering the Occasional villainous word that him up and destroys his ember your trips th rmcr nitlon as opposed to VARIED GRASSES system of sounds or phonics These must still be taught against the flay when the child encounters an Inn familiar word but the day is gone when child is taught all the Sounds and then expected to use this Skill to read everything Both methods have their merits but the Sightword system has facility that is amazing Basic Readers have been in use in Grades and in Barrie for some years but this year they will become compulsory through routIOntariO in all grades up to gram based upon the fairly When Decide to IVisit Fall Fair in theGeOrgidn Bay DiStrict Be Slime You SleCtl MIDLAND iiii FAIR AT THE END OF ANY Horses Cattle Sheep vaine And Ladies Work MIDLAND SEPTEMBER i4 1516 s1sSsssssssssssss Com Principal oNAr END TUAE Q5sQ$QQQQQ sqssosoe COMM SHOWSNIGHTlYFIRSTSHOWAIDUSK HurOnia Theatre Located two miles south of Barrie on con cession 14 Drive south on Highway 27 turn left on first road past Cloverleaf IBringt Elem Individuol speakers No parking problemi Come dres ed as you pleasek ideal for Ishutins Fr ebaby bo tle worming servicekConce tond SDAYSTJT TASK FORCE GARY COOPER Bugs Bunny WEDNESDAYAND THURSDAY SOUTH OF POGO POGO VICTOR McLAGAN ION HALL Cartoon HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE lt QQWMM

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