THE BARiur igxniiscit noxnrr HMSl 35 1330s Record Number of Cattle Vie Tganadian Fashion Toronto Tot Dies partincii is iziizininnius in the it We feel that tl ilan tilllll iiet that thi present site does not PH Mmmg as IIIIIII IIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII liiII to epI the main part of the lthJti in St Loon Church Mllll IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIiIi1Int IdliiIieI it is and locate the Ii IiuorIiinuzI Aingust 1030 when iimil steps in the pioccss at thlt iilllti Sophie dauuhtei of Mr and mill 1111 HI 1110 111 LLXOWlhsoiith end of town An undcr tlrs lheopliile Kine and Joseph 11 DIN 11 VtilIFIIIl Hllltlt ground pipeline could take tlicitlalniil Son of Mr aiid Mics Fran dWIllfI lHUVISWHItIlI Sim4 P111111 ewagc there from Allandah toricois llcauclicsne were utiitcd ill liltlllllts NW 1114 hilltlltill the tinal phases of purification anill lliiillliltl llic Nuptial Mass was IlltIlUWHI l3lltll Ml illllln Silltllsubseiuiciit emptine of effluent iiriceleiirafed Her ll szrsliinaif there is opinion in some quarters 101in buy lh iiililo tore white satin IIthat it i1tllt bIeIwise to allticlliatc We have accordingly ncizoiiatwligown with itiiililtc of satinaoS IlIIIIlIlIlIlItllIlililtlll Iofditltltl here is not with the CNR for property in tliatcttes and lace insert ller finger 41 Mle area of possibly four or fch acrw ltip cil was held in place with Poor Soil lhe negotiations are not complitd crown of white seed TI IIIqu plant is on very as yet and are subject to approvil 111Tin bouquet of poor soil and any expansion there by tUWIlCOUHCiiU Whit lililtiltlll would cost in the neighborhood of gnvauxxxxxxxvu 24 000 CN it laymate nured or Parents Oiil III or In nzes at At Wasaga Beac film iOO 11 By Nor cy Cleaver III II 2x III II II II it JV Width 11 iii i=ilc it xiii it El iii tiaioiis lII II II II II II 1lt 11 ii 4111 avian Sir iii if iite II iii I1El iiizii lilomliI i11 am 11110 iii fr it tiza tlllli l1II wlt lt PALGRAVE TIE 1ion to not if 111i ilrlliiil to 51 Liv i1ii 11 lilsxl 51igtillimn If 11 VJ 1H Lib Ehllhli JL NIH Alhldul iliill liiilfl1tl liiii llHVl5 iv if li Ni HIMl Im BTW ltiiii lil3l 111 i11111ie Elil lie if r1iiii stfltlJ iiii Iltnl in II III III III III III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II MlmJI li iii ttitlv ll ifilltl guiizii ol lliiii iliifiill ill EHMNm Hi HULL Lu StviJZi ulaiie illitlii iltllillii nut iestLeii iv 21W 11 11 Canadian lied II I11IIII ii up lhe gut ti1e iiov gt to Slioiid 1i ii in nu 11umnd Il iiiu day who Lin 11 F===3t 33 ii iii tlli ii 11113 iieiliiiI Iillt liltlt ll to Iiill the 1iiiiipioiigtl1ip iiii HUPHNWMH llmt vi 11 Ill ii iliJlk iiltiililli dies of ll11ll Hill II II II iiao111ii or 11 ii iaii 111 111 rA else blouse and itll skiit ellxlw it by iliiifitv tines enhance skiil 17 Vlnmlmn Hr All19$B8 iflill l1l tut IIIIIIIIII lii liid iii deli lllllllltl attach lai ii Ii1il1ii all t11 catcher foi imt LII Hm Im ll1e lift iiiiii cm 11 flit9 II IIIII IIIIII II iii i1i lietIflt vin III Doo gt eRinq Rites on SP 373544 II II II to oii illl and illitdlli lliitc whii 11 met it 111 in 11 XI 11in Elllltlit lit the tliiiil liani III III III IIII II III dl ll in v4 illiiltlllir II III II III IIII IIIIIII III Tim HIIIIIIfIIHI WIIIIIIIIIIKII III II III lIII II IIIm lliUlt icome ll iIiI man NIHIHlzl 11 lIt ltlh 111 level in lill ftlll and niaiki it 11 1111 35 It II iilicr embodies the cry tt 311 wi 11 mote livlnnwu up MI iiII1I II IIII II III II in 1H 11 duh HHI rill lllll1il as iil1gtxllitlitlllilii 11c11 In In nmhn III II III 1I iiilllltiillltl of react as and otli ml dd Iiii xi Imh mhmi LL ml ii lltltiltt it litlfiilt ii llt it till uHf Hi flfvh Mmuy Unl mlumuc IIII MI IIIIIIIIIIII gio or IiizltL iiitt loiii ltiIiI IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII III trli Hllt lllllItil1 lll ini IIIIMII II IiAV FA II Carry IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1H IIIIIII IIIII III IIIIIII IIIII IaIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII UI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII llt Hinged iioiii lnc to title dol 11ml sis lizitleis lll illllt llllllllltS WASHIst gt II II II II II he ivtn Hi do iiii piii li Sop I5 IIIII II IIIIIIIII II IIII II III IIIIIII IIIIIIII iceoiiliiu ltl sie iiiiliiiiiilit iltI lliis fiat allowed Stroiiil to tight IIIIl IIIARANTFIID in II II III II III III ii 11111 1lliI it IIIi Il1 suit naned 1th IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIII llltlt was butter tooI ii 57 IIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIII IIICIIIIS III IIIkIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII WIIIIO WIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIII III IIII IIIIIII II liir 1iiil lie iliiiil c111 111141 St Pauls IIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII litst quality chickens tlc 1b po it HII II1 biIIIIIItII IIIIIIR II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII SIIIIIIY MIII i1rli 11 ipiiiil to the in1icl linieh illlilfii on lalocs Iitlc to We basket and ialh Rollin riilit llarrev tl Mel aiid 4111 1l it in tleiiiir mi 111 11111 initli liilltlilllt iH New Amll Wrinitcr Midi i11ut who iltlltll stiiiiii tlltllf 12 lit 11 Slab turn 1181 rtiitl ill liant Wallace raced the coniebck 11 lwl IIIIM III iv pushiiull er release and re mi ii fl mum Hm llcx MinnS11 itli conducth ii 1W1 1le NT1 tlk lllnch the llcdnien as llic Scored it set lcicr Ilm III II II II IIIIIIIIII IIIIAII IIIIIII III III IIIIII IIIIII IIIII III II IIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII 111I1I I1 iIs liiid l111t fie llill liit viitetzible niamiie crciy inning from the third ti iliii iI 11 21 lM ill Milli1 illil had cut iil xiiidi air land II II III lil and toe soloist was IIIIII IIIIIIII SIIIIIISII IIII IIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII Ithli7 llis dry flail ii it IIIVH Ij SU 11 it 11 iiiinii 1i 11 111 impI It HIV III II Iliiioii liiii it 11 fit IIIIIIIIIIWIII I0 35 IIII mp III II II II All wliiiiI fIiiinli luliI ulmc pp 1in pa at condition Mal 1II iII II IIIQIIIIII liililll of honor uav Mrs Sid 3111 ieicinonv Miss Kins sani KN IIIIkIIIe incka IIIdeIIIII Lilm pm 10 Upwmm mm mm tliitl uiwinvi ma chine of rum My iI IIIM nunII IWl r1 MM MdV mm itlllltl hi large cucumbers lt tip beans HHU Hmmtlf Iillll but tuppIuil nili LLHIRIG 11 pi vr in iiiillltlt This II hum III III IIIIIII IIIII II III and lliiiicsniaids weie Miss Stella iiiii1i of the icittster offered HII IIIkI IIIkIIIII IIIIIIIN Wh Mmmh ht hmmm MWM Molar or irfflll In l1 to Ilool and illlli 1d the maind prprIIId LIN lIIIIIIII til I1 rIIii IIIIII IIihiII iIIl1iI1Ii silt iIn the he earns his li II1I If III1 Il WkI and the it to111atoes sold Litucklr III III III IIIIIII HI In Hit it ill tit1ire it urich till ll itillttll in 10 TO glV Yllll tilili il id li ill di Tip lll UJ ilfltlrHti ill his attitude to cliiiol HIM MUHIH Ilm RM ii HIMi 5m mm niliiiczi Hill was Ililltilttl llil witson l1siowi was ltltltllllhlllilllmi MW mum Luis 1lt ll 1111 uvieh III II II 111111 ui lll i1t1in IIII IW Ind IiIIII bouquets iil ilt Matrimonia Burton it iiiIH 11 leis Mlc or on arr lllt the couple plan to sltlf ll liich the children liliitli MI mth llWUv private confidential tl niineiliati llltlilithllJllll in HUM T515 mm hilkmg was in Romiillic purpose of the Matrimonial Cundles ell of cases there below Wlhtl ill11 I1 UN wmmf lllicty pies cakes tarts date mm IIK III IIIIIIHIIIL IIII VIIIW 0r airm Egg Rd DiIlI 08m III my IIIIII IIIIIS IIIIII IIIIIIII II cast it 1oiild licInccissary to tiiiiwIPIeIty squares bread etc llo lllfllllfitip IIIISIIII Wm lush0 MI IIIIIIIIIIT IA IIIIWII II it MIC tContinued from have one WW Hilllltld 53 WNI As usual some very dainty linen find inatiiiiionial patrncrs lleasc 11001 lVE tire llii not too nourisliiiw in its i1ctoi li 11111 Thu 1mm NW NW lumdkmmnofs WC fhUWH iwritc to Matrimonial Bureau 12 II II int li 31 J1 ili pIRKING DEL In oIiiIttntsI luIenis should check deal of timucht the works dcpart 23121 Shariirnl3ng1 1ng 11d mlmblbmnos 501d Awunh Aumu mum 0101 on Childs 11 RIIII till thud Ilavis areas all of which nowI esne Ing Im 11 lkr feed into the Allandale plant Chef Master Range by FaiihaiiksMorsc lTS BEAUTY tlllli only High heat tubular elements PROTECTION ECONOMYVALUE II See the New DIXON Garage DIX0 GARAGES SPEC lFlCATlONS pearls She roses and Her sister lettv King 1s 1niid Sin 318 20 With heat snatches lulem $4tlItltlflloI IInew piling alone he Donald AI crosble wIns 01 hmmr mm II IMIIk IVZIIVUII minim Double I320 mtg mumitecil years 51 IUHHI Xlilllsmll VOUM gown The brides cousin Ann Bar DD Size wide 64 hi Illlnll one SChOlGTShJPS her Buffalo NY as bridesmaid suds 24 Ogc the committee has considered valued Af Iworc blue lililftfi organdic Both Rafters $311233 ix Fast 0ch Elements IITHIIhITMINES Iqwil DIVE Winners of Lcition siltiiil Human mm hmuums 01 Sidinnguniloba Covvlor Decal 11 05 it ll gt allldltlll Roofin it ill 10 top 00 Watts II New III IWSKIIS IIII IIICI ships tenable at any OntaiioI Uni IIIImsIIIIII com was IIIIIIIIIS mg Bottom 2100 alts that tIXllllSltHl there now might 51 ml the Roy Millm man and Jack Kine brother of the Exrasyi College Kingston were announced on August 24 by Major li4 secretary of the Ofitaiio Ctlllllllitlit of the Canadian Legion The schol es of WW bind illSthS tilch Villlled 3t 3375 hli Aftyra honeymoon trip to Glace plants We feel that this would not Valued 10 VGiClllS 01 Chlitiltll of Bay NovaSelina Mr and Mrs the economical For one thing they VtttlllllS eligible iOI Legion Ira Beatichesnc will reside in lorontb would require two stalls Also all bership The awards will be nade Iour sewers front Bayview Apart annually Imcnts on the east to the Allandale One Of theTvinTers is Donald iplant area are of the gravity type 1OSbie0fBarrie RR bridc was uslier The brides eiiiiiitaway dress was light blue silk with accessor Overhead door hardwa re Shingles Windows and side door fommit future additions to that place justified consideration of 1other sites It has been stated that the town should consider two disposal Quality High WITH MINUTE MINDICR FL AND LIGHT Sixr50 Price LOW URRYS Roor DllfON BUILDRS SUPPLY rotunfs cums mu noun Barrie nu iniqu Dubll By HarrisonGray Dczilcr North loll mu 51M IILI MUSIC on Inguf VII TRENT Dwain mu aunt In In teams of four match the fllSl EastWest sequence was One ClubOne Dia Iiiiim snows DixON GARAGE PRICE LIST uuuu unnu cunningInn gong lgvo EptiltIIIeslliicc pa cs our st was at IIIIIII In isupgzmnge II Gable Roof Flat Roof Gable Root Flat Root fcondIaiy suitII wgth only De Luxe Style De Luxe Style ree rum Is ST NopiIIIpSICt Single Garage 10 20 $10500 $15000 Double Garage 18 20 $27500 $25000 outh led V7 ha0Cigdbetgg Erection 4000 2000 Erection 7500 4000 Itlgaritng dtrumps was umgnys SK but III bouth ruffed Easts at DI iilhnimmikitand gushstm Eittras Available cone Club and Diamonda Prme IIITImb second pm reached Overhead Door With hardWare $2500 est contract bd gm CIIIIIITIIIO CIIIIISII ErIrIIgI Ilnstallation II I500 rggggsggygumggmpmI ShinglesNO 210 to replace roll roofing Gable Root Single 1200 in West won the sccOndE Double 20 00 trick with at th nekssed dufnmyls Application Smgl 400 ma lng nine tricks for ai Double 700 anoff lh rSlde Door WalkIn Size Vee Jomt wnthhardware 900 Panel Type with hardware 11200 Panel Type with Light with hardware 1600 Win 0w fixed RCE BAND $450 DIXON Garages are readytoassemble Our methods save you time labor and money You can have your garage NOW and at low cost and mOreover you will have superior type building All cutting is performed on the latest designed accur ate high speed machinesAssembly is done by proven and accepted methods This combination Of production equipment and manufacturing know how results in well made long lasting buildings of highest quality at prices that are unequalled YE DANNY KA ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO IDlXON BUILDERS SUPPLY COTTAGES CABINS GIARAGES HOMES WW Phone 86 Cookstownf Bitmap AGENT IPHONE 5021