1er lunar Exyyllsiirt ilitlisniy it our r7 7W The Examiner Radio Column ON THE Alli AYES wltv WW Io ILHBILAII L= gt3i 11 II ll lit Ullll9ll If Il r5 lit Iltt lrlrrrlrrrrglr llll iIi IiI It It IA Iliil Ir til Zlv lit itll ll I7 it ri It IvirlrIIlI in IiiloI1 2w 11 or loo on IIu II it Im winch iii Knots III i1 not my ir Vllil ir ir lililIl tII=I rule 911 Hind Romiva rill Int IIv lIiIzirI he was tom and it Im union in ill WinII IT llir ywirn Scdw ii lilgtil tollczu Ii lIIc In London and iiliIJiI coirlyrwtnnr Ittl Vaughan Iihcns III ilrn ruled out to illl rpritcin on Your ii tKllll here Are IiiIril iIsIcIIII Ilo plow III Io lI tllll tlliilliils ill ILilv Hitil Ild rAi as In Ittoliipiilltsi and it til hind rt cvrrylhrrot but IIIqu more lie Joined the lilit ithl ornpirnist In ltllil and ill arniir sonata received inst In Ir IoIIriiincc on television poi lIIIIIose with the itilllilicil lI iiIIlri In his 10 years iIIl the lmil has written Ireurlv lfIllll con rsroired works Including illiriltr tor plays tczrturcs and tIrIIdIri lioui Ioint numbers for lrtl two weeks notice III III1 in Spare time he also illt InterI In or his own choice and In has ML lililtl at the moment string pin ltt ttIlinltD for iIiiirliit strings and symphony mm Slumm VWhen Alan Paul has pencil and In NV up he is IMAMIV mij Hill Saturday Morning Special the paper has lines on II he 111 MUM Hm it it is blank he writes pros he is now at work on novel appropriately called iii in first iii The Pencil lie rs an ircconip 1H IiSIiUtliilliiSL and many of his pencil portraits have been published in 45 Tum H211 the BBCs official Journal Radio 115 wawldfFri Organ Interlude ngagement till Times His selfportrait an cyeel lent likeness done by sitting urn00 Luncheon front oftwo mirrors Will 119 1213 Markets Report it Iii the programof the festival 12350 vows 1245 Regional Weather Report PersonalityJinrWard 12 Bunetm Board 100 iarm Features 10irSrri Agricultural RepresentaIiosii News 1tiiti Harry IIerIick Re 1100 News in Minute 1103 Sign Off and Anthem lleilo once again everyone Perm odically weve been publishing hort but interesting accounts rull coining the various stall lirtlirlmi iotCKBB and thus far have errI lightened you on such sterhne pcl Inaiities as William Bell ainll iIil Norman employed on the sales and traffic staffs ILSIKCI irely This week our column eon crrrs facts pertinent to the life oh oll Jim Ward whom you hear on the Luncheon Engagement every day It noon and the County Iiour at Jim is Iikcablc chap who came to us from his native Tor onto about midMarch to help scr vicc accounts learn the rudiments of the saleS angle write copy and announce Jims radio experience dates back 10 years iso he tells nsr to 1940 or thereabouts when he crashed the announcing game ati lvtiltllEInS CHICK in Peterborough From there he undertook staff position at CKWS Kingston which was his stepping stone to Ilillllll tons CHML and Torontos CHUM An amazingly versatile creature died have to be he has worked at almost everything from seaman 101 transpOrt driver but claims at lastto have found his niche VJinI is yery fond of Barrieand hopes to settle here to bask in the won Htierful friendliness of whiclihe so highly speaks After hearing about the many and varied occupations we wonderedif it didnt reveal JaIIIAIIEIIII IIIoIIIIIIIiIs LIKE CAVE MAll You are sure of relief with proven scientific FRUITATIVES famousdO15 Thur Canada at Wbrk doctorsprescriptionprover in tens of 1030 News thousands of cases FRUITATIVES 11001130 MonTueThur5 are made of natures fruits andiherbs 19Council Tums Dewn Curling Club WV WI AAllIL III II rsori Sprurlis lie rIrrIIiIx this Sunday In Iii programs listed lorulr through SItriidr Iirl lltlt lllllllitA ted 1100 Mini IF Iihr Iiliii SI Ii till II orii i1 Ixrturo Itri ilo Ir fruits toIIIII It or llili rt ll VI sr you rr si lrrlrl Iicport Littennnt rgan Interlude IoiIIIIII IriItlllb Sunday Moiriing Serenade Family Favorites News Quiet orner llrmcn firIch Irorv lussies Iromiiirr Resume Workers for Jobs Novelties III the News ioin Shop itlldiu Luck iiiir Iii Spoil Ilo rivIIrp zii 1vif rl 7171 irrri ri lirenk 04 Shopping lime gtrlllis for Varicl oreircrtrrdions ol LIISEIIIZLSjI 10 World toll IIIIisic discovered iilil Inorzlh 15 Hull Bundsumd Irt lltrtillkll illltl llioyctiivlli to in NH 1m priuio concerto iiltIl 1r hairtl II MW WWI Irii More Iirr Serenade Music Box liillry 13Itt IIIII Morning Aliliv tiiiir Iri thiu Iii Iliyt Iovic MerryGoRound Mon thru Fri Movie Merryi GoIiound Morning Special 1101 Sat Ifrtltlll Parade Sunday Ilymn Iime liark to the llibie IIils My Story News interlude of Music tile Iwn is ilent Lombardi Lane The Ave Maria ilour thzrpci Chimes llawiriran Harmonies News oiiserviition Dinner Music Music by irndie Light Melodic Encores Sunday Star News 910 Winniired Heath 030 Mr In In Irczi Irrr thirieir Vlltllltitl snlnriiny Story MonWvdlri Your Thoughts Organ Reveries Iiurri Ihur li ll Ili Icnny orncr IiuII rive 115 Royal Winter Farr polili 130 Midday Varieties Sat Holiday in Rhythm 200 Music in the air 200 Sat Silver Threads 230 Sat TIiiisdaleReview 300 Mon thru Sat Jackpot Showz 30 News IvionchFri BarB Ranch luesihur Barbara Wheeler HAAA PHONE 2414 7E Ills oislzip Likes lloor EGY in il 31l ch 311 ii Iir 1il Ir It iliiluii it illi izr 11 iiiitl1t of Ir ii Iliiil Ti rm ii llllil p1rli II tor ll ill ilii iitll IIIll LIIiI Ilzr Ilt iIr Ili lil drill Cir put Imitilc Ul Iii rr iioilll Iii toi lion ii hliu ll tlttl ir lI mitt would sell lo rr iii pull ltrI lh or llrtl left not till dcrd this it It l1 only Int rr irto md did It ii ivr rlrli until roriiirii Ili liol lIIlvIliIii Iircxior Iirccv olIrr 531de and this horrid Ir llltllittl from or iliitilil lIth It Is mi worm that lllr IIIIhIs lI monl $50001 lll cash and ititiH Iltlrorrizir ii is true III lllltli Irtlllt building us it Il illt gtlitl Iiiiillllt lltil or the pIIIon ll not Ililililv litillii iiII llltlll lri tlttl rliiillii surh as they proposc would iosl il llitrl OTIHHIII itll tt plolll Iirru Ilrrrt rose to shite lie was IIitiiillllitl that ii personal angle pr IIIIo Illrtllrt=l1iiil tlsliolli challenged the iru shillIIIrnt on the curling Iiili LlctIrIIIs August with 13 on lIIIIldIIIL assets Following the Mayor rIsIIIIIcI in ciririr iirrl put the question to II vote UTOPIA St Georges WA sr twirler WA met It Mrs VIC ntcnrluers and one visitor The Itrlillilti opened with the singiniil Uh Master Let Me lire loIIowctI by prayers and the Inn InhIIV prayer In unison For the Iliible reading Mrs Walsh rcird SLI linke The rrrirrrrtcs ot the lzrst liltllill vrre read rind adopted iIn moved that Mrs John Muir be ap Iori IIuax THE BARBIE EXAMINER CAN LL You PRINTING NEEDS hour was enjoyed while Mrs Ktll itions would be pre ny served delicious lunch bazaar treasurer reported bahInCc EIlTiIT Mrs iillrcrt IvlCMZlSltt tcd lunch convener seconded iporn wmkms Mrs Vivian Mchrnn Mrs it Hurke conducted ll quiz and read Innilcrri parable Ihc lirtrlillt closed ith prayer and luirch cred Next meeting 11 Mrs CROWN HILL August Mr and Mrs Sharpe of Toronto and MI and Mrs Roy Stoddart of Iiinnrins were recent Visitors with Mr and Mrs Drrrry lhc serriicc of baptism was ob gttltl Sunday morning when the IlllillIL laughter of Mr and Mrs Norman Tuck was baptized She was christened Dianne Janettrr WA August Meeting The Womans Association held their August meeting at the horn of Mrs Thomas Kenny Mrs Iar ince Smith was in charge of the divotional pciiOdIlie president Mrs Drury thcntook charge of the business meeting The October was dicussed friendly 35 SIIIXCIIII1230 00 Voices on Vacation Club 1230 till 000 Sat Four Stars of the Week Nervsrii 00 County $13 Sports 251 News 50 Bulletin Board Regional Weather Report Serenade oil is ourmuntil 700 Fri Seven Sat Don Messer and his Is landers If Keyboard Kapch Sat Close Harmony 30 Mon All Time Hit Parade 30 Tues Playhouse of Favorites Wed Holland Today 30 Thurs Family Fun Fri Wayne King Show Sat Childrens Corner 45 MonWedFri Album T1 aiian Harmonies Mon thru 45 Sat Haw News Thur Heres Health 5Mon= Phono Quiz Titles For Petes Wed For Petes Sake Thur Heres Health Friday For Petes Sake Sat Parade of Bands 1301 Thurs Fair and Cooler I830 Mon Double or Nothing 830 ThursfFor Petes Sake 845 Wed For Petes Saker 900 SatslHayloft Partyi 930 MonThurs For Petes Sake 930 Wed CKBB Summer Theatre I1000 Sat Time out for Dancing Sake For Petes Sake Listen To Sunday Hymn Time 200230 pm Each Sunday OVER CKBB Sponsored for yourgpleasure by Cooke Carque and Storage L3 Essa Rd Phone 5575 Barrie mmrwamwwom mos mm an BOY SCOUTS if UNDER CANVAS MlNESlNG sgmll SLJMIJ llr MILL Iii slrl ixtiirl Ivllliiii izni vizs Ilar Maxi riid Maw Iioilicstvr Til liril ii t1 twink In tSA CRAIGHURSAT iIrIjhIII SILAI ltip lirI riilmri loo3n Ivl Elton leI lllt llitrlllx Iiisliiirtc llilltl Sriurhrhzrn Unit will in 1H Shanuhan Irrccl IIirrrsdzi lhury oi lt1Ii LIILIr Mrs II dupinyul ill It nil Ihlly rm II Ktllil l1lilh rvt wlirr Slnruziin IliiI ritl IIy lllr lllII Iiltl rnd All EDOAR lri tr ltlilr Ilzii utilitieii Semrliirg lvliliill IIJIIIIlliI Stylistiniiiiti llvlillt groiri Li Tipper litlt itrIiiit rliii pioiii lrtll Illrt of all lllr loyz proriuerd rope hirdpe arrow ii sturdy Srrrlli mill The Tom Mondn tor lirt Vt weiIiclrd Hayes Airlii liltl Sexrrnl oi an otrrinilht LId iIIis spent WI My irllii Iin Ilrill vpilil Ins piraiidrnothcr It Vuscy and MI ilri ll IIiIll tr nun ick hike lliltiIiL rhrilcd iililill iac with iIiiw thorllon of Iey spilil Sillw with Mr iIid Mrs ii Mrs McSliiiIIe spent the irr IiI rt their home III Ilriiliigtli Slrurlnrri illl isi the Iiilliitl lt uncle Ill MII IIIIHWH Iowa and Mrs Irl Mr itlltI Mrs xilh friends here on Sunday Seelc For Better Roads IIIIli Support of municipal tloIItIes and agricultural Is essential It tirnridir Is to lltlt roiids lion lIrrick Willis Innrpeig president of the tirn Good Roads Association dc lried III announcing plans for an pilidid program for the national Zilllttlliill Gilchrist Hill has literr director was incor MilWl illiil lilicr Illiiil iit o1 ll2lli tended to thr tilticrr oIIIrIIIIIIlIir iIIc lltS of Ioi itciieiorrs tiltlllllJ crplipliulri IcII lllr rnd Mrs lion IIIIIIIIIII tIIiIt ll Sirssor and loin WW5 Vi tcritrorr of the lXttllIlYt to completi phrrrs It the lllrIitllt to lllllt rep Ieseritrrtrves oi lirrlilrirlllf ltiitllllliltillltl dealers srrpplicls contractors lllr iiutoniotnc and tinrrspoit irrduslrir UlilililIitilllll and Iicl tllllllilillllt SupipOrl iiitll ll ilitl irxricrrltrnirl groups leogures bodies to iiilil Iiiltt to make llli association rrrriticd Lind lllll Iorrw III the national scene llirlltll inter 14 High St lIIIrt managing which rpiIoIiItId association tiirlillrtl Irrider Dominion charter till 1017 ile succeeds George Mc Wirlk With Ir ANN PAGE VITAMIN MILK BREAD FANCY RED 2402 loaf SOCKEYE SALIIIII 39c SALAD DBESSINC 17c DOLE FANCY YORK BRAND BOLOGNA ANN PAGE GlliCllRlSl 013E has been secretary director years The executive offices have now been moved from Montreal to Ottawa 77 Good roads raise living standards and better living standards create greater demands for th of the farnr and the fac ory said Mr Willis so that the building of improved highways in this country should be cveryones concern Announcing the 31st annual con vention of the association would be held this year in Winnipeg from September 19 to 21 Mr Willis said that it was expected large delega scnt from all It was the in who and Namce treasurer SHREDDED WHEAT STAFFORDS SUNDAE savers FANCY SM ADL SlililMPS FANCY ORANGE JUICE FANCY BLENDED JU AYLMER CATSUP QUAKER corrr FLAKES WARES LEMON PIE TILLEII ROBIN HOOD EASY Tnrscrrn Trix 23 KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE CONCENTRATED sum 300s PRINCESS FLAKES TOILET NAVY lISS FLY SPRAY MARGARINE mirror 29 25 42 273 17 2002 products 602 Tins Soz 17 provinces of Canada Pkg Pkg yzib Pkg 29 51 55 25 29 37 Giant Pkg Giant Pkg III Roll 1602 It Buy MP vilfriperlliigfgt scrum sauna LAMB PRONTS 59 92 LEGS 79 rim LAMB errors EATY PORK SPARE RIBS lb43 MEATY PORK BACK BIBS b55 PEAM EALED SLICED BACK BACON CHOICE gsLIprm BREAKFAST in 09 MON lf Iilit t1lriiiiutIii HANK You had lwo Downtown offices to Serve You at KNIGHTS llRlli SIORIC 74 lililnhetlr St and WILSONS IIRIISSMAKER SUPPLIES 124 Dilllloll St NUSERVICE CLEANERS SAIISFACIION OR NO CHARGE FOR PICKUP QOlll0tltl ONTARIO GROWN WHITETABLE srocrcno SLICED murmur BOLOGNA FRESH GRADE BOILING rowr SEA roan VALuEs 35 31 FRESH LAKE NIPIGON WHITE IlSll FRESH 000 runs nd Splendid HoIi or plant is again open to give you best service that you have ever Dial 2472 CUSTOM GROUND nonhn corrnn $866 FRUIT COCKTAIL 2002 In 320 AUSTRALIAN BARTLETT CHOICE FEARS AP EANQY TOMATO OGILVIE CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX FINE COLOURED and llegeladed GRAPES CALIFORNIA LUSCIOUS RED EATING No1 cauunownn SNOW WHITE LARGE srzr No FRESH DAILY CARBOTS BRADFORD MARSH TENDER WASHEDNo POTAT 31 9c pig 310 lb 43c JUICE Lbs 29c lbs 10 PISc 00in Mm BUY WITH CONFIDENCE MORE MEAT WITHIILESS WASTE RED or BLUEVBRAND BEEF BLADE BONE our ALABAMA srrorir IIIII ROAST fb 12 Imam lb 09