Washer 7811 ieont Nuptialg Saturday 1111 Celelii llULl Golden Wedd ng raitasvw 111 11C 1w 5111 AM 31115 111031 llll 111111 celebiatengIIiI II IIMI 11 111111 golden 111111111114 the11 11111111 111 Aneus recently vith 51111111 11111 11111 11 111111 11111 lieir tamilv 211111 ltl1111 llorn 21111 nsed 1111 nei1b111111 1v111111111111 11111111 L1 II HI III IIIIIII II MII IIIIIII II 11111111 11 Angus the V111onehbis sinl 1111111 the 11111111 1he1e 1V itilldhr 111 1111111111 111111l 1111 311 11111111111111 12111111 11111 mother lired 111112111 both 111 lvlvmmmn II lIIII WI IIMIII 11111111 llttllill 11111 1111 iltlin 111111111 111 11 11 1111 11111 115111111111 lllltlto llllt lllllds 1111II11I11 111 11 I1111I1111111 I5I11E 11 EH 11f11 117 gt11111111i 111 mp 11 111 plow 11 mlm HM Hm lohn 3111er 111 titt111 11m 11 1111 1111 11x1 112 HIe 1111 111 lIlobeit 111e1111 111 111111111 11111I 111gt Br 11 111 IIIII IIII III IIIII III IIIIII II III IIIIIIIII 1I 111 I1111111 II II 111111111111 1111111111 11 1111111 111 1111111 111 11 and 111 Allgt IIIII II II BHIII III IIII Hlmul II ltl lnm im in llie 1111111 11111 411111111 left 111 1111211s1111111111111111111 1111 1112111 111 1e111 1111 111 Mr and IIII II III III II III III II 11111111111 11111 111 the 111111111111 12 1111 S1111111II111 11111I1111 1III1 1111II 11I 11 I11 II I1I11 I1I1I IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIHIIIII III II IIIIII III 121 111 111111111 11 11 1111 1111 lIII II II IlItnIII Ill II pale 1111l 511111 1l11rd111e 15111 11I1111111111I11n 11111111111 111 111 11111 II III II II IIIlIII IIm 11111k r0111 mm mmnnmn Emmi Uhmm HM Iiii1J1 Iftw ml vwmml MI ht Hm 111 111 121111 11 MW if lI111II IIII III IIEIIIT I1 III II 111 111111111111 11111111111111 1111111 1111 IAIhI INN IWII III III IlIII tl1e11 return 7111 and Mrs Il11le11 11mm Hull inh mllmlw lhmlyl mum In Humny 1111111l11he1 11111111111111111111111 gt 111111151111 11 111111111 11111 11111 111 111111111111111 her father ppslded at the 11111111 and Mix fihe 1111i1 111e11on ofwhiteslip 1111111111 led1111 1111111111 1111111 1t111 made on prlneess hues MW 411 1111segz21y 111 1111111111111 211111 12111111 111I 1111I11IIIIeI11111oss1Ibl 1I11III11I1 1I1e1 IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII wanmn Imp was 1111 21 ea 11 111 11111112 A1 15 11 1i QIWII AIHIII IIIHIII IIIIII IIIHIIIIIIIIIIII II MI MW Wm WM I11I111II1111IIII11I1I II1I1I1I1I111 oIhIsI 11 111 She carried 21 cascade of Ll 5m Huh I1 llh 51 Im WM IMK ml III wearing 21 tress 11f navy fl11we1e11 Ch Innmm ml Mm sheer with 111lt1111 of red roses he Alb1111 l211h1 thoii 11111111111 and mother 111 the 1111111111 sane 1211111 111r 1111111111111 ve1l 1111 1211111111 Shll 11gtt111 N1lllt111111 llawn with headdress111s11d pearls and MW hm Ml IM 1m Mummy WW NHMC was 111111111s1t1a11 211111 the 11111IS mm 111 111111111 11 1111 111111 11 MM1 11I 4110 Inl 1111 bride was lovely in her eown 1111111 bonnet with band of l1l11flt 111111 1121111111 were 111 the The 111111111s mother wore link theltvalley She earned easeade 11111111 was flower girl 111 21 uownl11111 11111 11111 11 111slte of 1111111111111111 snow white 111s1gts 111111111 of 1111111 more taffeta w1tl1 head rod mm 11 llll lhe l1llt and groom left on 1111s llelen Snead 1s111at11111 111111111 or and Miss llorla lltttelnnsun 21s 111ides111211d 111 yelvaray oe1 taffeta with 11111111111 111 seed peznls 211111 tlons 111was 211111 wiute 11211111111 IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII MI 11111 lerenal button of 011111111131 asteis Weddinu trip to loronto Hamilton and Mnskoka the bride travelling in 21 navy blue dress worn with 21 pink shorhe eoat pink and navy aeeessories and eoisaue of red roses 11 their return they are 11121111111 their home 111 liarrie lutoftown guests at the Wed ding came from Toronto Listowel Wroxeter and Bradford AttendIhL 1111 11111 1111 MHI Smmd IISI in hm Wm halo of blue tlowers and blue embroid ered ehapel ve1l 211111 the brides maid wore pink 1111 21 halo of pink flowers and pink e111broidered Iehapel veil They carried easeade 1111111111111 111 1111111 1s1he1 iteed Idaisies lro11111sn1an was William lliehes 111 Toronto and the ushers were Glover 111111111 Hutchinson Oro Sta MlillltXYlll10lt 111111 brother of the bride and David AIOMIK l1n Toronto e11usin of the Grace HBer1ram Bride of Adams 11111011 The reception was held at Club 70 Barrie Mrs Hutchinson moth er of the bride rereived the guestlelnlVa in blue chiffon with matching ae SI Join UIIIIIIII Church In eessories and I21 corsaue of plnkIfea IIIIII Ins III SCIIIIII III III wedding thered 121111211111ns She wasass1sted1of Mi Gm Homidm Bomnm by grown mmhw Turing eldestdauhtcr of Mr and Mrs 11 prey lace with wine accessories and WI Emmi and Harold Eldon 30 WWW 0505 Adams son of Mr 21nd Mrs Eldon Mimwnumo lem 15mmg Adams of Minesinu on Saturday llC ddilli mp July 22 1930 Rev Mr McFarlane WNQ Emu mm tmlvcnmg of llespeler performed the double in white taffeta withIImatclnne 21c mm ceremony in setting of Tums eessories and an orchid corsage and Madonna liliCSI On their returnthey will reside at The brich given in mmin by 190 lndian Rd Crescent Toronto her amen wore gown OfI white Outoftown guests at the wed embossed organdy with 111311111 ding were from T010010 0W0 ting bodice and net yoke The full SOlllld ThOInbUIy COIlingWOOd skirt was caught up at places across and Allistmt the front of the gown revealing 21 laceflounced underskirt Her full length veil Of embroidered tulle which had been worn by her moth eron her wedding day was attach ed to headdress ofnetand iliiy ofthovallcy and her boilquet was cascade of white carnations and Rubrum lilies The bridal attendants were Miss Nora Jones maid of honor and Miss Joy Bertram as bridesmaid They wore gowns of mauvcand yellow marquisette over taffeta with garlands of matching flowers in their hair and carried cascades of Coutts orchids Little Jackie Bertram carried the rihgs on pillow of white satin Glen Adams was groomsman for his brother and the ushers were William Johnson Claire Priest Paul and Don Bertram The wedding music was played by Dr Lee Fraser Bertram aunt of the bride who accompanied the lll Howards Residual and Live Stoek Spray Slll GREEN ROSS Now is the time to get rid of these pests 11111111111111 Secdsmen Since 1871 soloist Mrs IWhitncy of Athcrley At the reception held at the home of the brides parents the mother of the bride received wear ing navy blue Sheer with white ac cessories and corsage of American Beauty roses Assisting her the lgrooms mother were grey with corsage of pink roses The bride and groom left on wedding trip tONorthcrn Ontario and Algonquin Park the bride In One Grand Big CLEARANCE Childrens Womens 81 Sanqlals Girls Casuals Whitepblue pink White req bmwn yellowAlI1Isizes 49 Reg $450 $495 $595 Clearing 1651 On their return theywill make their homepin Minesing $1000000000 Porcupine AdvanCel The Porcupine gold Camp has now All sizes Ich $395 and $495 Sale Now At $279 $2891 51339 CHILDRENS SANDALS9 Sale $189 511013 ROblSOIIIS sronc Iust Around the Corner from Tamblyns at Clapperton St Barrie Phone 3672 000000000 worth of gold it was learned authoritatively yesterday Of the 16 mines in the camp the big three Dome McIntyre and Hollinger have together produced approximately 75 per cent of the billion Hollinger alone has pro duced approximately 40 per cent of the billion Labor costs of the camp mines have meanwhile amounted to $400 000000 8011 RELIEF from GOISTIPATIOI IlDIGESTIOll fill8 You are aureof relief with proven lsclentlc FRUITATIVES famous doctors preamp tidnproven in tepsof thousands of cases FRUITATIIVES White or Red Regular Price $300 81 $350 at travellingin dress of yellow taf fetawiIth navy and white accessor produced one billion dollars $1 are made of natures fruits and herbl llll lilltllll llllli lllllthl 11 1030 gt1 And lets take LOTS of leak 81 Jill Peanut iiSTS Lets go on picnicl COTTASE Butte tendscues Everyone Ill11 Loblouvs luck 51 Jill CZI WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRICKED WHEAT freshtasting so dClICiOUS Grtund lrcm ll plump peanuts ro th 45c diontroostcd to bring out all tizc 1101111111111 TRUEPEANUT amour 11191 Keep several jars of Jack hit on bond for lunches attacks The hi Eu TIN UNSUCED EEC SUCED 13C moneySaving way to delicious licrwcctimr nourishment CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIEIL 53 2401 LOAF 1401 LOAF LOBLAWS JACK JILL mm HQ 1135 rm 70 FANCY HONEY POD UNGRlJED 1111111113115 PEAS 02511115 SPECIAL WESTONS BlSCUITS 231mm 10101111111 stunt IIIII IEII 31c 00111111 111oz 92 9112 71 801 cum II 33c M10N ELIR 11F SIC 50119111552 3396 111111151111111111 11 15c HENLY 131111111 Ell 37C 111111111341111212 015111 13c 21 IrrpIVM TRlNlDAD SWEETENED Hi13 14 72v er ref 11011 men as might 1er$ taint111111111112 0111 is 1111111 1111111 11111111 LOBLAWS ALPINE CLUB WAFER PER uossIIInCaIgto 12C oi TM 25c 611119511 ME 2331113111151 236 11112 51111111 11111531111 use iiihtiii $11 29 gillY IIrLAonIoIRs i1 111111111115 01111323 111111111171311 0250111 om 211 11 so 117111123111 11911111111131 12111111 than 111111115 1122 14c 35 11111111 11111151 5111112113111 21 are Lcucez it 1111511113 11111 11151171175 are 111111111115 111 cur cor1111 11 so 111111151 51111111101131 511115111 11295511 SPdttllETflctltl 01151115 25c 111111 11111111 Barons resmm 0131 31 i2ggg27c 03952036 0251111 45C Egll1c1ltso1qs 311011111 13 11111111r111111 1101111110 BEEF no 1111111111 MEAL 33c 51101 1151 11111101111111 51111n1111s 221 111 53 17 111111w1z1211111 5111111115 1191 2111 1113930 11111131 mm as 51111111111111 111111511111110115 1523116 31c 11111116111010 111111111 36c 10111211155111 arenas 111111111 Horus 111111111611121191111112111 33c so 11112511111111111 111111511115 51 9111511311 ZTINS 23c SERVE56 PKG 23c PKGC 55C PKGS 19 PKG750 or DIXIE CUPS mosrco r1511 51111111111 FlllElS 1139 mil SERVETTES 1111111111c11 ruins 1145 cruicr 1111 ruins lbIIIIIiiZc 91112115 STORE HouRs Crosro MONDAY AUGUST Tuesday Thursday9 am to pm Wednesday mm to 12 noon Friday 830 to pm Saturday 830 in to pm LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO LIMITED EFFECTIVE AUG LllElllltil $111111 can re