Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1950, p. 3

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WY EBRIDGE d1 Ice ea an Mine too double strength and while still 1211 171111intoglossesliliedWithcroeXed we Add sugar and lemon 10 10$ it 11111 11 731 1311 fl 11 11211 1111 11 Mirr 1111 11111 111I1111 1112 1I 711 I111111111 11 11 11 11 11111 111 lil li111 1111111 1111 111 11 1111111l 11 11 11 11 111 III II H11 511 111 Ills Hit 111 11 nllgfdllllJlltHlx 11 711 11111 1111 111 111 1v 111 ypmk 1111 l1111 11 11111zt 11 11 11111111 111111111 1111121s1 115 11 5111111111 E1 l1 111 11111 11 It ili1 11W 111 1111111i1 dunno111 11112 I11111r 4111 11 II IiIII IIII 111 31 Hum 11 111 111111 11 111121 1m 111 21 11111 11111 1111 1111111 1111 i11111gt1 1121 1n 111 Hit11 21 Il KY 1l1 111 711 11 If if 11 ll11h Mr 11 11115 111 1111 l1 11121111 1111111 also 111 11111t1 111 11 111111111211 11 111111 111 My Mi JIM Ill may Him mi itvl 121111 II II II II II II 2111 11 1111 111111 111 1111 11111111l III 1I11 11 1111I11II11II1 11 11 11111 3111 11111111 111 1t 1111 11 11111111111 lltl AN LSAMINlLll WANT Al 1I 111311111 111111 Aw 11 1nii121 11 11111111211 Hy IM II 11L 111it llliiiiitl1111111111103111 11111 11111111 111111mi 1111111111111111 12111 111111 151111L11 Ltltlil lltni 111 111 pi11 1111111 11 11 111111 11gto1 111211111211 111 11 1t ul 1ll111 111 11111 111 11211111 v2s 1l11 1111111 11 1t llt 111111114 111 1111 111 111111111 l1 and 3111 111111 1111 311 1111 Mr 1111111111111111 I1 IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII MI IIIIII MI 111o l111111e 311 land 311 1I111I HWIH lIIIIIIII Ml In 1711111 l11111111 T111 11111l1 has New 11111 1111 111 11111 11111s uarantee oods hahstaetory or Money Retunded H111 111 111111111 ll111 1111 3111 1111111111111 11111 11111111111 111l 11 1111111111 19111 WWW merim 311 11111111111 211111 lr 1I111m1l NHluuls llllk tum lilld1liStllllltltl wardrobe and ltttp 1111 11121111111th li11 111111 te11 11111V 111111 111311111s 1111111 appear 1111112111111111111111ram111s 1111 1111 1111111 111k11 111111 elitvol 111111 11111 1111 11e 1l11i 1111111 21111 1e111 21p 1151 1111 1111111 ltil pe11 111111 s111h 111s11111le pines 11111 111 1111111111111 11121121 that the pureham or home 1112111111211111111111of it youre 1111111 11111l llllltl Se lt11ve1al feasible Only $14950 See the Amning New of 1111 11112111 111111 excess 112111 11 the baek 1111d1111e211h 511111111 iihllltiil and flatten 11 11111 11 perlornis the double dutv 111 11111111111 smart and res 111111 111111121111111 511111112111 11 11 1s 112111111 TI 11211I1121y IIIIIII Brought to the other the other enly REFRIGERATOR IMMEDIATE 111 was tale of recordbreak in sunflower plant urowun 111 the lliflldlll of Lloyd Spenees home 211 iblidhurst The plant heats any1 Mrs 11111111 Mr 51111111 has 11111 51111 111 11111 the 111111111 111 1111 d1str111 111 Sports 111111111111 b1s1 11111 11111111 Thu rwmd grow my 11115 VWHS 111111 1101 10 Ultiunti M1s 1011 51211111 sehldl 111l A1111 hounti MI was 1IIHI PM 115mm Ilhele are 1he stoek and there maybe more The sunflower started to ALLANDALE HARDWARE PHONE 2044 34 Essa Rd Allandale lIvet iopeninu tip on it lt11 thiek 211111 crowded alone the lstein that it took three people to The plant itself is no by 11111111 them ere mo ide wide selection of good quality used furniture floor coverings coal and wood stoves 51 heaters and many other house hold articles will be sold by public Mrs Wilmot Atkinson Ls11111 gathered The president Abs 1111121111St VincentS Park 111 by Tinnus Money 211111111 liuy 1111111211 to enable him to put the 1111111 one higher Mrs Williams and Mrs Melntyre at present T12 blooms on then took charge Two interesting lpapers were read and Mrs Tayloxi11111111114 11115 1111111 with Russell d1reeted 21 contest During 1111 Harris 1111111111 presuhng 21111l Villlltd mtlllll Ml+l11s liverard 11211115 assisting as 111111 Mr and Mrs liliis 11111111111 11111111111 last week and buds are still meeting 21 The blooms were wnmut AtkinmnI was with 21 life membership by the se 11ne1nbers urging them to attend 111 111155 11111115 net Meltlarter Mrs tliftord llarris l0 the meetings The meeting1 elosed lint111s eleeted 1111 1031 um ers Russell Harris jwith God Save the King follow 1111151111111 Russell Harris 1112 The 11131 reunion Will be held in led by lunch presid 1111 2111111 MeMasnr Sttt SilllltlWilltl larlt 1111111ur1 1111 Mary Mrs llverard llarris treasur the third Wednesday in IJuly 211 Morning Cup of Teen Good for Housewilei LONDON August 1GP Thcl government has given its blessingl to one of Britains favorite morning liabitselcvenses It says 10minute break in the the paper is not Waste of time said the governmentsponsored Na 1iona1 The energy to go on with the mornings work The institutcs sanction for Ielevenses appeared in its official magazine which also made these observations The Iwho labout tidiness anddislikes having both 11111111111 to Montreal the best 11shes 111 all who ded the party ks Lake 1131101 llt ANI MRS Rtlllliltl liltillttlI lieAllAM are seen 2111111 111111 111ar1iaste in St Andrews Presbyterian thureh on July 22 Mrs l1A1lam is the former lraee Aileen llutehinson 121111111111111 Mr and Mrs Seymour Hutchinson of 0111 Station 111111 111111 and her husband is son of Mr and Mrs Robert MeAdam= PHOTO BY HARRY ROOKE 111111111111s 11 the 11111111 11111111 111 11 your old 121gt11u1 II 311 118111 lelnty1e 1111 the lulv mm Hm meeting 111 laeks Lake Womens the brow 11 1111111211114 11 to PM 111s121111e Iquris Reunion NATIONAL llUllSlC SHOW 11111111es not 11111111111 1gt1It11111ll 221111 horse shows 1121v been inlI 1111111 111 the National llo1se Show 11 1111111111111N1111111 llxh1l1111o11 1111511211 led11111s delays have been 111 1l The roll call was illlSl1lt lh 11111111 111111 1111119 111111 awed by 111111111 by Mrs Taylor in 11 1111111 111 St Vincents lnhln 1e 111111111 The 1111111 11f 11111113 II IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIII 1I 1111111 11111111l1 1111 11 11 IIIFIMM Hum IIImLII to hold 111111lt 111111 1111111 him In in ndlilHl mm 1h Hmum lmh Xi 1111 11111111111 11 t11111 15 mm FrlduyI Sept 111 year by the 111see1111an1s 11f lreder SzmlmmyI Sva oI 1I 111k and llhza llairls who came to iIIII Canada from 111111211111 and settled 1111BURNISIISIII om BHIIIIII1I 1111 1111 151111 1111 SW11 VtSlllil 1111 111eas1111111 five feet six inl was 1iven hl MeFarlane 1111 supper an interesting business WWI weleoinell11111211v 11111 Mr and Mrs Ernest Harris MFR 110W lk 1110511111l Mr 1171111 applied the 111111111111 Mr and Mrs Norman lloutihertl iwith an interesting speech auditable eonmuttee bl1sernon len tary Mrs Atkinson thanked 1111 continued with the dilferent busi 111111 Mrs11lo11111111 Seott 1lrs1211 i111 Mus113111111 Harris sports 111111 pm Their Engagement Annonced mine for 21 cup of tea is goodI at least for the housewife break for tea and look at of Houseworkers will gain fresh Institute housewife is one worrying housewife herself out fussy wears auction on be en Extensivealterationsiandrenovations to this building to make it modern furniture store necessitates immediate disposal of all used furniture stoves etc The following is only partial list of the many items to be sold Barrie to walnut finished bedroom suites Several odd dressers and chests of drawers kitchen cabinets occasional chairs kitchen 11111111115 and tablespbreakfast suites 52 and pc Chesterfield suites 1111111 chesterfield chairs Several buffets cupbOards and Sideboards 2781pc diningroom suites halIlracks settees mirrorsgtItable lamp and floor lamps drop back couches water glasses and dclf everal small mats oak sectional book cases end tables ak roll top desk andswivel chair steel and woodenbed springs and mattresses radiosi cots and single beds seve a1 extension tables and chairs show cases screendoor window screens NEW panel door severa odd windows and doors lawn mowers cook stoves hea erg venetian blinds remnants and used floor coverin platform scale band cultivator and many other usef items ABSOLUTELY NoltESERlE BU ET TERMS SPROULE Auctioneer SMIT FURNITURE STOVES m1oouro11uoooooo ther routine upset IThe happyugolucky housewife Vilives Ihpsband and family by her tin 1punctuality and lack of method The ideal housewife rial taSks and finishes 0110111111 MRSIE GORRELL have announced J01 before starting another GREATEST RATLWAYI svsrumiGorrcll to Andrew Alexander Sandy Russell only 5011 Of 24149 miles of main track and ing it the greatest railway system in America in muddle and disturbs finds the st and fastest way for each job lists other household members1 enag youngest daughter Miss Marjorie Lenore iment of their The Canadian National Operates Mr and Mrs Russell of Montreal The marriage will itake place on Saturday A11gust26 1950 in Central United lchurch The bride is graduate of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto tat trackage of 33046 miles mak west The contest THETESTOE TIME Since the year 1876 Simmons Co have been serv ing the people of Barrie and District with furs that do stand The Test of Time WE HAVE MAINTAINED POLICY OF QUALITY AND STYLE AT GENUINELYILOWER PRICES You know you can depend on your Simmons S1 C0 Fur Coat Phone 41123 Est 1876 IFURRIERS Attractive Cardigans Available in Sizes 11 to 20 LAllI SUMMER TllAltMlIlt that takes to Fall casually 21nd smartly Good quality Botany Wool Elasticized band in front and at neck Ribbed at wrists and waist Choose from prey baby pink aqua wine black chlers Thrift Price $379 BEBOP SNOOD LOVELY RAYON 1t TOTION in filct weave with 12in gros grain ribbon tie Fits all hand sizes Choose from eye catch ing shades of red blue green pink Iwhitc 29c AT SELLour PRICES CATALINA PC BATHI ING SUITS satin lastex red maize white sizes 32 31s II $595 RUBBEuiiAruiNo Shoes White with red green or blue trim Sizes $109 86 $1739 GIRLS JEANS double stitched Seams sanforized sizes 81 12 $2149 women llAlS 111 101011111 Italian straw Some with frilled trim 300 BOYS DENIM HUNGAR EES pants and overalls Sizes 14 $155 BOYS COWBOY SHIRTS Cotton sanforizcd plaid trim Sizes 16 $155 CHILDRENS SUN HATS of printed cotton sizes ML 290 ZELLERS LIMITED Q5QQQQQQQQv 5QWQ QV poised for 1121s11i1111riu111 entrance into Fall See these economywise Values prieed 1ll v11111n your Budget Home Needs also featured SllOlllNU URS 9111 111 ii p111 Daily ed 010 im 12 noon 511 010 11 p111 II Styles Showinand thers HERES SllHZ FOR YOU Zellers new arrivals 111 smart Iall Milhnery 11 11111 prueyou 111 Models above and others of rayon vel want pay shown vet erisp rayon taffeta or shiny rayon satin trimmed with bright simulated pearls and dandy rib Blaek Beautiiully hon veiled navy Colorful Crisp SIZES 14 to 211 and wellworthlookingat assort ment priced for smart bud getmaking See them tomor row Tubbable $249 ROUND THE CLOCK IN IfriIllE HOME these smartly styled crisply detailed Home Frocks will be your choice for now and later Styles shown are but hint of this BARBIE PHONE 2439

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