Isl V111 24 Illl lHIfltll III It IIII ItIHI 54 cziiiirl l11 14501 INIOIUI li n1 An irt=111 Lllttllcrl In Iixillllililru lowntm 11oth lltti scr Servicc 11or than 291ch nadir 13133311 in Garden to Keep Flowers Blooming In hot weather Ironic garileimr like other people like to 1113511 do many of their plants yllkli 11 Swim iiti Ill 111 tlowirs succc it day if they art seed and go Hill It 12111 cut for the rest ot the nual producmg ly retirem season The gardener will have to llll promise with Ins natural tions to the extent of chitin1 faded blossoms if he wants to lictii ltScniituls which have tinishcd their first dis play of the season may be tlltlllil aged to bear second crop of fl ers If they are cut back as they should be if only to keep the gar den looking trim There are so many annua no general rule can be applied to all Alyssurn can be tinnned back with shears Centaurca and other kinds that bear crops of blossoms may be cut down severely and the perennials bearing second crop from new growth Some like the annual pop1 bloom and die and must be ession sowings of seed Others like the zinnias and marigkds need only flowers plants llltllitd flowers blooming 360 STAKE Vii TOMATOES TOR UPRIGHT IX NR CROSS EARS that Til1 room mu rerr 11 ARE NEEDED FOR SEANS ANT SUCH PLANTS As DAHLIAS AND LARKSFUB will behave like FY so renewed by succ DRUSH FOR PEAS AND FLOPPY ANNUAlS AND PERENNIALS have theirl and continue beautifull removed will faded original grow and produce more owers until killed by frost Experience must be the guide in but there need be no about geingfoyer beds and borders regularly and cut ting off faded flowers and unsight leaves and stems This might be called garden harboring and is constant need neglected plant ing soon loses its charm Properly staked plants insure an Lack of proper staking means that you are reason ably sure to have some wrecked and messy beds later in the season am or wind storm is like which naturally have sufficiently sturdy to standhp under such circumstances Set the stakes and tie the plants before they come into bloom ithis type purely local in chary hat will not iactcr do have readers interested lant look stiff and ob viously tied up cannot be done after it has come into bloom For plants of lighter growth that are apt to sprawl and be of untidy habit twig gy branches carefully applied make the best supports The tall snap dragons need staking back and tied the tall types throw out branches and become pyramids of bloom The long terminal spike is sacriced but much greater quan tity of bloom and finer garden dis oli play is obtained ge plants stems not garden care hesitation good job of staking make the If pinched orderly garden heavy lgioknoek over tall and heavy ll Made with rubber to withstand moisture dampness and alkaline Transform your cellar into beautiful playroom Easy to use jhree lovely colors BUYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER I9 CLAPPERTON ST NEXT TO BELL TELEPHONE BUSINESS OFFICE Freex DeliveryPhone 5206 STEPS FROM Tm POINTS 786 Lawyers War Against Pate De Foie Gras Iis Ililt hl IIt iccsc I1r1rcrl 1111 13 ic 111v 11ll 111 1cztov1t1l ltic ll1i orn o1 lic yozliis iiios 11111 lizrlc dc Iotc ll z1l1 lid 17 son Sll pound 11 Manic lloiliiazcz uliis lili lxc 1v1111 ilII1l oa it 11111 no 511111 Liliis he thinks enily 1111 liiinzs is tasty and nypinsiyo Igt1 II In kinw that ho could 11111 c1siiy catch l1c sumo liyci illt lin goose vc arc 111111111 ho Illil tlzinlr twice bcforc catint 11 lliis tirinaioiis cruclly iuiist loo and vo intctid to stamp it til FlybyNighl Artists iOn The Job Again lllriirmct lostl Attor Iltc first World War tlit cilics icicivcd an influx of smooth lilllfllil salcsmcn who were Stlllfltll 11I1IllIIlL 1n booklets luolisl pamphlets programs etc clcl clo and lhc samc influx has start1 od again Tho smart boys figured thcn as now that if they could appeal to tho public advertising sense of those they were soliciting on hcir sucker lists they could sell 1dviitis1ng by the bale The natncs of many new merch ants and business firms have been added to these sucker lists and the salesmen are wending thoir way over the country solicit ing for these publications many of which are questionable Every one is happy with the exception of the merchants who are paying and paying but getting no results There are exceptions of course to the present run of useless ad vertising schemes Local service clubs Societies school papers and magazines and few others of yenough to warrant advertising in tllltfll publications Actually most of these societies would be far better off if theyi iasked for straight donation In lmost cases donation is what the ldonor is giving and the possibility inf liimiecciving even small re turn from his advertisement is very remote It seems amazing that most of the victims of paid advertising gare merchants These men know 1the value of good advertising Des ipite their knowledge they still con tribute The appeal to their public spirit or patriotism is what usually up sets these otherwise hardheaded business men Particularly is this true in this locality where every business man has direct role to play in building up the commun ity Possibly the same advertising schemes would not work nearly so well in large city like Toronto Here the average merchant and business man knows little of his citys business Each individual is sufficient unto himself in the larger places but in place like gether The next time some bright eyed man or woman comes toyou with an advertising scheme of which you are not sure tell him foccme back Then sit down and analyze the preposition he has made you Will you get any good from placing an ad in the sheet he representS If you do placeman ad are you stire that such placement will not HOLLAND SHOWS FOLDAWAY FURNITURE AT FAIR furniture trends is an accent on 11 Holland to be shown at the i1 1311 111 tlncagto A11t1 TH connoztziblc and prntc1l ducts of lnucd Stans main 11 exhibit at the hair the niizil its LLJIIsliLL 400 RURAL CHILDREN LEARN TO SWIM TADPCLE MINNOW AND FISH CLASSES II1gtr tli ihxtllltlA tittrr oi to 1111 it Iltll lii111l llt lilm l11 i111l1 not 121111 llitl Ilian Il1ll of II 11111 to lo swii utiisuall litllll 11111 l11 li1i liltiliilV citl IlllEllIll laubaushcin llti lt11ioi iylltl call llltll iiltl Iiil llcd iwm lloructi lilllfli 1111 lltllsiialr lumping into iinniinv Iltl yards Ill 1111 on lulili for l1 yairls 111i tituiizinc 1l1l for two tniniiics award sonnlz1t tii1cr ltl111l y1il on the back t1o tor the Sciiior award 1tl1 its illllrkillll swim and lillllllllllt 111 frond Worlds 11le tltillll The Tar or ju lilillt 11rltlnli liztcrnicc xiol llt lo pi 1i criiiinancc 1219 luii1t b1 llitl litltt Tlu litters lll All llll 1111s 11l1 11111 ten 11h 1ill lull 11 itt N111 112i Pa liayi not litllllltil the program land Illii illlli llainy days lllltllill or instructor artificial respiration swimming tcclinirpic l1 I1 served to kccp the classes 1117 111 on days when swnninini 11 1m watcr safon iicilt tii1u Films procedure havo shown and discussed The llctl Lilillll is jointly yiincoc ounty 111llllt also swimming proU sponsored by tlichig Break For iServiCe Families 1oss lttlillllilfl servici 11nd local Rod ioss branches and omons Institutes living given by 1uluuislienc l1rk and lottcnham Instruction Vootls at icoigc Attachment Eliminates Tedious hcmline stitching rirc doing big job in allowing per Scwing Machine This inc produces invisible ChLS SWIM Im arations once regarded as symm skirts curtains tablecloths dresses childrens clothes towels dressing table skirts etc The Blind Stitch Attachment can be quickly attached to the sewing such covers sheets ii scllil llAsillt cruiserks 11 lit 111111111 lillllil BREAKFAST Slllb $495 $595 $625 of picccs tltll cups sauccis illtxxti 111d itllltl plates breakfast plates ttItitl bowls and llllli nappies lhicc fascinating pattctns WIRE 1511 SCREENING Illtlllr irccn and liilvo tray AT AND llOllt SIIAICRWARII GREEN FRONT HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS jWhere You Buy More For Less llliltiflii Illil AKli PLAiiI iAlilI lllllitlyli15 111 111d KIIIIIIIC KARF wcll lit1igt tiblirr lilty All lAl c1511 31121 liltYtTlIIS and lltlthCth Ol IACK CANNERS 98104 Dunlop St North llay Nuggcli llii Iifllc rod schoolhousc lias HIEduh Illlihllligiiiti into uniform and is playing nan important role in 1th peace itime program of the armed forces land ll more than 2000 children of lscrvicc families are learning their Tedious Hond Hemming Quincy Schools 1111 kiddies oII lscrvicc lamilics accommodated at lyiservico stations and camps have hand is climirizitcdsucccsslully Irwin by the armed 0105 he St me by mm IiiIlth points across Canada and they it Stitch Attachment for the sewing jIllEICIlIIII developed by the Singer Crtnpany lpractical easytouse sewing mach attachment ihemming with perfect blind stit laborious work on home sewing assignments lingerie slip sonncl with cliildrcn of school age to keep their families together These schools arc part of the gov ltlllllltllls policy aimed at enabling service familics to reduce the sep inous with military life Married quarters are being provided as rap idly as possible but it was found that for families with schoolage children educational facilities were needed in many caSes In some cases as at the army camp at machine in place of the foot It can be used on Items that scambound edgestitched This used 1055101 folded biasbound or attachment light and heavyweight fabrics has an adjustable edge guide for Slslllons regulating stitching depth pinkcd ITCVV INCREASED PRIZES higher maintaining the Canadian National Exhibition Aug 25Sept has increased the prize offering by 20 per cent swine and some horse classes have been awarded crease in prizes of and Reflecting transporting showing cost The body of Gigyearold laul Godin aoove who harl oven the ohiecl of wide search through the wild rczion of Si 11tlllll livestock was fouan in the Oaaieau tones throw from the summer camp wlicre he was lfc had been missing Quail Sheep River Just for cattle 10 per cent in our Hanover everyone must pull to actually do you harm There are some publications that your name would be far better left out of Every place of business has an advertising budget If they have nt they definitely should have The next time you are tempted to buy advertising in questionable publication stop and think of your budget you couldbe treating it and your business unfairly 11 RED CROSS SERVICE WINNIPEGCPAll demands for blood from hospitals in greater Winnipeg during the recent floods were met in full by the Red Cross blood transfusion service With total of 729 bottles from other cen filled THE EXAMINER CAN FILL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 24M al Bureau of Investigation New York City en US Army Signal Corps ttan for questioning in con ts to the Russians during aborated in the ring of British atomic scientist prison sentence in us Feder Escorted by agents of the JULIUS ROSENBERG cen gineer and former em loye into the Federal B011 In in neetion with the leak of World War II agents in which Dr gured prominen Rosanne rgel 32yearol tres and considerable juggling in is take the city itself all requests were Manna om bomb same to have coll Klaus Fuchs 101 Fuchs is now Sftylll ix He is sai Emmi Barriefield Ont or the RCAF stai tion 2ft Goose Bay Labrador no public schools existed at all In other areas the nearest seliool facI nlilitics could not take care of extra and children from serv1ce camps and In most cases the service schools oceupy converted quarters but lnany of these temporary schools are to be replaced by new perman ent quarters Teachers are fully qualified and the schools are oper ated in accordance with the regula =tions of the province in which thev are located All three services operate the schools The navy has one at Dart mouth and plans another at HMCS Cormvallis the newentry training establishment nesr Digby NS Army schools have been set up at Shilo Fort Churchill and other pointswhile air force schools exist at such points as Greenwood NS and Fort Nelson BC In some caSes the schools have almost category The one operated by the army at Camp Borden for exam pleuhas 1511ooms and more than 1375 pupiigr Not all are as large as this Typical of many of the schools is the one at Clinton Ont where the RCAF has its radar and communi cation training centre As at other points it was found that existing hanclle children of service families oratory and lecture room were turned into classrooms Twenty lto IRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE 2414 ma normmum 1n11 1111 Your dog would like to present friend of his SONS WHO ARE TIMES OUT OI VII SllOlllI lllY lllE PER OI LiOlllS IIIICAUSIC NINE lllCAllll IS THE ROOT OI IIWIII OMIIINAIION OALvliilillClRlC RANGE Vlili OlllltAllIl VIIII lllll ELICCIRICIIY COAL OR WOOI NO OTHER STOVE LIKE THIS $34300 IIQU ALLY IRICSIO PRESSURE COOKER $1395 $1095 $1995 $2195 ItllnylASlliiR COOKER $1895 the oven small apartment lOIlZI RANGICITIG Slightly shop soich SCREEN DOORS ANI WINDOWS chp the pesky flies out raisin ram ELECTRIC runesns ilrlthN lilWICR BED BORDER Folding lengths of 10 ft 15 TRY SPRED SATIN FOR ALL INTERIOR DECORATING BMSTBONG Phone 2801 L$$SS$SK$$x$$$$$$$8$$$SS$tux HARRY nAccsAss grown out of the country school public School facilities cOuld not and the former photographic lab one children are attending school therevand their lessonsare given in strict accordance with regula tions ofthe Provincerof Ontariomq DOUBLEBURNER OTHER MODELS UPTO $1295 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES COMPLETE STOCK or WIRING DEVICES FOR THAT EXTRA PLUG OR FARM JOB STORES GLASS WA ley SlLIS Ice Ilitllli fur with 11 1111111L11 El 11 ltiiglit tioral tliillldllol Ahllllzlt llillli llftk Sills Ice hp llll 111i 11 tumblers 11x Whitc iloral iltttllnlitrli GLASS lAlhR Slvlln large lcc 11p piicliii 11 lilillil1l or llulrtisli tlttlildlitll 111 1111221 and green coloriiiy KNOWN lO Illii llAlillUAIJA OUT lllN YOU WILI ltINlllllAl ILL THEIR UNIINVIAISIJC DISIOHIIIONS lOlOlllil WASIIICRS 5119511 $131350 $111150 $15430 More washilay value in the than 111 any other washer lcims avail able to responsible persons lAllLl TOI RANtllZITII Ihrcc elements on top two clcincnts 111 The ideal rangcttc for the SK995 HAIR THE FARRIE EXAMINER RANGES $16950 FEATURE Year Guarantee Safety Pilot Light WITH TIMER $18450 SPORTING GOODS BASEBALL SOFTBALL GOLF BALLS 49c $139 FOR TENNIS BALLS 39c $115 as BAYFIELD ST 31121 $1111 Itll yclloyv Slfitl oconiot ye $2500 lllacleans Magaziiic Five hundred and ten You know got feeling you left the forard gate down ADVERTISE IN mww URRYS FOR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES HOT PLATES RANGETTES RANGES AT POPULAR LOW PRICES jHEFMASTER Heat Tubular Elements MARK r1111 SEE THIS POPULAR RANGE BEFORE YOU SELECT YOUR RANGE TERMS ARRANGED rAiis j$S795$895$1695 $295 $495