lt ll for iizr tictt lltfs oi IIII tiio ImrlIi lilt Irvl Itoill ftti iii tll vii IIIII It ll lltli tI Ilt It lti ltllitltllill in two Add Ii izi vllllll tii IJIEIH Ilavies to lift it oiiIiII for the fttttlltl lilftt It tin li and the totlv tanip IoIiI It fit piiiI Ii llllttlltil IIiiuI IiiaIIIl litni iii IiIIltIIt ltl lift in titll onnd innintis lot in Inn II IlttlIItI ball Iii lll KittilI Irtllf Iioiii the tliiIII illI ltt in tin Ital he titlIIIltI llllll ttil mule ltlltItt tonne of tItiiizth IAllilil KHIIILHI t=ll YIII IIHIIIIIII zit it Ilil III iIlIvy iiltI IIIIIiI ftiltl to lift and now only holds 011 lltlklidillt point lead over Frankl loiiiphts panic at Queen will al IttltIl the Itlltt Itllllllt chain Iloilrlilti NI eitlieless Ilatt was brilliant iiil Illt field and made great catch on fluorite lilcs fly into short iiizlit ltlillt field There were many prominent tig Mine was item all the way loe llrewer with three singles and first baseman Steve lliiies with tII equal number also paced the Motorineiis attack atcher Jim IVIctTiiidy had field day with two iiii1les on three official appear inces and two free passes to first George Leflear Ab Bowen and Jerry Itllllltl with two hits each paced tanadiaii General Electric Strange to say there wasnt an extra base blow throughout the nineinning test llarris MotorsBrcwer 3b llines lb Miles 21 Snache ss Shewcliuck cf Mctfurdy Stevens rf lzivcit Davies Bulldozer Work FENCE ROWS CLEANED CELLARS DUG All Kinds of Bulldozer Work Contract or by the hour Phone 13116 Stroud or Apply Bill Watson Stroud SPECIAL The New VAUXHALL tion today HARRIS MOTORS CAUSE FIRST ExtraBase Hits 82 PLACE BATTLE TONIGHT WITH WIN OVER THE LEADING l1iz tfetors tltltlltlllt tllalllglmlls of Score For AIIiston CGE Ltltl ziitba in laldtcs oi cellar Queens Park 11$ 23 iiIuiiipIi over loopleid third liaasda tll jlIl they lilltllMIl 131 with tiiIdii lentrat lainrag FIyers Support Rally iutlfi wt II trIJlI ELIE oi lung ll it lIt itliil Ilwpia yo itlIIii ll tia Into Li Lloii Id llaiiw Ilttl III TIIIIII lint Il iIvt til iiII tam llllr liatiitith IttIti tllltl lttt IIttptn but ltiIllIIIi cann III the when Ios iIIi Iloiittoi IIti Iitltll iiI Iv gtt unit control ciop IIt ll tt It Itl Iileilr itlid in II toal tiaiiutpool oie ptviiit llilIIIi tttiivIittl Ill with IIl IHI 1ri II tilI It old lillli oii fIiI pztit gt llll IItl didnt hit otci lIti IlItl in Iliiltlltl ill in the vitamin fiiiic but II litli lIIsoIi and of IIIIscIHs ll ti lItIIi tit lilixII IIiI Iiiois and IIIIII IIiI Itil IIttf utilf Ifl tltvlilill runltlt iIIlIIIf xltllt iIliii lIIl lzltib Iiiti iId two itin le liaisiintittl out zlltoii ktflllllllttl III the titR luI Intiuiiv id ll liltllllii ltl tiiaitl IIIIII aloof he lttiiltlttl sIIll Itht ltopia Infield ftIItiI tito iiin IllItlIlll Iiliiii Iii live and illic lfll iIftlI ltllllll Ile ilIItiItI lonr Int lfilt liie tllliilM of the evcniiitl was Illlii and lion hattt II Siliillttl foi IIII Itiop Iiattiitt leader IloII IIatlII 15 took IIl dropped roIII lusty gltilll pan the liliile 1mm lliopia tool the limit Iii the third Ilillei to itIWrti finch is lIttI IltI error ItlI recentd ciIIIIt IIIIUf Hiott II Ilnvlt Illlllt Iltltll ll lI lillili When tiaiictt and Illtiilti lived on tilisttlts IIIJIIIL SetIiIy Iliyeiu luithase III Ytllli IltIJLIl illi IiIIIi llltlliltl Smith Ilb MIIaaii llll llyeis hltlaotl lliitIlIIIisoIi of IIiiiins lIlectiic SolIIIII Iraiit and laul Iittllilri singled two runs called out on Ilore play at the iplale Utopia lost the seivtccs of catch llob Elliott on the first pitch of Ithc name Ilc suffered dislocat ed thumb and was forced to Ittire IIennctt took over with Don Shat tell moving to third laiil IImms was seldom unnerv ed despite the tension of the nip lie fanned ll bat ters retiring the side on strikes in the sixth Miller victims Dan MacDonald Al McLeod llill Grant and Paul Emins secured one hit each for the victorious Flycrs with two paced Ellis Shaftell and Vic Ea ton garncred single hits MacDonald 3b Gar rett ss Elson lb McLeod Grant 2b Emins Itawn If Campbell cf Frid rf UIOlIA McMaster lb NI Miller Ellis 2b Elliott Mill er If Racliar cf Eaton ss Jennctt 3b Meltfaster if Sliattell 3h Ellis If Iruax lBariie Utopia opened IIltItttII IItiiiltrt III tttwt 44 while McLeod was loi III tniiitiinIiIii Spence ZIII IItiiij It Witw Sllitlir Iiiit Ittl vi non lf IIIili IIItlIINION llnzpires Iltiiry bases Ill llll lllltl II Ioneli plate tires Iii the Harris Motors victory IIlllliltlti ltcd liero was oiiei of three leadiiip hitters for the Hill llll three shrubs but also contributed two ltllls besides playing Iltttllllll fitltllll game Ilis throw to the plate in the fifth timing which retired lerry lrib andtuck score Palgrave Ivy or 15 Hits zi racked fivo sfrikcotit lalerave coiitiiutcd to strengttheii ltonApblo leiii their Iiold on first place in the Iliid Ilroufn IIIIltti Iltitf ttttllfl IIaitue base Itozti Illilll Iliadioitl ltir lllt it If Itvlhis IiostIt IItd tiill Don Utopia McMaster Baseball week South Sinieoe standings last trounced lvy litt Iieii BARRIE it llllt Illllltl shared the lalgrave victory behind Li 15bit attack by their inatci on two Ivy iiioundsincn llltlllil out ll lIIttl WH MIMIC th um um lliehm started on iniiiniis giving hits fanning lili Wallace tworkcd four three scattered walking one took over in the fifth and was taL god for four hits three coming in one frame when lvy tallied trio lle allowed four hits in flirtc inninus fanned two walkI ed six and struck one batter 200 092 012 099 04 and butter DAB GEilhurlow LeGeai ssllatt cf Bowen lf Mallioii 2b Turn Ibull 2b Gribbling 3b Lawrence lb Martin rf Score by innings illarris CGE of counters lalgrave did most of their scoring in the first three frames when lvaii ISpcers worked the hill lliey slain lnied out 10 hits for the same iitiiii Vber of runs in coasting to victory 411 700 00013 14 350 000 000 13 Umpiresllerb Dyment plate El Crawford bases PROMPT TREATMENT Prompt treatment of minor cuts bruises and bums may prevent lHoran It Burns Willicc illfl ll By HANS GROTTKE small injury from developing inth ywahc mnowed No home or place of business should be withH otit wellstocked firstlaid kit toi Inieet such minor emergencies Iappearances at the iPalgraves attack with two hits in nfi ti air cc each See Drive Buy with that powerful six cyl This week we offer fine selection of recondi lndel valve 111 head momr tioned used cars Yourold car can be Used as Arrange for demons dtfn payment the balance throughbur GMAC Payment plan Ask us about terms and insurance l947 Pontiac SedanBCylinder Ii l947 PIymouthSedanHeater radio small mileage new car condition 1946 Pontiac SedanHeatertn16tor over ke new heater radio to T941 Chevrolet SedanNew tires new l948 Pontiac Sedan Delivery small mileage new truckycondition 1949 Chevrolet panel heavy duty tires 9000 miles like new USED CAR for Carner of Bradford and him Streets RY MOTORS YOUR FRIENDLY xhall and GMC Truck Dealer PHONE 2449 otor COmpIete SAVINGS LOND PontiacBuick Vau OFFICE2 MARY ST BARRIE Span Standings =Illlll Itti Lions South Simcoe AllStars to Play Aug II ii tit it tIlt 111 11 it Illlillll llt tgtti it lHlt loidi li IVIIIIL ml II II II ImA Io Ii ii Iw oii II II rt out1 Il ll lIIItI II ite it Intzm ilaiijv ilito int im Icv IIIIIIIIttl Illllllr Illl vli ttlII III IlttI Iloioll IIIII IIop Il ldll to Ind it fin tI Itll 11 itl fitl iiwl alkaloid want ii Iiioii III iiiiiilti IIII Liitp II tilltttl tflilt Illl ftttsvlli lttllliI tiiiin IIttiii luI Illtllzlam IIiIlIlI plelm IIIII firt Ilit tll IllittIIHlI LIIIIIIII Motoi third Ken iiiitltiis llixtifozil lln ltllitllj Itiitrv field lllllll liitlii Iiison tliuiiliiil III IIiIlicr ookstowin coach itiiesliaw lIiiiiIlls mgann ISOtar Oliver with three hits in four plate topped livgl Specially Written For The Barrie Examiner llockey may still be Canadas niiniht one sport but the inert in popularity of football during the It vanSp cers and Broley headlast few years certainly pIaIes thi ed Ivy with two safeties apiece ipit kin pastime high on the Domin Ions sports calendar offavorites Take this year for instance All if the nations topflieht grid IlllllitIUILII it is only luly And the inns sccin lust as enthusiastic So many spectators lined the field for the first Toronto Argonaut had difficulty in watching his play is perform The Argos incident the Grey Cup battle this year if sheer numbers mean anything lliey had 69candidates otit for the first practice and 34 the second Ifol their initial 1930 appearance in driving rain stormu 1le Rough ies will provide tough opposition this season especially if Tony tGol in Ottawa football CilJICS def initelyrmrankl astheteanmti CELLS cause few surprises this year West Busy Too the football ladder Ainerican fullback Illl HAKKH 113A HI Bowen and Smith Combine to Win Bowling Prize JTBURSTS PROMINENT LS ATTACK BUT FALL IN FINALS Coiling Gains Tie With Barrie wood Intermediate Postponements Announced III III tlll llit llllll Hagan BIOWS Top Midland Awarded Exhibition 90 IIIIiItiIiiI ittll iii Illl iCtIiInicl litIu Ivllt tl lllt IIHI ltlilt Illll luiir of 0370 lllli llllLNlilI smartly lIttl oil tanner tIII iatiiit ll bd hi tIIIillIt II tJlt fIctItl lt lllllli lil til lIll llItIil Iiid tli it twin Fttiatian Iii IIliti play otter llaiit Iii tllll Idi llllt IIt Itl Iiiit IIIii nitlo up IIIII Arline war Io tos lfttlltgtll of yoni NH Itlv ltlflltllt Ilui 3th lllltltltlll lllIsI in Inotitls totl1 lfllSl ligyltj ftitt lititlI Ill tlttI only in lion Sllll IRHIC iitl iiiilti liti info Iiaiiu III lltll 1o singles limit it print ltllil iii oi leiniIIbI lliIll field laiist Ilaio wait IIIIt 2nd llil ooii iiifii Ielne itlitt in to Midlaii II by Iii iutoiiiatic II II ONIILHT tiliiviais lixitw lliiilitll IIiiy lit uttt itli Tilidlriiiil ivitiiiw on rally the llIl anti tiiyaiIiiiii Iil 11 We have number SliNll liilJIGILYTI FRO TRAIN li Ilt itti flirt it lviit fer flown vii 1Cy Illllil fIiiII wiitl tileurains iiains rut iiiee pas itlti IlII the lli lII vdb is delitcr i51l plan IEI hot at tile on rat II blew up ilagan eart contest on balls and int Ittli1lillllil iioIiIle iindiizt ioIILI Itlil limit ElltLildliit stations tll ioiiiiiiitiii iIII 118 HENLOI ST Iiitll ft7lIfl Iltil yielded tlltlf iII IIulll Iziiiirt for llitIIillI lLItS passing slow batter plate tttEi and st thins lie fauzit II five llatzai fce Ittiii while cArtliIIr Kerr Siaehan Richardson vwplied Ill Iilllli lioisxi litloit nid irant Ioaiiccted for Midland lxu Tie ldland illfl hits Lav cs Ilai If ililll flflll ti III II inc otit in bottom of sixth when arded to Midland at lower Prices allots Glenn for Your ltiit iii the Stilt Wardrobe Cable stitch effect In colors of yellow are lflffnllltlf ll sires squads have already started train5 ine for the fortlieoiiiitig campaign iv ftinesingllurdle Ahead with l35 tin Over Copaco IillCSitlt continued to leap down the intermediate rider last week lucklcss MONARIH KNIT ttiiius COTTON DR II Iacticc that Coach Frank laii illy should be right in the tliickrof 395 SHORT SLEEVE Sport Shirts Grey blue and Softball they oiit lit5 when Ottawa Rough Riders turned out Umm IIiesIng The victory fourpoint affair hoved them one half game ahead tot Canadian Leifion Iii the race for lttzgtie leadership Iiick Roe claimed sevon strike outs to prove that pitcherernws stringer as the years roll by In excellent sting Roe outpitehed another vet cran 0f the diamondWes lerry lerry was the victim of seven inesing in the third trig which practically rsappcit cdlldiidwelliiig Packers igir figliting steam topacos iallyfconsistAed of single gruns in the seventh eighth and Illillllll innings Armstrong with triple and two gdoiiblesf George Cliappcl with triple and single Win Downey iwith doubleand single and luck Roe with tripleand single were in the batting limelight for iM inesing Don In sand only Sizes 3042 1en Boy Golab decides to come out of retirement as has bee rumored 295 SWIM TRUNK yellow All siresIE PENMANS TSHIRTS COTTON RIBBED White sand and yellow Montreal Alouettes last years lGrey Cup winners have also start ed limbering tip And with such stalwarts as Frankie Filchock Vir gil Wagner and Herb Traywiek back in the fold the AIS should hurlingr ball Minc $149 iuti attack by The other Big Four entrant Ham ilton ligcrCats appears psfthough it too isheacledtor abaiirer sea son More than thousand raiL birds were on hand to watch theI Cats stage tlicir first workout Coach Carl Voylcs Said afterwards he was confident that his team will waistband greykgreen Sizes 012 KIQDIES ay Suds The fotirsen10r teams in West ern Canada are also hard at work Winnipeg fans are said to be quite enthused over the signing of ndian JackJacobs of Green Bay Packers Jacobs is reported to be one of the best quarterbacks ever to dig clcat into western Can adian gridiron Then too the Blue Bombers have already lured Tom Casey hard plunging back away from Hamilton in desperate cff ort to get back on the top rung of Clare Widdes and two hits Simon Illiilvin Robertson with each sparked the Copaco attack Shorts and shirtsto match Grey sand basically the same team that almost captured the western title last year 1More than 45 candidates ttiriied out for the teams first practice Calgary Stampeders champions in 1948 and runnersup last season ace oddson favorites to retain the western crown again this year The Stamps have already en ticed Royal Copeland away from loionto lheyhave also added Vic Young of Winnipeg and Mickey Mc Guire fleet halfback from Montreal Alouettes to their roster with such established stars as Keith Spaith and Woody Strode Stamps again rate the nod for west Regina lloughriders will have em laurels brown blue Sizes Atlx 9319 I75 Dominion Edmonton Eskimos heading into their second fttll Season in the Western Conference appear im proved over last season when thcyi finished third Coach Annis StuI kus said he is till set as regards to players with the exception of an BRASS IIIEIIII LTII BARRIES LARGEST MENS BOYS CLOT At the Five Points Coupled the Ill II it HI Woo Third Game of Playoffs at Cookstown Friday poit IIm unit punt noti lEiI IliII it ItlIIIt III tit ti= ItllIIJIl playoffs In tin I3 lll lttsl Illftt out of the tih tIirtI tllH liiadloitl lilrfl lutots II tuuhslotui tliitlt orig llltlI silotint to liiistlay meat tlsll be IttlllllIU IttlJ III to lirttitrllittt ll tlgt ul otihslttl LI tic sItIIs tlitl II IIs iii boll THROW that BATTERY AWAY loud Iuili env til IIt ll repaint bf Import lllll nlll Illlllll Fast or Slow RELCHARGING Exide Batteries BRENNANS AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICES 33 Hayfield SL Barrie PHONE 2464 l2 3D Itlm 00fltfltttIflU HOW MANY TONS OF DIRT HAVE YOU SHOVELLED of burners in stock to be sold at this price but owing to the shortage of steel we are unable to guarantee further sliipmtnts at this price Monarch Refrigeration to lAltltlE PHONE 33059 0000 BY REGENT All wool Grey and sand BOYS DEPARTMENT Of cotton gabardinclell elastic Zipper fltllll Brown SATIN ELASTIC STRIPIID All sizes Swim Trunks Ankle Socks WihE blue and black 49C Small medium large STRIPED Polo Shirts All sizes 79C HING STORE Phone 5025 tftt