Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1950, p. 2

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1111111sands the Grand Banks was actually the was pretty jittery Half the re IIII 111111 Liquor 69144th SpaLilly Written For The Barrie Examiner 11y ll JONES 1il1 1111 111 AL =l1 Th grrut t11111111 W11 KLIIg 11 1111 1111111111 11 111 lion111 1111 the sign s11111111111 011 111 tout 11111 111 fi11rtttg 111 Chis 1111 111111 31111111121 111111 111 ilrt 111 1lr 11 11 1111121111 111 ll1 11111115 fliilal 111 111 111 l11111 1111 1l 11 itlill 1711111I11 1111111111 51111 121111111111 his 1111111111 1111311 QIchIc on Solar1 1111 1111111 July 113 probably would 111 111w 111111111 11 11111 way 13111 1111 111 1115 11111 111111 1111 11111111 11111 pinin 1111111gt111 of 111 11111111 1111 21 years 111111 the 110111 11111 In almost 111y newspaper 111 1111 1111111111 titSIIIli 1111 grutit 111 111 1111111111on111 lttltillUll 111111 Ias Li state 1111111111 In 11111w11 on Wednesday For two lays 11111111 his body had Iain 111 1111 111 1111 11111 of Fame In 1111 1111111r111111 buildings An 151111111 1111 112000 persons had Visited Ill 111111tlttlltl bier their last I1sp11ts linosurch 11 11 gt Sumt 1110011 Itl11l$ 1L1kcd the 1111111Is11111il route of 1111 state fun 111111 through Ottawa s11 ets on the 1111111s1111y four day 11111 111e 11111111 1111 the 1111111 11111 held the p111111 1111111s111s111p of his 111111111y longer than any other 11111111111I1lt 111111111 leader The weather was kind The sun 1111111 down the funeral pro ltllllll made its way from parlia 1111111 hill to historic St Andrews licrbytcrian Church where he had woislnppcd for half century Rev 11111 Burnt11 lllllllsltt of St Andrews and close friend and con fidante of the former prime min 1111 delivered the eulogy Il1 111scribed Mr King as greatest Canadian of our time and disclosed that the veteran 11111120111111 had confessed time and 1111111 that he felt Gods hand upon him The minister said that Gods guidance was real thing in his life and Gods presence lipid and joy that could make llltltl the very darkest hour The procession headed by four1111111 Mountie team with 11 gleaming black hearse flanked by lines of lophalted niorningctmted 11111111111Is then reformed and pro 111111d to Ottawas Union Station It went 1hrough lines of packed many of whom had waited almost two hours for this last glimpse At the station the body was placed aboard special train for loroufo where burial took place 1111 next lay in the King family 115 1111 plot The Ottawa demonstration of final tribute was repeated in the Ontario capital where thous ands packcd tiic streets leading to 1111 cemetery No Ground Troops lvcn while the capital was occu pied with last eulogics to Mr King reports were rampant that Canada would send ground troops to Korea But at the weeks end in dications were that Canada would stand on her present commitments to the far Pacifictlnee destroyi ers and squadron of transport planes The gravity of the Korean situa tion which has led to commitment of ground troops by Britain Aus tralia and New Zealand was dis cussed at special cabinet meet ing held aboard Ihe Mackenzie King funeral train en route to Tor onto But when the minister re turned to the capital they told newspaper men that no major de cisions had been taken There was no indication of special fall session of parliament such as had been promised by Prime Minister St Laurent should out further extensive aid to United Nations anticommunist forces in Korean Submarine Scare Uncertainty about the role of Russia in the latest international developments produced minia ture war scare on the east coast Naval headqdarters said wave of submarine sightings ifollowedi re ports early in the week that one Uboat had been seen off NewW foundlands Grand Banks and an it be considered necessary to com other in the Bay of Fundy The navy discounted most of the reports But late in the week it did admit that at least one and probably two foreign submarines probably had been in Canadas At lantic coast waters It sent out couple of frigates and some sub hunting RCAF planes but all they whales One of jrhe reported sightings wasdiscounted when it was dis closed that the UBoat which had been seenby Spanish trawler off British submarineZMAstute She was enroute home after exercises in Canadian waters But the avy said that everyone ports they tried to check proved tain Australia and New Zealand were Korea was undecided but theicwas no found Were few schools Oglack of volunteers In fact they were turning them aWayirom the recruiting stations hearts were set on fighting for democracy in Korea department spokesman said that during atwoweek period some 600 Canadians pushed their way into recruiting offices across the coun try All of them appealcd foyoffi cers to send them to Korea Newton Robinson 11 Ji1 111 111511111 Igt 11 Lil1ll 31 1111 111 141le 111 11111 11111 11 12 11 11 11111 9111111 gllt1 11 11 111111 ILLii Mr 1111211 11 011 11111 Salllltiu 1111111111 1111 lunioi 11111111 1111111 111111 1111111 11111 111 11 11111 Li At 11llltili dinnig 11 week Were 11 111111 11 11111114110111 oi l1lirlttl Alta It 111 BOND HEAD li 1217111 11111 August Netnly 111 111 Fall 11111 is 11 ishocks There Will be 1111 iSunday Augu1 111111111 11111 lIarvcy 111111 lrss 111111 Dutidalk w111 11111111111 111 Salu stIvtcc IlLI 17111101111 111111111111 931 51110 11111111111 1111111111 of the Montreal puma publishing 111111111 John 11111331 111 is slioyytt 1111111c examining the final copy of The Northern 11gtse111r iyliosc 11111111121111111 marks the end of 1111 familys 111T1111r 1111ys111ocr career The firm was 111111111111 by John 11111141111 1111111111 111 1141111 and continued by his son John 11111311111 111111 111 who died in IJll IIIderick liiiiy July 1111 Dougalls son who 11111111 11111 11111111 1111 1111 family 1111111111111 was Mary Ryan 111 ll1111111111 vis kiIIrd 1111111 s11v1111 111111 1111 111l 11111111 1111 last war Itmg at James MIIIphys Mrs George 11111111111s1111 is us LISLE July Ill i1ing her daughter Mrs Iiarlnr Harvey Mctiill Ioronto is spend IlIilotltu 1111 two weeks 1111 r1lutIv1s Mrs 11111111111111 Alhston is visiting with Mrs Jones Mrs Jack tiarducr Toronto visiting for Ie w11ks with Mr and Mrs Jim Smith Mr and Mrs Jack Leslie visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs liar v1y 11sli1 of lrillia llert larlt 1111111111111111111 by Miss Norma lnce 111111111111 to Niagara 1111111cIak1 1111 Saturday Mr and Mrs Conifer of 111111 wack RC called on Mrs 111111111 on Sunday Mrs lcrguson 11nd childr1n1 Pine Grove are spending 11 week until her mother Mrs oliison Norman Stacey loronto spending few Weeks 111 1111 home of Mr and Mrs Black Glad to hear icorge EDGAR August Mrs Kissick of Detroit visiting her niece Mrs Slcssor Miss Dorotth 111es of loronto spent 11 day this week with Mr and Mrs Lees Miss Genevich Clinrbonneau Calabogic spent the past week Ill 11111111 11111 1111111 In the 1111111111 11111111 111111111111 211111 11111111111 of people from here attended 1111 111111111111 reunion 111 Sunday at 1111 home of limb 111111111111 Sunniduh 1111111s 11 and Mrs 1111111 MI111111y1 111111 son of leiton 1s1111i with 1111 l111111 parents Mr 111111 Mrs lrank Sawyu on Sunday Mrs i1111ge liltthl Mrs Jimmy S11111111 and daughter J11111clo 11111111 are visiting for 11 few days with 11 and Mrs icorgc Iec Visitors at 1111 home of Mr and Mrs Anderson on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Iliilph Hunter and Wayne of Alliston and Mr and Mrs llandy of Everett successful shower was held in 1111 range 111111 on Friday night 1111 Mr and Mrs Roy McIntyre 11111 llalel llarci They received many useful presents good time was enjoyed by all C1nutratulations to Mr and Mrs Joseph lr11111y Inee IIdna Geddes who were married at Alliston on July 23 After the reception at the brides home the happy couple left on honeymoon to different parts If Northern Ontario They will make their home in Gall Mrs 1111111 Fort Erie and Staff Sgt 1111111 111 USA 111p 111111s111na visItId with and Mrs Irving 11rson on 11111111 Recent visitors with Mrs Lucas were Mr 111111 Mrs l1111o1 and children Mrs illltt James Toronto Mrs IiIIrkhoIdn Stouffvtile ANGUS August ll lIvuns is visiting his son Frank of Montreal at their s111n mer home 111 lurkrich The Day Camp will hold theiI closing day August 11 All parents and visitors are welcome The youngest son of Mr and Mrs George Traig is ill in the Sicki Childrens Hospital Mrs Blackburn is in the Royal Victoria llospital Barrie to un dcrgo an operation Cmgratulations are in order for is Ilails is is Visitors to The Larchcs in elude Mrs Perry and little 111 301 1on Benny of Syracuse NY Miss Mr and Mrs West of lleathcole Gap MsS Megucrson Miss Mr and Mrs Brown of Dalston Shorron and ML Ridpmh and My 21 MMuy 11Nlllliil MW Brandt of Toronto Joan and Wayne and Mrs Pages Square IsIt1d 1111 ML and Mis Mm 111m and Bum mother Mrs Gmmu Buy JNslpcniati KIfslmlmy The annual garden tea and baz Shelburne 11ar was held on the rectory Eleanor Mrs Beardsall of Bar hmunds Jul 19 BELLE EWART 11121113 aill 0f Hugh The weather was favorable but Ln 11 little bright sun would have been Julv appreciated Thcre was large rs HuchV SaundeIs of Ioron Tl wmmlmlt lddlmd Lrowd on hand to enjoy the after 11 when It was learned oi the sudden 15 51 mg 1331 ML am 01 Cwmwhqf noon tea and to browse around the Mrs Geo Baxter fic fmjmlr rcglfdljlnt mtm bazaar and white elephant tables Mr Von KHZ of Dmmbo Balm Sympathv is extended to Mrs Cav lhL 1mm bkmg was leiV pOpulal Chumh 35 the Speaker the Bill=1 as usual The fish pond and Ice 11 anagh and family in thcir bcrcave 1d 15 Fe un mem chm Ivar pop an L10 Bonner ls holldayS Muskoku rut01111111 by the LVOlmg P001310 The terrific storm on Saturdayl WC VLIC V011 DIORCd 10 $00 the afternoon caused considcraIJLi damage to gardens Trees familiar figure of Mr Blake who has been regular visitor to Shan blown down and 131ng branchisi strewn along the sidewalk ty Bay for the past 25 years This annual event provides pleasant Mr and Mrs Silcox and S111 Peter of Toronto spent Sunday the arrival of twin sons Mrs Coultcr and son of Toronto are spending their holiday with Mrs Coultrrs brother Eric CurA son of Angus Sunday visitors with Mr anrl Mrs Sanford Page were Mrs Pr pus Mr and Mrs Garnet Smith 1111 HoLLY July 31 Rosemarie Neil has bccn holi daying at Hawk liivcr Camp Mr and Mrs Mike BoIysewicV of Toronto are holidaying at Slessors Mr and Mrs Leighton SICSSO and Betty spcnt the weekend with Mr and Mrs Roy Martin at This tletown Ontario Mrs Schular Mr and Mrs Lorne Wice and Clarence Schular of Toronto spent Sunday at Dunns Rev Mr Muir of Allandalc Church will be taking the service at Holly United Church during the month of August Service will b1 at pm Visitors at Sriglcys were Miss Srigley Hamilton Gordon Srigley Toronto Jean Srigley Sudbury and Holbrook of Tor onto Mr and Mrs Blough of Ham ilton Mr and Mrs Brandon Mr and Mrs Robert Brandon and son of Hillsdale visited at Ray Slessors meeting place for old friends as well as an opportunity for meeting new friends and neighbors Great credit is due to Mrs Cccil Sutton and Mrs Norman Wortlgy who worked so willingly and untiringly getting the bazaar table ready and also serving the many interested patrons big thank you to all who had any part in this successful effort ela returned to the cityWith thcml after spending the past month hcrc LWThe anniversary service in the Baptist church will be hold on of Orillia Baptist church will be the speaker Mr Jackson of Chur chill will sing All are cordially i11 vited to attend to cabinet sending ground forces At Ottawa the It seems that lotof Canadian defence But at the momentCanada is not Mr and Mrs John Duckworth on TIC with her sister Mrs Quantz Pain August 20 at 730 pm Rev p111 31B 125 7130 ll ll llltltxli 82 Boss St Dr Wests 100111 BRUSHEng v3 Chcscbroughs CAMERAS 81 SUPPLIES VASEUNE Ior IImu licIIIrIs Io Itemcmlmr YELLOW BABY snowmr SPECIAL BROWN1E HAWKEYE BROWNIE REFLLX 5mm Modd 110011 DUMLIX Kodrv L111 1450 11031111 TOURIST No 610 vs L111 4850 KODAK 10011131 No 620 L111 Complete Flesh Stock of Kodak Films Always Available TETNLARGEMENT SPECIAr mi 1111 11111 To $110 Mounted in Bosnhlul 1101111 TAMBEL FOLDER 55 lxlia SHAVING CREAM In 1111 lo Sharing uni11H SOVTENS 39 ind 59C THE BEARD PONDIS Ask Tamblynsl WIDOWS ALLOWANCE Myj husband wii lulled achon duh pahu ing the wand world war and N11 smcc then have Ktcwcd mdows allowance II re omp to marry will lose v15 Dv 11111 co wll In Vanrshlng Iwu 191mm Liquclying FASHION TREND Is it Ovucv 37c ind 65c 11111 shirt will be shorter and NEW IMPROVED slimmer this 1111 It so whatl FLYTOX docs an overweight over 401 woman do Quick Killing Long Lasting The Finest of All Insecticides 801 29 1601 50 32oz 85c Kills Fires and Other Insects 11111111er mu 1011 A111 Bcauiify the 10 be 1111 Igvm to 11s 1le tic0 3011 neto 1111cmg 1101 11 oml d1 tor101tsoam1l CANNED RASPBERRIES Please give me good recipe to can ncd raspbcvviu One that willi pntiervc their fresh flavor Our bcit reccc 15 tbs Pmk chr the homes pack them In starIo pint cr quart pars T3131 lo1m smsnv 11111 is be packed so 11111 the beams 11111 not be Hosting 111 sumo when done When tars are tilted 011 on rack in citM 1m1ppraforcl 3C0 dcg Do not poi on rubpors or 1005 do on have 1m muchrig thn 11111 15 1131 111100311 and through and 1111ch has begun to draw out labour 25 m1r111icsl remove lars from own and 1111 to oLcrIlmmg w1th bong 31115 Adiust rubbers glass and zmc top screw 1011er ugliily and 111tori to 41251 for leaks AQUA VELVA Delightfully Cooling Alter Shaving Plcasc send your questions to KATE AITKEN 225 Inn1551 Toronto Ont 9CEIer77g4awo 1130609795 LENTHERIC 115 and With Dome Top Atomixer 150 and 200 bu BARRY c0LooNE 300 DOROTlIW GRAY Hot Weather Cologne 125 DOROTHY GRAY Golden 0111111 150 HARRIET HUBBARD 11an Golden Chance 200 DOROTHY GRAY While Lila 150 175 CHANEL Nb Nc22 and 61111111 300 550 TWEED ABIENTOT SELFHONING 5er STROPPINC NO BLADES TO BUY Now ONLY 935 1111112111111 MINERAL 1111 SACCIIARIN TABLETS SIEIIIIIIZ POWDERS SAFETKllilift SENNX LEAVES StuHui SUtLiEviiffff TIIIBIiIIrLooR 11211 1311111151R1NG125T29 iiiisrocairSILVERPGIISIIf2519 5111111 or riGs FOR QUALITY liSPBClALS 11151 01111111215 llilw 111102111111 51 11051111111135 29 55 98 R1 391 111101111U 11 2133 VITMIIV Ii COMPOUND TABLETS 16 or Rq 5110 29 0115001 v11 Johnson 81 Son lil1llili Il Phone 3994 Barrie SELTZER For llridichc Relief Take 11 limping Tcispooniul in Hill Class AND tlalanccd Compound of Five Medicinal Ingredients liulll IOOI not 11 29c 69 33 Rq 40 40 or Re 511 DR FOWLERS EXTRACT or WILD STRAWBERRY For51ultentul Treatment of 25 Summer Complaint at 33 m1 Bottle 1n Yo 1313 219 33 Rt 50 Rt 29 Holiday Kit in hon 11111 1111111111 PADS and be 11 IIICKV IEMIEIJIIIZS 15 13 1101117 GREEN $1111 177236 50 YARDLEY 5115 PREPARATIONS ENGLISH LAVENDER AFTER SHAVING LOTION 100 150 YARDLEY Louis coLocHE 159 250 YARDLEY LAVENDER SOAP 10550 YARDLEY 511sz row 1001125 YARBLEY TALCUM 55c 100 YARDLEY DUSTINC POWDER 175 200 Limaed Time Only Re 35c New Improved Reg 351 15 23 72 438 121 23 1113 it 13 113 27 39 Reveals Shining Beauty for All Types 23 39 Prepared Salve Application for Painless Removal of Coins FRQSSTS 217 TABLETS Quick Relief From Neuralgia and Painful Headaches MEN cusrouniis NUGGET SUN GLASSES 99 BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSING inn29114111 10 CORUX BLADES 1111495 IIIBLYN LIQUID BRILLIANIIIIE 25 LILAC AFTER SHAVING LOTION 293 GILLEITE BLADES i5p19 20101199 GILLETTE TEK RAZOR 11111 4sc GILLETTE 110ch1 RAZOR le129 rapist comss 25 PROPHYLACTIC CLUB BRUSH 14 PAL BLADES IHZIPAKio Br 25 HiiiiRiIiWLipES 41 101 121251 11113111113115 511111 BRACER $S BHEGK Family Size SHAMPOO 111111 DISPENSER Take Advantage of This Special Offer andSaYe 75c Both Ariicles for the Price of the Shampoo Alone 225 Value 150 ONLY mulaul git false and they putit all down as accepting volunteers on strictly case of nerves brought on by the Korea basisand Cthe voiunteers first reports of subsightings were told that Canada wants men forhcr armed fbices but only on Canadian Volunteers the commitment that they will go The week brought news thEtBri wherever they aresent Pl000ub000UlUCl HARRY MURDOCK Wheel iAIignmlenl Wheel Balancing Wheel Straightening 17 MARY sr PHONE 2202 7nderful way to pamper yourself an even better gift Its the latest fragrance by Harriet Hubbard Ayer light and heartcatching as Spring iiisitrftbitETiuiRM6755 RONSONOL LIGHTER FLUID 25 1111 9959 $UJERLAIIIER WW 59 scourge11601004412675 SCHICK INJECTOR BLADES YARDLEY souo BRILLWIIINB 65 Sweet William Dusting Powder 02150 Sweet William PerfumeCologne oz 200 593719 sHLVING BRUSHES vgt7 SIKQ Jaw49 206431 nRoEnnRrrmc 40175511 CIGARS CIGARETTES ran11 tar Tamblyn Drucj Store Phone 2650 STORE HOURSTue 711111 830 aim 830 pm Wed 830 am 101230 pm Sat 830 am IO pm Sum 12 to pm 79 pm Civic Holiday 10 am to pm DELIVERY Phone 2650 Allevi Hours P111111 3871 Barrio 0041000000001 Barrie Ont 060

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