10 Till IHRIUL IA NIINHL llll RnltH lllilt1tt MARKET PRICES PORN as AT AUG 3150 HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY llltKLNS 11 ii 11 if It 1ttr1 HHH ll DIED TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA llir ttiitiiio lrlllltlllJl Ioritl llts hg ilj ippoiiitttl llItIilt iigiisl lttth 111211 11 lil 111 11111 t11111tft11 CARD OF THANKS 111 lr11 11 K1111 ti 11 ll TENDERS ltiitltrs Ill be recoiied by the lllltltrsigllttl until ung II for It 111 t1ll 132111 11 1111111 111111 oi IttI lt ltlli 111 SS 11 111115 1i tit 111 11 111111 1i11 sf ll1s riii stricttt1111 may in slitthll 3111 it 1111 11111 111 Im Scirt t1 111s 1111i 1111111i or tl tori111 not litt l1ll Illtt 1iili 1111111111 11 tiioiii lllT Sir l111s Hpniyg lowiisliipof Swim 1111 School 111i 511 111111 111m1 1m s1 111111 Um tr11 11211 11 1111112 Illiti 1111111 lilitltlltll Township of Vespra 11 ll1 11 of is1 111 tllllillihl it ltltlltls 1111 iv 1i c11111d lij 1hr llltllllttl up to 22 oclock noon lLill tiili for 1111 purchase oi 11111 Pickup lii1l 1111t11l uili 671010 1pl 1ics lltitpll nitric itliliilrtiiil Iiilti 411 ill 11 and two 1111111 121p tifitblti tivply tires Mark lclltltls tor t1111i 11nd irtltlltgt 11V 11 cocrrs chi1 60b Owen St larric TNT tit11 licnh 111 111111 111111121 dial 711 an 11 Iiiited li sio iiccivtd tlso c111ls 11111 NOTICE is hereby given that alll against the estate of THOMAS llUMPllRlIY llltliYIzite of Him Township of ltvcuiiiscth 111 the County of Siiiicotn Farmer Dclh Ill MM Mimi coastd are lttilllttd on or beforc the 17111 11111 111 August itrstr ioimwlm It made 11s vccpaiid sigh llll ll lls lllrt il iii iIli 111 o1ti r1ti lit control Itl spru i11 iiiiiitsil 111 111 1111111 llltll liw camp fries itiii tliltv ihyirin tiid iiidl to tho tool 121 play llr lltfl tea 4111 Id Tim substances IZiYo l1ri1s l11igt liiitittti l1lll iii 11 Limp ii lmitltit lilril irip 111d the cd 11d liicltl out thorn llillltlll l1li11 111 1iv1l 1111111 many Zl111r gipiitr1l1l littlin 11111ii toi 111111 llllltl tpr1 s51oiiltliiiiii si1111 and plays The skits of llttlili 1itl I11il 11liiif1s 111 known treiiicillin inrcoiiiyciii and some 11211111111 phi itll sprildl pyo 1pm llltllltlt folk rhyiiiiiit some thet play 11511111 wiilcii them Merry wcrc Merry Litlllh 11111111l lookiiii 11s to11li as possiblt llie liouglioiuc thine prisviitiig partnieiit llu iiiiii 1111 1111 311 111dos to thank tliizicli 2121 littiilt tiitl ill llllll ltlitlti for the 11111111111111 flowers Limit and ly coiitiollcd JllllV 17 1120 was sponsored by the llllliill Home and School Associa tion ltltl was under the supervision Recreation camp was lircctcd mmd IN MEMORIAM AYIIliSTi 1n loving memory 1of dear liiisbaiiii llziiiy Ayerst who oassed iuav August ti 1010 lm or who huwng chums The ciid itilll lilltll too soon Siiiici re The touiity counterpart Service iiig and dusting lint 1111 the saddest part of all 10P present liariic Local liver tciiieiiibcrcil by his Wife mind by lmq lmlmld dolHilli BRADLEY lil liltl1 memory of Char to the undersigned solicitors ltill the executors of the said estate tit full siatciiieiit of their claims diilyl 11 Verified and the nature of thaw mumqlwd rm hm pom securities if any hold by them and after said date the executors willi proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties enl titled lllltt 11 ham ILLHd 15 1lEilll and family While others are asleep to the claims of which they slialli mm PM hild lllco inCBB lii ltllll incinol DATED at Bradford Ontario this 22nd day of July 1050 STODDART DENNY my Barristers etc The Canadian Bank of Commercel dear let and mother Bldg Bradford Ontario Solicrtors for the Executors BRtiubT Marion HOUSOlIOId Furniture and many miscellaneous articles iNo reserve Terms cash Sale at and Effecn Ep111 Slessor Auctioneer 60x The undersigned has received instructions from the executors Town of Barrie of the estate Of the late PARTRIDGE Tender for Sidewalks marked Scaled Tenders plainly 58 Eccles St Barrie will be received by the undersign to sell by public auction rm ed until p111 DST Tuesday August 8th 1930 saturday Aug For the placing of 3057 pc Chesterfield suite living wide 190 mg 9X10fi day COUChi din marked cheque to the amount 11mg room siute linoleum floorioi 1511 of the total bid shall ac coverings dining and living roomcompanv each tender submitted curtains and drapes hall runners The gucccssfui bidder shall number of odd chairs odd rockers required to provide bond to the table lamps lUbUlaI $1091 bed amount of 50 of the contract price steads felt mattresses DCdIOom Further information including glICSSGrijsmallsecretarydesk mod5 specifications information to bid lum SIZC yvmtllObe kitche CUPTdcrs tender forms etc available b02131 kitchen table kllChCD at the office of the Towrr Engineer Chans small 000k SLOVeitJmmbel Thc lowest or airy ftcnder not Of crocksg bread box and therngcg 1il one kitchen utensils kitchen stool ii 11th tionr Dc Forest Crosley Cabinet electric radio There will be alyfew dishes and numerous other articles 60b Auctioneer at mph DANGERFIELDS Car Repairs and Body Work Cost You Less ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED DANGERFIELD MOTORS DODGE DESOTO DISTRIBUTORS ED HAGAN Service Manager our drai mother Selina ordinarv lotto who passed away August Everett against it llitliig lop has now moved 33 children are enrolled for oneweek contin Rainy days have not dampened the enthusiasm and lcratts and llilliiilllCS are carried ton in the tent while volley ball is whenever minute using No eyes can see us weep lirtrltil litIC But many silent fear is shed uous day camp lovingly rcmeinocrcd by bus Sadie played Webb who passed away August COHle This Griffin two the pool forswimming and arranged for Tuesday Thursday and Friday Miss Marie Burke Barrie assist ed bleoCalvoliinteeis is director of this camp Other Camps The other rural Dav Camps at Glencairn burst and Thornton are now near ing the end of tlieiriseason Par ents nights are planned in all of these communities 121111 tltL working hard to prepaig lttl tlicm At Avening the children are producing play written by sev ral of them At Thornton Invita epared also Borden ha ve Qllilli Camp periods illi lilCllltily is as dcar today As in the hour she passed away S1adly missed by Russel PCP and tion in AUCTION SALES SALFLIWTTIritsilay August Mrs Grace McNeil Minets Point Road ition Sale of household furniture 17 raw sewage Avening Angus Mid and the childr tions cady been liuizic and iii Ioiiild ozi Scrutiny even lids lit ho 21nd against 11 driver of Day Camping for County Children Pioneer Life in Forest Hideaway i11 1r 511111 1i 11 1111 I1 thlt 111 of lL111111 I111 1111111 111 11 thins 1111 1111 1t l1 1111 21111 itk mm 111 Plant Protection With Antibiotics 11111 11 1tlt2 illlliil1l1il itttiical 11111 ticc and 111tl1111t1tgtrllll Jot oiin has it liiiiit1l1 of llt it approach it til 1i11 tiiltl1111111ils 11ltl 11111111 scit iiiintr are sciknit lliiiitillit tlilltlrlllllll of iiinicilliii as an 111 the 1111111 3lltitgt liiis sirrtitllttl to control plant iiiiiaclc drug is 111 s111tl antibiotics or protliiccd byi iiiiri1itltilillloliis liltll check tlrci internre with the blot jprocesscs of other iiiiiiutc toriiis ofl 11nliit1 that may produce diseases in man animals or plants Other less artzihiotics besides sticptoiiiyciiil oi hers that ire still on the secret list time plant patholo uists and liactciioloinsts 111 the le atziiciiltiirc ttiiwzr llltht been tllilillitfl in fundamental lrcsczirch work dcaliire vitli sub llic tliildicit proiidlv displayedlimmlliS Simlhr DHHMHm us tliiii crafts and Aliiseiitii of Naiiril will 01 Humhug Hum 50 boine diseases oi crop plants and 5111 11cc and led their mothers back as tosliow tliiiii llllll liidc awaysl Itcfiesliiiitviits vscrt scivtd by the1 lloiiio iiid School 1ssoc1itioii progress is bciiit iiiadc Before disease can be adequate first the organism causing it must be isolated and 15 Ill mll Hmh NM 1mm life history studied so it can be hit at the weakest point with llli mogti effective weapon available 11 lifllll scientists are hopeful that 11 of penicillin can 111 combat plant dist11st M155 limitS lltFU ll 051w11i12h might eliminate some of the assisted by leaders Victor KNOXl costly and rather elaborate spraxv Marie liurkc and Thelma Aiictil of leaders groups were Mrs llclcaii Mrs lreiiiian and Marilyn Solomon methods used at Several antibiotics tested show promise for instance in lllt control Of fungus disease that is laiiy other volunteers assisted at proving limiting factor in pea pro thc swimming pool and with craftl classes ductioii as so far it has defied all control practices used SWimming Still Banned at Beaches Contactcd today Deputy Reovcl chairman of tli1l works department said the trouble in the sewage system which result ed in ban on swimming in the bay last Monday has been repair1 In order to work on an obstruch sewer iii the Lioiis Kiwanis park area the works del 1paitmeiit had to temporarily divert into the bay ever the obstruction was remedied Mondaynight and since thcn lllli sewage has been going through ill disposal plant as usual The ban will have to be officially lifted by the county health unit 1ftcr tests Large Readership of The Examiner Means Results for Advertisers ltst ll iii Ill lllllt Newmarket Rink 1Wins Tournament hour1 it1c1sfiil held lilillr 1cti iitti 1111iiiiit ll lili4 is l11oii mid Aliaii Ii1 11 11 11 11 liiiii tl l1 I11111tl1 1111111111i v1ithci t111i1 toiitrity lltilitiay iiiiriis riotiirox tat111 111 vtli liy l1111t oii Ila iliiiillt illttllh tlillll went and pastorr of 1111111 Seiiiirciis of 11111 llllit 111 liiilr1y ii i1itl i1i11 tlllii NHA DESIGNOFTHEMONTH 113 11 CMHCIlo 5041 first Iloor by stairway Plenty of window space is prov corner windows lit the living room the attractiveness of the house and furniture arrangement grade service door going through the kitchen The house illustrated has of exterior finish would be suitable Area of the housef illow type over the front door square feet and the exteriordemensioiis ar Complete working drawings for this house known as Desiin 31041 are available at minimum from anyofce of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation 11 t1e IS 1iii liltilttilil Nllltttl Illhl ot rim iii111111t1 tie 111111 it il to swim t1l 1Cd1111s Ii t11 lritlIltdflii 11 duty lililtit1l ii1k111 11 irit1rirtt11ii ll tutti1 cl II NRtrlllrils lgt rtliiiiriiii 111111 1111111l ii it 111 lowci by 311 ititl All it lioiiio on llll tl l1lc tot i111 v11 v11tt to ll lirltr 11l 31 loiirs lliiiililc illil1l1 llll ittii1 rltll 1I1 li liii lltltlllit the out itl 1111 211111 Iltir On Monday l11 11111111l tnit lliWs IN Ill Tradition has ii il1i 1111 11 proud 11 ochiii liuih 11 It it ltill llltl tlit ticitiittdtii oi lli1 tttnltl tiriiple iii ll1l 11i1 1y The most popular National llous ing Act plan so far Ill 1030 this sturdily constructed storeyutiiula half house has been designed parti cularly for the growing family of moderate income Withoiie bed1 room on the ground tloor the house affords all the benefits ofa bungalow while the attic space can be utilized for two additional bedrooms as required Simplicity of the design and the plumbing arrangement for kitchen and bathroomtarc important factors which will mean substantial savings for the homeowner Entrance to the house is through vestibule containing coal closet which leads into goodsized living room multiusc room to beamed as dining room den or occasional bedroom adjoins the living room The kitchen is also conveniently located near the living room The downstairs bedroom is situated at the rear left corner of the house separated from the remainder of the permits entrance to the basement without been finished in brick veneer but any other small gable has been added or estimating purposes is 1051 31 feet by 2311 feet four inches lineal and fri nds THE FOLLOWING feet of concrete sidewalk feet mvmn ems RT Thoielectric washer good condi5960b ltfylvnglldrk IIORSELESS CARRIAGE Cugnot Frenchman is credited Tormscash NO reserve Sale with building thefirst horiseless 1p my SLESSOR carriage It was propelled by steam ARE You PRICEKCONSCIOUS JEAN LACAS taken from the badly decomposed body of boy found floating in the St Law rence River recently have been identified as those of Jean Lucas by his mother Jean his brother body was recovered last April was allegedly drowned January his grandmother Lacas She admitted pushing the two youngsters into rather than have her daughter mother of the boysp1ace them in home The clothes along with PiereP whose Mrs river 65 COLLIER ST PHONE 2437 lt MARKET SQ 11111111 1111101111 8111111111 fNEwTRACTORSERvicE INTRODUCED INQARRIE rari BYCORBY MOTORSLTD Thots right IllDrive Tractor Ser vice now in Barrie Tractors for rent equipped with various implements to do the job the way you want it done and economically Call in to Corby Motors and intiuirc abouttlris new service Youll find their tractOr anxious to help you solve your tractor problems corroii morons erL YOUR FORD MONARCH DEALER Form MAJOR TRACTORS IMPLEMENTS PHONE 5226 LASI Nlbtil SCORES 111ilr Lions Carnival Opening Night Well Attended um lrl so ii llsll Hlt IHAl llltllllili MILIHRN 230 lillliltllt 5t lp1 lhoirc hlltll ttit1 11311411 Ir lllll you all llll 11111 1111111 111ri llIlll2tCl iii 11st ittl11i FARMERS ATTENTION will he Illttll to pick up titrd or crippled Linn ririni tls rIiIl pry lilliil prevail yL iiig proves serum teicplrorie tollitl liar 3617 Gordon Young Ltd 52CD2Z2C II Slessor LICENSED AUCTIONEER HOUSEHOLD FARM STOCK AND IMILICNIENIS Phone 2577 l11 broadcast 11ci pit1i ltrJ lllzit 11r1li 21 l1 1tiv lll iilwii has 11111 Ior iltillllliiltlt Accident Victim Dies llaxel 1titcr Midland lltll l1111i1l l11p1i1l 11 result of i111 111 ii iii car tccnlciil Tio liihtt Monday It Ittltilllll tioii 1111111o1111i1lIlospitalthatticill lvl1111111 gt1 1111111 tSltriv 111111111r1 tiid thirt lt 11 considered 11111111111111 1t Ill Nlt lililRlilltATOR AltS 11 tiii1diin National liilllllt development li PFECI P111111 it 111 nth111 hiiiiktr refrigerator cai ch has proved iiiiicli superior to ciid bunker type of car tor billltilllit pciisliablcs Barrie 2111 lltltl 1017 DODGE 10712 FARGO 7V BRADFORDPST at JOHN DIAL 4081 TOTTENHAM JAMBORE WEDNESDAY EVENING AUGUST ALLISTON CITIZENS BAND Fun for All Dance in Town Hall Win Grand Prize Tickets 251 for SLIIII lottenlrirm and District Progress lirlr Games Prizes S0000tOLLU The Aristocrat Of SAUSAGE OOPACO PURE PORK SAUSAGE Copaco presents 121in Monday through Friday at 11m rtioriiilly twofr cum John Charles THOMAS the intern known baritone and the Kings Men in llynuys of the World 00000il0 Wheat Prices There have been noglranges in current quotations on Fall Wheati tlris week Coop are not willing to go out on limb with any predictions but wish to keep our patrons posted with all the market information we get to assist you in marketing your wheat ided for each room while the large and multiuse room greatlyenhance allow plenty of wall space for good all Discounts will be moisture Present export price on winter wheat flour works back lo it delivered flour mill price of about $162 per bus or an entire farm price of around $150 to $152 markets This price is set by world Yesterdays price for No Northern in store Fort William was $104 p01biishel Usual differentials and frcights would in dicate price of$1l70 to$l75 on the farm for Ontario Fall that for doniestiemillinginto pastryflorir As present flour mill wheat prices arcclcarly based on export prices it would seem to belgood btlSlliCSSlO store your wheat in expectationf better business in litre with recommendation of the Federation of Agriculture rThc best and cliea pcstbplace to store whcat 15 on your lOWn farm Any bank will be pleased to discuss loan Or advance to you CoOp is prepared to market your wheat to the mill ducting best prices anytime you want to ship it We may arrange off the farm storage at regular grain rates which total littleover 1c per bus per month on your wheat in storage Some wheat and feed comparisons heard lately are riot entirely justified Wheat prices are lowerrthan last year but already oat and barley prices are down little and when the new Western crop reaches the market probably will be lot cheaper Lets remember that either very high or very low wheat and coarse grain prices are in the farmers best over all interests Further market information received from the mills will be passed on by Coop through CKBB Listen to the 000 pspotat 1245 noon Just before Bulletin Board See COOp for Marketblnforcmation sale and Pick up and bags for Fall Wheat 29 and ask for our grain gt coOP BARRIE or phone 24 twel 11 ri rji USED TRUCKS AT DANGERFIELDS 1041 FORD CHASSIS AND CAB GOOD tHNliilltiN TON PANEL ON DUMP READY FOR WORK Itll FARGO TON EXPRESS VERY LEAN Flour mills are just as anxious as weare for some good drying weather If wheat isnt dry it wont store properly for milling 1e per bus for every point over JUGOQOOOD