if Jungle Fighters Malaya it started whcu the ltc and sabotaging the countrys ruhhcr industry 70000 policc units of Britains Royal Air Force gunners leap from their transports to take up British conunauttcr ol the abandoned tin niinc lop right lirccts operations from sits coiitr Strgczmt lsllak hm Ismail ciiccks thc position of yFMm GH= WS OF ELMVA a1csgt=1cm 525255 llance and Mrs hiI lulj Iltl Mrs William Stewart gttnlll week llll Mrs illlltllItllilJ il ituullIclliIA litiltll Miss ltillh ItllltlI liuouo pvul the weekciui with her pur citls Mr and Mrs Fwd Webster Mr and Mrs Bert lleioit and spcinliiu their holidays at Woodland lieach family llunuitoii uri loronlo Mr arr ltll and Mrs spent the wcckcutl MI lack Arnold Miss Ruth ltowlcy has returned holidaying with her Millar Toronto aflci Mrs it home aunt Mr and Mrs Walter lloudcri and Douglas of Sarina arc visiting with relatives Mrs Lloyd Pearson Doreen and George spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Stewart Barrie Mr and Mrs Bob lrotlcr Tor onH spent the weekend with Mrs Mauricc ththnm Mrs Watson Toronto is spcnding aouplc of weeks with her mother Mrs lleardsall Mr and Mrs Elwood lrost Si Talharines spent few days Vllll lhc lattcrs mother Mrs Torry Burner lhe ltoyal Victoria Hospital Barrie on July 20 1931 to Mr and Mrs 5011 Ferguson Oscar Sriglcy Timmins is spend ing two works with his patients Mr and Mrs Srigley and olhci friends Vlr and Mrs Frank Dutcllcr Barrie spent the wcckcnd with the formers mother at tthhomc of Bishop Miss Norma Bycrlayi and Miss Lois Sharron of lVlntnchcwan were the guests of Miss Donna Dickin son last week Mr and Mrs Theo Tcrwilligcr Lansing Michigan are spending couple of weeks with the latters package to adver cereals Thats only half the story Advertising lowers your cost two ways Cuts the selling costs And by helping make mass production pessible lowers the pro II duction costs too So advertising saves you many tiines that 31095 packxgge lWUIlCAlLtHJ Itll against hincsc and It costs lessIthan310c la War on ItlllllllllllIhl lllllllll is its began raiding Now cugagcd on helm and ltltltl of the famo positions Bottom Kilillll In at room Sillillispcctor lillulillll another iuuglc 29 275 Slll lr tham Congratulations to li llelli Slum who successful lit lll mm the lllt ilhl lhuiiln nuthl whcn slic answered the chilcelly on Ilillli 15 13 lileslliilb Business hrmgcs Hands fumes and lilham ltawn Stayncr have bought out the Muse sey llarris iiiiplcmeiil iiegciiIcy from Sitwart Shower For Britlctobc Miss lhclma ltancc llic parish hall was prctlily ic coralcd with streamers and the tax Wk hlc II II lfl Il lIlIIl IlllhRII IlVIhmlI Next Sunday August is that Nut pii ss iiIu in imnuul 1M5 anylch tampbcll played the wctitlmg march as Thelma accompanied by Mrs FSZewart tlllLlNlIillt hall Samoa and Bell Sriulcy carrunt in thc baskets of gifts Those who assisted lllc bridotohe were Mrs Manning Mrs Mclelill Mrs Qucsncllc Mrs llarvey ltowlcy Ai social hour is enjoyed and frcsluncnts were scicdm lt NealRance Wedding Wycliffc Angliian hurch lIlm vale was tllc sccnc of prcliy wcdding on Saturday July 20 1930 at 330 pm when Thelma Jcan youngest daughter of Mrs fiance and the late gttilliam ll Rancc of Elmalc became lhc bride of James Williapi Ncal son of Mrs Neal and tthlatc Lindsay Neal of lVlarmora Standards of white gladioli blucl dclphinium and white lilies formed the background The doublering ceremony was performed by Rev CStubbsl iMrs Shaw was orgairt andi Miss Joyce Everest was sol ist The bride given in marriage by her uncle Terwilligcr ofi Lansing Michigan wore gown of frosted organza over taffeta with How much does it past to advertise package of AmeriCas nationally known breakfast fOOds is it 216 package tise Americafs leading still litint wird in the jungles of illzigcs murdering llritiuh and li makes notcs ltoltorn right Squad of 1and wcaring light navy sheer dress was hosted nylon dress over taffeta and navy accessories and CROSSlAND Ctanese Reds Malayan officials ll of dciilocrcy are 16000 troops as ludian inrlilius lop lcft Bren lcll losilions taken up in an inpur luiiclc Squad Lladwcll itrol iiih nitrictalkie radio GUTHRIE tlLlll lien and ll il Shannon will to on illlllilI tor llu month if ltli 21 curl liI icintzc nmp Iluil id family spent last Weekend at Hollis lalls uul Sundrulgc llvy and Mrs Osborne oI hiiuy litl tlic lattcrs mother Mr ii tuiiphcll ovci NickiAil lrs Kenneth aldwill who un ilerwcnt scrious operation lei ihoyal Victoria llospital Barri Ililgtl Friday is progressing favour nhly II Mr and Mrs Walker aldwell laccoitipanicd Sci and Mrs Mas ci and liannc of amp BllLllI ton motor trip to lapuskasiiig lastl illcasc note the change of hour ol larvac sunday School will be at 10 iliI21 with tlltlitll following at 111 am Miss lla Newton will lic rillc gut st spcakcr iriiilcd bodice and sheer off Ishoulder yoke full skirt with lioVIlIu1niilig bustle back hcaddicss fashioned of orange blos soms held hcr floorlength cin lluoirlcrcd veil She carried boquin of Ircdl roses and wore the necklace giycnl to her mother by her father on their wedding la Mrs Frank Roberts was her only attendant wearing ai floorlength gown of yellow nylon taffeta with fitted bodice and fuLlw circular skirt with matching head drch and mittens She carried an old fashionch noscgay of roses The groomsman was Toni Neal brother of the groom and flfc ushers were Ray mond Rance brother of the bridic Don Ncal brother of the groom The reception was held in the Pgnjishwllall adjoining the church where the brides mother received with dark accessories and corsage Of tea roses The grooms mother assisted wearing navy crepe dress with white accessories and corsage of tea roses The brides travelling costume corsage of red roses She wore rhinestone necklace and earrings gift of the groom On their return they will rcsidein Toronto Out Oftown guests were present from LansingMichigan Toronto Mimr ico Midland and Marmara July 31 Aston Archer has started build ing his new house Lorne Whitton has purchased the Currie farm Miss Isabel Robertsongspent her holidays at her home here We are gladto seeAiIidy McGin nis out after hisrecent illness Mr andMrs JamesrBassett and Jimmie spent Thursday with Mrs Allen Mr and Mrs CDuify and fam ily are visiting with Mr and Wm McGinnis Raymond Strath Toronto spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs James Strath Mr and Mrs Melburne Barnes and boys Stayner spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Barnes Mr and Mrs Lyons and Mor lcy called on Mrs Thomas Martin Wyevale on Sunday large crowd attended the Com munity Church Wasaga Beach to hear the Rev Lochc of London Ont former Knox boy ltZ REE PARKING STRA RD OntCPiPro fhe police asSOCiation is sending spectivc United States visitOrs to Strathrd this summer are being mailed courtesy parking ticket permitting them to park their cars free in metered areas in the city the tickets along with booklets en titled 1950 Tourist Guide Strat iordonAvon Ilic Wmmmxsmuxxmmmsmxxxsxx llil liillltll Xllllt lllt SHAY Attal Hi lftfiU 19 WM wweMBARRlESW Continues With the Entire Stock of the price eleven item in the store has lieu stashed in order to clear the stock as quickly as possible Due to the limited amount of counter space many items are not on display but will be added each day So shop eVery day as the sale continues and get your share of the bargains Tl THE PLACEJacobi Graham THE Every until the =tock is Cleared here is still Igood range Of sizes andjcolOrs inIIiriOstfitemsihut shop now for bestSeleCtion ML II yumme PLEASE NO COD OR PHONE ORDERS PILEASE NO cOD 0R PHONE ORDERS