MONDAY AND THURSDAY 5c Copy $300 Year lt1A111=N main ML caNA Uticatxil The Home Newspaper for Barrie and District County of Simcoe r7 TITIlt our Ni First with the Best in Barrie THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY l111 Ir coNIINIoIs snou sAi 330 11111 illtl Titanic Examiner iBARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Tllullt3DY AICIST ALIItnlfD As LND lAtL Bl IVTL FLILIL1LAOIHLNY CIIAVIA vfugiwrw ELITI ilges II to Tiffii Barrie Sea Cadet Lil Officers Attend =15 Winnipeg Course fr Temple to Parade Here August I2 HOUSE OF HITS =ICOMING EVENT t1 Tit El1l III tilt IIrIAIs 11 illltl II IIl ptt tiltitlil 14121 thv 3SS Old Tyme and Modern DANCE at PINE CREST FRIDAY AUGUST TOM PATTENDENS MOUNTAINEEHS Dancing 930 pm to Ctm 12yvlii ADMISSION 50c Iltljlll H1111 311 ileuhi III SSa id up lumpy lll 11111 IN SItltli READY IIIIJ YOL WAIT ALI SIZES $4750 II IN AND LOOK IIllill VIJK STETSON HATS 111151111511 sx50 ROYAL 51000 flrlgt Ys Itllll smns III THE MAKING Secret Navy combat IIth in TECHNICOIOR Sff MIdway Saipan teyte Okinawa SEE our boys heat back the Kamikaze attach It III the 111 ItIll tI in tr LIIKIII lull oi IiIltIIllli teenage hm IILgiilt II rI III on ltltiii IiAl l1nr 11Il IIIivIII1tv oi Ill IIohnr IIuversitv ot loroiztu IIgtIlIui SIZE FOR YOU SUMMER NEEDS WILE TODD o$$$KSS$S$$$$XS$$$$$S CUtlltilt Spi llltilll 55 and pm costarnng PLUS AN ARRAY TREATS THE TREAT OF THE YEAR STARTS AFTER SUNDAY MIDNIGHT AT 1205 AM Elininth A11 Inuitave con II IIIr IItctj was him Irven SHIRTS $135 to $7195 SPORT SHIRTS 3295 to $695 111111 the IIHIIIIIII 121 In rod vittrvis EIitlttfl IlgtIII ot lil1lttllll1 IH PARIS MiultlTo 58199 bIIIA IIAIS $400 It bit0 hm Mk1 wde 511 wauora The boats Ult 11111111111 ratio at the ill Fitnem boat woi on Inll MENS AN BUYS WEAR BARBIE III wt 11 1111 Demands Mode On Newspapers 55 III LO ST MATIVIIIIS MON and WEI 230 1111 Illinelsloint Pavilion DANCING I11IIIIIsthII lithm WI OI The IXIIlt1I and often uanavt sonable demands tlihli Ire matle Ettpou I1lltlllgt do not IppIai to If lie fully realized by the pilltlltl generally here All too frequently the vzilut III the Work which the renders 1s overlooked It Is mouthpiece of the communin defends the rights of the people 111 SllVCS II endeavors in offer oiiilk structivc criticism to make peole more happy and more prosperous newspaper lllt Belly HUTTONM HOWARD KEEL ACTION HITS ENTERTAINMENT THUR FRI SAT CONTINUOljJSHOW SAT 230 EVE SHOWS 645 pm 2ND BIG HIT Donald Woods BARBARY PIRATE PLUS LATEST WARNER NEWS SUNDAY1205 ROSALIND MILLAND SSELL in WOMAN OF DISTINCTION PLAYING GIANT TWO EEEATU REIEROORAM MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY EVE SHOWS 625 pm MATINEE WED 230 pm BENGAL IANCEB Patrons ONTINUOUS SHOW CIVIC HOLIDAY MONDAYSTABTS AT 230 pm BEAU GESIE SHOWING ONCE LY WED MAT 0000oooo 1111 sustIN so In 900 TYERIINEII FRI 1110311 WED FBI 930 1230 SAT 12 p131 Bob Hunter and His Band Vocals by Bing Mayor Broadcast CKBBrfrom 1110 1130 pm TO RESERVE TABLES FREE PHONE 4702 Delaney Boat Lines leave dock cyery half hour com mencing at 830 pm Pavilion Open Daily from com 12 pm SUNDAYMIDNITE DANCE Aug Dancing 1201 rm to Dim Dancing to Bob Hunter and Ills Band Make your reservations now and come to Minets for real holiday weekend dance Ad mission Gents 000 Ladies 40c nmiiltrou COMPLETE SHOWSNIGHIL FIRSTSMOWAIDU5K we mnemonic Huronia Theatre Located two miles south of Barrie 01 con ccssion 14 Drive south onlligbway 27 tinn left on first road past Cloverleaf 1t echildren no Tspeukersf ome dres ed as you please Ideal for ShuldnS habybo tle warmingservicekconcession stand mf v2 BERLIN CORRESPONDENT Andrevvs Virginict Gilmore Cartoon ERIDAY AND SATURDAY CORONERS CREEK RandOIph Scott +MdrgueriteChdprnan Ncws AUGUST CAPTAINCAUTION Victor Mature Alan Lcidd Shorts HURON IA DRIVE1N THEATRE 00or What Inwvspaper requires is an ititelliilent ltitlllllllttll hv Ihe pub lie that it is providing services just as vital as those rendered by the doctor or merchant says the Rev ton World The newspaper owes duty to the communitv which it faithfully tries to perform The community on its part owes duty to the newspaper It must be remember ed that advertising is the sole means of sustenance which II news paper has Every day of the year leinandsi are made upon the newspaper for free space When public inOe ment is launched or campaign inaugurated newspaper 1545 pecth to make cash contribution and also to provide free space The TiOWspaper has to employ help pay wages the 00st of postace and equipment just as any other commercial enterprise Enormous sums must also be spent for news services and tele phone bills and yet the belief per sists that it should give away the whole thing that it has to sell advertising WARNER BROSZ SILVER liNING SWEETHEARTS IN ANOTHER MUSICAL THATS SOLID GOLD GARBAGE There will be NO COLLECTION on MON AUG DENNIS MORAN Wm ti 00b HANI HAN HANI WE CAN COVER YOUR CROPS Phone 2411 0R0 TOWNSHIP The Soldiers Memorial will be held at the Town Sunday August 13 1950 at with the chion service will be taken by THAIL DAMAGE InSure And fl3e Sure 41 DimilOp St BARBIE SUNDAY AUGUSTZS Parsons Pavilion LEONARDS BEACH Dance Hall and Bowling Alleys open at 1201 am GEORGE PARSONS Proprietor For Printing 72111 the Examiner Service Hall onl pml assisting The Mr Royal RCA of the Second World MILLARD Sccy MalcomsonsInsUranceAgency Dial 3735 MidNile lance INNS BIIRION RCUDDIES SAKAII g5agitatiittgei0ENENE100N DAVID BUTLER FOR RESULTS USE EXAMINER WANT ADS ioacts otunes in GGradiy and thegre all Hit Parade15 ql DIRECTED BY AN INVITATION The public is cordially invited to attend figure skating exhibition presented by tthSummcr lee School 0N SUNDAY AUGUST 830 pm AT THE BARRIEADARENA The Dancing and Exhibitions by MARGARET Wurrrv meoIIEmN ownANT AUDREY CWELBOURNE SANDRA BTA1RNTAM 101 KING MARY NZJANE DAVIDSON BERNICE inviNo iSIJNDAY MIDNITVEII AQDANCE oMinets Point Pavilion August DcTncincj 1201 am to am BOB HUNTER and HIS BAND Make your reservations NOW or youll miss delightful holiday weekend ndance The phoneynumber is Barrie 4702 Admission Gents 600 Ladies 400