Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1950, p. 11

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minnoWs of other 111111111115 11 131111 were 1111111111110 the carnage 1111111111 $31 medium 511 cow 11211211111211111 111 lbs 1211 class individual hur IUWl 11111111 15 111 111111II 1111111c litnet Iitulio operate minnow ponds 111 which to 111511 11111rs11 minnows with which to 111111 5111111111 111111 11llilllllt rat the 22111111 minnows One of the 1111 11111111il1li111l Duringr the NJ1 IkCLHl lkVtlUlJmCIllS is flu111111111111 111 her recent rtcord she culture of sucker fry as food furIwns ll charm of 111 rdsmun 1111 1jvtltlll innsltinonge 10111111 who llllllittl h1r by hand Thes gunk magnuny lllllllll11 of the success of theSh1 11e1111d 1111 sanu tr1zitmt1nt 50111111 11 UNPUNH mun 11111vinccs propagation optrulioiislus 11111 lll 111 lllt 1111111 but had the No lt is the fact that northcrn outfitters luxmj 11 hnx stall which is shortages 111 s1 112M I1 lI 1li1zr1duc1 1111111 tht musnic ll 111111 111 1L 11t1 1111 ltt 11 11 and Fmesf for around $1000 sincv nnmy United Stilinu lurnas Iile insultd at no extra 10st for 1513115Inshrmpn Sppm 11111 111111117 Royal 31111 has 36 day re your 11111101111111 easy to gct 111111 51111101113195 1311 nun17111 catch cord 18 21 t111t2111ill on tlCtZl Itlzv 11 ll 111s 11t lrom 1III 11 WW 5W Nth 011W 11 I1 11km llI 4m Yes Chevrolet brings you the ner combina Ihe 1111r1 101m SPCUJIISK 1111s II1 It Ill IIIIIhL 11 11 111121 md 211 tion din ant thrift with us nghy li1endh helplul member of MIC 0f MllSkmOnlZ 11r11rtl 11s 1111111111old on twice improved Worlds hampion Valveiiillead this community He on help lllmmd hmklnlIII 1m Yum 17 11 mnk 11 bulilv tiUht veals old and 1111113 1111 11 111 engine on get more 111 as 1mg action 10 IHIIIIIII WI IIIWIIIL and 372 lbs tut rustrage test 3931 at the getaway and at highway speed You get more thrift 11111115 to new carburetor Vlong according to the fish and wild life division Ontario Departmvnt include your 11111411111111 Ilc per cent outttrfut ollcrx loui kmdrol loan plans loyal Wing is now in call to auto or 11111115 business iilIiiIIIfIIrCIIISI 11 3321 EVILhm mm 50mm pvt Com and larger exhaust valves And traditional stngi 3111 hz c1 111 nncnl 11 num II II lam IIII orally throughout the Provmee IIIIII Chele depcndlbth 111 mm ant wife Thom 1P smcc July the d1v1sion has it KSSBRED SHEEP leased an approxmiate table of 11sz 31111u11151111 Larger lurm flocks and cross In Imm I5 1IIpIIIIOXIIIIate Iengths IIIIII appIIIIx 11111111111 for artInter productivity if runnin 111 to months thc Izhln mu ImI IIIUgh 0f IIIC much IIMI per ewe were strongly advocated lodav III WIN LIIme IIbII 11 llltti ol bringing sheep into AI mom II Ihe IDIISIIc 15 better =cn1npetitivt position Vltll1 We I011I3III IIIdI IIVEIVC IIICIWS other farm livestock by Ivarinus long and WEN11115 59W ounce81 5115 KptleLls at the annual meeting In the Deparlmem HC gums Imam 1111 Tanadizin Cooporative Wool 1gpidly for at oneyear the zippiox Cumin imate length is 12 to 14 inches and the weight two pounds 2101 BABYS SHOES SUISUIIRWUUIIRNCWVH pound hinge is normally around 46 The first pair of baby shoes is No inches long and is 13 years old 1I111 ol the most important in per BUIldlng lt I1llIS ife htcauso the best time to THE BARBIE EXAMINER CAN start earo of the feet is in infancy an 19351 or FILL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS fit SQUARE BARR nt slots Win piopeily 111 ALLROUND PHONE 2414 limportunt to loot health IAIT LOWEST Icosr ChevrolctIis the only lowpriced car offering If II this fivefold safetyprotection Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility Extrastrong Fisher Unisteel Body Safety Glass throughout SuperSafe Unitized KneeAction Ride and Proved Besides Y9III 9et it fixed fa CIIIIISIIII HIIIIIIIIII BIIIIIIII By consulting your YIIMW PAM mywwmwm hm Receive Gift From Newfoundland Unit HOLLYWOOD 1ir Il ARMY PADRES TO TRAIN AT PETAWAWA l1 11111 1111111 liorilrn tilirni 21211 Come in get all the facts about Chevrolet Canadas best seller Canadas best buy and youll want to 011111 new Chevrolet Youll experience its extravalue in every phase of FACT No Chevroletroadaction in its eet and frugal Valvc inHead performance in its liner driving and rid ing ease in the enviable view afforded by its WATMLOWEST COST curved windshield with Panoramic Visibility and its greater andmum safetyp1otection Fisher with tasteful twotone interiors bring Youll know its the best buy the minute you take generous head leg and elbow roomextra the key and start the smoothrunning ValveinHezul Engine and incidentally one key ts everything fromII CHIS the ignition lock to the big capacious luggage com partment If you wish you can lock glove andluggage compartments and remove the key without locking the ignition Come in today Let Chevrolet drive home these factsto your OWn complete satisfaction And youll be quick to agree that Chevrolet is rstmul nest at 10 west cost MO 0R Al Seating Low Centre of Gravity and Centre Come in Examine the Leader vComIJincc youmelfCIlytimleti FIRS and Finert at Lazvert Cart HARRIS Morons LTD 8389 Elivabeth Si Barrie 1l111 ELECTRIC APPLIANCE AND RADIO SERVICE WM LIIIIN Hi1 lrumpl 11pin for all nukes 11nd modrls of Illrclrlc Appliances 11111111 also Hiring 1113111 1llllxllI lllIIlIlllLl SlCllYltli lOll lllff IIUME luthoriud Fiipiiir Servirr For IIIIItilItllIlI IHIIIY IllHlVlill IIlIIllIS Illllt SIAIIIUN HOME APPLIANCE SHOP 31 IICIIZIHIIIII Sl DIAL 5577 xxxztmmmmm When Your Will IsRead 1111111 14111 out 111 your hands Millie 11111i11 11111 it will 111 nhnihidervd 11111111111114 in lilllllvlliit 111111 tllltltlll m1111IrI1y 1111111 11111 sum11 Tum Ion11131111111 11 your 11X11utor mt porn11111111 1111111 1s12111 ollner 1ItS his 111113411131 2111111111111 1115 11 14111 1131 1111111 potent 1111I111 11111 until allows the FIRST and Finest for STYLING AND COMFORT Chevrolets exclusive StyleStar Bodies by you extrawide formfitting scatscxtra value in NEW detail of styling and comfort in this longer rindljeaziert of all lowpriced FIRST Iand Finest for DRIVING AND RIDING EASE AllyLOWEST cosr Of all lowpriced cars only Chevrolet offers you the superlative riding smoothness road stcadiness and driving case of CentrePoint Design CentrePoint Steering CentrePoint 11c No4I Point Rear Suspension all add up to aride youll call dream 08508

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