Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Aug 1950, p. 10

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SOAP AND SOCIALISM li tll it t1 111 1I II llil 1111 11 111 1111 1iit11 l1 l11 iizl 1l l1 llu 1111 11 11 1111lilj 1111011111111 11 1111111 luccr Argument ll in povci tI illllli in ltruain today 1111 been of 11 11 c111111111i111 til 11111111 1311 111111 II 11 IIIIII II IIIII 11 1111111 111 11 11111 I1 IIIIIIII III 11il111 ltlyctlhliig oi 11111 111111 11 IIIIII III 1111lLil1v inc localls l1 l11 11 111111111 111 III IIISIIIIII IIII IIIIII 111 lll 11111 i111 11111il11 l11l 311 11 11 1W iil1gt oi Sunlight mi liitl1iiilgt 1t11 8x igtllti 11I II II II1 1I1 111 icrrim v11 and 111111 11211 Audit 1lilil1 were ltl1ll11tl b1 11 iici1li illll 1l1111 ivl 1v1i 1111111i 1111111 11 Hm iw Km ii lilil11 who painted lliibziies 1111 111p111oi in tlic couiiiir Tim IIIIIII IIIIIIIII II II lrais Soap and was 11111117111 111 11111 111 1111 11 III IIIII IIII II pioniuii 111 111 111 11111111 i1 11111111 oi l1 IIII llie 1111411 11I1 11 iii it ltl1I11 would 111 liii1l 111 if IIIIIIIII IIII II 11111s1 111 puiill toriiiiwiclalI III Hit Ii 1I1I111I111lit1 wiili IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III1II IIIIIII 11111 11 1111111 lin ltlll oi titll 11 I1 11 1111 the Illtii til lll1I PM DJ 1111ii1111 31111111 111 ihi 111111111 II II Ii iil ilo 51 gt 111 11 11 111 would 111 to 1111 tioizl1l1 of 1111111 iii1 ii ltll 111 lttllt ui1ii iiul ll mw HI up HUI URNl III iiti 1e n1 111 11111111111 11 111111 would 1111 1111 Job cvi for III IIIIIIII If II III lili111 11x lllul would no 11111 1111 way of 111111as1ni 1111 iiiilHIUI oiiuiioditv Advertising l1ijliod would l11 on 1111 11111111 51114 and liner commodity 1dI The 1111111111111 ulsoaptlltoliiil11l oniiiioditirs is 11 carryow iron Vililiitli conditions iiid 11111 of 1111 11111115 llllllii Liiiiilllsttl ii the Labor 1111 t1I was that Socialism would liSllvl towers 111 mtttrgtttitttzm war mum mun mt 81le nounin mun 1111 12 flliilm if your old tires are wearing thin Its smart to come and TRADE THEMINIl TlRE TRADEIN So get new Goodyear tires today And bu oureasy radein way Drivo in Wpll give you gener ous tradein allowance for your old tires when you buy Can adas most popular tire Eouni YOUR CAR TODAY FOW ERS SERVICE RETREADING IULCANIZING ROAD SERVICE 22 WEST STREET NORTH PHONE 5761 ORILLIA 11 CLAPPERTON STREET PHONE 4335 BARRIE II standard of living would be reduc ed to one dead level pcrs tNttpl those instlied by the iovtinnicnl urging the workers to prohibitive federal legislation aff cil recently heardarguments on the cduccd to iiieiciy kiepiiig tli1I 111111s oi the 1iious brands litiliil llt public 111 the hope of 1111111I llut if Socialism were 111 llll all free enterprises and ii incomes 1111 to be equalized 111111113 121111111 be no coiiipciition and thci friend of mine who visited Moscow two ILIl ago told me that tin11 v111 111i 1dcitiseiiieiits 111 the 11cpa invest their spare roubles 111 na tional securities The purposo of this ban on advertising is to keep down the standard of living among the Workers and by that means 11b tain cheap labor for the mainten aiicc of the bureaucrats and the vast military organization 111 the free Western World advertising has been the means of promoting in dustrial and commercial progress and also of raising workers in ronies and the general standard of living Dairyiiprimers Directors Meet August 1415 special meeting of the directors of the Dairy Farmers of Canada will be held in Ottawa August 15 Among policy decisions to be made by the directors will be those relating to the organizations adver tising and promotional campaign this fall Secretarymanagcr Eric Kitchen has revealed that returns are now being received in volume report ofthe recent IFAlan nual conference held in Sweden will be given by Dairy Farmers of Canada president Gilbert McMill an of Huntingdon Quebec Mr McMillan was member of the Canadian delegation to the conferI enccl The Dairy Farmers picsidi out has already stated that be en tertains serious doubts on the pros pects of Canadas EuropeaIn market for dairy products Other items on the agenda in clude discussion of the present Fed eral dairy legislation as it affects the manufacturer and sale of but ter substitutes in Canada Atten tion will be directed to this subject cision of the Privy Council on an appeal entered by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture and the Dairy Farmers of Canada This was an appeal against Supreme Court of Canada ruling that the acting butter substitutes was ultra vires parliament The Privy Coun appeal and it is expected its de is paid for by the Standard Oil supervising construction ldrain and every effort is made to Evelyn visited with Mrs Nash and in the light of the forthcoming dcI 03 41 Mt it 113121113 exmsi TO Eco wlt 1196 Rig 95199 melee Us ALL NH SL559 LL C10 WHY ME 010 you LOOK L111 111E rouse at001 T491135 PARENT Ir F32 llook vcrlookiin Southampton water called the gateway to England it was here that 1dilc the Saxon fought and lost battle in the New Big Oil Refinery 1In English Town lliorest In the village stands llv llltllANAN Norman church plcscrvcd by order II II IIIIIIIIIIIII of William Rufus IA dmpm Long before Americans came to July 31 illlIUllilliSI Sixty sun liitkvtl American engineers using the Worlds most modern equipment are transiorniiiig this sleepy village into Britains No oil town Sleeping nights amid the ghostsI of history these top oil men are ltltl1llitf construction of the new $100000000 AngloAmerican Oil Company iisso refinery They are showing the British how on what is regarded as one of the worlds toughest engineering assignments The lazy village was selected as the site of Britains most ambitious oil refining scheme because of its natural elevation small existing refinery and excellent deepwater harbor facilities Because ofthe considerably in creased volume of crude oil beingl made available fronithc Middle East it became uneconomical to transport tthcrudc product to the United States and then bring back the refined oil by tanker across the Atlantic to Britain So last September the first United States engineers arriVCd at Fawlcy and with typical American hustle got to work clearing nearly 900 acres of wooded ground With 100000 tons of machinery and materials arriving from the United States at the rate of 1000 tons day all plaiitfrom America Fawley to build giant refinery thcy came as tourists to see the famous example of perfect 15th century stained glass in Fawley church the treble hell dated 1003 and alshoot castle built in 1313 by Henry Vill Now the American oiimcn inostlt ly accompanied by their wives and Children are rapidly becoming ab sorbed into the local scene To the 3566 Britons workingy under them they are regular guys and to the American bosses their workmen Zlit grund chaps Thats the way it works here They take the best from cacti other It is expected that by next year construction many drawn from the distressed areas of Liverpool and MIDHURST Mrs Fred Cook is holidaying with her son in Toronto this week The WA have placed apiano ill the Sunday school room Mr and Mrs Cecil Frankcom and Henry Lang wcni bluebcrly picking last week Mrs Russell Russell Mr and Mrs Nash and Donclda have taken cottage at Bass Lake Godp Park for week Mr and Mrs Pratt Toronto Joanne and friends Mrs Bell andI Company of New Jersey which is This relieves Britain of dollar buy British materials where possi Mrs Russell last week ible Britain for instance will sup We are all pleased to see Mr ply the 300 miles of pipeline yet tolFinlay and Mrs Garvin in ourl bc laid midst again after two month ya cation on the West coast In Doomsday Book Favleywhich in AngloSaxon Owing to the Forest Station pic means clearing in the woodsis1ijicIIgc WA will meet in the wily named ThiltYCight aCICS 0f church 156113 VbrAiuustT instead trees were pulled up in Hampshires lot August Pot luck picnic suppsi New Forest to clear the site for Iwill be held underneath the pines the new refinery which will even Come and bring as many quiltsis tually process 5500000 tons of oil Eas possible year Mrs Sutton has received dons cision will be handed downearly this fall We pay premium prices for 1950 Chevrolets and 1950 Pontiacs whether with miles or not CASH Pill in history Fawley isl Soaked tions enough to purchase chairs Henest Joe PaYs the Highest FOR To prove it just drop in to our lotat any time and youll see what we mean Our prices are absolutely the highest youll find anywhere for good clean used cars See us today youll be rich tomorrow cross TOWN 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 unnamed in lIiiiildlt Doomsday Iililtl around chimneys vents dorml proof material i1ic lead and aluminum are usual it men will be working on the RES iiiisii used flashing must be zipI and along valleys tlii lilltlI ctioii of two root surfaces As lashing is expensive to repair or place in the event of leak it liould be constructed of rust Galvanized steel is ised extensively but sheet coppcr FLASHlNG ly more durable Building paper or felt should be placed under all flashing Particular attention should be lor the nursery class Anyone who still would like to help with this worthy cause please CQllldCt Ma and enough away all COOKSTOWN I11111d 1111E 111 lllllil 1111vtt1 li l1 11111 111 1l11 loioibI ti1 11 11113111 i11111 111 gt1111 1111111111 121 11 illiii liiili 111 COMEIHENRY III II II III 71111761111 11A1T EII III III III 010 you LET THL AFTER lWilliMiliiillotull1111i iv liCuiluir 11zl1 Voill lluoj limo 11 1411 ism111111111 1117 11 llll 1111111 lilw tion of her 1111111 Til 111 5111 11 11111 YI li lttl l1 ll11 H11 111 itoiaii 11111 11111111 Itll illill 1i111l1111 l111ci1 111 Il11lt111 llil1 1111 Sundo Mr and Mi loiiii Kuhn gthildicii oi 1l1c1iiiiic 111k Visiting 1l1 the 11111 lSltl ir 11111111111 311111111 111 111 Ili Monkmaii Mrs laul lltilltHl 11 Ti iniIVMWTYork spent Jtclt 111111111 he 11111 Mrs hlrliir and llll loyci lliilci 11111111111 to New York for 1111111hr 1111 Ruming Your Home The choir ot Si loiiii iillt 11I No matter which type of rooleWWh 1ill l1 I111iii1111 1111 ll 1an evening lasl 11111 pi1s1111111 iiaycr biok to lliil 111111111111 11ii1 to his ltiivzng to 1ak1 up 11111111111 ill the lt at tornuallis o1 Scoiia licccnt Mrs 1II 111 lititltllt Ill torlniils oi l1111111 1clttiitl Leonard Wilkinson ltlh paid to flashing lllt valleys ll1tll1 to carry off l1i tXltiill lllt act as drums The metal sheeting should Ell lcasi seven inches midi1 shingles on each sidc oi th1 11ll1I Flashing should be securely attach ed to chimneys and vents and 11 111111 the Sill of 11 dorniir window 115 11111 the roof the dashing should he carried up the root and under tho sill iiittcis may be constructed wood or sheet metal similar to that used for flashing They must be oi leaving pockets of water standing 1111 them 111111115 should be far enough below the roofing to pre vent water from backing up undor the shingles Downspouts Sllttttld carry the wa tcr either into the sewer orAwith curved elbow at the immuneon lto flat cement slab or stone which will discharge the water far from the house to keep moisture from the foundation rm large enough to carry off water 1piikly and completely without til it ltitll lllilt llll ltsltll llillSl 1950 ll IL Am III CLOWES new 15110 5A1 23X rwcymul plans available til unwed at no utu nu gt NANCE COMPANY LID 1H Ii Iitttiuu The WilsonBuilding Phone 5533 Post Office Square Barrie 77 is it Dont worry mother OurlietterISANITONE dry cleaning works like magic Taiwan fine fabrics with gcntlc understanding make even stubborn spots disappear without trace actually remove more dirt even ingrained soil SANITONE dry Cleaning is odorless too Minor mending done FREE Try us once and see the difference Antole HIVICI The WRIGHT 13112111115115 and so prevent soil erosion This is the twentysixth in series written in the interest of readers who are contemplating is Colitis Mavis class is still misi ing chair or two Youll nd the cost of telephone service has not gone uposmuch as most other things you buy building or buying house THE BELL PhoneI5531 or 5532 via the kind FOR BETTER DRY CLEANING Any way you look at it your telephone is BIG VALUE Illl ll Even with recent rate increases your telephone still costs so little it remains oneoi the smallest items in your family budget And it gives you so much In moments of urgent need its convenience and speed may be beyond price In terms of daytodlay usefulness itmeans more than ever before twice as niany people are within reach of your telephone today as there were ten years ago Telephone value has steadily increased Today as always your telephone is big value TELEPHONE COMPANY OFCANADA for hiGler grade on TELEPHONE or III IIIIIIIIIII ll have it cs you goal is to pro ntlnuing me our co they want it who want it when and where service to at

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