Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1950, p. 4

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1O Iii ItititinAi All iniiiiir raisin lime CARD OF THANKS IN VAPPRECIATIO POULTRY v7 Stutilvllll illzl HP Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation ii liil lliil t1 TENDERS Camp Borden DND Non Urban No 50 Electrical Distribution System Ioioiilxi Docs PET STOCK WANT ADLETS liliits were received liootl day before date lilypslthll and were too under head llii Illir vii lo ll gt Le swam 12 gt 11 Vll in ls vw if vi it it within NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tll oitii it llllllH iin 11111 111 si immu 71 iii bl irctlitors or Illllt1 111 mi tlJlllis all lii 1rmt llll lll ot 11llllt vW Vi orkslnt to Hunt iiiiivii Central Mortgage and Housmg Corporation 1111 lliit 11 loliitttn Tenders Camp Borden DND INon Urbanl No1 495 tArmyI Roads Base Course and Surfocmg Scotti itt ll iiItll1 15M lii Sll iv 11 wH tiji il lll Hzi HHl ii iii ii t1 quitii ln tl lit IM Iiiiii itt Slitllllli DENNY lt t=iiiiitii ii FNMA Illii 1i2111i if tt 11ioi lllllltl 5H Tillli tliiltl 1311th lit FAIL WHEAT P1111318 You Have Good Wheat Crop Now What AboUt Prices Good Prices Are Vital Ta COOp and its Members Essex and Kent iariuers ignored the low prices quoted last week for their wheat which is now cut Our prices are governed by world export agreement which calls for floor of 5151 and ceiling of $198 for N0 Northern We believe that the Wheat Board will now announce the Western price at Fort William which may vary from day to day Oiir information points to more reasonable price quot we do iioi realize these prices Coop may arrange storage next week 111 event that Your looperative will be buying wheat daily basis mill door weight grade and price less tracking and bags Be sure that it is thoroughly dry as all wheat will be moisture tested at the mills and wheat combined prematurely discounted 0001 have bags ready and number of trucks ready c9W Yes its Pot at Gold Event gold lett in yOur pocket when you buy at Watson Motors your Ford Monarch Dealer in Stayner For ithat good used car truck or trac tor visit Watson Motors today TRACTQRS PASSENGER CARS 1948 Chevrolet Sedan radio maroon colour small mileage 1947 Ford Coupe in almostnew condition 1947 Ford custom sedan radio like new Many old model cars priced to Sell quick ly MOTORCYCLES Two Harley Davidsons buddy soats Windshields etc OUTBOARD MOTORS Two Johnson 98 nearly new One HP in new condition One HP 1950 model with clutch Two 35 HP Johnson motors both good 8011 MOTORS FORD MONARCH SALES SERVICE ONTARIO 1949 Ford tractor new condition new guarantee Six used Ford Ferguson tractors fully reconditioned and guaranteed Priced reasonably Cockshutt 70 with new engine Cockshutt three furrow plow Minneapolis Molinc Model Allis Chalmers Model Massey Harris 1220 Fordson Major one month old We have large stock of implements TRUCKS 1947 Dodge three ton stake 1947 Ford 158 three ton combination body new engine tires battery sTAYuER 00000000000000000 Li lioid ioi siili cIj tol lilliivtlh 13 311 91 II Iliit paIItI tItIci 13 IUIN llll 12h Italic Ila ilei 916 13 All ill si iooins selfcon 1t oio ent Iiiiiiislii sinu 11 it 11IIlI coiipli tciichi no1 tliily ibstatiiei 311 up lioii 71131 it ti pit SSSSSSCQ$SS$$$S$b$$S swsxsxxam For market information sale and delivery of fall wheat for our Grain Buyer Phone 2429 18k Vi co 0P BARRIE WXSSS$$$XWXW$XNE$SEW$$XSX hOOlO00000OlOOOOI Lil1 111i1ilililljl Speaiii ilt illilli lift 1151 171ii 15 tititlptl Hospital lliiiitez oi 12in 131 llldll ltitlblXmi At the Royal Vietotiai Iituhlri tiiluiiiishti1 adults only tlaiiiirtoii St ithi Ill itoillt of tlltiltlilll In 112lll tiiltiiilllttl housi 1iieiice Sutton son Munro onl siI water in 11atlt1101t the Royal Victoria whit tiiip flittitl With one acrr lltitilnlill Barrie on July 211 19301 iiitllxl stitiwlieiiy patch and ltlt to 1i and Mrs John Miiiiol Till igisplmiy canes Apply to Iavidl tiappciton St daughter tJudf cut Good 100000000t0t00000Cliawmrd new condition Apply John Cam Taylor Ill letioy tint lti511p tli Maigarcti 1i1i lIIUNI summer cottage for ah 1iiiits lomt tltll Ii cottiigct Apply 211 fill59p 1t Il 53111 Iiucbied cockei span ei put ipzipcis Iitlllllltl ITIUlllliI It 157581IRICN1I At the Royal VicI old tiaiiet1 selling for 510 Width Mr Jordan littil 2tllt tilttilllillb clearing 22 lltlfikl chain 30c per link NIcoE Wilson llistoii ltltliilptl 38581llill God hold your loving zirmsl ASS 1C ll ltll IS clipper combine attachment Rtlltlllulllt litilitilllt ditioit 2138 $39$81 phone wFARM FOUIFMENT tASlI threshing machine 22x30 good condition phone 2148 liaiiit 31 Tip CASE otl bath ft mower good as new slit llaldve11 Shanty Bay 351 38p OCKSIIUTT binder ft cut nearly new Phone 5549 Barrie or 11r1l Ivy Il95738p itlxSlltflT manure spreader Crawford RR Barrie Highway 27 tit curve 3938b COCKSHUTT tiller No iii in ptI feet condition Apply to Win Maw RR Barrie phone 4266 39 58p MASSEYHARRIS binder ti ft good caiivasses running good Geo Ilolt lhointon 1114 Ivy 395859p MASSEYHARRIS binder ti ft condition lear soii RR Barrie Phone 813131 3938 GEORGE WHITE thresher 28x46 self tfeedcr blower 16 ft elevator James lrwin RR Barrie Phone 2114 Stroud 3938b OTTOTRAC tractor Ford en gine $30 Ford Engine on wheels with good rad $15 Frank Houn some Egbert 3958p SET of single harneSs set of one horse sleighs tires to fit Model 440x450x21 call after 630 Barrie 802122 3958 HIGH farm wagon cut down and put on rubber For particulars and price apply George Pearson Guth rie phone 81 Oro 3958p TWO lilack and tan German Shep herd male pups for sale Price reasonable John Patterson RR Barrie Phone 812r3 3858 WHITE separator 36x50 in run ning order new drivebelt grain thrower $300 complete Caldwell Shanty Bay 3958p USED 36x50 White threshing machine Reasonably priced Equip ped with grain blower Graves Bros Cundles Phone 9049 3958 2SURGE milking machine units Will 5011 together or separate In bell Stroud Phone 43121 3858p FORDFERGUSON tractor com pletely overhauled 12 bottom Ferguson plow GravesBros Fer guson dealers Candles Phone 9049 397581 THRESHERS George WhiteNo ti Canadas leader may be purchased on three year terms See it at Graves Bros Ferguson Implement dealers Cundles Phone Barrie 9049 395562p 1934 MeCORMICKDEERING trac tor on new rubber completely overhauled also 10 inchCockshutt plow nearly new Graves Bras Ferguson dealers Cundles Phone 9049 3958p AUCTION SALES Saturday Aug 5Estate of the late Partridge 58 Eccles Street Barrie Auctionsale of household furniture and effects Sale at pm Terms cash no reserve Sles soi Auctioneer 5759 do ORO STATION Mr and Mrs Frank Levering and Colline of Barrie Mr Mrs John Galbraith of Goldwater Mr and Mrs Potter and fam ily ofosemount were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs 1y in good coii illlINItY llllltsllv In loving memory of MONEY TO LOAN liar H1ltilitli itiiliiiti liitllltll lili lillil Vic lligtptii 5iii or 1in 31 to and ylzr laiii ciiaiil ltlt llilillt son Hillitrx tiie lie511 Vittoria IJ 11211 1lie oi lily lititi 11312 ll llIgtiJll llll lltlltll 11 data litii Itiio iii1iilt1i 1ttlltl11 the Royal Vit mi Hospital llaitie oi July 211 AIM to and Mrs Duck toztii xlllgt titiii sons l115 the Royal Victoria lomull Hattie oii Jin 133 1910 Ali oiil 1rs lliisil 1111115 17 iiisot 51 daughter lltli At the Royal Victoria ii and Mrs llaiiy rtiiliclt diiasiiip son illaiiy 1oseplit the lltHtll Victoria ZlIJIIllill Battle on July 35 1931 to 111s and Mis Stanley Ioihn 22 laik 51 11 suit ilopItLII Battle on July 25 19311 and Mis Robert tiosliiuz IIiiiiale son illolieit William At the Royal Victoria llJlilIdl Battle on July 33 1930 to Ali and Alis Wilbur lleiny lissii ltd son 11 All trltil Ilospital Barrie on July 11130 to Mr and Mrs 11 in IN MEMORIAM my dear husband Marshall At kinson who passed away July 13132 around him lll keep him in your Care llcase make up for all he had to suffer wonder why we had to part Iriio lliy hands Lord till the day breaks atid the shadows flee lior then Ill understand Ioo dearly loved to ever be TOT otten Wily and daughter 58b GILCIIRISTln loving memory of George Gilchrist who passed away Jilly 28 1948 Nothing can ever take away The love heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near Ever remembered by Mary Anne and Lucy 5tlp ROBBINSFIII loving memory of dear mother who passed away July 27 1948 No pen can write No tongue can tell Our sad and bitter loss But God alone Has helped the well To hear our heavy cross Her wearyhours and days of pain Her troubled nights are past And in our aching hearts we know She has found sweet rest at last Ever remembered by Norval Shir ley and Donna 58b ROBBINSIn loving memory of our dear daughter and sister Grace who died July 27 1948 Two years have passed since that sad day The one we loved was called away Godlutook her home it was His w1 But in our hearts she liveth still Ever remembered by daddy and mother sister Jean and brother Gordon 58pI WINDATTln loving memory of dear son and brother Thomas Albert Windatt who passed way oti July 28 1947 Two little hands are resting loving heart is still little son is waiting For us just over the hill Sadly missed and ever remembered by mother daddy and sisters 58p 11 Slessor LICENSED AUCTIONEEB HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FARM srocx ANIT mLEMENTs Pliohe 2577 Bgrrio Grates Allen VMorris Sales and Service 531 ST CLAIR AVE MARRIED The Barrie Public FIOR SALE BY TENDER Livestock LI 11tiii AUCTION Lil llllullr SJli FRIDAY JULY 28 ii 111 pin ll VinLIF Inuit tows Iiiiciuiis VI 10 KENS units nonsts 51 IUlilJillI iti 1o ll 1t21 Invil It Stabling and Sales Ring Under Ora Root The Location ls vII EBARRIE FAIR GROUNDS liiilii Highway 37 11 the South Limits Ii ltl till 151rlli iitiiiiiiit lii Iii ttiitnn 11 tilll ititiiii It iii Slltlslll At rltytiiistir U11 pi Elyl le llil thigliil all MA Hie liytw gil llAN ll 515 trio onto i=t it imk iiiitiiitii ot lllllli illlil MT nnintriguinjnyy ih Hum lino it it 1111 Iiii iii ii omo===or=o==10=o==30mo=0 wo lk ll lllll0ll of beautiful IIEN llllllllllllllIllilllilllllillnlfxnlr Kilt0Ulllnluxll rm imm NAME EITHER 01 ADDRESS FHF MACHINES it ITY 1ouhon citptt i1 with Ivl linth Purchase io=io=or=io==r Due 01 REBUILT Guaranteed Year COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS MAN UFATIIREI BY STATE ii FOR EITHER MACHINE IIIIVE REBUILT AND GUARANTEED YEAR COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS MANUFACTURED BY STATE FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION WITHIN 250MILE RADIUS 24 Hour Phone Service USED CARS Phone 3533 Candles Ont 48 Morris Sedan 42 Pontiac Sedan 41 Chrysler Sedan 40 Buick Sedan 39 Oldsmobile Sedan 47 Buick Sedan 41Packard Sedan 41 Buick Sedan 40 Ford Coach 37 Chevrolet Coach 46 Ford Ton Pickup Ford 12 Ton Pickup Many more cars to choose from 112152 SOLD 0N DEMONSTRATION ONLY T0 ENSU SATISFACTION RE COMPLETE 52151 CLAIR AVE TORONTO REBUTLILHOOVERFGE+PREMIEREUREKAETC MOST MAKES RRBUTLT AND NEWCLEANERS IN STOCK QQQQvQQQ Also LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON TRADEINS COMPLETE

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