Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1950, p. 14

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14 THE THitilIl IilITi ilililleY TY 37 1030 lll1l lN llI111c1111111111111dollars1111111111111111111 ner who gt111llllgt 1111 best 1111111 1111 these 111111111s11c11 car iings esp11111ily 1151411111 1111 1111 1111111111n Nation12 lixlnbi tion 11111111 11111s1 1121111 lrs 111111 Auken Womens Division loionlo 1111Ansuis1 111 l11111111i 1111111 11111111111 bril liants they are work of Men111111 111111 your 11111111111111 professor 111111 cave 11p 11111111111 to devote 1111 his tune lo de signing111111111111dc lewcls 1111 MIDHURST 111111 11 andWestern Canada and the USA OFFICE 4803 101 DunlOp St 5325 Montreai Winnipeir REAL ESTATE To offer all buyers and sellers of real estate the bene fit of our fast efficient servicewe have opened an of fiec for the Town of Barrie and surrounding commun ities at Clappei ton St Over Bell Telephone Business Offices If it is Real Estate we have it LISTYOUR REAL ESTATEBUY YOUR REAL ESTATE FROM JOHN MILLAR Broker HARRY TOVELL Manager EVENINGS TOLLENDAL ROAD BARRIE RR No Enjoy the Comfortipy automatic Treating by installing FAIRBANKSMORSE dill BURNER Allandale Plumbing 61 Heating 133 Cumberland st Phone 2246 Barrie l11v 11 53m 111111111 ins visiting 111 Ma 1111111 11 llvhtlidI Rev 11 1111 lt 11w 11111111111111 hinclnil 111111 l11 1111 111111 11 lread Mrs NH 91 11111111110 11 311 Barry isiliin 311s 111111 oileei 11111 Kain 11111 311s 1111111111 111v1 1111 11c coinpanicd 111 1111 1i11 11111111111111 11 11111111 are 11s111nc 111 hlt 111111131 111111 illi111n Sulli 11111111117 Mr and liis latt have llttll 11s11111g 111111 son James in llamil 1111 Helen Randy and her mother of iillllllliliill are L111l this vcck at and DH II Yourself lirtl llrodcricks lhe picnic for 1wton Robinson Call and 13111111 11111111 Sunday Schools BARRIE 111 11111111111 lzirk 11in 11 was well lath1111111 Ianns Bentley 11111111111111 young llsi son of Wilmot llciitlcy was Company Limited lilllllltd last 51111111111 and Mr and HERTZ lilthURSELF 1511s 1311111111 Sr of Muskoka 111 LICENSEE ltendcd the wedding and spent the 69 Collie iweckend 11111 their lamily in this vicinity hi1 litllth TIT Canada Limited Direct Van Serv1ce to Eastern Phone Barrie 502i Know Garden and Kill Them on Sight Enemies 11 it 51553 1A Menus fSQ 13st REA 55575 35 95571 55 f1 fr 1g Po Ara 924 Marcov BEETLE LEAEOPFfR BEANffflf 3544 HORM COR AR WORM lhcsc Inserts will Attack ltris 11e the 11111f ti1111 of 1111 1131 311111 gardei 12111 are 111 11 v1s1kti1atatlark 11e11es 1111 1111111111rnsu1111y11ept 111a1111 by 1111 abundance 111 snip11111 and beet1111 the leaves dry 11 is 1=11 111 apply 11 111er dncctiy to the soil e1cp for 111111 51111111 eriziq of 1111 i1= es to ash them 1111 when 1111 is shining Do not walk 11 1111 garden when leaves are 11 The forrcr distinction between insects 11inch drink plant JllltIs 11nd thme 111111 e111 leans 11111 been iinnnnired by 11 inch 1111s many insects of both kinds It is Ixllttifllly etlective against leafr hoppers which are juice drinkers and hard to 1111 111111 cuniact p111 Sons residue on the leaves 11111s these when they walk over 1111 leavcs it 11111 worms beetles and many forms of apinds If is used heavily on c113 cnnibers melons 11111111111111le there is some danger that plants 11111 be Your Vegetable iarden 111 111 1111111s 111211 this inury is slight 11111 litittlldl amounts of 1111 1111 exceeding 31 per cent gtZl1lilll is 1111011 The injury is not 1111c to but to impurities 11 11s commercial forms refined 1111111 of without these ini puniics is manufactured but is seldom obtainable in commercial preparations 1111 protecting these plains ordinary can be illsiili on the ground where the si111sli vine emerges to control the s11lll borer or beneath young melon and cucumber plants lf rotcnonc is not effective against 1111111111111 beetles then mixture of one part calcium arsenate to 10 pounds of gypsum gives excellent resiflts ll rotcnonc is combined with practically all insects of 1cgc1ablc and flower gardens can be controlled B111 vegetables should always be carefully washed before using when has been used stunted trough many comiiicrcialon them cs OF COMMANDANT From amp Borden Citizen lliat Officer 11111e1s of the School of infantry should join 111serve units upon the completion of their training and thereby fulfill their obligations as officers and anad ian citizens was the message of an address by l1ol llonghton delivered to Tl 11nd onnnand oniingeut cadets this week 01 lloughton in his made reference to the present 111 ternational situation and to the fact that the present system of j1llllllOl Officer training was evolv cd in 1045 111 provide 11 trained backlog of officers in hurry 111 just such events as may result from the present conflict in Korea Col lioughton made the point that in the event of another war it is 1111 likely that Canadian Forces would lhave three and half years to train before going into action en masse is they had in England before the landings in Sicily The School Commandant then made the pointvthat such forces would have to be trained now and July 24 number of the local people en iioyed picking cherries near Coll ingwood during the past week The members of lnnisfil Chaptbf of the Eastern Star are holding bazaar and bake sale at Innisfil Park on Wednesday Augdst The ladies of thcPrcsbyterian Church held very successful bake Isale at Iiinisfil Park Wednesday last The WMS of the Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs Dwight Nelson on Thursday August Mrs Agnes Can pbcll has return 1ed to the home of her son Campbell after visit with rela lives at Creemore Mrs William Sutherland re turned home Saturday morning af with University Tours to England Scotlandand France gt John MeCraw Of New London Conn is visiting his sister Mrs lJ Reid and brother M9 Craw at his cottage at Stroud Beach The many friends of RuSsell 1Webb will be sorry to hear of his illness and hope for him speedy recovery also for Mrs Russell Cross who is confined to bed blame the oppllonco your dealer Chances are your wiring overloaded Overloading concouso or much as 10 voltcigo drop on circuit When this hoppom toaster will take 315 inoro time to hoot up and coil matter will take 125 more time than when thowiring is odoquoto address ter assisting in conducting tour lADDRESSES COTC CADETS main rcscrvc units Sta tistical reports have shown that 10111111 adcts upon graduation from their courses have not assum 11d commissions in the Reserve Force in such numbers as they diould have he stated It follows from this he then 111111 111111 the training of Reserve loicc troops cannot be carried out on as large scale as is necessary in 1111 ii graduates of the COIC are not going to respond to the moral obli lgation to Canada which they have assumcd because of their member ship in the Corps The training of such junior officers has cost 1110 1gove1iuiICnt many thousands of in return 111 closing Col Houghton said that he hoped every Officer Cadet would not shirk his responsibilities to his country by fulfilling his mor al obligation as trained junior officer and his responsibilities as good citizen by maintaining his contacts with the army upon grad uation Horse 0ft Misunderstood Says Colonel Timmis To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Dear Sir The horse is really most intelligent animal and has marvellous n1emQI1And if un derstood declares LieutColoncl Timmis D80 is mostavilling courageous and hardworkjnggini panion gtA horse needsurll the water he can drink And says Colonel Timmis 10 lbs of oats 12 lbs of hay and lbs of bran per 1000 lbs of weight per dyi Although large animal the horse possesses comparatively small stomach And as the in nocent might suppose he cannot eat one good meal and go all day on that He should befed fre quently Give him one days rest week advocates Colonel Timmis to horse owners Sharp spurs should never be used nor the abuse of the whip tilated lighted and sanitary If be walked arounduntil he is cool Anticipate his needs which he is unable to ask for and leave his tail to Providence Barrie July 22 1950 um ELECTRICALTIPSCFoRrHE HOME if Your 19111101 and CofiooMoIicr Tokoforovcii to oor Up Do install at least two 204m pore opplioncocircuito to servo cooking appliances in tho kitchen and in tho dining room When there are enough circuits of largo enough win your cloc tricol equipment will operate oth ciontly and economically You will also in onuer of better cooking results $111 111111 111 711 1111111 1111111111 1111 11111111111 dollars and theirs is an Obligation tolerated His stable should be ven giVeFafdrink while hot tremor IE PETCH 11111115111111115 fouzJ 1114111111 11111 111 1111 111 11111 v1 iltlil idtir 111 1111 11111 TRIP 1Kl 1111 111 1111lli11 1111111 1111111 1111111111 11 11 11 help make 11 l11 1111 11 111 11 hie111 1111111111 lIi1 11111 1111 111i 11 in own 111 pll1l111w 11111111111111 11 111111 p111 111111 1111s 111111111 The 1111 1111111 is goin 1111 first lltl1l11lllt 1c 111111 1111111 it 511111 after thenl 11ppoii11m1i1t imier iXIclllilr 111151111111 ex 111N111 511111 of the funds which 11 the way 1111 decoration was 111 1111111 tounty 111111 townshipi orities tin11111111o 111p111111enti 111 11 Highways and the parkways 1111 l11 WM 111 uiiolzs near13v statcsl 111 would put dollais 111111111111111111s incic 1iilislilled The exccntois 1nformationseekl 1111 covered even 1111 ettect of clini 1111 conditions on various l1li of 11ce and their ability to withstand llic gtlll mixtures used on snow and 1111111111111 inglnvays It decided 111111 1111 111e should be planted at the roadside no 111 central lgtonl1ards Another 111111l1ls111n was that rather 1111111 11111111 llllt of single trees for 1111111 after mile the pattern should be biolteii with occasional lllllil 111 smaller trees The result would be more attractive less 11111111111111 11115 11115 After consultation with 1111 On tario Department of Highways it was decided the Barrie highway 111111 lself best to big scheme of planting With the highway still tundcr construction start could not be made immediately short lagc of dccOititive trees at the nur scries also held rip the planting Employee Of HEPC Coming To Barrie Illanovcr losh District management changes eon wcrning Hanover and Walkerton 11y 1dro offices have been announced by the 11 to take effect in the near future BUAOrish Story legacy Provides Trees For New 211111 1211 iii 11111 1111 TorontoBarrie 4Lane Highway 11 llil li1111 May Give Clean Bill Of Health To BC Cattle ltl1ill1 111llTl 17 1111 All lliiil 1111111111111 111st 111 111111 11111 1111s 1111 l1e declaied 1111111 1ltlilrlll1i 11i11 1111 1111111 y1111 111111 111111v111 1H 11111s1111 11 111111113111113 1111111111 11111 iliisi 1y teats 1111 111111 Dominion v1 tel 111 L1111 111111111 the scope 111 the 1111s1 311111i1s 11111 11111 111111 11111 111 111111111 Eulaacidosis 1i 111111111111 11 lll1 tlliili 1111l11111 except for the Hare 1111111 Block 1111 Duiinnions stamp of approl as 111 11s pockets in slieainliinng cattle cx ports the minister indicated 11 would also safeguard public health and morale by citirens could buy meat and inilkl free 1111111 tuberculosis though the provinces testing of every coin1 1111111111 dairy farm now gives 1111ly solid assuiance The livestock branch of the pro1 viiicial department of flulltlllllllt lll1ll has pioneered in tuberculin tcstiin since 1913 is vacating 1111 11111111 in favor of 11111 Dominion lhei proviiae will conlniue for the pro sent in the Peace lhvcr Block but the Doiniinon will probably 11111e over there next year Aids lprortcrs Dominion and provincial tests are almost exactly the same but the Donnnions clean label on BC rattle will carry more weight in clearing caltlc or export Dr 11 1111111 director of the provincial li1estock branch said ll has the lowest relative incid clicc of bovnie 1l in Canada The province is the only one which has done organized tuberculin testing lranstcr of tuberculin testing to the Dominion leaves the bulk of the provincial veterinary staff free for the battle against briiccllosis the Itching Burning Charles laliner ofurover who has been supervisor of the district distributing power plant has been SUCcessor has not been announCed Mr 1111111111 who has been with the it for 36 years came to Hanover about 21 years ago Both 11c and Mrs lalinervhave made many friends during their re sidencc in Hanover and their de parture from town will be regretted in wide circle guaranteeing that lferspiring Fee 111 to any Tamblyn Drug Store 1111 any diuugist today and get an notified of transfer 11 Barrie llis original bottle of Mooncs Emerald worry this powerful 111 Mont ipcnclratiiig oil brings such land comfort that youll soon able to go about your work again happy and without 111111 almost 1111 bearable aching and soreness Rub on Emerald Oil tonight freely it does not stain is ccon Omical Money back if not satis LEISL Any Tainblyn Drug Store be ficcd Good diuggists cverywhcrc 11111111111 li1111 1111111111111311 11111 3llllz 11111 11111111 1111 lls1ll 11 111 1111 ls 11111 1v1111 1111 11111 11111 S11 12 oar0 tsw1 cusngro 111 1111110 111111 11 11 NT Win 11111 11111111 111111 tileii 1111111111 tiltjilis tire 11ml kuown 11s 111111111ii1 11 111 c1111 1111111111 111111 11111 11111111iy 111111 11111111lli1xp 11111111111111 1111111 Ii ilic 11111111111111 1111111 1111 111 llliill AAAAA HAT 11111111 in 1111111 111 on your Savings TWO percent interest privileges quested FOXU REAKUUN II PAYS iO lllllilrii TN 11 HAHN IiiONi ftli FlilIITATIIIES MAKE TOII WELL KEEP T00 WELL You are sure of relief itli pronii famous prmeiiilitcnsoi thousands of cases illlll ES iireinadeoinaturesfruit1111111herbs scientific Fill lill 125 doctors presci iptiuii checking paid cheques returned if TC depOsitsliy mail if desired prompt service these are some of the iidvzintagcs parlincnt Convenient location at any time 01101011 by our Savings Do accossible during business hours THE STERLING TRUSTS COR PO RATION Hood Oliico Toronto Barrie Office l3 Dunlop Street BEGoodrich FROM SOME OTHER BRAND knows value szc Why did they switch Makers of 1111 Batteries Rubbcrfootwoar Industrial Rubber Products and Koroloai nationwide survey mode of the tire customers of Goodrich Dealers from coast to coast shows that out of Bl Goodrich tire buyers switched from some other brand Your Goodrich Dealer Hell tell you that some switched to get more mileage for extra blowout protection sbnic for smoother riding added safety lowercost motoring for all the extra advantages of BFLG00i1iCll research Froin BFGoodrielireseareli have come cooler running longerwearing rubber compounds superior tread and hodyvdesign advanced methods that mean better tire performance greater Theres BFGOodricli Tire dealer located near you 0ne7Of the BF Goodrich family Of 5000 trained tire specialists and service experts Hell help keep your tires in tiptop condition the year round Get him to show you the new BFG Silver towns and the famous SealoInatie safety tubes that seal puncturesinstantly permanently as you ride Sec him today 1015111011 THE FENTAGONAL 51611 that identies your friendly IPGoodiich doolor MANUFACTURERS TOO CHOOSE BEGOODRICH If yournew car truck or tractor is equipped with BFG tires take advantage of your dealers free tire inspection service long troublefree mileage Automotive Accessories for OHM HEAR ALL ABOUT THE MOST POWERFUL GASOLINE YOUR CARCAN USEON SHELL NEWS CKBB 530 PMI My EEG DEALER had alot to do with my switch to BFG Tires Hes the export and service export toe Thoi importunil Ferguson london Ontario Tho best the We over hod soy Pollock of Toronto Ont BFGI are always ob solutoly dopondoblo with tougher trend and strong cidowolli ior oxtio blowout protection switched to BFGoodrich to not extra milcogo and havent been diioppointod After long hard drivm mostly ovor boo many more mitos Sinclair East Rivmido NB Ive had BF Goodrich tlm or two our onioying solo nonski traction and com plotoly troubleinc perform ance Real Longlois Que hovo drivon on IF Good rich tiros since 1936 and hovo olwo onioyod long woor and tiouh ciioo performance Woilili Winnipeg Mon l1iiiIR roudstrou still look good for Don V1 nu Myanzwwy 11 2111

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