nM likely meet few setbacks before brought back in campaign con half hasibeen unsettled when the temperature took 23 next day On July 13 high of 89 Charles Alexander Bruce The Home Newspaper for Barrie and District County of Simcoe 87th YearwNo 57 ttltltt The First Column Mysteries Well Named Ily VINflE FAth play heard on Illt radio recent ly might have been completely satv isfylllg if the words of one of the diameters an 11yearold girl ipos sibly played by an adult had been rtcoglllable Most of the times She spoke heard only rledv sounds something like the sound maniadoll makes Ilcl Illll carrlcd important contin oily and xat on the edge of lily still every time she spoke trying to make out what she said cer tainly didnt listen as the announcer says should There is ttlllilll weekly priv ateeye progrlun that leaves me baffled nearly every timel hear it even though the principal char lcter somehow solves the mystery every little At the end of the program soliletinies have the general idea of what happened btit ant irked by the fact that will never know exactly what transpired when Frank Fearless opened that door on the San Francisco waterfront and wven knifewielding Chinese rushed out at lillil Incidents like this and other similar blank spots relax and generally lto me ill lilystery programs are told by means of grunts mainly It would solve the thing if radios had knob you could ttlrn to re play parts you didnt get They havent so make up my mind to listening to further unintelligible programs or making use of con venient knob radios do have Iroducers could avoid the latter tragedy by forgetting to degree the theory about having to tell the story by means of action and dial ogue This is title for books that have pages you can flick back and rcread but when the listeners comprehension of the story depends solely on sounds of the moment sobbing female or confused inter change of blows and shots call leave him stranded Now that have set myself up as all expert on radio programs might as well add that fewlmorc titles of more or less straight nar rative perhaps in tile voice of one of the characters who isnt required to speak out of the side of his mouth might help But not all programs have these faults and theyre all practically free so why should kick take it all back Want Gentle Expletives catn paign to banish swearing in French is being waged in the north country report states the effort is by the Catholic Church which has posted signs against cursing in hotels stores filling sta tiolis and so on This is worthy work and could well be extended to the English language but the campaign will substitutes suggested for stronger words are entirely accepted One of the priests admitted that emotion sometimes bubbles up in everybody till they are ready to burst He said thats when man should curb foul language and have substitute ready He said he uses the words Sunshine or Moonlight and gets lot of satis faction out of them We have taken this to heart and the next time we flatten our thumb against wall with hammer we will look down at the throbbing member and say calmly Ohl raindrops fFudge is word that has gone opt of style lately but it could be cerning English Fiddlesticks fud dlededud and dagnab are other alternatives that could be posted up in boiler factories lumber camps ships newsrooms and otherl places where tempers are prone to flare If campaigns like this are success ful at some future time there might be more truth than fiction in the joke about the two riveters working high up on construction job The highest man dropped redhot rivet down the other mans neck Therecipient looked up and said Drat ibPercy Im getting sick and tired of you droppinghot rivets down my neck Thats the third time today youve done it If you continue to be so careless Ishall be compelled to report you to the foreman Weather Pickles In Past Week Weather for the past week and Cool nights and warm days have been the rule with some showers July 14 saw the most sudden change degree drop but was up again the was registered and the mercury dropped to low of 44 on July 14 and 21 High Low July 13 89 49 July 14 60 46 July 15 82 45 July 16 80 44 July 17 78 64 July 18 72 54 July 19 70 52 July 20 73 54 July 21 75 44 July 22 73 47 Readings were taken at 11 am oH SMALL BEGINNINGS The first Commercial shipment of tea from India was sent to London in 1838 by retired naval officer AUIHORIIED AS SECOND CLASS IAIL 01 INE POSI OFFICE DEPARYIIEHI Shorthorn Cattle Breeders Form Simcoe Club The Shorthorn llrccdely of Nottlzl Simcoe liltl in the board loom of the Ontario Department of r1lltll llltt iii Harrie on July lsl ltlti formed the North Simcoe Silortliom Breeders hill The following offices Wlll tItfI ed lionoralv president Stewart Page Agricultural Representative for North Simcoe president Murphy rlllla lst lttpltltltllir Holton Marshall Ilawkestone vicepresident llally Ruinlim tolla Harbor Ernest tlloll tilo Station lllr ctors lIdwaid Mctlung lliclpston Iohll Rumble lllllltdalc Illy Walt Midhurst llowarli llchallalic Stayller uili tlelnent Hobitalllr Midland If It White secretary of the Canadian Slioltlloln Association and love secretary of the Ontario Shorthorn Iub wlrl pres tIlt and assisted lll forming the new organization Set bjccts The objects of the club are to tli courage aild extend the influence of Shorthorn breeding and Milt guard the interests of its member ship by creating better trade op portunitles and as far as possible iperatc to their general profit and advantage to promote closer rela tions alnollg the membership and to stimulate greater activity among them to advise and in general Lov operate with the Canadian Short horn Association alld the Ontario Shorthorn Club They hope to arrange for public sales if conditions are favorable to which the members mayconsign their saleable stock and to provide for careful inspection of the sale entries so that creditable offering may be assured They will arrange for exhibits 111 local arid other fairs and where necessary select individualanimals from the Several herds in order that groups may represent the best of the club members herds Membership is open to any per son in North Simcoe and identified with the breeding of Shortliorns purebred or grade and who is ill terested in promoting the interests of the club Car Crashes From Bridge Injured Three youths were injured when the oldmodel car in which they were passengers plunged off the wooden bridge on the Shanty Bay Road about mile from Barrie at 020 pm Sunday Three others in the car escaped with shaking up The car dropped onto the railway track and was almost totalwreck Taken to Rbyal Victoria Hospital were Ronald Leonard 17 Barrie lacerations to the head and possi ble fractured skull Jerry Gibbons 18 RCAF possible fractured pelvis Ronald Barron 18 Barrie injured arm in Dr Taylor attended at the scene The accident is being in vestigated by Prov Cons Kell ett Acquires Building OUGH The Frawley building on Dunlop Street Barrie was recently pur chased by William John Ough The building was formerly owned by the MissesFrawley of Bayfield St At the present time Mr Ough has no definite plans for the build ing However it is expected that the second and third floors will be used solely for offices At present it houses the Store Manu facturerleife Insurance Co Rem ington Repair School and the Knights of Columbus robms Mn Ough is presently hardware business with which he has always been associated at 80 Dunlop St Barrie took over on January 15 1947 Mr Ough came to Barrie from Aurogp where he was born After attending Aurora Public and High Schools he attended Ridley Col lege St Catharines He is married to the former Grace Eleanor DeWSbury of Rich mond Hill They have two chil dren daughter Janet Eleanor age that secretary lltitllltl flower studies recently painted by at 60 cents quart SOFTBALL the artist will be exhibited Irisl Eggs remained steady at55 and bouquet of mixed garden flowers 150 for large medium grades Scllor Chinese poppiesall have received IAS Oil PM Oudendags 0Wn unique treatment He is also showing great many iRev MacGIIIlvray CGE 003 of the paintings he brought over lACCGPIS To CII Emmi with him last summer from his RevJ MacGillivray who had Harms 333 native Holland Visitors to the ex been minister in Bradford Presby Intermediate hibition will receive their first im terian Church Scotch Settlement As of July 21gt pression of the show with view Presbyterian Church and St Johns Ict to the far right from the doorway Coulsons Hill for almost two years Minesing 12 750 of huge painting of leering has accepted call to Bonar Pres Legion 13 592 Mphistopheles on the extreme rear byterian Church Toronto and will CGE 10 400 wall and to the right sunny por assume his new duties in Septem Copaco ll 10 091 trait of laughing rogue bar Ladies Oudendag is also showing all As of July 19 Newmarket 750 Paradlng TWlllS Valley 11 630 Midland 12 416 Orillla 10 400 Stransmans 10 300 gt South Simcoe Playoffs As of July 2n Ptsg IOld Tyme and Modern dance Fenneus every Wednesday andSaturday Touenham night at crusts Tom Pattendens BASEBALL in the He purchased the business from Empke and five years and son Richard ohn three Mr Ough is member of Collier St United Church An active mem ber of the Barrie KiwanisCIub he also holds office in the Odd fellows Lodge Barrie badminton an golfing enthus last Mr Ough ta es an intErest in the organization end of skiing His main hobby is photography OI IAWA BARRIE DIRECTORY SHOWN ABOVE at left is Barrie native son whose collected newspap er clippings on his home town were record ed on microfilm recently for libraries Holding Barrie directory of 1800 is Ilelbett Croxford technician filmed this and seven volumes Centre is Dr Frank Walker Artist Egbert Oudendag Opens First Exhibit Ill His Stud The exhibition of oil paintings by the Barrie resident Dutch artist Egbert udcndag opening Wednes lay evening ill his studio over the Bank of Nova Scotia will be of particular interest because of the local portraits being shown The exhibit which will be held in follr rooms of the long rectangu lar studio will open at pm on Wednesday and will continue through Thursday Jilly 27 for two weeks until August Tile studio will be open to the public from to oclock in the afternoon and from It to 10 oclock in the even ings for the entire period In addition to portraits of sev eral local people some familiar landscapes will be spotted rath er unusual treatment has been giv en the bank of Lovers Creek and there are two different views of the creek Among several interest ing studies of Willow Creek is fairly large landscape painted at dawn in the wintertime with bright red sun coming up over thel ice and snow on the creek surface just below the bridge The little stream running over the Barrie golf course and several paintings of Dyments Pond and the surrounding area are also seen among Artist Oudendags studies One of thelarger and most re cent portraits is one of Mrs Will iam LaPlante completed during fourhour class period Portraits of Dr Orok of Midhurst Miss Margaret Stewart Bert Young Mrs Morrison Mrs Her bert Kaser of Victoria Harbor the former Peggy Smith of Barrie Mrs Eplett and Miss Cather ine Gamble are among those being shown In the front main studio room against the west wall is centred large winter scene of children building snowman also painted in Barrie Several of the still lifes andl Raspberry festival to be held at Grenfel Community Centre on Wednesday July 26 at 530 pm Ball game and program to follow Adults 75cl Children under 12 35c 4557 Barn dance every Tuesday night at Joe Nobles new barn at Bond Head starting May 30 Paxtons orchestra Modern and old time dancinzl 39tfbM Pleand ice cream social draw and dance Gearin Hall Phelpston Wednesday August 16 Admission Adults 35c children 25c Dance 50c 564mb Exhibition of Oil Paintings by Egbert Oudendag Dutch artist in his studio Elizabeth Street ell trance at rear of Bank of Nova Scotia Opening day Wednesday July 26 at 8pm CKBB will be present Open every day from July 27 to August from 2110 pm and to 10 pm Admission 50 cents Telephone 4470 ll574501 BARRIE ONTARIO lgoodselling commodity in the out Mountaineers Admission 50c 52tbeI NADATMMONDAY my lei3 OF I866 AMONG BOOKS FILMED Fred Grant of the collection through Mrs 17 Mon 0hr Emir that tagu Leeds standing beside him and sug Mmm in LAES Innistil Family Histories Wanted tlil rtltltil ut lnnislll pinaw plan to get their IJIIIIIV histories ill to Ir It 11 Hoycs or llln by August Ihrl hr no liturgc lor Illtt Iw llllrch histories IIIl Lites lnll luriner minis istcrs would be lllpfttIfllI the Womens Institutel can help grlutly bl tlitlillg ill early history In cottlicltioli lith tlle IIIItrIllI schools Itf0llt loomration ctrtlcll re qucstcd is Of Dongero miner Nikki ALL EUREAJ tt CIRCUtAItONS Wilkilib 0t CANADA AND two KILLED lit muncu lit 317 Sliclv ilolilzl Iliill lllltl SM llli lin oi Sl all in otti iriolltn roll 17111 foilllr guilt lio tilvlll ullgjlllw 13 ll uvllrlnln itlvlllm tllt llllill All ilmu ion lIIIl file gavl 111 Ilzl lltll illtwi 219 litril Silvie ill to ll lm lollllt inf Iuli lll IIE ivl thilllllII VII ll liilillll lil of 1ItI3 liliidi li imb ilaii Jlrv lltlllli ti 1h se in county and the United States and during his 40 who micro years at Victoria Mr Grants clippings of clippings who heard subjects Report Loblaws To lBuiId At Midland ioOnWednesdayl smaller portrait of his infant son tillldltttifl Free Press Herald Though no confirmation has been forthcoming from Iloblaw head of fices it reported that it new store will be built on King Street IS gcstcd the tnicrofilniing to county councililll Gathered in his travels throughout Canada Itw WNWum fill 53 volumes covering wide variety ofimhvw lr mm itlrill on Toronto Taxi Driver Convicted us Driv ing $50 Fine MONDAY AND THURSDAY Sc Copy $300 You One Section Pages Ill i1l Stunt linill tilIl of lel Illicit ul lioyll vu Lliul llthI to Toronto lill ell Allan IlltlZ gttlfftltll IILgt pastmlr lzili her eight litltil llllii till Hui IJIIII Ilt ll police alii ill colonel lillllifl all the lrrlrlent Tllll lii ll liltltl ll mm mitell Mi Hm HH ll lll Imo ligating officer Illilllt llw 774 ll of lllrl wle ilill skirt Illltlll or ltwnl ifttllllttl lack lT Great Statesman 1v tlo im point of initial ForI ll Illw tilil ltv of li cats Ill ll lliilll were glev lllltill of Iii ollallf ilalll Tile tltIlllH millil illtlll of notes11 ilti fifth to li and it was itlllxttl by iiiitlltev lliltlilll hllll lllllt of blo of whiskey to Hill in Illt car following the tici cl in lcnlalnell illiestzzlillshcdi Iiluiillllt Scrang Iillillttl that Illilt strong smell of lilIUXli lm 11 tlllt Ilollilllr ltlli was iii1lllil lit lliiili llll iotvlt ball ilolnplton Kt Jolll of lav film of Sin girl IIIIIiIIIl fill al lulid It ll ll lllt ii ll limit lllionio taxr Illl had ltilVlli hlml lacerations tllitilbillli ltllt liliilslil Itlln ill ill accliil ll pl ionr llw in lllisrett Lill was shaken up and taken to til lHllltl ultll him but later it Incall The liiollclliol of the illi Wil lllm limo all had been asllll in $llllIIlLSBL Midland for Ilollaw lrociterias Ilomn llilollti in barl from the lie first lived on coating to this lellfmy Illlllcl fmlll III IIl III Im country It is anticipated IllIi rollstiuc which our Hi the lnwstiuatulg oflt His aliilnal studies include huge IIIWIS IIHII WWIIHUI ill portrait of team of 1161505 ha futulc about b0 nullL an hour laslliri ness and smaller study of little Property to be used is the lot on mill lIH SIHIWH IIH INHIIHUl Hil do small portrait of Haikcsi wpsl side of hp gtroct midway lltllltI iii lllltl been ltlitil till 115 cove may be the only view of the between llugcl and Elizabeth foundations and damages were Strrets at present occupied by the towns ptlblie rest rooms Last rcg ittcred owners of the land were Famous Players Corporation who purchased it from the town with intention of erecting theatre Bay of which he has made several preliminary sketches Artist Oudendags studio is one of the very few places one can go in Barrie where completely European air invades our typical Ollmll WW tnfsphel9 It IS representative of Loblaws was reached by the outside stairway at 0w Inst WON and mumrm II our the Bank Of NOV 590 with municipal officials It was re I1 and dlmcuy down mill ml ported that tentative agreement hallway HIS from mam Stud lliad been reached with neighboring mom Where he does hlslwork Ims property owners concerning walls been transformed very simply into and that ts had been uIImIsIakablC Manta ascertain the problems which Imnmg IOOmS pm would be encountered ill laying by skylight make very fine foundqnum small art gallery Advise Essay Entron ts FreSh vegetables To Start Work Scan Have Good Market Shelled green peas sold well at 30 cents pint and 60 cents quart at the farmers market otl Saturday morning The prices for early peas in the pod were 75 and 58 cents six quart basket alld20 cents quart New butter beans were also plentiful on the market selling at 20 cents quart New potatoes sold at uniform price of 50 cents basket The large red cherries were aroused among Essa township pub lic school pupils in the coating school fairs essay contest on the subject Your Impressions of The tions Good prizes are being offered arid competitiorris expected to be keen the summer montlls if theywish to stand good chance in tileljudging in September door market Vendors were ask ing $130 basket Comb honey remained good seller at 45 and 50 cents comb Red Currants were down to 20 cents quartand wild raspberries sold 332 Standings North Simcoe As of July 18 Pct Vlarjorie icon the left and Marion At least 60 per cent of Chiang Kai on the right Their mother is Sheks troops or about 1800000 member of the lodge men were lost during 1948 Considerable interest is beingl Essa Township Centennial Celcbral The committee is advising entlrantsl to start preparing their entries in taken to Barrie 1000 Orillia 750 Collingwood 555 Creemore 500 Penetang 2333 Airforce ti 143 Midland 111 South Simcoe As of July 20 MARJORIE AND MARION Pct DAVIS 13yearold twin daughters Stroud 12 10 833 of Mr and Mrs Wilbert Davis of Palgrave 11 818 Minesing made pretty picture in Ivy 13 692 the twelfth of July celebrationsat Alliston 667 Midland Agricultural Psirk Dressed Bectori 11 636 alike in oldfashioned white gowns Barrie 11 455 the twins marched with two other Utopia 11 300 pairs of little girls in red and Everett 12 blue With the Coronation Loyal Thornton 12 13 True Blue Lodge No 511 Midhurst estlnialerl at several thousand lol lars llll tiil suffered dalllages amounting to storm It was 1940 lnodel Provmclal onstablc Morris Scragg testified that he saw the last Boyd was driving pass through the red llglit at the intersection of Ifitllltttijs No II and 117 at speed of apprmunlately 00 miles an hour at twill am He claimed that the car was travelling north on No 27 Highway The accused who was not familiar with the town was under the belief that he had been travelling on Highway 11 He claimed that he must have fallen aslecp at the tune of the accident or been overcome by fumes ill tlle car The officer had been crossing the Essa Road railway crossing when hertirst sighted the car and was about to turn around and fol low it when the crash occurred Injures Elbow Ribs In Full From Ladder Roy Wright Toronto suffered broken left elbow and three frac tured ribs when he fellabout 15 feet from ladder Friday while work ing on installation of ventilator at the addition to the Canadian General Electric plant here He was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital where his condition was not considered serious sicamfitter he was employed by the plumbing contractor for the new addition ltll liliuor on Boyds breath but ill denied having had anvilling to ill lll lnv dtlllMtI rimmed to have left illilllllilvll luronlo about Bill in The ilnle of leaving the downtown pail of the city was cstabltsnld at lullllilLIl tllollgllt Ili might have to proprid to Viitolla llalbor and that he had told her as lliev arrived at llzlrrle town Illllll lila lll WHIIIII have to line allotllcl lll IltflllIM of Illa sleepiness at th Illl liltll Fume hall been escaping from Boyd said that Ill RT HON WILLIAM LYON ills car because of exhaust troubleMrHKICNZIIC KING Illlnc Mints Illllllllilllllll the trip and were lllfter of anada for 21 years and one Seeks Water Gets Gas lmlslng Illgt tIlilllltgtS Vllllt driv lllg Hoyd was all elllployee of the lty Vtlril laxr oinpany of To ltllllll In passing Slliltlltt lIlt lilang tiatc took into account the fact that the accused had suffered serious injury in the accident The brick frolit on the jew ellery store was cracked ill the accident tilong show case was moved back 31 feet by the impact and three repaired clocks Were damaged LIFE OVER FORTY Forty is the time to take health inventoryparticularlv periodical medical esal have been neglected prior to that age At forty the insidious pro gtcssrvc disorders so significant iil later years generally first become manifest Iof Illt worlds great statesmen died on Satulday evening in his 70th lyear from pneumonia He became ilrlme Munster 111 December lflLl and led Canada In peace and war iexccpt for few months ill 19120 land from 193035 until his retire melii 111 November 1048 He was ill0llltl of Mrs Lay of Bar ric Among the small group of iintilnate friends and relatives who Ilt with him when he passed Ilaway were John and Harry Lav nephews state funeral will be held ill Ottawa on Wednesday with interment in Mount Pleasant lllllvterv Toronto on Thursday if ARE OF EYES Take care of your eyesgive tllem good light toread and work illl protect them against Istrain and injury 300 RURAL CHILDREN LEARN TO SWIM DAY CAMPS IN RU The day camps under the super vision of the Simcoe County Recre ation Service are now well under way and many interesting projects are developing At Glencairn the children had model circus one week and the next week puppet shows and volleyball Miss Shirley Odd of Barrie is the swimming instructor and reports excellent progress with her young charges At Avening pirate theme de veloped and the children were en gaged last week in making pirate ship rope ladders etc Mrs Beth Dickman acted as leader last week becausecf the illness of Miss Fran ces Zwick The Angus children had swim STILL AS STRONG as when struck is the natural gas well on the farm of Charlie Lucas Fifth Line Innisfll Flames are shown issuing from the pipe with Mr and Mrs Lucas and their children Gail and Donald standing beside it Mr Lucas states he would rather have had the water he needs to supply his dairy herd The well was being drilled about three 273 weeks ago when the gas came through Mr Lucas is consoled 000 by the thought that the gas might be sufficient to heat his house if pressure continues as it is After inspecting the find government official said instruments would be brought to the farm to measure the extent of the well RAL COMMUNITIES ming excursion to Camp Borden llast Wednesday morning and igreatly enjoyed the facilities of iBardia Pool At Thornton cowboy Iactivities have gained popularity and lifelike broncho has been constructed out of table trestle and bits and pieces of other mater ials At MidhurSt Indians roam the forests and bikes games songs and swimming etc are enjoyed by the children Fern Hampel of the county recre iation service and Mrs Beth Dick man of Toronto are in charge of thesecamps twoweek day camp got under way at Alliston Monday July 17 Camp spirit has developed rapidly and the children are most enthusi astic about their camp grounds in the Alliston Park just out of town huge tent loaned by the Depart mcnt of Agriculture Alliston has ibeen pitched there and all around the park groups have established their own hideaways where they have period every day for activ ity in the woods Louise Colley of the recreation service is the director of this camp assisted by staff made up of Miss Marie Burke Mrs Thelma Anctil and Victor Knox of Barrie Many volunteersfrom tile community of Alliston are giving excellent help in the project continuous oneweek day camp is to be held at Everett beginning Monday July 31 Miss Marie Burke will be director assisted by local volunteers Swimming Swimming classes which are bel iing held in various partsof the county in cooperation with the Simcoe County Recreation Service have been meeting regularly also Over 100 children have registered at Innisfil78 at Waubaushene 25 at Tottenham and 70 at Hillsdale George Woods of Barrieis exceed irieg pleased with the progress of his pupils but is very anxious for more cooperation on the part of the weather man Nevertheless he al ways has rainy day program rea dy and plans to show films which have been procured through the courtesy of the Provincial Branch of the Red Cross Society on wet gays in the future new class started at Shanty Bay last Thursdayafternoonat the School Association under the chair manship of Mrs More in cooperation with the Mens Club is sponsoring this project The in structor is Mrs Muriel Whyte of Shanty Bay who was formerly physical education teacher at the YWCA in Ottawa Seriesof six lessons are to be held Mondays and Thursdays for the ncxtythree weeks Rectory beach The loca1 Sunday