Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1950, p. 14

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1TE ARR WINE mme 20 1950 0110011 Eli4111111111 Reccirvs lift CENTRE VESPRA PERSONALS lais 111111111111 11 11 31tdliltlfl Phil 11 Linc owiv it pclnllLL 111 1111111111 51111 Ste 5111111 111 3111 trance 111111 n11 111111 1111 111121o1111g 11111 gt ti 11111111111111 Lars 111 11 11111 i1 1111111115 141131111 in 111 11 111 that nice 11111 11 11 iv 111111 11Jlllilll 11111 111 1r 11 raitnigu 31 ll Hum 111 11 311114 1111 lsrting 111 111 1111 1111 1illl lll 111111 1111111111 11111i111l1j1 11111v 11c 11 1111 flu 1111111 tiri11i1 11 111 1111131 111 11111 ili 11111W111 t1i 11t f1li 511211 1211111111 11 11111 Mrs litiii L1Lzl1111 11 1111rd 9111111111111 oi 111ii 11111 11111fl l111 1111l 111 11111 11 111 killllri t1 31141111 t1roi 111 111111 31 11 11 WW 11 11111114111111 411 1111111I 211111 To 11111 111 111111111131 11 PL11L1121IILTI 311 3l 3211 111 11311 11 1ccl1l 11lll 111 111111 3111 IM 111 have 11 Ila1 1411111 111 1111 11111 Writ 111i1111 111 21m Koku 111111 l1l 13111il 11 3111114111 11 11 Blown 11gt 1111131 and 111111 11 4111 21 1111111111 Kmi 1111 Joyce 111111 5111mm 11 111 111 1121111 11l f1i1li1 11 111 11llttl last LLl 1111111 111 11 VIHI rl TlttlitlIv 3211 111 1111 Mr Watch KIlkliulquJI 11 WW 111111 91111111 FRFSH 11121 11111141111111111 11111 11121 3111mm ll Iti1ll111tlt 111 11 1io1 151 111 lliIll 11111111 111111 11111111 111 to PEACH SUNDAE 23c LUNCH AT I111111111dl1li lul 1111 111 $411411 11111 1111 111111 1111111111 11 11 11111311 31111311111111 Vigil11 liltu ri ltlrt 11121311 li11 1111111111l p111l 1111 111111111 11llrln1 11141111 li llaii 3111 11111 41 1111 liaitmia 1t 1111 11111 Lfti 11111 Stuit tonpiatrdatioin 1111 11111 in 1111111 11111 111111411 11111111 hirh iiazk 11 111111 11111111114 NIiWIiSI IltththlC lla litilitllillliili Id 1111 pltdllitt ELIZABETH 81 oi Niv1oiiiidl111d 11 Clill1l about smmm 114 mxxxwxmxxx The Salvation Army Fm St Andrews Presbyterian 60 COLLIER ST and The Home of Friendly Worship Sr Captain and Mrs Strachan FrSt Bophst SUNDAY JULY 21 1930 UNIONglcTRVICES ll amHOLINESS MEETING 230 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY JULY 23 1951 11 am and pm 7pmEV1111G13LISFICSERVICE REV JAMES renousoN BA T78 pmPrayer Meeting Both Services in St Andrews Church iMr chfcr Organist and Choirmaster Bhrton Avenue United Church EsSaRoddilvpg Prebylerllt3n Church Collier St Baptist Church UNION SERVICEIS 111111 11111113113111 11111111 FOR IULY at SUNDAY JULY 21 1910 E550 Road 915 anrwuieir SCHOOL Presbyterian Church 11 a111rMORNING WORSHIP 1115 aimMORNING WORSHIP p111mEVENING WORSHIP Tlie Minister and Choir of Burton wedI lenIpayer and Bible Aye United Church 511le 101 amHOLLY SERVICE 230 pmSTROUD Presbyterian NISITORS WELCOME Church loroiito Learnr IVlr Geo Legge llT Visitors Cordially Welcome Fun Gospe Tabernacle la Mulcaster Street Afliated with Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Collier Si and CGIIITOI SERVICES United Churches SUNDAY JULY 23 1950 UNION SERVICES 10 rimsSunday School During July 115 Sunday July 30111 1121111 and pm ll amMorning Worship 730 pmEVangelistic Service Friendly Welcome Awaits You Collier Si Church MINISTER 1N CHARGE Rev Bewell Organist and Choir Leader Mr Lloyd TuffoIrd Church 11 armMORNING WORSHIP 20 Hayeld St Phone 4572 acvrm ms omen ministers Gospel Hall siTNTSAY mans ram 15 Purde anr Tune in 900 CHML 830 am for Light and Life Gospel program SUNDAY JULY 23 1950 10 IMSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 amBREAKING or BREAD AMPreahg pmGOSPEL MEETING PMPreachmg Thurs pmPrayer Meeting All Are Welcome Welcome Seats Free No Collection Trinity Church Anglican SUNDAY JULY 23 1950 311 111111 COMMUNION 11 11111 MORNING PRAYER limeEVENING PRAYER More of theoldtamlliar hymns will be Sung 11 cvrf Anniversary Serv1ces NEW LIIWELL llNlTliD MISSIONARY CHURCH jsunaqy jiuiy 7230 p111 smhit Henry Coed NW we 1111 11111111 1111111111 11211 11 11111 111i ELIZAHIIIH MOORE tlllililt 121 1111 wni tirlinlzal officer and the Inalioii of 11 1111214 Zirll 11111111111 11111 Mill IIlUlltl spiltlylrok to QIIZIiV IiIIIlillll Siiricy ifn1iiiit1m11111 111 1111 1151 HICKVAIII HOLDER yiesl hid Tracy Family Hos Uth Poul 25thReunion At our louith 1111 Indilllulllill 111 thrat spnngwater Park 11111111 1i1 11 11111211111111 LPGSS Exams 1tlilltt1 111111111 l1i 11111 lllklIlJll LrIuI1I MI 11 W1 I11ilti ll 11111 and siilijcits lull 11111111111 111 11111111111 ll1 no tl 1as gt1111IEHlil111 ihir and iii 11111111 llli ii111 11111 llial fifth lltltlloll l1iouzvht lame crowd itlllttltltll thorpia lhorlliy ltusscll Morcloii Supprr vacr1d in the hall at tirade lll liano llonors JoiNOrInzm BIUWtU 01 1110 Sham 11 ptmwIhe tables xvir11 beautifully Illli llooklack rzivcs Yvoiiiii incns Christian Association will dccoiatcd llll lltillls and 111111 Lamont lass Ross Fox Jcan be the guest speaker Mr Browlv MHHWH NIAqu mom ladcii with food liown Mai Milhurn ctt will spLak on his work ainongzl After suppur 511an biginCKg 1111111 11 Piano lIonois Mary the camps of Northern Ontario nicclini urrs licld Frank loionlo icclcclcil pi Wallace 1111111113111 liairic llt1Slll WHllilllk 11155 BilllJmil 31F NW3 Mrs 011111111 llorlon Barrie Imwil Group from Forward Baptist at 353 Lippincott Street inToronto celebrated his 89111 birthday this There he was manager of the Jul heiiie of one of his daughters Mrs ci become 11 rural mail carrier until JanmsMcKniglit 7701 Baxter His his retirement sons and daughters Charles Copc Still in good health he takes an land of Cookstown Stanley Cope active interest in his many organiz WTKIIUIILUfoSTBTTVWRH+IJSrLI4LWSHTJLImetesLeiDb onto and Mrs McKnight were all sciVer at the Iottenham July 12 present along with hisgrandchild celebrations He is member of ren and great grandchildren the Orange Lodge LOL 449 and an looking for anew ideaineummer meals try some sliced ready andee former pastor of New Lowell United Missionary III 11 I36 II f1 1111 111 11 il1 1011 hi 11 1111 1iis V121 5111113 111 11 1lo WiIr ltiir Int llw MINkr 11i1 111 11 9111 lupin1 1111111111i1 111 111le imputm 11 11111112r to Igti11r1 Wril 111 111111 111111 111111111113 llllli 1onng but 11111111 1311111111 down 111111 111119 So 11111111 111 1111 11134 1111111131 111111111 ymily 1111 this piirpo1 11 i11 pic111v 111 pnlrtrnioit 111 lltil iiiwiliij xvi11 111111111111 1111114 nor W1 1111111 1111 111111 ilynii 1Illlll1 11111 211 111113 110111le 11121111111111 to 1110 r1111 on Suinndalc 1111111 111 1Il 2111111 1111 tltlps 111 11111 l1ir 111l1 ltiiir 11 111111111 111 11111 1111 Words pleasi July 11 do Norman iiahani 11111 1111 11111111111 Mis llarohl 1l1111 and 1111111111 111 liiiouto piiit c1111 11 Mis 1911111 iraham 111 Douglas llothweli is IIilwl 111111111 lirr sister Mrs liorpr P111 Welland and 1111 1111111 Mix llatcs St atharinis for Hm Mmmlhde 111k 11 lltl summer lltllllt 11 1111 dmn NWT 1111 slurp13 H1 111 hr the neon 111 aiid Mrs Sliciiiiaii lodd lli lltlllli11111113113111 11111111111 11111rlvd r11 11111 at lhc Lltillii ltlllltklly 1d 111 llohcrt 11111 and iannly restricted to 111111 Isl and Mrs Jack lliiizlim 111111 1111litcr Mr and Mrs llittll Kttl 1111 family spent Sunday 1111111 Mr lripiiitc if WM lMi lliy on BOND HEAD I11 11 WWv Shiilcy lhckclt and Gloria Alex l1Il It Hiiii 1111 11 ivliiilx Lil WWI ainlir iall visitors at Murphysi 11 1512v Al 113 111 111 ll ll ii1 12111111112111 ll Huylll My rimpd up ImnwsI III Am pm ltli li1it 111Is that spccialws1I Canada 11 1132 1111 1111 tho 1111 Wild ml ML llic local 0raii1cincn report 11 11111114111111 lii1L To 111 11111 11111 11 liiltillS day spent last chncsday 111111 11 1111 1111111 tlgilil singing Lx 11111i1ilion and Mir llowcy 11iiclaiiy 111111 11111111111 thc high1 gtl 11diii 111 1111111 1V history all lllc iiiigtcii1ui llit ii11111111L1 lliillUUSZ tirade 1X liano lloiiors John 11 lottciiliain llicir afternoon pro pram was good 11 took two buses to convey the IMISSIUII Band and members of the 1W MS to McLeans Cottagc at inalu Simcoc on Friday last lhc ixllliit ofdulj and 11 11 llll 11111IlI1A to Midliuist l1ii IIIIIIIII AWN ml KPHI ttlllltlltll report the water cold as it Illic cioiyd lltMIHl to gather at with Iris IIHMUII NW ririncd during the afternoon 11111 and l1 l11 pin 11111111 11111 IImI IIImI Mme We managed to have green pcasi rclalivis 111111 cathcrcd Gm 11m mum my and iicw potatoes for 1111 12111 also All Joiiimi lirailily iii llic ports MI 11lllI 11st Sylvia lttll ripe raspberries lhe nowll r1c1 riid llilllll1 wvrc up much iiliusrd 411 llitlllttlhllllfi 1111111 111111111 llonors Kaye and spcclitoi iilllnl laiiu ll 13111111111 lars llonahl Ihc 111111221111 11di1 catered to itlilhiiiii 1911111 lllllltll July 171 the nchb of 1111 children 111 thgtdp IV liiiiro llonors Joan Service in the Baptist Church Pal WW Jhtl Itll varicIliirliell lcan Cunningham Pass 11 1030 church service lollowinu intoflulbiit lass Donna Foil 1111111 trade Piano llonors ilcniia 11111 Target sccrctary sports Loiiiinittcc and SHINY 5111 Similmi First NI program Llmmmiw 11 15 lloiiors Joan Laiuzinan Eliii BY Hancay valc Dealer South ththIl II Mm olpcmm wry Irado IIIUIIIIII Singing llllltii5I ltillltl ltililll was ircsciitcd WW1 18 cdnduitcd 11531111 Wallaclc Iattm Grim VI Sillgmg 015 $508965 diii tlicparticipants all bcinp lcs NVfm ccndaiits of lliosc first two Trac 101ml 511mm 121 10 Fr Tr md WWI 1l11 lloiiors Sylvia Kcll llonors Edith WI licll Arthur lracy 1wcic 1111111 upon foi short 11111s II 103 Both rccillcd reunions of tho past Md miimg mom 10 KQ 53 Ing MI Allllt Hook Yvonnc Lamont Ma 87 gull in L111 IIIIIIII trx lS Owens lass Joyce Gregory 1110 giffIim iiadc IV History First Class AK yolisiIIIiIIIIoIIIIIOIInIIIII IIIII IIWIIIIIOIIII Honors Mrs Howey Penctang g7 ira lo 111 IIarmony First Class sum gummy ind 10013109 Hwy 11011011 lxatlileen Owens 187 Hover would misv itilOllItxr reunIion Julm AHIIIIIIHI Ilthwme Coleman 1n recent matchI one Jradc 111 History 11911211 Class Egtgiflkgxfer mggnghggg Honors Joan Langinah Honors Scum one Club opening Former Cooksiown SIK Therm 236 SIIIadeIE trade 11 Theory First Class whic Nort rats to cm Man Celebrales llonors Sylvia Kcll 961 Faye wdtstiugh 21g thurdggggeig Parnell Miriam Mclvlann Alliston 35 91 lliaye Parnell Ranging the danger of as trade lheory First Class Heart leacIl gromIEastg former ookstown resident Honors Georgia Thorlby New 0190 Paye William Jopeland who now resides 140111911 wgskvszardTestmh ruaetg the Diamond return cashed 9A and and played out his Clubs discarding Hearts in dummy EastWest could win no more than three tricks South had to take the Club nesse before playing tis to Spades to prevent West rawing third round with party held at the Cookstown grain elevator and lat In the other room Souths opening bid of One Club was passed out and he was ononnunupluIllllIlIIIIIIIIllIIullllllllllIIIIllIlllllllllllnIuuupl 1de 1111111 Lila1111 111K 111 11111 111 Tt1l 111 fiv 111111 1= 1111 rmn 1111f ull 1Ztrl sll lti sjittitl llll lift 11 111 1111111111111 tXIHkl 1111 aiixmi tiilloi 11 Sunday July 23 Sunday School1 o1 MIR EDS An i1lllllllllc 111111111 1lil Mill in 1171 lIuyish llrlllllll 1111 11 111 1111 laii 11111111 111111 111 1iiiiillV llUxililtJlttl 1111 1111 7111 11131 111111114111 1113111L11V ENGAGEVIEle Mi and 111 111111 Ntllli v1 to 1111111111111 lllt iiil Iltll MN Will lllllllll at 1111 111111111111111 11 lllt 11 daughter tarrici 1lzii111t to liii lollaid son 111 Altr ll 1111111111 Iil Vlllllltitli 11111111111111 and llli 1111 Mr lollaid lllt iiltllli 111 11111 Itlittt lll Heri lllllltlil ill the 1111 11111 10 VAV Railway Mon Return 11HM 17 11 and Mrs Jessop orniHerc On Retirement litrlllt from their motor trip to the Nov i11al111 their lioiiic 11 177 Iilliii Stirct 111111111 arc Mr and All 11 111 iron loriiicily ofi llililll Hiitzri 1o hc11 Mr l11lll scivcd 1111 many I11il 1111 the LNlt ltllllli this 11r Mr llicnl started in 19112 with 1111 old and 11 iailiray at Allan dalc where he ltuttlltl his trade ltltlllillt foiiiiiaii in was pcn sioiicd on June 2211 llc as pucsl of honor at clcl hialioii by liicnds and both 111 and Mrs ltlllitit IttllVltl low1y gifts and lwishcs for many ycais of pleasant ictirciiuiit cd on July 13 at real Music Students Successful Ln onms The following pupils of Miss And it in rccciil piano cxaminations of 1111c Royal toiisiivatoiy of Music liadc lV llonors Marian Black Eradi lll llonois llayinond itranc Anni Iilistci lass Kciinith Black Louise Davis Trade 11 llonors Mary Mchr lllltlll Gradi 111 l1s llonois Dennis llhonipson llonors Margaret itarr Leonard lJuckwoith Eleanor i111 1111111 llvrlyn Black CLOWES Mr Wlltilll Lloyd Russel and Fitanlcy otIlltIIIiiialc vire weekend visitors at licardsalls Mr and Mrs Dicker Toronto are spriidingr part of their holidays at Iickris 1111 $1111 Tilaldl 111 11111 $11 1111 11111 11 1111111lhulsWullll hllttl 111111 Noiial Shiihy 111111 11111 Mi and Mrs 11111111 luttrrsoii 11111 12111 111111111panird by MT l1l 111111 111111111 home lltIt 82 Dunlop St 2111 111 lt an BELLE EWART 17 Jii1 111 1111 3111 1111111111 1111 11 1111 111 11111mr 11r 11v 11iz1r1 112 11 21121c11uli11111 z11 Livurg 1111111111111 11 1L11111 1111 their 111 11111111111I1 liiv111tli trri Ewizlalib Him tvittihtitl The 111lie Ewart Lonain 11x 511 51 ll HY1 dAlldh L111 11111111111114 13111 111 111 11111VII1 Th 1111slxitt on 1hr 11111111 of 1111 111c1 11 Loriductni try 111 31 my Mr Hum will 3113 All llltllllitlutr ltzll1rl lonltvnd Wish 111i lulu 11111l 111 11111111 11 iiityrl il Eh 333 1111 11111111111 Jul 11111 1551 ltt111111u 1111 nil1 1111k11 11111111111 mu 11111 My 1111 11111111 LIWTII ill111 11 111l1i11 51111411111 up hm it 1111 11111oiii1 11111111 1111 mm pliaiiilnl in 1111 St l1iii11c1 1121 11th nhlfmd wtik llotychl 111 is 111 111 iIitipli1 Mi 11111 11115 lglM pwbhm pp 111 11gt 11 111111 In take the hip l11lltll 1112 1111111 look 11 111 1i lilllti Murphyh 11min sud prmmk 111 l1id to cancel the 111 111111 I1 MIW 811111111 l11k11 1111111111 511111111 1111lt 1111111111 1111111111 of 1111111 1111111 oi 11413 lllltl 1111 Donna ltohlnns on Saluiday 5mm sundiy Mi aizil Mis William Mrtraik an of Ioionto spent the Wcikclul ItmroiLIs 11111111111 111101th to Sliiiipi of Sinicoc spint lllillgtlllt 1111 my days last 1111 11111114111 at his home lirre 11111 oinriiitiilations to Mi and Mi l11d1y lttlltllt List the lltAl Stanley Wallace on the birth ul 113111111 15111111111 hall players played huh boy in Alliston llmpilal lct Ill Alliplt 111115 lltt Stult and Refresh the Floors with our Special Varnishes Ask abouT our rejuvenating paints PICTURES and PICTURE FRAMING Featuring Sunworthy and Suntested Wallpapers OATES PAINT SHOP Barrie Phone 3270 SUMMERIIME IS PlAYIIME and we leuture 11 complete range of sportswear for fun and rollc at the beach We carry in stock large selection of shirts halter tops bras tops sockces footlets handkerchlcfs summer belts jewellery and everything for fun in the sun Bathing Suits suits in wide range of colors and sizes Ask for sizes 38 40 42 Shorts Daisy Mae Sliorts white gabardine with II red or blue polka dot trim Plain Gabs in tan grey red beige Wool in red yellow or blue plaids Drill in navy red white powder pink iCorduroys in yellow dark green tan or Denims in blue brown or red snECIIAL Mr and MruivvnsC1ackn mar Arnold of iraigzhiirsl visited with llllillll Mrs All Bcnliain during the weekend Mrand Mrs Madden accom panied by Mr and Mrs Bennett and ltobcrt visited with Mr and Mrs Win McLean of Thornton during the weekend Mr and Mrs Kcn Stephenson Kenneth Bill and Brenda Brace bridgc and Mr and Mrs Neil Carol and Sandra of Toronto spent the wcckcnd at Art Ben hams IIOMING PIGEONS DIE Allandkerchief Lawn Blouses in cap and short sleeves White blueand pink Sizes 32 34 36 38 Reg $695 and $795 $395 $495 Lenos Lingerie Nest to Roxy Theatre Phone 2221 may lhc 11111i 51111 1111 at 1111 11111111 111 111 Mirror 1111 111111 71 liivlt Win 1111 lllzllll duh Hm 1111011 51111411 11 Imwrhgrt rur 1121111111 13111111111131 mu PRINTING Minus 74 Qmmwsy fashioned by Coles of California Priced from $495 to $1495 in one and two piece grey 1111111 Furniture Repair of trumps YGRKTQN SeededJCT Neil lost 32 of his 55 homing pig eons in liayloft fire recently The fire was believed to have been Cool summer meals can be nourishing too it youre toserve meats from your butcher or delicatessen These meals are so easy toprepareno cookingandso tasty and appetizing for hot summer days Cooked ham jellied veal salami and tongue sausagtniej few of the many varieties that add luba 1111111111 noutinlmohtftiiilidtmd cold plum BUYS PAIR OF WOMENT SUMMER SHOES Comfortable two strapsandals in choice of colors red white green and brown Ideal shoes for casualwear bargain youll tell your friends about VALUES UP TO $400 Included in this clearanceIIarIer several other styles of wo mens summer shoes Now selling for $199 Wide Awake ShoeIStoTe 29 Elizabeth 51 Barrie Mr Copeland came to Canada in honorary member of the Black hel VI triCks II on 1886 from County Down Newary Knights No 109 and the Masonic IIIIIIIIumul 321213ng agitdghoeus com us Ireland and settled at Cookstowwdgc of CookstownI Hvwdoowho Cool Tasty and Nourishing in Summer 11 UPHOLSTERY SHOP If you are contemplating having your furniture Titupholstered and recovered or rtestyled telephone 5048 Now while your furniture is being used so little Is the time to have it made ready for the days ahead when you need It so much We have completelyunew shipincntot Brocades Brncatelles Mat lasses Mohairs in plaln curly or striped Frleies Tapestries Vel ours Repps etc If by chance we havent your choice we will do our bestto get it for you If you are considering new chesterheld suitor chair platform rocker or davenport we can make it to your specifications We cm ploy no production methods We are Reasonable Our Prices are Reasonable We are situated at Our telephone is TLHENRvsT lt 5048 DENNIS CLIVE shi if

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