Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1950, p. 2

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY 13 1950 pctriiii iazic 111 Mn m1 liozrtmI Toronto ITLIJ liIlZIEI iatrrli of 1511 l1121 rllxl lr 5111 11 r1ti nth11 1gtiil1t llruttl 12 Ilni 11y lr hint9111 11h 2111111 l1 IIHI Ii 11 iiiilJIltcrl 11IlltlllllllllJrlitlrilll ol 1111 ic lil lrrr Royal Lltirl 3111 11 of loiotrli Sharp 1lr Illlirlli irill livi motor i1r1itr t1e lhlturi 11111 111 111 11 11 John li Scott rirl LEWLLI rlrlxtilr attain rltr211111l11 l1 1rlr1 1r lip 1o Tiliillrllt Lr lr tulrri iltil Iiirtii ilc Tlitl1lr lltril1lt lilrfx l1Lllir 111 lr 11o l111r lociiii grrwc 11 T11 and Mrs and lik and Ili llzrrirc llriicr forrltti1n and lillrlillirlli lr111ot rlr lim 11 lllllrixll 1111 II and 1111 on 111 Lean ct l1cllt ll hrrllicilainl and Sutherland 111ml lew ilrS Illr P11 llillr lCIl3lilr itlll iial children race 1111 llllrl11lll lottr lle llin11ion ol lrccinoie Mr and 311 WWIl IIUIWII 11 lllll tirrii l1r and lcir of llllltlllll home 111 11111 iilr 11111 llr and their rtl ltIIl Wedding evening Albert tiilroy lilrc1iitl surprnerl when titty oil relations and friends met all convey honor ZilllllrllllI tlrlroy tlt the recipients ot beautiful and conLialulatory cards Anniversary Julv Silver Raluiilgiy 1111 lirrc 1er trnilrrrc ri ltrurch Iresbytciral Kunp Jutland for day tilzrdit YIHII loiliilj Iiitiny filliutrc were and llll IIIIIIIIHI lhvri liUlIit n11 1t Whitby in pcndini her i1lilllii lirl r1lrl and llltll Tlrllcr their 1211 ll holiday Willi her p1i 11nd Mr lIIIltI lousc lIt 111111 pith and useful llcnry Mrs llarryv oil1 and Larry John are holiday 11 llnir cottapc at Sandy toii fiuncoe fur two Weeks 111 over the Weekclitl athlr Wrights Burnett and 11d 11 It SpriugIall of lItSIKhJ 11111 of July visitors at Mr and Jevons Allie iorriisky Mrs Him and danchtcr and son Brian Flint of Toronto and Mrs Ilosses Social Group The llirrth Social ilOllli met all lIernian BIraLlcniI with thirteen the home 01 Mrs on Monday evening members and two visitors present The ltltillllg opened by prayer 11y Gilioy The roll call answered by an autograph was tied for July and August meetings were cancelled and lhtlnylon sheer with riiatchirig acces be September The place to be arranged later dainty lunch was served by the by MIS WIHS Orillia who wore navy slicer wttli Vla corsagc of roses After motor lt Walter and Mrs lliil pr11iderrt Mrs ltrarlie were ll1 One quilt Red Cross Cupboard Robert Sharp wrll Sinner rpent Sunday with Mr and Currie next meeting TJ Archie Erelyn and AGraves Allen Morris Sales and Service USED CARS MPhone 3533 Cundles Ont IIllncs and Mrs Don Btill First Essa WA The Iiily meeting of the First Essa WA was held at the home of on Wednesday July 171 with an attendance of scv The meeting opened with hymn followed by prayer After the business matters were discuss ed and settled the president turned the meeting over to Miss Hayes the program corivener ternoon She gave an interestingl Evans Patricia Eng account Eliot Mrs Corbett ntcen of Johnllhys Lat Fr The Miller Lois Eng Hist Alg Story Wright conducted 121 flower contest and Mrs Wanless also took part in the program by reading very suitable poem Miss Hayes concluded the program with several contests which were an Alg Phys L111 FI Cw swcrcd orally by the members and meeting closed by iicpeatirrg the Mizpah IEIIenediction and lovely lunch was served by 1Mrs Wauless Miss Hayes and Mrs Corbett 48 Morris Sedan 42 Pontiac Sedan 41 Buick Sedan 40 Ford Coach Buick Sedan t2 Plymouth Sedan ttt Buick Sedan 39 Olds Coach 46 Ford Ton PickLip 38 Ford 172 Ton Pickup Mrs visitors The GravestonBeasley wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs lJ Crawford Alderwood Torbn to when tlieirjriiece Shirley Mar tian Beasley dagghter of quiet pretty Many more cars to choose Mr and Our exteiisive facilities and wide experience make it pos sible to provide you with first class printing job no matter what yOur need may he COMPARE OUR PRICES CAIILUS TODAY Why send out of town when you Can get quality printing you can be proud of at home PHONE 2314 AND OUR REPRESENTATIVE writ CALL ITHEfBARRIEIEXAMINERI We Bring You All The LocaIINews 711111 new COVERS Bot Inn comfort and parity your Ford of dealer oiim mattered III covers Choose from hing coloun NYLON FIBRE AI II manureua InuI fit without branching 91 wrinkling They have excellent Lusitania In scufng and fully Ind withstand hardest wear When your car II equip With Genuine Ford seat commit Iwill keepit interior bounty rough manyyears ofI uryice NONE wide selectionjuf Icun fabric Indim SAW WOOL RA ANDGABARD three Eyeca SH NE customtulle sou MONARGH writ roibnpir Bell Telephone Cable Barrie to Orlllia liarrieOrillia section or the flurry distance telephone cable lriclr wrll eraritually extend lrom loronto to North liay lhc lorontoIlirrtlc section ol the cable Was plowed into the round last tall Iic powerful caterpillar liitclol are used lirrllic train which plows tutrow lays the cable encased 111 its lead sheath and cchrs it with earth in 11 single continuous oper I1tiori liplltllt follow the train to iolrr tip CLOWES Mrs Ileatley formerly of tnolis towrr bccaiirc the bride of Waltci Lloyd Illitrllrl ot loiotilu Iii ll Shannon or Illtltillt otfi cralcd 11 double111111 cerenionv The bride wore 11 gown of pale blue latlrta and lace with picture ratio 111 clrhne han headdress of 1irclirids and orange blosoms and carricd bouquet of talisman row She was attended by her sister Phyllis Beasley who wore porch of pink frosted organdy Wllliliitltr of natural roscbuds and carried red roses Ilussell Iravcstoii brother lot the groom was best main After the ceremony the brides mother re ceived in dress of mauve printed sories and wore tr corsage of red roses She was assisted by the grooms aunt Mrs Brown of trip to Northern ntario the couple will reside in Toronto OOKSIOWN HIGH SCHOOL 194950 REPORT Grade XII Alg Phys Lat3 Fr Alg Phys Lat Fr Phys Lat Fr Lat Fr Alg Phys Lat Fr Ihys Lat XIC Fr XIC Wright Mildred Eirg Grade XI Pitys Lat Fr Alg Phys2 Fr Mirth X2 Phys Fr XC XC Phys Lat XC Fr XC Alg Phys Lat Fr Grade Arnold John Eng Hist Matln2 Sc Geog 802 LatC Fr Geog Lat CI Fr Math Sc Geog II Geog unculti LINCOLNMETEOR DEALERS rrilIlllI in II IIVIlIV ili IDEIZIVLI tlui Zillil c1i111 enough tIiiilil Milli itll IiliIiII attudci derivinirr lli tllltlltll llir lrc 15111l1v 11111 I3l It 111111rrl ltl1tr iut to tlr 1111 plantation ol 1liil other pollrl ptil Krinp ll rr 111mb trip Il1t 1niiii1l tlrrr Laitc=i=t mutel llPHI Neuron 111trrtr tor the children 11 11 111m icain undvr llilllIilllI ItrIli iulllJlrlIL 11111111 lari inirr Ii lilciirprl listin llre osninittmu of the torrririunv arrange 1111 July xuiriri Mr Scott lollrj liliil illtl Iltii 211 iltll I1ity have illltlll uli llllllll lilr IMITCHELL SQUARE the various lengths otrcablc llie plowing operation expected to take about 1111111111 and splicinc and other operations wrll re quire 11 further three or tour rrionths Wires iii the cable which will provide storm resistant long distance circuits on tlri5111I m1 Hurllrlr important north mouth route arc protcctlurv 1112 Hhmlmc the Held 1111 ed against infiltration of moisture lhroughl lliillii UL All ILUWINII OIIMIINIIII IIIIS IIIlIli Allmimic Ilrml lmirllalnuit two miles north oi lnritie on the iriidervrinirnl llll Donna ltllllr lll lrrllia and t1l lerl lcotl and her larderi Iltlll l1I lhc Women litlllttlc incl at the Wilfred Crawford on small lealc 1n the sheath by nitrogen 1121s lult ti Willi very good attendance under pressure in the cable drop 111 the II IIIIIIIIIII IIMIIIII III II Wm Work lll Canada at Ini AI gas pressurc rmirs ui alarmwurriiirc of break in the the sheath Alter the business part was McKay conven iiitioduccd the Ririkes itlllllmtl Mrs 11 of aprrcullure pr1lltcr arnpbcll ltarkcn yavr Very interesting and educational address on Vccd con Arr acricultirral contest was coinitTunity rltllltlr planned for July 20 11 Meirrorial Ind Save the King closed the irrrctinc and dainty luircli was 11ed by the hostess llic lutlrrieLUro IYIS held their ZIIIlllitll business meeting on June 21 lat lietli Ausdulls with very good attendance 1ycar are as follows lion lrcs William liar Alter lew remarkz the read lhn tintrcslitrr Ii1l1 Saar AtWW prisidetil at tl11 hll 1111 lill1111re and children WWI Wth Ullllltlltt Mrs tin1111121 ol ii11111 101117 or her rnectini 11111 who painted the portrait ot ll UII lr Adclirulc Iloodless which was lildnuur estate ticorgian Bar William ttltllcrts prvrn In July 111 corrduclr baskct Illrtl tor wrrk at North Bay 111d lrldcrr 111lo recently l1 cndcr H110 111 Ilayvirw 111 rk with Miss 1111111 Maurici has been at IIIIII recently liuni lurliamcnt 11 rlarrlthnis 111 Ottawa rctll last week Willi tln latter lllillllll Mrs George Ilea and Mt lol 1111111 was read Alliirixon lellci Eleanor A11 interesting lrom Miss former resident who is spending 11 war in London travels and how she found condi tions in England and Scotland After the meeting was Mrs McKay served for the Mr Mctuaig IVicelres Isobel lltltl1l Secy Ireas lIclen McKay devotional Graham and coiivencrs Lloyd IllClrel Mary Ross Murray Caldwell The PYPS has invited orrlsonsr Ilill to their veiricr roast on July 15 at 5130 pm at Bziyview MOI1I 1111 Park The officers had the Till SITUIIILIM thrown from the liltit while cutting hay Mr and Mrs Peacock Shirley and Dale visited the IOIIIIPFSSIS Mr and Mrs Potts wood during the weekend Beardsall and home on Aug Eleanor and Mr and Mrs Diclc er and Ken attended the Beardsall reunion held 111 St Vincents Park Barrie on July Miss Dorothy Ellsmcre Illegh whohas been one of the staff of hospital In Akron Ohio for the picl lilllilml Orillla year has ticen spending months home before she leaves this week to accept aposi tion on the staff Kctchikarr Alaska Womens Ill lsmerc to tracture was tlrzrrle for turn whcn She told of her Royal lres Norman Reid closed and Doris The next meeting will be held at Mrs Art Benliams at 8311 p111 converters Marion Clifford social Collinir lunch and Mrs All the young people of the congregations are cordially 111 vited next Saturday evening Wednesday PYPS met at Guthrie Iresbyterianr lhe scripture lesson was taken by Norman GraharnrMark Chap 10 1727 sion was taken by Isobel Fletcher Cunningham present aridgave very inspiring faddress pertaining book of the year Mrs Royal gave The evening closed with prayer led by Mr Royal and lunch was served llll Beautiful BELLE EWART July ill Mrs Hugh Moore is visiting her 111st evening the Mrs lIulburd and Mrs Tllllltlt Olton of Buffalo arrived in town for Irolidaym Mrs James Iarkhursl of Niagara Falls NY home last week Mr File of Toronto spent last week with Mr and Mrs 11 Curtiss Stewart has none last611m to visit relatives vacation at5lr 11 Baker Daureen Eng 111st Ihe prayer ses of hospital in Orillia was Brcthct Jack Eng Hist III 0111 came to her summer Institute meeting at the home of former rieriilrer Mrs OBrien St There were 15 members and three visitors who answeer the roll call My best buy for 10c Mrs Fraser president was in the After opening exercises the officers and committees were asked Arrangements community Mrs Emins who was III charge of called on Mrs Mc llre lowes held its the study Derniott Audrey Eng Hist Ior the at Alg Phys Lat Fr Ilist regular lovely solo McKay Orillia Sajgalik Helen Eng Phy Sajgalik Mary 131112 HisthC chair light reports made for were Wolownick Walter Eirg 111st pienicl Workman Elliot Eng lIist program Grade IX Andersrn Gilroy Betty Eng HISI Alg M11111 511111102 ySc 1ng Art Mus Baker Marv Lou Eng Hist Math Guid Se Fr Geog Art Mus Carter 21 Hist Geog Houghton Patricia Eng3 Hist Hunter Bessie Eng HiSl Hist Miller Barbara Eng 31 Malh Math Guid Se Georrfrr Fr Art Mus Currie Isobel Jean Eng Eng IIist Cl Math Guid Se r1 Geog CArl1MLrs1 FildeyDouglas Eng Hist Math Guid Se CfFr Geog IMath Sc Lat Fr Geog 3I sz MUSI 1I Burneld Doug Eng Hist Reynolds Jack Eng Hist Flood Robert Math CGuid Sc Geog Art Mus Kramer Joe Eng Histf Math Guid Se Fr Ciiitie EVelyni Eng HiSt Art2 Mus Math Se Lat Fr Geog Cooke Lois Eng Se Geog Geog Leigh Orval Eng IIist Mail Guid Se 1Fi1 Geog Art Mus Lintick Bob Eng 3Dawson Alan Eng HlSl Math Guid Sc Fr Geog Math 50 Lat Fr Geog Daehn Paul Eng Hist Math Hist Art Mus Matwijie Julia Eng 2Hist12 Dermott JOhnI Eng HISL MalhI1Guid so Fr Geog IMKEII SC Latil F1 Geog Art II MusI II II II McNaught Frank Eng CGuid Drapery Bill Eng HiSt Sc Art Mus Math Se Lat Fr Geog Miller Joyce Eng Hist Math Guid Sc Fr Geog Evans GlyntI Eng Hist Art 1Musl Morris Chester Eng GedgsC Art Mus2 ReyrioldsEricEng Hist Math Guid Sc Fr Geog Leigh Fern Eng Hist 1Art 1Mus1 gRiley Shirley Eng Lernmon Gordon Eng IXC Sc Math 3Guid 2Sc 2Fr Art2 Mus Math Se 1Lat 1IFr Gedg VGuid IGaspar Irehe Eng Histh ist 802 II pcrrtialviw of the Fixture Studio on the second oor of the completely remodelledIL Emms it Electric tore Here you will find 170 olon Shown here is icil Crystals DropType Fiixtu Kitchen aBIirthroom and Store Units Stock of Floor Lamp colors MS EL Elizabeth llh0ne 2423 1lttl li1 11 El 1141 311 lir lt Ii 111 1111 5311 11 Hint SAL the 111 nl 111511 ol 3551114111 ttli llitl 9211 hr 111 311 12m rr lrtlr lltilli ii 111 lit1i1 lii ll irii lil 111uig 3111 1w 111 1111 I111 11111 11111lt l1lr horn c1 llm rlr tilttlliltl Slldllltll lil the drilicatioir 11c ilt 11111111121 IlIILl 111 1111111111 ml lllt l1ir liv herein11 tlllll tliillltllll iii illtl lili ll lilaclrrlt v1rl Linc 11I llI liliil All ilr It Slrr it and lainrl and Ltl It Stewart lhoiclrrll lr It 111 11111 riazrrlr lil nt llatirc l1 lercuotr leiil Allt filth al I1 dull 11l lirlclrcticr c1111 ltl1lllllli railb 11111 111111 ior lll llu l11l irrrclitip rrl llu lrrli lcri111rlic1 hchl on er Juli tl llit lutitir lll 311 IAMII ad The roll call um 111111 111 iwrcd and an lllltltltll tall on 11cls ol irlrioti11I 1111l lliuichi cry rntcrctrnir irflirllrrl the tronirl 1111111111 lrcld 111 I1111 Jun 131 pic1 by 111 1111111 Mrs Nclson 111111 wry llilriI sting lcttci lroiri llri II Arr iiirw of thin work 111 1111 Mlloli l1cld 111 llrltrrih llllllllil Air liiiice owair lavourcd 115 111 Ir 11 lusual pleasurp rrianner with nlo II vvwwm V132 OVIwrr See 111g fixtures on Display Lumilines Shields Outdoor Lanterns These are but cr few of themany styles otxtures 0n diSPICIY P1111S Cf IGTOG Table Lamps Bed Lamps in all the newest styles crud TRIN Barr mum THANKS TO LYVEBBTS 2W IWAICH satire 11 your hutch crurlrl talk it iotrhl say need cleaning and 11111111 regularity lr1 proinpt 11nd Allrcrcnl 1r 11111 lit oiri 1lcli 111 lllrll Yilrlw lci1llct liilt 11 built Ill 111 11 to 1llr 1l lir 1I11 II rprilrtrrc llirrc 11 llrcii l11lil It lficiiil Watch Inspectors Webbs Jewellery ALLANDAIJI IINIAHIO vcdcv ux NIAGARA FALLS ILLUMINATED The most beautiful sight in the world BUS LEAVES BRADLEYS LUNCH Sunday July 16 230 pm Tickets at Bradleys Lunch $400 ea community Tours Barrie Erruiy beautiful fixturesin all the latest stylesIIdesigned for farry room in any home and priced to suit every buyer res Bent Gloss III

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