The Home Newspaper for Barrie and District County of Simcoe Your llf Di me Post cuicr DLPAR WEWWW First with the Best in Barrie THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Continuous Show Sal 230 pm Eve Shows 650 pm re With All The Hilarious Answers llflllfllHl Mittllll JUNE HAVOC EXTRA ANAIIA ARRIlIs on CARTOON NEWS NDAY DAYS ROBI CUMMINGS ItOSAIJNI RUSSEtL TELL IT TO THE JUDGE ENTE TAINMENI ALLSTAR HITS THURS FRIDAY SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm ImileMlelllIfs MASTERPIEBE nothing left out nothing field backl MICHEIINE Eve Shows Si 840 pm PREIIE in ANNABELLA AND GEO MONTGOMERY IN BOMBERS MOON LOVE ADVENTURE THRTLLS Tune in CKBB Each Morning at 1030 am for MOVIE MERRYGOROUND SEE THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING NEEDS PICTURED AT THE MEDONTE CENTENNIAL celebrations on July is Thomas Duncan Robinson 83 right in the photo at the left who retired this year after 56 years as ildlllllIil40 wclc addressed lliiill pllillolln llndci IIII ticcs III flout of aIIillc tillAmin lhc lllIIll Hill by IIllIlllIl II Tll Illl II lINIl lifc iIIlIl NOV Ricliaidson of Midland Lodge linv lllIIlIll lllllllllllli the lclcr KENT OTTAWA Glorioul lwelffh Celebrated By Record flowil ai Midland gt It was swelterilighot in Midland yesterday but the streets Hm Mush The Glorious jlwcllth Never KIWI iI lulh Satulziay inc Arman cilmldiriahle arena were packed with spectators for before have so many lodges converged on Midland for July 12 NBARRIE ONTARIO CANADA +4 Peanut Tag Day Shows Increase iOver Lasr Year clmmnan If Ill IMAIIIII lac day lcpoitcd the ivciils The parade which started from the agricultural grounds untilm finished therejtook 35 minutes to pass given poziit About 2000 marched Lodges were present from Simcoc West and North III III parl iflei liic parlnlc finAbe Lilli lLllMill Mt ill fol Silimic Ninth linlIllI of tlic tollllignood llIIHV anjc Lodge and by R1 Will Ilio It IIIIII Small iizind IIilrlll of Iii il lIl American llc holds thi liighwl office which cni be attained in the Loyal hangc Lollgc of North Alix clica Never liIforc has an officililllt ind Illllll llli Illc ilui IIIIiIii IfI Hill with fill and IlllllllI II of his ilink graced an Orange cath tllllll in Midland IIHVI IIiIlll land extended an official Vtltflllll owaii of Mid Ifl the colivclicrship of llio ieoigc fries were on hand from Ivlllllllslfllll VascyIllmvale lorl McNicoll and two Midland mercantile teams It was lllc 2001b llllllltlilljy of the Illitllc of tho lioyiic Ilcadliili Midland Il committee rel sponsiblc for Im celebration were llnise Woislnphil Master and II Illirl Secretary II the traditional vliilc IltIIAI of Kim llilly William if llillltit were lhrcir parade liiarslials cclll Wood of lavcrlcy William Rankin of Midland and rval Iiauan of Waverley IIll Winners It was announced by the Judges Illllll the following were prize win ncrs in the parade llcsi LOI WaVcrloy llest ITOBA llIIIEI lest LTIL Midliulsl llesf OYH New Lowell Lodge from longest distance lldv liey from Ontario ounty Mr llrlflaln has been member of the Orange Order for 74 ycars Watching the parade greeting and dressed in her liOBA drcss and sash was Mrs James larkliill of Midland Ilcr husband at one time held high office in the Orange Ord er of British America Lady Park hill Lodge of Midland is named for Mrs laikliill Special prizes were awarded for Boys and Girls Juvenile Lodges and both of these went to Midland 77777 Paradc Order and Lodges After the marshals came the Mid land Boys Band led by Bandmaster Arthur Lally and several striking drum majorettcs in red and white Following came Mara LOL 1024 Udney with fife and drums United Allies LTB 337 Barrie looking very smart in white dresses with blpe sash Coronation LTB 511 Midhurst featured by group of young girls in white crepe dresses with red and blue trim the Midhurst ladies were striking and drew much appluse in their smart attire with blue cap and red trim Centennial LOL 3112 Midhurst Duke of Cornwall LOL 731 Mine smg No Surr nder OYB 269 New Lowell the ize winners for 0rd ange Young Britons large dele gation in good marching trim United LOL 3055 New Lowell Victoria LOL 943 Collingwood led by the Legion bagpipers and drum band Collingwood Loyal True Blues attractive in white dresses with red sash with group of girls in orange skirts with sash Ilrlllaln of Waverley anc illi was the oldest person ill the parade tuiollp of gills the members of the Midland lodges pric llllll willi lifc and drum LIllllll toms II Luci nionp and llltif caps of This wa unic llitt in orange and mu pli LUNA Lilli tliillln Ilthle llll lllI IIIitl itll lilk lcpis hillia leIl 321 With flfi ind diimi hand llznmolif LOI 20f hillla llillinff Il lll III fife Vailililislci II 037 Ilawkcsllnlc rliit iii while chill from Scinlixlil Viciniia oun lI czil is Softball lonrnainelit was held lili snug 171 Hm Viillli III while dresses with oiini sash and carry me oraniu panisols two cars withl of the lavcrlcy the lLIHTI white pleach crepe veteran inclnliols Order Il $11 band Ilillll group punching well drissed in sitcalms of orange and purple wearing Illll slaw hats raieliiiisi ll 013 Mount llorcb LOI 4322 cy Willi liaiipipcs and drums Illinvale Iio and girls hilliipcl and dium band leading llcaici Hilll lilii in white dress cs Icitli sash and white lllllIw IiIllquII 101 lllfl Alleliwnod with fife and drums dressed in icailcf jackets with while belts and matching hats Wye IllA litill Wycvalc Iii while dresses rilh orange sash aild whiti hats Wycvalc liad IVl cute In unlzc II Elfll lntlc pills in hunt lll specially dclt carrying lovely basket of sum Incr flowers Wycvalc 01 film oldwaler ll 0210 with IlII and drums icnc fainuiishcnc lltII liiltzi Lady lark hill HillI 50 Midland with and the ladies ill white dresses orange sash and mat Maplc imaf 017 Midland floys and ilils Juvenile Lodge 232 Midland Wit lll Midland Following lengthy discussion of the need for additional telephone lines connecting Orillia and Moon stone and as Coldwater has re quested the Mcdonte system to re route their long distance calls Me doiite Council decided at its July meeting Monday nightto iceoper ate with the Bell Telephone coni pally in installing new lines through Eady At the present time all long dist ance calls to Medonte are handled through Coldwatcr switchboard Medonte has been receiving com mission of 10 cents and Coldwater commission of 25 cents on each long distance call to the township The Coldwatcr municipal system has terminated this contract which they assert is unfair The lilies be tween Moonstone and Goldwater have been maintained by Medonte Secs Better Service Husson manager of the Bell Telephone branch at Orillia conferred with council and stated that the new arrangement wouldl give Medontc much better servicel and he was confident it would re sult in more revenue as well He r43eaveriLOBA 479 Stayner young girls in white carrying the banner ship clerk handlngthe keys ofnew township offices to the new clerk John White The offices are locatedvat Moonst town wheretlle centennial event was held said at the present time many long East Plum on It ii on rcd llu float ltlll illIIllI li lllc llillilll pi iililll Itlilllllh ii raliili flI with Illl it Vli inaznti wish iidllili2iiicil ciIIllllti Il lhn Hymn p01 153 Livcilil twin of Iilillllicl tails drum band lsflrx fol thi tunic rlicccss of the Kid llnoizll lllll lliltflllllltll UlilI Illiicv cffoilx if Hills and IIII Iliiizii 1II enjoy Fineweek stay it llll Salvation Allny ainp at llauk filter in tin llalilniltoli 11 Inc iilnzucliclliu Monday Will in will in the camp at tlic Illl pclri of tlic Kllhlilifl hill of Ilili Ilc illlrl the following wcclz 30 III gill will Ilt uncii opportunity ichiIII lni xllllll is llflIIl thi Iltlll Vlsllill of the Salvation Army IllifI is looked upon as litll of tho Ilcgtl CIllIiIiIl camps in the district Wesley ilIIIi JII Elizabeth St Barrie camc llIllli 200 of the in rect liliinbcr of plllllll on the float ElllfI woii for himsclf the Iliilllll fill Iliaiifil radio Month Of July Brings Summer Temperatures Ilxcccdlindy warm icciiflici cred in the month of July Jitli high of til yesterday providing ilic climax ool weather slackcncd off during the latter part of last WUIIi 15 the weekend gradually grew luv to dry hot spclls Iili Illin lo IllI Ti 11 14 July it It It IllI 10 July it it full July an iii rIllI IU ilI In July If fill 31 July 13 to flats can live iii cold climate Well as 11 the tropics Medonle Approves Augmenl Long Distance Telephone Lines distance calls to Medonte cannot get throughin reasonable time as the circuits alc almost constantly in use Mr Husson advised that the clocking of long distance calls after the new arrangement is completed would be carried out at Orillia If is done by Coldwater operators at present Under the proposed arrangement Orillia will switch one of the four lines into Coldwatel at Early They will also build an additional line to Eady Mcdontc will be required to complete the two lines from Moon stone to Eady It is about miles from Eady to Orillia and miles from Moonstone to Eady Ready In October The newlines will probably be in use byOctober There are about 800 long distance calls month from Medonte Council received lirttcr from Elmvale Council congratulating the township on its 100th anniversary It was decided to hold social evening to review the centenary celebration on July and to have all accounts turned in from the var ious committees All committee Turn to page tweiitypleasei Retiring Medonie Clerk Hands Keys to New Township Offices to Successor At right HURSDAY JULYWIB Ioso fl1 ciliwdclniilc ilifi loll llllli the cliildicn il llaiilc iliili PRESENTED BY WlilIVflBROS suIiRIRrI SHIR LSO STARRING Large Attendance Hospital Benefit Night at DriveIn The funds which arc donated entirely to the liiiiTnIslllligs Fund of the Barrie and District Memor lal llospllal were given good star by the llnronia IJIivcln Thcairc on Tuesday nighfmshcn rccoid crowd was in lifliilirliincc at the Red Shelton picture The Iiiller hush Man So large was the attendance that line of cars eoiiiingaway froln the first show ing was reminder of weekend afternoon around the Allandale stop light The generosity II flie manageA ment in assisting this fund is great Iy appreciated The Chamber of Cotnmcrce acted on behalf Of the hoSpital committee Proceeds realized from the even ing showings will be announced at later date 77 GILIS ANliiimuliows ficials of Canadas department of agriculture have made preliminary comparative storms of sides from gills and barrows and the average score for females was 00 compared to ill for males Councillor Alvah Stewart signsUp Barbara four one andJOAnne Ball two for one ofthe foot races An oldlimer wins his big degeam and two younglimers win their big love it 0N Milli EXTRA IUNGLE TERROR BYE BYE BLUEBIRD Inez110uo====o=lo===ao=oz===lolo====lo=lo===g In Alberta production service of MONDAY AND THURSDAY 5c Copy $300 orrTerar Hillel Imitld ii Iwtll WilliiI1U5kNIIA AND 11 TI Ijtlng I9 to 21 HEART Here it isI All the zthundering power and glory of the orphan horse the whole nation cheered to IT POUNDSBIRWIO YOU aberrant RA STARTS TODAY IMPERIAL FOR RESULTS USE EXAMINER WANTMADS MineisPiiintIaviIiIIll DANCING EVERY WED IRI IIIDSII WED FBI 930 1230 SAT 12 pm Bob Hunter and His Band VOCalsby Bing Mayor Broadcast CKBB from 11 to 1130 pm T0 RESERVE TABLESFREE PHONE 4702 Delaney Boat Lines leave dock every half hour com mencing at 830 pm Pavilion Open Daily erm am 12 pm Huronia Theatre LoratEtl two miles south Of Barrie on con cession 14 Drive south on Highway 21 turn left on first road past Cloverleaf ripg thechildrefi no bdbysiltirig pioblem ndIVI ifolcaT speakers kk No parking problem iCome dressed as you pleasedeal Ior shutinstx boby battle worming servickConcession stand Tonight Thursday GRAPES HENRY FONDA IqiDABWjELL Cartoon Friday and Saturday TWO GUYS FRO TEXAS DENNISEORGAN TACK CARSON SUnday Midnight 16 RUTHLESS ZACHARY SCOTT Themes HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATREaH Q$9sH$QQs5