Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1950, p. 16

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ml 911mi LELAJHShlt littlesin Jtm 11 121311 The Examiner Radio Column 001 THE Alli WAVES WWW vv licptalln our 11111 11 11 1111111 1111111g 111 11 1lililll 11lllll 11 11 rt l1 111 111 111tt 111 11 31 1121 11 11 3i 11 1lln11nth ll 111 111 111 11111 11 WV 11 111 11 l1 mlzl 11 21111111u 1111111 11 111311112 111 11112111 Saturday 111nin 11 211 31 1111 1111 l11111111111 11 111I 21 11 11 111 llilll 111111 111 1111 1111111111111111131111 111 11 11 1111 l1l1l 11111111 11 ll1111 llti 11 111111 tlnzlltcarl 11 11 y1 11111111spl11111u1111111111111 11 111 111 11 211 11 111 llll 1111 111 11 1111112111111 lcck from tonight 1111 MIMI mjmi My twill1 111 1111 111111 1111111 tan Hy Mum it My 111 turn 111111 1111 11111 HH gt Am up club and 111111 111z1 1111 won Hwy v1 11111c1p1111 111 1111 211111 Hu Wm Mum MW Hwy 111 13 111111 11 11111111111 1111ll ledfll UH Im 11 ll11 131 111 111111 1111111111121111 11111 111 11 1111 11111111111111111 111 1111111 hm mum my lholloQllu l11111111 111 1111111 him MPH My HM Mum Lucky lash11111 11111 1111 Jackpot Wm Hy Hymnnm HWMVMS Show are all 11111s1111111 1111111 1111 111 111111111111111ss111ss 111 l11111 12210 dial spot and 111111 1tl 111111 111 11tcl safely prlcautlolls lll bring notice 111 1l1111 lllt Ami mi 1e 1111111 11 11111111111 like mm Illlmmm NM 11111 l11111 clones 111 its 1111111 lllllllllslllslll sportsman 1111111111 311111131111 clllli 11H 11lrt1n111a Foch1 Alfred llc1lt 111111 111 11 punrams 11111111t11 1111111 ac1 holtl is currently up 111 111mm 11111111 and show 1111c 1111 11111111 ill1111s11yatl1111111111 1111111111111 11121 111111 11111111111 b111111 111 pntlun 11111 11111111 1111 wrih mm mlmummllyvl it you llatly 11lus1 111 111111 11111111 whl Mum mm an 11111111ri1 b1 11 you 111111r1l mm NH EIHWH my lulmmlj ml Mm Illtl 111gt 111111 spit111 11111 111A dill 123 Slum iIllllllllli 1s 1111111 111111111 11111s The neiv voice ctlllllltly 111aid illlhutu UH Itlllllftlai ctlllzlzzxs this over Klill ill1111115 11111111 llalwy 111111111 1111 1111 tllt 111111111111111 111t Kirk late of tJlt Sallit Sic Mane work llll slllcs 1s 11111111 llle 11111 1111 actin 111111111111 111 11111131111 Quick and 1111 l111111111 11 1s 11111rd Mllsolns Drama olltgtl111111 liar trio1 itllllll pln Stars 1111111111 ch is 1111111 1111 to illllltl young 11111111 11111111111 sch11cc reporter llt3lllllllti rcpoller 111 1111 811111 for 1111 Ncw YIIli linles 5111 who lJt 1111111111 111111711111 111 llnpc llclcll llaycs 111111 l1111 Lukas Barrie when and 11 111 111111 1111 1111 11 111s has 1111111 put together 21111111111111 If anyone 11a 111111 111111 1111 1111p11111111pl11pl1asAl or tourroom 11111111111111 an 11111 tclt lllllstllll Janar 111111111 1111111 111111go 11111111 11111 1111111 1111111 1111 l11111111111 and many other top rent please call ll1r1 at 1111 Ann1111111atomicsclllltistsz station US if you hawlit 11111117 ped 111111 Kirks Corner 11 100 111y on The 11 11 11111111111111 you 111 1115111 111111 hu programs 5qu lUVl llll are lleurd Monday Today Manager Ralph Snelgrore 11011 Whirl MW lltlt Profcsson Snellrowl l1c1111111 hvlmhd at the Summer School 11 1111111111 71111 Kirks 1111111 HEAR ALL ABOUT THE MOST POWERFUL GASOLTNTE YOUR CAR CAN USEON SHELL NEWS CKBB 530 PMl You arecordiallyl invited to hear PREMIERE MANNlNG jorALBERTA Bevel CKBBl Commencing this Sunday and every Sunday at 230 to 3311 11111 in his BACKTomlin BIBLEnoun Timer Topics in the light of scripture 01d Fashioned Hymns sung by Singing Ensemble and Ambassador Quartet Violin Organ Plano HEARD oyllu 10CANADIAN RADIO STATIONS 1110 M1111 111111 Sat Music Box 1111111 111111 Mon 111111 171 lialr llctty 111111 Mon tllru 111 Molnlng Mat 11230 News 91111111 ll lilgiwll i1 i1i 1l111111 11 111111 11111 1111111113 Sports Roundup 803 Mon V11llri Breakfast Fun L1 11111111 111 1111 111111111 lilil Shopping Time 1100 llyznns of the World 5100 Saturday Serenade 910 111111111 llandstand illtt 1013 Sat Movie MLlryxollound 10110 Mon 111111 Fri Mov1e Merry lo1111111111 111311 Salulda Moi11111 Special 111513 News 111111 thurch in 1111 Wildwood 1100 Saturday Morning Special Saturday Story llook 1145 Mon Wedlri lenny 01 Your Thoughts 11421 lulslhur Organ Reveries 11535 l1111W111ltFri Organ Interlude 00 Luncheon Engagement till 11 llllll Report 11 Regional Weather Report 250 Bulletin Board 00 Farmer Features 1008111 Agricultural Representa tive 1131t1111 Vlntcr lair Reporter llll111d1lay Varieties Sat lloliday in Rhythm 1200 Music 111 the air 12011 8111 Silver lhrcads 21101111liday 1n Rhythm 230 Sat llillsdale Review 1100 Mon 111111 Fri Jackpot Show $15111 News MollW1dlrif BarB Ranch 31111sl11ur Barbara Wheeler 1111 Sat tluh 11131 1110111111s 1111 Vacation 1211 tlub 1230 till 500 Sat Four Stars of the Week lutslhur Mystery Singer 111 Ncws 0011ounty lIour until 700 000 MonWedFri Marching along it Sportscust 11111 News 115 121111111111 Board 05391114311111111 Weather Report JU Mon 111111 Fri Serenade at ScVen 700 Sat Doll Messer and his Is landers 1151 Keyboard Kapch Sat Close Harmony Zill M1111 All Time Hit Parade 0l111 Playhouse of Favorites Wed lllllland Today 110111111s Family Fun Fri Wayne King Show Satxthildrcns Corner 71 Mo11WedIri Album Time 745 Sat Hawaiian Harmonies 800 News 023 Mon Phono Quilt Tues Summer Serenade Thur Heres Health Sat NmhzusPJVVer Plant 815 Wed Wally Perkins Thurs Local Talent Parade 830 Mon Double or Nothing 830 Thurs Fair and Cooler 900 Tops in Pops 900 Sat Hayloft Party 9110 Wed CKBB Summer Theatre 1000 Sat Time out for Dancing 1015 ThornCanada at Work 1030 News 1045 In the Chapel 1100 Mon thru Thurs News Head 1K lilies Weather tempera ture time and sport scores 1103 Mon thru Thurs Sign Off and Anthem 11001130 WedFriSat Dance from Minets Point SUNDAY JULY 16 900 News 905 Organ Interlude 915 Morning Devotions 930 Sunday Morning Serenade 1000 Family Favorites 1030 News 1040 Quiet Corner 1100 Religious Music 1200 Ivory Classics 1230 News 1240 Program Resum 1245 Jobs for Workers Workers for Jobs 1250 Novelties in the News 100 Report from Town Hall 115 Studio Recital 130 Hit Parade 200 Sunday Hymn Time 230 Backto the Bible MB Barrie IS 71 arrie l6 $720 531 Buyerto Supply Bags illllllllll rulllll Mill 45th AntiTank Regiment RCA Returns from Petowawo Comp Kim16k fol llllllitlill l11 Two Hospitalized Oro Station Crash lllli1 l11kct and lilllcs luable 111 stop lll tune when 111 11111111111111111 drove out of farm 11111 111 front of 111111 11 jccp station 1tl1n 11111111 by Louis llowell toldwatcr on Sunday night crashed 111111 1111 otllcr velllclc doing con sulclablc dalllagc lwo passengers in the station 1L11111 George Anderson and Gen 1111 Lestaux were taken to the 1111111 hospital for treatment and 11bs1rrallon Anderson sustaincli 11111111 abrasions and an injured left foot The lCCltltllt took place about nlnc oclock on the ltidgc lload near farm owned by Ernest llo pllct 1111 Station The other vehicle involved ill the colllslon was driven by David Cameron lolonto alld had as pas engers number of Toronto yullll p1ople none of whom was hurt 111 the accldclt LEFROY Miss Slit11a lleive spent last 1111111 with Mr and Mrs Morley irose 111 Barrie Mrs Clarkson is spending fell days with friends at Bally11111111 Beach Mrs Ray Stephenson and 1111 drcn are having holidays with Mrs Stlpllcnsons parents in sllawa Mr alld Mrs Matt Bell and c1111 dren of King were Sunday Vlsitors with Mr and Mrs Allan Mr and Mrs Donald Croncller of Toronto spent the Weekend With Mr and Mrs Walter Corner 81 Miss Wendy Colper is spending some time with her sister Mrs lor don Smith in Oba run11111111 11111 tario Mr and Mrs Geo Uncles have returned from motor trip through New York State visiting friends in Kanton The community welcomes Mr and Mrs Watson who are now 11v 1ing in their home purchased from Glionna Mr and Mrs Robert Sellers and Sharon of Lansing spent last week with their parents Mr and Mrs Geo Sellers The bakingsale held Saturday 1under the auspices of the WA of lthe United Church was splendid iiuccess Beautiful homemade food isold like the pmvcrblalhotcakes Eand the Association is sincerely grateful to all who made the sale so successful The congregation was much fpleased to have Rev Mr Morris 1back in his pulpit Sunday The 1boys who were away to camp rc turned Saturday loud ill their prais es of their wonderful camp holiday The United Church SS will be call celled for July and August 1771 The first recorded typewritervas 1patented in England ill 1714 330 This Is My Story 400 News 405 Interlude of Music 717710 As the Twig is Bent 30 LombardoLane 00 The Ave Maria Hour 30 Chapel Chimes 451 Hawaiian Harmonies OOfNEWS 10 Conseriiation Corner 15Dinner Music Saturday Night at Beaverto 00 Melodic Encores 30 Sunday Star 900 News 910 Winnifred Heath 030 Music Hall 030 News 40 Harry Horlick 00 News in aMlnute 03 Sign Off and Anthem llog Grower Jt Hug 1111111511111 1111 lll cvlou cr llrnlonstrathll 5111131111 111 1111111 111 111 tiny g1111i 11 Thu 111 l1llllill 11f 111r111 11 111 11 11111 111111=1 1111 111 111111131111i1 94111111 E1111111 up 111111 1111111il111l 1111 1111 11 lb 1i 1111 111l sad and 111 11ll111 111111111111 5111111 1111 vlllHT lSlI 11510 1111111 1111111111111111 the 11111 Ll111gtlilll 11 1211 111 l1l= 11111111111 11111111nl 1112131 lltll c111 11 pul 11111 11111111 coin to 11 1111 11111111 1111111 t1ltllllll 111 l11 silt 111 inc shim 11 11111 1111Zo11k11g 1111111 1111 Canadian troops 111 1111111i 111gt11l c1111 t111 p11lzls colt 1111ious lutlrll 1111111111 ilours Hen111 1111111111111111 111111111 months slit1vgt11111lll ll tapl l1lll1l11111 1111 111v 11111111 Ryan takc 1111 1111111 1111l1111c1t illSlltlttltl 11t11 11111 Sit t1 111111 Why all l8 Varieties CrossProvince Bus Line Rev Kerr Will Become Headquarters Creemore Rector Creemore Parish 11 11111c LKJIU 11115 ll 111r to 11211 111 0111 1511114 conuncnclllg Sirplumber 111 litlll 111111 111 1211 ititili 10 for 11 1111 1c Star 11 111 1111111Lw 1i111 11 1lll 11111 211 11111 1i f1i1l1111li11111ll 11 111 211111 lot tiilll llcw 1111 11 ii1 1151 t1k1 11111111 51111111 1111 151 1l 111111 11lllll 1111=11 1l 1111u llllll Llltlltt To offer all buyers and sellers of real estate the bene fit of our fast efficient sclilcc We have opened an of fice for the Town of llarrle and surrounding commun ities at I5 llllulperlllll St liver llell lelephone Business Offices If it is ltcal Estate we have it Illlllle Harrie 502 1H11 1111111 51 Ytlllt RICA lISlAlliBUY YOUR IllEAL ESTATE FROM JOHN MILLAR Broker HARRY TOVELL Manager IIllININGS ltlllNlAl ROM llAltllll ltlt N0 Loildly 21 Mary Street PONTIAQ BUICK rill 1111111111 THE TRUCK OF EXTRA VALUE For yewloads yourroclds your operating conditions theght truck is one of GMCs many different models Haulage costs are cuttou minimum when you have exactly the right trucker the iob Thats why GMC offers more land ranges more engines more wheelbases more axle designs and more gear ratios Tell your GMC dealer what the fab is and he will show you how GMC builds truck for the iob providing maximum efficiency lowest operating costs longest life See your GMCcleuler today New and more powerfulpliable In every 11111111 19m gasoline nlnairanglngihom 91 0200 maximum grou horsepower 1on GM Diesel onglneIQ urikl cylinder with mm 200 maximum qrou horsepowerrespectivon Plus diaphragm clutches Reclrculdllng bullslowing Hydruullc brakes with optional ulr brakes onhouvyduy models Conventionhl and CubDvorEnglnodulgn Wheelbase for all needs throughoul the broad model range TWO NEW TANDEM AXLI MODELS GENERAL MOTORS VALUE otors rid 1111 has tltulgc Ctltllxll llall 1llul for lllL past He years 111 jllkAilAitl ticlcplul 111v lllltl1ltl of the at 111 511111 1111 11l 1111115 of 1111 Parish of turhmre and 12111111111 Much lair21 agrccu to bet111m 1111111 of in young 1111111111 llldll 1111111 111 AS 1111 111 11 111 11111111 t1111 11t ntult ills latti ll lllllllll ill 11i 1111 11111 111 lll ltlll1llll $1 nlucll as 1111111110 111111 111 5111111 ll ll lirtl1llxltltl Jilllllttlll alllltltttl Phone 2449

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