II 111111111111111 l1 111 411111121 111111111 1111 11111111185 Guaranteed perfect and insured free against loss IIWFLLFRC pi1i1ll H11 1111 1l 1111111111111111111North hon1 1ll2 11111111111 1111111 111111111 111111111 111 1111111 11111i1111111 capiialI 11 public 11111111111111 11111 and southern troops were said 11 11 massing for counteialtack 121111111 1111111111 111 111 111 11l11111 111er 1111 1111111 I1111111er 111 Ill III 111111 11 11 1111 i11I11i 11111111111 111111 111 Itilssiaii i1111111t 1111111 1111s111 1111 1111 11111 llrive Ilaltcd 111111111 1111 111111 1111111 IIic 11111 11111111 feeling in US head Korea 11 111 111111111111 11 111111al rain was 11 CAN YOU BEAT THIS Just take look at these machines and check the prices The fascination of creating hundreds of useful and at tractive turniner can be yours Iliese riufged lathes are 1111111 for hard work and high speeds with heavy duty ball hearings to ensure 10111 1111 They just cant be beat Bearings WOODCUTTING LATHE HE BARR lllNllt llIlRSDAY ItLY 13 1950 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 111111111 11111 111 111 2111111111 nit 111111 1111 11 1111111 1111111 1111 31 IlIlItiI 11111 111 Iiiil 1111111 11111111I 11 11111111 1111 Y1111i 111 1111111111111 111 1111111 gt11 1111 11111 1111 I1 it 11111 111 1111 11111211 1111 11111111 1111111111111 1111 1111111111 T112 11111111 Natioir 911111111 111111111 111111 tIIIIIII ll11 111111111 111111 lo rotilli wa liorcaiis 11 1111 vickIlly 1111 11111111111hit IIN 111 was that the 11r111 Koreans 111111 advanced just about is lar as they could 111111111111 that once 1111 south forces 11 111111111111111 111111 gained 1111 111 11111 111111ag1 1111111111 by 1111 111 tlpivly bases 111 linen 111111111 pay 1111 111 quick 111111111 v1 1111 to detract from the importance lot 1111 link theinstlve tingt1 questions ale ltheir own countrys 1111 11111 11111111 11111111111 1111111111111 1111111111 1111111111111 111 8111111 1111121 headed by 1111 11111111 5111 11 18 was 1s11111 111 111111 11111111t 11111111111111111 11111 1111111111 111111111111111 MacAi 111111 National 11 11 itIIIII 11111I I11 111111i Iiililiiit 1111 Vic 1I11 T111 action has hound to cause con ltltlilldx tllStllSlell Should MacArthur lttlllt to 11 this banner in addition 111 1111 115 flag as leader 1111111 armed force 111 UN 111111111111 11 11111 111 1111 1irst 111111 1111 11111111111 111 1pp1ar1d 111 battle The Scctuity touiicil 11111111111 1111 more than 1111111111111111 11111 11 11111 1111 111 down 1111111121 1111 111111111117 Iti1111s 111 111111 tlilliilllcI 111111111 11111 111111111 111411111111 under any 11111 11111 111111 own Presents Problem Most 11111111111s 1111111 111111 lighting under 1111 unilicd command would no objections to Il1111 1111 banner in addition to their But othcrs while not wish have UN UNs decision might 1111 Would second 1111 111 1111 intioduction 111 1111 111tract 111 any from 1111 sentiment attached their 1wn 11111111111 Would the vital question of 111111 be involved Mcii 111111 for they feel 1111 saiiii about 1111 11a of an impersonal institution 11111 thc UN The United States 111111 1111 11111 monwealth 011111111 11111111 A11 mendation iritish oust Australian 111111111 ari 1ii eiieiiiy tni11 anadian Navy units intlie Pacific to 1eady for service if called on unofficially by litClcttllltlt incin 310 to 42 Centres Heavy Duty Built Rugged Ball METAL CUTTING LATHE lt7 Swing 20Centres Speeds ScrewCutting Very Beautifully Finished PRICE $5950 THE PRICE $15950 THESE LATHES ARE SUITABLE FOR HOME SHOPS FAR MERS SMALL SHOPS 1F INTERESTED WE STRONGLY AD VISE YOU PURCHASE New RIFKMACHINERYco BARRIE 97 Dunlop 51 Downsrams PHONE 2879 bers assigned to spfcial UN Bal IllttIZ llltl between 1111 11111111111 last Friday 11111111111111 1111 headlight 111 the bus 111111111111111111111 111113117111 which six people died Fac ing charges 111 11111111112111111 dangerous and careless Crash Imbeds 1111s and car 111111 NEWS or 11in 111 111 and II YInlhaurlhrLake 1111 111111 Hundau 111111 Mrs Vllllilllll lr 51111111111 1111 11 311 111111 11111111111 is speii1l1 1111 1111 11111111 with friends 1111111114 1111 111111111111111I3 itlhnll 111 11111 Mb 11111 111111 Leland SW 1111 Hair 11 lacivi ir1 holidayA1 1111 with relatives Mi 11scai 5111111111 and family o1 lmiiiiiiis 111 spending their l1oli Illt Ull day ltll relatives lVll 111 loioiito isspelid1 11111111 1111 111111 111111 with Mi and lVIis 11 111111111 IT11 l11I11I1111i 111 1111 SS Midland 111 c111 and 111111115 ll 1111111 I111IItiiIi1i with his parI 11111 111 11111 All1 William Mclad 11111 111c Lloyd liarson spent ai 1111 1111 miiplc 111 11115 111 llairii Wltll Iiei mle 111111111111 Mis S11wart and Mr Stewart gmh We are pleased 111 rcporlers uuld Bishop has returned 111111e after 111111g patient at thell llospi 1111131 11 1111 Home 111111 lldnards has returned 1111111111 11111 1111111 patient in 1111 11 ll11111lll1l I3111111 We 111 pleased 11 awakei 11111 111111 111111 market noikcis lluiidrids Ilt 1111 1111 1st 111111 111111115 mm ml Tnnndu XPWPIM 1111 1111111 1111Ilil11lllll and or 1111 1511 111 11111 11111111111 1111 11111111111 11gtIiip have cm rmlo11111 goods to hospitals and schoois 111111 not be 1111ct1d gaged in activ1 combat with 1111l11ansport groups in most parts of destroy Illtt country pledged their support crs are on their way to join US 1111b11c transportbuses and street I11 out then 111 iii unollicial call to slop wwk in 1111111111 111 1111 advice of 111111 1111111111l 1111111111 111 support of strike 11f 811111 to cha driveis refused 111 cIiicItr 11S11Iltl1111 111 brides 111 1111 111111111111111 Iiaiispwil iiicial Workers111111111 gt 111111111 was expectcd to he li1111 Chm hit 11 1111 diivers carried11111 vices All road inovcinciiis 11111111111111 inhabitants would Deliveries 111 111dica gess c1 choir compo Lake Park Midland Rev Reynolds anniversary Church in Canada and for the plcte redecoration Beatrice Evelvn Hunter Lois McGinnis sang numbers at the morning and evening services Mer lvyn Corbett Toronto was guest Headhgh WW Vi 111 ELMVALE 111 report 111 is progressing favor iiid Mrs led Little of Leu 111 lb and Mrs llli11gti 1111 1111 children of Brampton were of Mr and Mrs Fer 11 Services at St Andrews Presbyterian SS Picnic lIlmvaie Presbyterian Sun 11y School held their annual pic last at 111111 delicious was served by the ladies of lltll The boys and girls e11 Wednesday 11111111 the sports and gettogctlier BA and LOL Attend Church Service 1111re wasa large attendance at irning service in St Johns Church The LOBA No 101 1191 met in their lodge and marched to the church by the Young Britons Band preached npressive sermon Midnight Sereiiade 11 Monday night July around 111 the neighbors were icd by discordant music of the young people called rivari two newly married couples 1111 Peter St which is very much iii the limelight with threei waiting 1011 get moved into their cottage and the fourth Presbyterian Church Andrews Presbyterian Eliiivale held special s1r 111 July 13 to observe the 75111 of the Presbyterian 11 tioii of theChurch after com Rev Mr Bur 1nducted the morning service George Northwood of Wing 11am sang Itwo solos and the sextette 111c111s7w11e not allected but ga11 21111 and oil drivers were asked 11 The UN llag was firstdevisedWW Sullml WV did buses may have to stop from lack 111 fuel The tvoveckol1 11111112voik11s sed of Misses Margaret and Graham Katharine and Gwen Jones and 13 driving is the bus driver Patrick Patterson shown inset with his young son of Toronto The bus driver claimed truck travelling north was over the solid line and side swipcd the southbound bus throwing it into the north Ithe tables were covered with lace The dhoir rendered special music assisted by some members of Knox tlolIiS Miss Nancy Campbell played the wedding music as Mr and Mrs Iolumbus entered the hall and look their seats of honor Little latsy llalloran and Gwendolyn Bell carried in the basket of gifts Mrs Mctolemau Stayiier read the accompanying good wishes and Miss llclcn Stone Mrs Elgiii ltit chic and Mrs Dan Columbus as sisted in placing the gifts Mr and Mrs Columbus thanked all for their kindness Dainty refreshments were served after which Mr and Mrs tolumbus passed around the wedding cake Annual Reunion 011 June 25 the Mcladdcn re union was held at Spriiigwatei lark Midhurst with 1112 present delightful supper was enjoyed by all The prizes went to Miss Marilyn liggctt Hamilton the youngest member 111151111 James McFadden Elinvalc the oldest member Mr and Mrs James Mc Fadden Elinvale the longestinur ried couple Mr and Mrs Lig gett Hamilton the couple coming the longest distance The election of officers resulted as follows Bill Nevilles Cookstown president Gordon Broad Nobleton first vicepresident bound car The truck driver Ivan Babin 11111 Toronto said the bus was over the solid line when the truck and 11113 sideswiped 11111111111 1111111all Illi1i111 11111 Mrs Alvin Simpson Mrs Iiarles laryticasurtr Meladdcii Cliff Archer Elmvale 2nd vicepresident Mrs Lunch committee Mrs liff lhc picnic is 111111 every year on Archer Mrs Norman Nevillcs Mrs the last Sunday Vera MelHidden piie committee 5111113 place Ill June at the Enjoy the comfort automatic heatiug by installing FAIRBANKSMORSE OIL BU Allandcxle Plumbing Heating 133 Cumberland St Phone 2246 Bag 11 rv 11 kans commission investigating is frontier incidents n0K31111ke began with walkout of 5010151 in the eVCnIng RGV MY border in 1947 as means of ident 00 mull 1111115110TI013113111an Burgess was aSSiSted Blithe evening itying international personnel iiiillkgid 119111 Ill handling 11 Will SCIVICE by Rev CVJaCk 0f tmuble spot remmfrheymmmrarnerrerkwfFresbthry mic UN Secretaryencml TWEthy 2500 other workers and 27111 FltLL House Of Camp Bm Lie then proposed that the General 1110013S 01 Uldstd 011 10 Item denx Who deliVed Very wmu Assembly adopt the ag as an of fLonan housewives supplied While 16553281 55an Labor MajorityCut Gifts for Newiyweas The ag is light blu with met Labors malorityinhe British large representation of the emblem WmThecmbaEl9359991111211531$ Resets111211129119aim99mmueitrmiarned lem comprises map of the worm Ullllly SUl 10 SIX V0165 11510111 Thursday night for miscellan VVVVV centred on the meridian of Gm election 1s to be called in Leicester eous shower held in the Parish wichy the international dueling 115 result of Labor member TimHall for Mr and Mrs James C01 wreath of crossed olivemce DUHUVUH hemg elevated to umbus nee Donalda Clute The branches lthje benchf TIllLbCllStlICt is regard platform was prettin decorated 1e as sa or seat ink nd ht St Truck Strike W17 lfmfl3fd total paralysis strike of 70 000 truck drivers in Britain was seen as possibility at the week est ers 21 Atomik Dust Pomogreen GARDEN USED CAR Let am an 172182 BradfordSt NY HERS PHONE 5355 ra ers and Dust Guns yv 1949 FORD COACH Seem1 size 1948DODGE SPECIALSEDAN 1948 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN Start Your Compost Pile 1947 PLYMO SPECIAL SEDAN gt 1941 PLYMOU DELUXE SEDAN NOW Use COMPO As An 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN TingI 1391111 ym saw Amwm mt 1938 PLYMOUTH COACH atterm reection in rumor 501111110 1936 PLYMOUTH COACH 1936 CHEVROLET COACH See for yourself Start saving regularly See the new 1935 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1929 DESOTO SEDAN In surprisingly short timeav look at your bank book Power Lavin Mower and 1947 MERCURY TON PANEL will LL ve on feelm tha Power Garden Cultivator 1947 FARGO 12 TON EXPRESS 1945 DODGEDUMP 11 11 11311111101101110 rownColtd HAROLD Wm is CHRYSLER ra SEEDSMEN SINCE 1371 323913ng GIIIelI oarmi Monting