ttlllGARA you can get 550 5000 lift INSURID l0ltN to N0 fxlttA osr IOR ANY AND EVERY PURPOSE Doctor Dentltt or Hospital Bil Cool or Fuel Oil Home Repair Moving hponul lulu or old Bills etc you have money problem at would Ma financial advice freq phone or all today NIJ NIAGARA INANCE ompunt Ltd SQlAltli IHltklE llionc 5331 MIDHURST llt Jii wt lt liitlii hit ll Kiri rilo i1 Howl lr li unit or riri iltl il terror iii writ ill ti irii Iatti ti Ilultii llrl it trili I1Itt rl lI lilillillltill It tlltl lvan ll iIlt lliiiili tii lIt ii Suriiax viii Marv ll ii llllil llawaitiu iii with etiizrrzriiiiu Illlt in iir lla 11 llti titrlll tl Iloioriti li ti and attended thi Tom was lather rtiil lA li riil iltittl Iizirid aiiit ltl lll this riitsliliiirliiiiiil and the lillltl list sympathy xi mile SW Why bother with ice when you can freeZc your ov tttlll in your milk rat with GEM cooled milk is IMUtI milk at low oper atiirt iiist The original ilropin oolcr lIft Mill cooler EM oolers are made in sizes 410 cans llTMJs itt ten per time yroients bacteria growth illl lttli IllIy ilIl rmilf ili ti litl leit iii tlit er iltllll llilril Ilie tanks licmcrnbcr Ilpericrice oirti lIilItIl Illliltllllll ltzite lI loii ll months to Ill 30 lllllIS with fast cooling agitator roppid III the truth and connected to loiIliiiii llrir are yours for the irfllitng We iill supply you with Ste ll il lornis for construction of cement SiglltliWH only pfllxtllzt in Harry iiav No interest It niriiii 5th Demon Illliott YMCA Iillllli ALLANDALE lrop24 hr Service PHONE 5484 Ask for attractive booklets spots Ask about improved travellequip mentthemodernsleepers restful lounge cars and lowcost deluxe Canadian Pacifictrains Can travel is as dependable as the friendly ser vice of onuryown Canadian Pacic agent ticket on fast comfortable Cana dian Pacific train He can tell you row torget therew11en youll get thereand smooth your journey with expert advice 6n iacation coaches of adian Pacific sudden it lIllttIIiit army was born rlltl spilil lll entire liti loial ihtiicii lltill iitts splendid iti1hiioi and lll be greatly miss lls in hm our deep and larger aiicts from the oronatrorr ill both draw Armoured liegiment iKOCRII Ca in and let iiips Alberta placed second tor sword donated by the late mrtatile type lielti 1irslizillltzrrl liar and ch II orr the honors list IV Other anadiaii cadet corps win Travel Skirts withIIonurIutal Canadian Pacific Agent Iet him start you off right witha In the Army 1200 430 separate pictures Sllltili uap had occurred leaving mm HWNMWHI mnout not more than dozen houses It Lad to be one of these houses who inspected the mosaic displayed in the florist lif ori monsn play Prepared in Illrctluratr ol ll Public Relations atiiinal lie tin lltl IIQ tittaiia rlt In the Na lr Ill ril lli iii ii Itd arm pii it KI iii laurel 5iil llanl iri tii Iitlllliu will or tm li Suit riii to lrit to tht Montana children lirlli lri Itll hit2i ill Ilir tliJl tiif lint ii iii itiiri oi or nor mmnti any iri not up ii patiirro 13 In pm noun citiii in lii 3i Lil air tttllflliillntl iiat lum if cumn ir siittrisn to In llltttt Im than hmuveo oats lllx llfp it it IIti iliirrilrri iltilltt til1 tl put hm oliid up rt ili llt li ril lIllt IJ ha of smell Hutu tlruhls since Iiiiwtd ittii il tlltl Jo Ilitlt Iltlt IILI are iltltll 5mm mm ti coincideriii New tlst ilt reached out and caught the IICAF rut lltlt Iltll riiiasiirrrri iIXppuiitc Mm uhhonyl it wasnt Ittlltil iIi Ilii liritiii StatWWW Sigurd it Just ii to shun Yitci llt is tittlltltl feet thi Mm uKUItllll to 11 loitp offi Ilil is iiltTtlllll feet the lrcrichuup iii throw titiTiiltl tiit vhili tsoiW proudly put its Iiriir1 Illlt lll leiland corixupu Mm photo mosqu of the iWA lliilll lttl Manitoba tlootl area on display last iirs ippiritJ rizrcitriir lris lit the llitlilltrll iirrli ls iittti te llllllli of latitude litl lliltt try to piii this nunil lIiil IllttlI llt rte ii titiiiili ilouti to ivien is not perfect or Houxe or toiiiiiions in the oriimiltcc iii liirliy tttrva iiiil rltliilit1gtl the hundreds if irrterestid people who inspected was an unnamed tzeiitleiiiari from lilliiiiiipie who lll his own words ttllll not itiffciiiztlv iii diffcrentwuc jugi putsmi through gilriii IIitl tLtlIllt one lllllillitl ot lrlilltlt the North Pole is al tiii ltll Lorixvi than the same lllill iite at tbi tlllilttl So if an llt laudr irl tiat the earths ctrit llillllllt Iltl is 3100 nautical iiulc rriii kIiIittlltIl lvllil that it IS ltiJl titties both dunes are iile Its Jibl that the leilander rises Ile kiiieisii note ariadiari tliIils ill great dis of marksmanship have won vrUtlitllttlII annual list of the Hill best cadet corps lll the British Eni Illt The list published each year followiiii adjudication of tar rpts tired in the King ieiiriie VI laiiii Imperial halleriize Shield liiiriipetitioris teetlIitzid sharp ariada ireat Ilrii New 7irliiiit aiiil IS by sliiiolils tairi iSiutth from Austral ra firea aiiadiari tltlll and second Illtllll the Empire is the Mont St Louis adet Regiment Montreal rhiih placed second to team oil English nirirksiiieri iii the Senior lliiiperial Shield competition iriina places on the honors list are 1tlie St Thomas ollctze Cadcti lorps liattleford Sask limit the Willramstowri High School lligle land Cadet Corps Ont Illstt thc illllltl High School Cadet jiforps NS i32ndi the St Patrick iAcatiemy Cadet orps Sherbrookc Que 30ml the Provencher Cadet Itorps St Boniface Mari 37mm tlie Royal Canadian Cadet Corps iflainboiw Victoria BC t62ndi the Sedgewick School thh Army lank legit Cadet Corps Alta itiGthi Peiawawn 0nt7and stint Man opened their doors June 23 to thei first of thousands of Reserve Force soldiers who will trairitherc this stun met So did Ippcrwash Ont wherel hundreds of Army Cadets will taker trades training under competent Active Force instructors troops will be opened at Esquimalt BC ChilliwackBC and Wain wright Alta early in July An estimated 15000 reservists and 8000 cadets will attend the camps most of them for just ulcek But some of the cadets will spend as long as four to six weeks at lpperwash In the Air Force Mercy flights are nothing new to the RCAF but the Air Force How one recently which fell into catc cory all of its own AnI Eskimo woman and her threeyearold daughter two of many evacuated each year by the RCAF to undergo medical treat ment were awaiting air tizipsport from Coral Harbor onrrSouthamp ton Island to Montreal Bothwere crippled by pulmonary tuberculo sisandbcforc the aircraft arriVedi to pick them up the woman gavel birth to twins rare occurrence among the Eskimos IThe woman and her daughter tdgether with morebabies which were born prematurely wpreown more than 1000 miles to the rr Force hospital at GodscBay ab rador in an RCAF Dakotatrans port skippered by thlit Lieuteni lutlgtDUtUUubh HARRY MURDOCK Wheel Alignme For fares train service or other travel information consuit any agcntaol the Canadian Pacific RailwayICompany Wheel St 17 MARY ST 00U bOl officers point Iltrll1itll do occur when mosaic WheeIBalanei Barrie vlter close inspection of sector if Winnipeg he turned to llCAb ttsiiltlltl arid With some puzzle nent explained that although be new the area well and the pic tire was clear he just couldnt Iiiid its house The ir Force attend rru rent his aid and then the mys ery of the riiissiiiu house was isolveil lllltll1ll to the embarrass llllil iii the RCAII lhe iiiosarc showed an area of square miles and contained In all this man who lived it Force caps lrr defence however Air titll that such is made up and that the usuall procedure is to retly over suchl poiiits titling in thc arcaslcft outl lt1 lri the case of the Winnipeg flood photos the extreme urgency of the job made it impossible to follow usual procedures and the fact that oiin this one tiny gap occurred the photo crews doing the work nr UTOPIA Robt Walker and wifc and sort Rickey itNewniarkit spent the weekend with the Allen Millers June 26 Mr and Mrs Billy Denney Mar gtttei and Mary Ellis visited with rclativcsnii Carley and Orillia Sundayf Mr and Mrs Arthur Diibson were guests of Mr and Mrs John W7gtVJennctt Barricwvtto celebrate their Ztlth weddingr anniversary Tragic Death of Lloyd Lovely This community was shocked and saddened Friday evening by the news of the tragic death of Lloyd Lovely young western farm hand employed at the home of Louis Truax since last fall He was found capable and obliging turd was treated as one of the family Just how the fatal tractor accident happened will never be Knowing that Lloyd hIadmonlyI few hours work to do Mrs Triiax became worried when he had not come home for dinner at pm or later She took the car and drove to the other farm only to find him pinned beneath the heavy tractor Otherfcamprforuveservc FcrcioHtppmemlyislwitlia8g0ingt0 work Doctor and help were soon on hand and the heavy machine lifted by Harts derrick of Barrie and thorough investigation Po lice dccidcd an inquest was not at all necessary Lloyd attended all community activities with the Trii ax family and only the previous Saturday with the men of the community helped at improve ment work at the Community Park installing lightand water the new booth erected in tliEjIpark last fall The heartfelt Sympathy and thoughts of thereominunity of home of his bereaved parents in Saskatchewan CRAIGHURST The sympathyof the illagc is extended to MrsT Vmery in the death of her motile Mrs Hill of Hillsdale WEED SURVEYS Cooperatrve weed surveys initi atedin 1949ny botanists of the Department of Agriculture Ottawa With provincial departments supplied valuable data on the dis wceds in many areas raightening PHONE 2202 no known Utopia go with the remains to the ol agriculture on the Prairieshaye tribution and ecology of perennial li titi lriiri1 iiiirirr liriruit instill MacDonald litliltil Mi Mi ii=ttl 1L lrlilli tl 14 tllltlltll tiltlitlttlltl lo rite 1ill ti lr lllilitl illr IIlr Alilllir rt Ire ltli June it ill illitlll li sl Slutt 2H rid iietritlj in Toronto 7yli lIttia liiouri tltlll last netl Iliitiiltlii wrailulaliorrs to Mr and Mrs iiii on the arrival of ii Mrs If Wood lllttl vrtli litl on and litlILllltlIlllil Mr and Mr lllill Wood Ilolicil Hlle1 of lflttilthitXY Sash is visittnz with llt brother liii Mr and Mrs Thomas lieyriolils rid IIid and lliiil spent the iekerid at Novai lltlllllltl troiri Iiire attended the iiiiiiral ot the late William ilayrte in Ilarrre Mr and Mrs lired Ariher Jr of Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs IIlttl Archer Sr Mrs II Bath Mr and Mrs llrith and tarnin and Mrs Wil in of Midland called on Mrs liock Sunday shower was held for the neu lvweds Mr and Mrs lerald Siiril iri at the urooriis home on Mon day night Members of the llarriioiiica Hand took part or the priuzrain at the gardeii party at lhoriitoii oit Wed nesday evening The friends of Mr and Mrs ol onel McWattcrs syriipritliize with them in the loss of their little ttlllttiltltl number Iroiii heri at tended the funeral Mr and Mrs Jack Drinkill Ottawa Mr and Mrs Drinkill of Saskatoon Saslc iil Mrs Ella Sibbald Mrs Mae Salisbury of Midland ilirinkills were visitors at Walter BIRENTWOCTD June 20 Davidson BowerIrannon wed tilingt at Essa Station last Saturday Mrs Dumond is under the doctors care but hope to see her Mr and Mrs attended the Wilfred around again in the near future Mr and Mrs Thomas Boyle at lIIlwl Turn mei or tended the Hannah Carscridden wedding at Terra Nova last Satitr the sympathy or the community goes out to Mrs Cooper in the death of her sisteririlaw Mrs Hill Miss Lena Schell rcturncd inc of the Johnston to hear of Barry Sunday death cided success After the and all report luood time 0000 lions it III tll aii llichard to Toronto last evening after spend weeks holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Geo Schcll The community was shocked last sudden Mr Johnston was familiar figure round here as he followed up the paintingr and decorating business The United Church picnic to Sun set Point last Saturday was te cliildren had enjoyed the sports they sat down to sumptuous supper sup plied by the ladies of the church Some forty were seated at the table it tPlvi Kt his rating tin riiigi iltlltt1sit iJ tlirvytl 1i irilri It StMlnl ii llrr nti irl lli fills in Mr it or at ll iii tinll in Mrs llri tilt I3 llirlfii lll gtii triilrlii Ii am it Lauri ti ili BELLE IEWART illii tlll allure Iilttii titiltlltf iir li Nlis It Palm ri li tiny tlr rri stil ll Ship iid llrr ll1 other Ml ilri Isl Illtll of lillld iith lltl Mr tirl ti Mi lrILtl Mrv lrii lirii win the xiiim rut NI it ill lororto li itril rrlii n7 grill the itltlltI Fisher liiii Oi ant and titty oi lorttito slitlll the Isfllk llfl irtlr llllli iiiiltr tlltl triii lin Airs Kleilmill Mr Itoiiriii ha lttll on the wt ilrsl for tlri iltii ll Stewart ltoolr iris lidti ill hu tlltil til llli liaplrst illlrlill Siiriilaa tllilll Sllllll IIIIC The Spirit or the law itlllivc and priiiap tl ifraiiied iii liiil firms to create Iliileiraiiie tillItIIt ttIillims iii iil lll tit iilztl liilin illii iii iittlii may IltI Illtlill be 11 rest largely with the permit involved prulhe lllt iiiltii brim tltll llli itlllllttlt that lllltlttl lltitli 19 ANI tulllli SIANSIIIAII JOURNAL Features new Undertow washing action new Floataway draining new Squeefedryrngl the ti Eizi halter top and shorts See our selection of Summer belts and fosriiiiie Jewellery Next to Its sachet is the Wonderlubf made of flexible Metexaloyl 5year written guarantee Medonte Clerk 31 Former Principal WIIIIII IIQUIC PLAY SlllS Fully automatic agitator washer by Bendix Its the first automatic washer every family can afford Simple light weight vibrationfree Neednt be fastened in platel ii rlc uliit of it ovi lzi to ti Sussex ii in tiii it lrvir Lilril lltltft it til PHONE Featuring SWIM SUIIS oles of aliforriia it inert clone at lfliiililnl iloii ir lltlllf tryiio iiii lllii4li iiicit rilrt iiitii2 ililii mi iilliitl All ioloi ai lii SIIIS lo SItiJIS lcaturcil In Our troop nly Iiccc Medium Size Black Nylon Velvet Swim Suit $I695 IIIUIITII PLAYSIIIIS sliortst iii Siiu Shods Bras Tops Midriffs In large choice of colors styles and fabrics bliie $535 and green vl illi lot pint itIHI villi $4li Lenos Lingerie Roxy Theatre Phone 222i AUTOMATIC WASHER SEEING is BELIEVING Come On in Today Epletts I39 Dunlop St mElectric Bob may feelthat all there is to going away is obtaining supply of travellers cheques at The Bank of Nova Scoiia but Betty disagrees with him She will agree though that travellers Cheques are the answertomany of the head aches that canarise whenryourc travelling With travellers cheques you canlcarryv as much money as you needThere is no worry about losingthem only you can cash them Arranging funds for foreign travel and supplying travellers cheques are but two of the many ways in which your local Bank of Nova Scotia branch can serve you Get to know your nearby Bank of Nova Sebtit manager Youll ml him good man to know weenie Hancock Manager Barrie0nt Ivl rid tft flail Iiltllttltl IlliiW Elyt lvxiiilJlii titti INY AN EXAMINER WANT Phone 3721