Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jun 1950, p. 13

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X41Dunlop Stl Helping Your Child Make Most Safe Summer Months ii Silillixx in Ktlilitili Summer Leaders Training Course Closes with Craft Demonstration July Event at Cookstown to Aid Childrens Park Igtuln 013de talc IHJlIIIlllll Loilli ltrcrtslluil ILiI Imp II Emmy III II II JII III outmllor to the hlanis Animal MIHIICIIk III II IIIIIIII II IIIIIII III Uh iv and poison oak tirznl xi it Imitspilixl III II III III ilI Hip 1H xtltl on their hips and ll at III II if iiHY ottni additional IIHIHH lifoi lm irc common and me II IIIIII lh tIlitnts and particularly lllt Li it IIIIIIIIIII Hillier must ill rvcr on thiir i=ld IIIIIIII HIII Bet Adequate Rest II dint lr ltiwi l1vtl months also aie an Ii tititilnli oiii tl litital 1d at lJltHl for tnnldingnp In IxIH Ilvli to 111 wit milli ls ltlxiw lvttlll physically and inen 1I tiizl Whitii child lu iniolxid ii foil iliti iigiilll the child must III 41 HIIIWII II tiivw illl and would like lltxl of adequate rezt just at to mull llwlii oi lltt fun that ion when he or she nullbl KENMJT lxUN lbmlllut It iiiv in our to mow on the gallop from mom thl1l HIV pawn oi the All iziIzz till 1ng Their doses of new In II III vI liis liw iilil xiii nipoiu IimIlI IOXIISIVIHWM mul the Limit on own iiilow it ion ilci lcoi luin the sziiii HKII IHINm minimum cniii llisliict llla gllirlfm Illtl litilzlln this iiidoiibttdb itlondld mm rum in lozoiilo inc litllJllut lzc ltlllli to become better EliIl illKlll llllllll llolltil lXllllllttll luv it it ipoii the ltiltlll llildtti tlttlltlt lmii hh klrimbprmg And lll we Why to twomix in iii it lllt ptiiiti lln tlllltlttll lii not iiri AM IN pm $31 lluxtinic to the hid zlw union pil iii zii iim tizi ill the titltllll tl oi llicii mum mm mi indelan sure aiv tiillllitcil Ilia iol wit llii of iiiliiiio itlt to Ill lliltllll ttllil chool llttlill nurses Hr Humiwr mm lulv tllll Alllilhl jzirl lw loind below it is it factor tliit II III IIII should llt ciii before its in all our pmw ii ms Ulticlivouis believe that during mil Wm HI to these llttittltllfLlltltll liarnin whitmm gimp IlimIfIJINIhIlIiiIl IMI VI rtriiiiin months that the child must IISIIIIIIII IIIIIII III IiIIXIIiIdIpp IIII II llt inIiprissed with the need of gtlf IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIII IhI IIIII II IIIIIlIIIIIIIIllfif IIFIIIIIIIIIII than ii Ii ii tut iii Breeders of Maple ccntration is on llit ui vi Safety lrecauuom llltllfilltl1ltliltt lndvi it lvltflflll tiii Loom iIii tltlliltinlll promotions NM till academic ywicii xioihi Ill stud pczozi illziioml itl II II III observed as it goes without SllYlnl hyinc most ctiildinn llilll iWi niimzaii lu td llzix up 51 mjumd mld schooling but ncvcr tlic HH little littilln oc1itioll IiII IIWIAA no mup Mmim Um 0f sunshinp little muscle and lonH io l1 lil Ii tll lapii llltll nt II II II months when he could be storing ml 1hyv HHimvm WM Hui are3 in til tl iniicti ltlltill of his mind and mi Nm il rlli Vll itll Jllli Lolly Surely none are too busy 10 min lltli the inn loz tin lllilt7 gtlioii lltIlillltl fluke hp mm 10 155 extra warm physical expicssion and HA um lIil lllt siltlillllill IiIhlI nIiI II II II II mus about the traffic and its dintgm ill1 11 lIlIlIiIlllII IllIlllIlllIllilIIHIlI llIi III II II acts the common sense rules of MINI PIIIIIIIIHIIIIh IHIH ii lii and safe conduct on the II All Nllum Willi All in llllltll and in the water iii Him iii ilim ititl oi lilltliillti iXlilltin There is the danger of play in in mlilvlh tilliimi Ktltiuiiiihiniliii iiiilmi lililllllllll It OIbcres no masspm excavations and unconiplcted 11 III II iiinzinuloied the llllctlttit and duction here even buildings of which there is with domnwm 1I IIM iitiiltttllllll on lllt ltlli piiiielt mough we hand mm llllt1115lt1 number in onrm mlwhiw dwmwii lliiitlt liple itllll liliilltl AssN Dd People Ch town of BarrieI on Our outskirtsicmmm Ninwdlm HHI oiizition has blimed the trail iorIH IHHII in Yet YOUFI WilliV there are the animals on the sniquifNy Imlw til 311 fillntl llllllldl insemination lll llilr pint inf It condCRdm rounding farms and other dancers mid mammnmb hI at our provinci he slated ll ll leldulHY RCPYme9 which might arise in trespassing Ill 91ml lid mI Hf Jim VII mm II IIIIIHII it lll no geared to your in IIII 0mm people properw means foi tLtllpIlll flu llllll llt IIII IIII II III III II IIIII III II come id PWWCCd f0r It gressiicly and constrnctnil lll III II gt you with life insurauco 11 Ins hu CIinu these summer play ttilliiih Imilmb mi mMHHlWLM it no extra cost No on do klmw Ml um Cimnn mil llere under ilLllllttl ltltflil hip MPH lilii dorscrs Ire required If cmmwn lvmindllmovt WWIV rrpm the child has the oiipoitiinih HOW you have nancial xtllnplvimd If Dad Hunks drwmg indulging in his nlillcl toi Mi lllm lni problem consult lhIhlgllW3l5 is Safe illldIgmm ha IIIIHMUIIIII III III poor nutrition and alo that Niagarl Finance today Ml ivcrcllt ladders if 091 H1 Clean 1Hle hf HIVHII IIIIIIIIco might be fed with ltlljJIt llltlll aerial and standing up in the boat HIHII III IIIIHI IIIIIIIIIII lliltN oi fch but still be midi13 Big Enough for Exporionco to make cast and mother leaves EXPO ml IndIQIHIJIIIIIHII Izomhhcd lln inmtc Huron sma Enough for frigndhnm articles on the cellar steps and 01 Il I1 of ltlllltlitl innitr1in lll oliininezlI doesnt bother to keep the paring plimun lmI mm in pxoii prinvn on the littllll knife out of reach then we are not phbhvd thumw Wmle HH li oi Ihun can iIIluYI ll iiii ilti IllIllttlJ ii in DOHilUll to expect our childrcni iim liIlllllltllltll nuneiiil the an It 1er 105 WWW DNCRUUOHS Trained Leaders llllill should be able to maintain it Ihls is just another item to think How hotter and how miili lion lilgli ptttltlilt cttnicncv Zbnm Ill Tm Slwml mil ll ll iltlllillll in introducing tllv Tho WW l5 mWl Lllt sneaker ionimendcd this CPlm andrstriinoiylhgjin IIIIlllol11lli district we lic non Association on its pioneer work is no rdason SllV certain pliasekol mmly Mimi my illlmundi 0mm l1 1h WIUUHI II dumlioncannol continue Vtl llllCllill llliillll committee of sires but he wailich would think gncnumnpmom to 10 l0iililllhgt ml lll lll ihcni that tllcit cnoicc to coiltlllli operate in the homebcould receive tows 100m and 10 mm mm Him 51 ll INN lllfl II mp II this an The Children Ifun it is it donc as family niiit mom choice of siic ouhl got in could assist with the Sharinn of Thor 41 71 ml llllilli whole work back to its ll begin KIt IIIIIIII my Chumq the bed maIIingInalIurc liIi sludyI neI Illliltftsrlto sec mm ll 11 11 13m it Kellir Scciliiiieci lllt The Wilson Budding Sumwm kw mm 50M llllllllA counties and with them Dr lsarilyrob llictn of their play time lunity of proving they can do and SQUARE BARBIE are also an essential part of the PEACE OF MIND IS CHEAP AT THIS PRICE VERY home contains valuable per sonal property such as furs jewelry pictures etc which if stolen or destroyed by fire could notibe re placed without financial embarrassment You can insure against this nancial lost by means of North America Companies all risk policy which has beendesigned to pro vide the broadest possible coverage at very low premium rates for the sake of your peace of mind consult your Insurance Agent or Broker today about this INorth America Companies all risk insurance protection INSURANCE COMPANYOF NORTHAMEltIGA COMPANIES CANADIE HEAD orriczaxronomo IFIREMARINE CASUALTY Srvicc Ofces throughout Canada insuRANce COMMNY ornonrn Anencx INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY or norm AMERICA PHILADEbPHIA FIREAND MARINE lNSURANCE comma MALCOMSONS Insurance Agency THE HOME OF GOOD insurance silver 1899 Dial 3735 IFLYNNT 89 DUNLOP sr biil rather give them the opporl butt27th be neglected during these months it must be agreed that rest ltllttl lplay their important part too and what better means have we in quieting the child down than en couraging them to read would urge that some thought he givcn to the importance of soil suinmer months and in Iconic further to assist your child to net the most out of them may quote some figures of last summers ac tivities to emphasize that many children think this is found on your RecreationCommitlccs Stillllt mcr program Beach Supervision On the playgrounds wlicrc games were played arts and crafts taught story telling enjoyed sin ing and dancing games taught ill children registered and more than 132000 participated during the sum mer The beach which provided such healthy outdoor opportunities for exercise and instruction to all who were interested saw more than 40000 make use of the facilities during thesnmmcr Many child ren went on conducted tours of our industries and to Huronia as special treat Over 500 were Day Camp participants at Minets Point and enjoyed every minute of it All of these programs added up to healthy enjoyable outdoor activ itiespunder supervision which kept phE children constructively occu pied and we feel provided safe summer opportunities for recrea tional play Softball baseball tennis and cycling arcother activities which they enjoyed under competent organizations and everything cori sidered there is just about some thing for every child to do for safe sane and pleasant summer would like to pay personal tribute to the directors of this club after reading of their restitution encouraging the consideration of atilf shasoI serif aiiiditoiiiu the extension of the Collegiate suitably large auditorium for Bar rie has been an apparent lack for some time and such construction would go long way towards pro viding Very desirable facility TRYIAIN EXAMINER WANT AI room 2414 t9 NEW PINT DOES lTl 55 ELIZABETH ST Canipbrll iIaclay the recently hired thicf lcclniician lr MacI Kay who comes very highly rec oinmendcd by the OV won lll liolstcin lricsian Association Scholarship for his work in Calif Diseases which should help him try much in his work here The President announced that llt Directors had decided to refund 51300 of the $3500 loan which each farmer with more than three cows had paid This means that farmers who wish to become members may do so on the payment of $500 mcm heisliip and $2000 loan The members expressed approval of the condition of the llCS and of general lDefeat Proposals To Aid Flood Fund Motions that county councillors as group contribute to the Maui toba Flood Relief Fund were voted down chiefly on grounds that many councillors already contributed Discussion started when cillor Farmer Tissington moved that each councillor contrib had probably Coun ute days session pay posal was amended to exclude travelling expenses and the final motion was lost Later Councillor Hugh Johnston Orillia moved that council con tribute $500 to the fund but the motion was defeated with 13 Conn cillors voting for it Cbuncillor Tissingtons motion vosdid have required unanimous vote to pass it Warden Bcii son pointed out Man is Injured pliiringcwood tCraighurSt Correspondence it Herbert Mewforth was rusheddo the hospital inMidland last week when piece of steel broke off wedge he was using to splitwOOdI and entered his arm severing an artery bleeding but wastrcpmtcd recov ering Summer Parade Ilcre iiirour airconditioned enclosed paint shops you can have your shabbylooking car made to look like new Our expert painters will spray any color to suit yonquick ly and well All work guar antecd Come in today and soon you will have the thrill ofdriving car that looks like new narrow run LIMITEl CHRYSLERIPLYMOUTHFARGO PHONE 2427 their the headquarters iii Orillizi His pro He suffered from severe iflcl witch iri Io Iflts Iit IIIIIII 270 miles nilion It In IIiew Iircx un inI in tery good coridiliori II MMlt07nad Colgory Alto iinlioiliiirle surrey of Ilc ire euslom its of IfIIttlllftl dealers from com to coast shows Ill out ercry 81 Comrich irebiiycrs strifeled from some other brand Why did they switch Salesinen can tell you why 1er fswitclied The wanted to get troublefree motoring wanted to make their calls IlII IHllIili III1K Illl ltiHl If on time to cover routes on schedule in safety and at low cost Ipeij iiiilc Mil iigcr arent these what you want too You can safely comfort economy haw them You can get the superior peri ittllllttlltt made possible by 151 Goodrich manufacturing and engineering skill You can enjoy the benefits of Bli research4 coolerruniiiiig longerlasting rubber compounds design and the advanced tire building inetlioils When you sicitci to Blj they are all yours lliercs friendly Blfi lire dealer near you lles one of the Bl Goodrich ltllllihitl 3000 trained tire specialists and service experts Hell help keep litll Summer Schedule Effective lune 22nd LEAVE BARBIE To Penelong To lorvrinto lttill iin 530 iiii ii 10 pin lltl pin Itlpitt iin If piii 330 lel lZtl 1lll lotl piii 733 pni 330 Hi tIl 1013 pm To North Boy To liiiili=ootl ind Gwen Sound Ill to lll Shift till Ill 110 DJ H0 pni 030 pm 733 MIL ltl3ll tlll 133 ini 733 pin pin at Sat Sin kt llol ii To tiiiieiliiw lolltiriliL1itl To llll iii Uni IYllilll IIll Tickets and Information of llarric Ilusjlerniiuul Iliuiie 537i Gray Coach Lites SWITCHED TO mi Goodrich FROM SOME OTHER BRAND vA friend urged me to switch to Goodrkh and enjoy extra blowout protection thanks to FGs stronger sidewall unstruc tion and thick roudgripping trend Bell Victoria improved tread and body wanted more mileage for my money so swiuhed to BF Good rich lve driven 20000 miles and my BFG tires look good for as many more London Fort Rouge Man THE FAMOUS BFG EXTRA LOW PRESSURE TlRE 3133 Briiioici St Phone 5566 li MORRISON co LTD your tiresin first class cundition SEARCH the year rouiidl the value BF Googgizlftisbier research Since ASL 11 10 10 you switched to BFG Tires IchhacI completely troublefree drivmg new Bl bilvcrtowus and Brown Ottawa Ont the famous Sealoinatic safety tubes that seal punctures in stantly permanently 8011 Iriile See him today izECO got rezord mileageIfrom my last set of Bil GoidriEthigsgIsoInotu rulinl ougt Is aIgoinI that identies your friendly HendcsmrIWWPeG Mm BF Goodrich Doulor Munuiotturers Too II Choose BI Goodrich if your new car truekor tractor is equipped with lid Goodrich tires take advantage of your dealers free tire inspection Serv ice for long troublefree mileage that is built into all 31 Goodrich tires Seolomutics bought in I939 oro still in dependable service in my BFG tires giving me greater safety greater economy plus free dom from punctures II Godloy Courtenay BC SSA Makers of Tire lotteries Automotive Accessodei Rubber Footwear Industrial Rubber Products and Koromol WICE I48 Burton Ave GARAGE Phone 4502

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