if lXtlll llll BILHit MANN lllvtl MONDAY list to 1510 Furniturend personal Belongings Ruined In Manitoba Floods II twirllIlliIisiilii Ilttlltll Health Unit Otters Information On Precautions Against Polio BOND HEAD II llii ll thou ii sting ll li WINDOQ tililtl liii iiiil Ah ii lltllil ll li lil ill in v5 sis tl ll lioliil ill vJl tziiull lil to locate in Ill ilt7i Qllxllii none ti lll tlir llll LIL Il llll similar Slialiliiili mill illtll to lzi ot ii lttv III II in llc tllt lloli Illlllllxillli to ill lii xll till illlt ll liltiltiall lil it Clliii lll ll llli Al 8G Kg lliil llliiiv ls llliti up for the llllli lilillttl lill the lilting Iziil itttittl ilitii to Hill lltl lelforiiiilic litll loss tilllt flail ll llilll ill til rtlicltilli lorris there was IIlill0Il3 duiiiiuIihw IItIlIkZIilI ttiII II III IIIII IIIIIIII Nth lrIH Vlillll NW lmly MEL Milillslwllw Hill ll llll Sllllwn holler iii illijljmllillliitoliiI lllaii lllllllllb llt itllll llilllit lillliielili liiiiiitd wiirilc could titNllilX losr of Hi liioiltk llltlllitlll and pi lLLl ixiollizlnes vire ltlltiel lton ol loioiiti lllll ML and Tili ll ttltllllj ol ittlillHl Awning Iii ilme ittl oi wallr ltll oi illt tllttl ili lllIVHllil ltllilil ll limllml HWIM llljlwlI treii liis All livtiiIi litt iililtIll jlillltltlll tiiavdoli II lttltlltlll slHq av utllliss1lillilwiieeillllii lliiilil tli ll little ll ill 11 it tllt lllt li 11 ml ll till til it til IIVim St Specialists in Duly fen lionit lllllllll tt lillliillJlilil II lli Hope and lltlilliill poi II lll it Illttl lvilli friends lll til it iili liviil HtlttI Sunday tilii Moll illltl IIliVil it wt it lie old li li Sturgess were llllitt iotil lll il llii tttillltiil attending lid of their lirotherililaw Walton ill illoiw tlllIII1 iiiivzi iii tilitt slitiitI tlli liml weekend at illlll lioiiie here toliiililaliolimto Ilale Miller who came gttttllll in first form but iust plugged it in it lloxvliialls lilllltl lioii latleu Mm EXAMINER littumult out it as all ii Wxo ol llitUltl llittll evening izooillv lliiliil Iiiil II II II mp it up mv pmr llilbllillllt of Mr tico lliliie oi lll but id The mm ml illWW 511 ttiltitsl followed Mrs John oitxiil llanlADF PRINTS llQlliS ill Tillllllliltil 51 50 mm CORDUROYQ HNHHHS lttllll Ilill tomato il ill Vim1 lm l1 Wk with ill gMilli mm11W RNl inst llllllilltl ol liiflt iiilLill in ST Mg II IIII IIII li itIIlittll limit litiillll ii illilersarv at Maple Leaf conventrs alid Mrs llilice se lili ti LH mm r1 Ml don ll llliillee is II 11111 311 wt iw ii li llt illltii lll til ll tl ill lilt ol milled intl one of the 5lllltilll lllls liii li iit1eitlll lal eolilait Milli llil ilii llilii li till tIigllii ol yawmudmy Mr and MIC sired IllHllii ilvmlm of Its lllwllr 1lill siiini till ilolaiiiii with uti l13tll55tll Muriel iill lleltv Kins of lo it has llttil shown in tlttiil of tie lttlrtlll illltl tllillllllllill untitltililh ltltilll eliiliili oil lllll it to vlullaliil liiglli relaiol and has flitI population has had polioiiiyelitisiit lieills thwkllltrd Htlt tilllllllllgtllllisi aunt pp mm hoot liLllftltl Mr and lr llrliest with my HIS and IINIIIIIIIIIIIII II In III Mum Mm Hm Ml and Stall lv iii ls nervous Sltll1 is not involved and clil jear as new iiitorlliatlon is iliLi Ilis II lilillliili Ild ii dmlu WNW WM 1m Illll 1m and Mrs lilo llcltllrloltc and having had the disease ll many research tillel public health ex II ll II swim iritlils tll 0th pmlm 1m dmw ANN lull mu lmimi mlm ll Hill v1l ml Mrs ili Miller aiid Mrs llthtl as such lilcaiise ol cliar ltolte lli is made possible by All lmd All tll mlll II lump1 ma mm Hm it 11h ltltll liolvli iuidlv HOt water In hurry111315 WhatCWlmlc IL tl int ssies ii ti ed alld parainis and even death Illdeai Saturday ml Al Hull lmnl 21 minutesllts fast because the elementisrgll MM Maulmr lllili ioiil llthllNG NIaclis ii HW lmri Tm mm mnmd Name Misleading money from the intoitllplied ltill tcw llllllllll to To Itil UH lllll nil All5 lllllitt llil illtltitlltt lzi lit oiilv gt 51 tiltilions iveliiliU xiilit in cards follow III II IHI Im II III III IIHHIIIK Phone lttll ii lolli Hi liltilI Wwv MAWiwtu 74 gtM liotulaxilli ultii ioi iialieliti Mrs lilitloseole iolloinI ilEi llls illLll alltllllli llt ltlillltli to ilil llliitillill filhi itll r3 The iliipoitiillt tatt to Giltr ll lilll lwliiii with ltll llleizl II IHIIIHH TWA Il lhtWtVtl llllll lllt 5t1ltli11l 4l3l11 illllll WI itlll lil 13 Well SHIE irate 1ll il liiilairi lloolilrll this disease has lttlll lttlllillli itiiiis theatres and lllllltll1 pools 1mm minty xx lulull il lls and III Hm Kim HIE our course in some patullits ltii ii iii lltnlgt inll ltd illltl alrwi lg llilile vi ise lti lI Mimegt Im mm were and health life should be led iildtwas held on llll eilliivlal llieetillLL 100d Mi lht 1111 Mill AH some little in the past ill other lile heel LiisiLissiLl and it is Lvi My Hi My IIINI pmdpt mi lmlvh mm lwm reCOVery without lleilie aware of lesult of the colliliilled efforts of MUN llllll 51mm ittelided ii acteristic signs aiid syiliptollis but llkllllislHFrlllilllGAttHlllllllllttll5liihAllVLlL1lllulLLLLAJLLJLh social t4llillItl was ielit ill llt ha whatthe CE Kettle IVCSlilltll1ll covery ismade lll other cases the that have ilelli conquered ill the Ml Mi Iml Dml needsanfjt lance till all who helped to lillilii ma NSllll 50 ll 1ltl1l1 lililt mlbeuaieraallthe heatgoesmtothe waterno Juno lglhlrs Ed lrew lilllilo VWm Pallan lm 411 Purelyd lUImL The combined picliic of thc FedIi Ml hm Mihmln Iman 791mm 5111M ll hilS bttn Stimill ration alid the Grenfel Coililfiuli 9le 1m that WY Tm ltlOWI Um itv Centre was held on Molidav Lif illlm their Cakncgg and ha I5i1 IIIIIIIOII JIIIIII III Imam CIImI liolilile litlllIY VictIoria litlllJtllli tlllulllltllllilltllS to lr and MlxI ital paralysis oni yourlutmI munm park 15ml IlIIInImn UNspent Saturday with lIrliie Crllil Dillnolid who celebrated tlii llII den Ifioldeii Vlddllia Annulartry on tlllll playing llllll A1 Chm hm 111ml lmtllM3 lHliinllhli Imk ll xior Ill ot rillit Lew SM mm Slippm Ty Un idl hill ll itniwlt Altlllvll ll liliiiieilv of lllllilttl Iliirable atterliooli was spent by all Lhm WA Meet at Mrs urrics The WA were entertained at the found in this disease llll lll leaves the surface elements on your range free for cooking Cannot overheatturns itself off automatically if it should boil dry must for the office and summer cottage too Holds pints Available wherever electrical appliances are sold iv large or sili1illtillllctliallltlitllrit ill the altixl lli lumped tit latil tlliu ll kllJlttltd batik iowniall on holniat ll Itlis tndou lreatlniiit also Mr and Kit lilulli Kitdltlllllll PHONE llll Immi lIi tier of Sewing tllill ladies met at 1117 mm MM Iune 19 24 was put ill jar and promising tillessed the closest to the amount ENIMS AMHHIYS tlulv llil tleeli itltll llt li ti Siters of ire IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII II II IIIIIIII III II II it tl ippollittli ttilltllt of lllllt Alien attended the 25th ed by loel llinch by tile llllll Dunlop St Ctrlle loliollivtlitis the ot liit ti 11 eliiiiirtvll it gt Huh III II mum III III gIIlI mm New iII Ir mug li liIllr it cannot lle istltllllil lieri Kilili ill mlllp lll tlillltllli lltlllil liot MP dill Hit Jill Zilh Wilt li lil Miller lliillitillttilttitlil51ttl Eoil lct2lii lllli loll rail may the during the acute slaw of name slioiild lie 1iilltll nor lltllllllln ll paralysis or delornilt cllilllj lltlitl attention to tillllllllll oi oi WMS toiie lltltl lll IvIv lltSltjv reached lligll ptlteltlilul of tile ll the features and prob words iiiatiIv people ale llilected dent to terIvotie that great dealt lm min In little5 UH ill lllwuu lilililt lltln lildllmd ind llll fronts here md My ZIr and Mix lrawlev L1il is ltltillillll Reviwl lido ilid lulllin lltl 11 13 il amt lillililli 15W lnlt the nervous systelii is only sliclitly disease will no doubt take its Am HM III III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII PM ti nervous system is sivorelv izlliltlti past visited lrllll Mr alid Mrs ltlttllIhlll 11M Li boiling waterfor four cupsofteaorcoceinonly Mr and lis iiilal llltlllII ll lltltl the Weekend with Mr aiidln my IM II bIaIIIIIImI II IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III current is wasted Its real timcsavcriind it spent ill number of races and Deaths Rare Durng severe epideliiic there is only one ili litltl chalice of de velopilig polioliiyelitis one ill 7300 chance of being paralyzed alid spent the weekend with her par tactk llllt ili llltllitttll ll one in 30000 chalice of dying of the disease While this information is small consolation to parents of child who has bCelllLtli severely paral yzed or has died from polioniyel itis it is mentioned in an effort to help dispel the panic that occurs among some members of our pop ulation who may not be aware of the actual facts concerning the prev valence of serious effectsof this disease Characteristically occurring in the summer and early fall polio liiyelitis should be suspected iii person who shows signs of fever headache nausea or vomiting stiff weakness Any one or all of these symptoms may be present and the person so affected should be put to bed iii an isolated room and doctor notified It has been shown ThpWSidUhTI Mrrrr Ford proi WHarlc Barriekou Jaded homo utIMlsl Currie tilt Dun lop St Bairic on Wednesday at ternooli Julie with 25 present sided Mis Scott read the scrip ture lesson thoughts were given by Mrs Cliftord Harris Mrs Ford read paper on Prayerll land also gave report of the WA Presbytelial meetingI held at Ceii tial United Church Barrie ll Parr gave the report of the Silli coe llesbytelial WMS meeting held at Midland The president velcoiiictf the visitors It was de Icided to join with the Sunday school and iiold picnicin Queens Supper 530 followed bysports The Past President Mrs Wilbur Walton on behalf of the members alidvisitors present extended vote of thanks to Mrs Currie andi MissJessic Howard for the use of lltlld visited with Mr and Mist rllaroldowdeli last week we We ents Mr alid Mrs McFarland Mr and Mrs lvali Vaszy MilI IClarke also called on ilt and Mrs Iosie Dulliolid Mr and Mrs Orfal FifiWilltin visited with Mr and Mrs Aliiiiili Tripp Alleliwood Sunday Mr alid Mrs Harold owdeli wisited with Mr and Mrs ileeliI law Midland on Sunday Mr and Mrs Arlic Wlietliam and son Orr Lake visited with Mr tlii Mrs William lierliolds last FridayI mening Mrs Nathan Rumva returned home after spending some time with her daughter Mrs Brute IGricder Pcterboro Mr and Mrs Mcrvui Edwards attended the McWilliamWoorl house wedding in Toronto on Sat today and son Lelioy spent the weckclil APPLIANCES TOASTERS IRONS KETTLES Mr and Mrs Morley Clement halltinIiour sooner llttin expected and teel is lreshusudliisy GEN ERAL ELECTRIC Miss Sldit Murmlinirl liiiiwiniMiz llll Mrs ilarrv Alliii lilo lulu that the most severely paralyzed with Mr and Mrs Morgan Ed ersonswam those who disregard tlieu liomc and the lovely suppei wards mere valliihsiun an OI which they solved Mls Ctiliic theinsclves to bcontintienfiiihiwdsill plied saymg she was glad She felt Built lusting llMth MI Rail activities Thus fatioue wouldapriirublgiw have the WA at her home fililqllVIisdlgdA Bill12201 iiiclacftd Egalitomcmase the SevernV Of this and Mrs Arthur Duckworth You save fifteen minutes out of iscasc Kine Pick up this ironWhy its so light youll say Yes light is rightit weighs only three pounds Because its so light and because it has biggersoleg plate you can cut your ironing time by asIrnuchraIsI third Its perfect balance and cool comfortable handle make iteasyIItO keep up highspeed ironing Fingertip Fabric utunSinnicorreCt temperature for every fabric Available wherever electrical appIimces SQIdI Angus every ironing hour with the 05 If those above mentioned most MtzlnirMljS Nathan EdWHIClS Featherweight tron Weighs only common Carly Symptoms Of DOliO lune arid fairiin leftlridayhiorning on 3pound $1250 myelitis develop the person should RW Mam lf Dar 75 moior trip to visit iiietaiieri immediately be put to bed anda homeror ho VSItlaSlweek parents and relatives in Saskaif doctolynotified Transportationito LMF and M1 HalVEV TumbU chewan if Vhospital may be advisable and the We the weekend With relative Mi andMrs Edwin Wlssmom PlySiCia may request aexamin Midland Isilngtonvisllecl with the latters ation of the patientsspinalvfluld MlgandrMIS DenaldIICoutts ale paremsI ML and MFSIDW Welbe to help confirm the diagnosm spending 01s in Town Mr and Mrs David Webb return With their daughter Mm Alldsh edto Islin ton with them for few Treat at Once large numng from here IatJ lg The imprtant factIIfor everyone tended the Decoration Day Servic ayj to know in the treatmentvof this held in Angus cemetery Sunday disease is that anypclson showingt Visitors last week and over the the signs of illness outlined above weekend were Mr and Mrs Dall should be isolated in bed and ton Tiffin and family of King Mr vI wdoetoe notified Th0ftttthel mat andMrs2KlchtheFaddnBarrie ment of the patient can best be de and Mr and Mrs William Hender termined by the doctor depending son Alliston with Mr and Mrs on the stage and severity of the Joseph Tiffin illtovcr Barrie 16Dairy Ration sweetened PER $720 TON armor BuyerITo SupplY Bags 4803 Insulin noun Min Mai 36 BAYFIELD ST AT rinirivc POINTS IIMIIED Head Office Toronto4Sules Offices from Coast to Coast CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Hamilton Wmemmxxwm EPLETTS ELECTRIC 11Dmpsr 344 i39 Dunlap si Barrie Phone 3721 BARRIE Winnipeg ii Direct Van SerVIce to Eastern and Western Canada and the $3 Canada Limited USA NIGHT