Till BARRII EXAMINER ltl JINI lit IFSUIWherein he world Retired Craigxd Celebrate Co SLAMS TERM FOR NTQXICATlNG tumor LIQOORS i5 OE pg RtED FROM lStiiiiviit Snort To kit Ill United Church ltl4 iovii lli mitt Itr tiiw ml mauveAawa tiilm iti Epletts FurnitUFd It Eiegic Rh 2IL3fiJi GENERAL ELECTRIC XIIIIANCES gm dcn lilill4I llliiii lv authorized iv ml iiit tlt 5lli TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN ii mi tl tll Mlil rurumnnmrarJDJWImW iil in lttc church it for moi lull iimc iillitx it lIlil Wm INA gt tr tli lit lic hill in past your llIiIl littli it Irwin Itil tll it inc young inimlw ot io tin AHIieIf ourw itll Hills hc Itoi of itic it lIcii on who icliisrti tc Iitltyqii tho pvcp that brim ii=cd to haul tiloiiizh ltttlll1t taunted iroic to learn to plough Reconditioned Vitiiiiii titular Alli1 ihc nicotine was closed ii iliz lizpah bwiictiictioii tea i17vch iiy Mrs ti itlooi and hcr committee Mrs Mal crimson and lisl Phillips ptillti toa Before you buy see our wide selection of recOnditioned vacuum cleaners All rt ctinditioned and guaranteed for six months Electrolux Hoover Beatty and Electro Hygiene models Miss Marjorie Gorrell lEnrertoined At Shower up tat their home on Maple Ave EASY pAYMENT pLAN lMaiiy of the 40 or so guests were members of the staff of the RoyalI FOR APPOINTMENT WRITE OR CALL lliosiess was presented to the bride tovbc whose marriage to 19 Inf Ethic 87 Maple Ave Barrie Phone 3482 Summ Lunch was served by the hosti cseses WA Presents Life Membership Mrs George Spearn was made life member of St Georges Church WA at their June meeting Mrs Cecil Sutton pinned the gold cross of life membership on her inotherl and Mrs Noble president of thcWA presented htr with membership certificate Mrs Spearn is one of the oldest members of St Georges WA hav 10 years WA members from Shnnty Bay With Lanolin and Cold Cream St Pauls Innisfil and Trinity EVERY ME YOU WASH Smith was in charge Among the guests was Miss Georgina Elpearn Spearns daughters The WA resented the ilo mem your skin bccatiseitcontains soothing lanolin and Cold cream Mrs Watts former missionary yi worker in Japan and the Canadian XE iii rrriito cleans your skin With thorough pl to give the membtrsi tel on her experiences iiimissionary 09 work Another Toronto guest Mrs occasion cleansrng action Denison Dorcas secretary spoke freshens your skin Dorcas Vork Every Hour during the service After the service social hour Was held in the parish hiill and agrantly lovely the gathering Beauty Soap With Lanonn and COM Cream Hague were founded in 1249 by William IV Count of Holland by Medeoris win rfltfm SiEll other FAUCJ IVE ME LIBERTY OR Give ATM SELMA lAGERLOF THE Finer WOMAN TO RECEIVE THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE WAS DAUGHTER or WHAT couiimv tvll tIJ ilC Stuff Give Shower Ilktl no bk MADE BY CEODLE Itt Izi Tlrl iiiil ltt iritil ill lI llm Iii iiit til iittii lltrIII hr Va It tiiiii llci liool liiti ioiaicLIII ii it Stitliili for IkulCIl III on in not II1 Akm 7m gt iil iw It Iiri is iWMS Maik 25th ll Anniversary ii II lHIl Yt lli WE t1i iiMliCFHCtt It Shower Hit Jilttlltl mule Vii Iul it itiriiiiiv ltlbl lIllJitl pit isllii lzilm rout an ad tstccm with litltl iiitl iirits Ind pros lilitll ill liiiniia ill it lit lll iiiiicl III WASHERS RANGEO IRONERS nutritionitivrons TOASTERS IRONS Ki GRILLS tl tilanoint nolti POLISHERS HEATING PADS lbs lizillips lli FANS ELECTRIC BLANKETS Vailitlcibx ckI lttlttl tin is cwis ll tai AND CARRY LARGE ASSORTMENT PARTS Icosinii that tih of ihc izic to SI yi lilo inftli Il ItI llil tnno lltl immu ti tltl llt thlIlllitl llcr inarriam Titzilli Iil Nittilict the tllllliillfi iii took placi chntrtiay iftcriiooii in iics Uniod Church Hitttitiltfirlttitl Hi mic Itlis iiiedcrici liiiiii tfvlltsitill iiwc Ivciiinitcd Mrs lt was lltlllt ion It they ltiltit Stroud It pearl5 Ir1vn Pagigy Clubine Oi Orillia Hurt ln Bicycle Fall tOril 1iAyeuro iirl lwsgtiy Clubiiic Mai ittftntllng frOm injuriesiustziintvd meslxtttII Oiillia llich School Sinct is when she was thrown to mu pzivc IncnL on Patrick Street after thc front wheel tif her bicycle struck Ilt cable stretched across the road The youngr air was takcn to the Soldiers lVchnorial Hospital where 05105503 llccnilnemm she was treated by Dr Davey Smith Show 01 Miss Marjorie Gone11101 abrasions to the face arms 00 $1 50 lROberlSO and her daughter OllVCv ltwo teeth knocked out and received to MUHd Welling were Mls Fled and shoulders The girl also ha black mark on her right chin from the cable Movingr house onto concrete Victoria Hospital where Miss Gor fnundntiom Itll lS 0n the 11st Still ltractor and Emerson Coy foreman brides I300 mill bl 19 had wire cable strung across Pat rick Sircct to larat trcc Riding Stephens con Qllttl 1hr turbid which was not marked wit latritl WWW xmmxmmw 124 DunlopSt HAY oaeoobeit Will heScarce again Thischill of Toronto another Mrs lug been an iictitlc Worker for over Barrie werepresent for the even lGlVES You3 BEAUTYIITREATMENTS int service Rev 3x Newton her with dozen red roses on the leaves your skin The choir sang Need Theo gl lunch was served The hall was decorated with lilacs and roses for $7 ANCIENT BUILDINGS The government buildings in the PAlNSWICK tiltllll Illltitllt it til taIi Ei Itul lll to livii llc iziirivicxx xiii oiicii iir llitlll llu Hi l2l Inn tli to ii tht Ll llzoiiatit to hold iil It lvlv rtilitrii Iz ili oi tiiv Ili itl lllllttll Ltiiicli wax wit Il ll Vainica Mix Hui illltlAllr ltulit Vclib Illilill citcum bi licltl IIllrilt liriiiixc llall Ilw animal lilitllll of St ito voiiiinr iiviliIry was hcld li tiilbcii lt3l1ltl ltils tllli liiiic lil lll and two viItor piccnt clitI ltrttltll llii Ill lt4llitIIl illlllt lttI Iiitl ii o1 thank =i Itltl and Mt liiiiitmll lim tt tlltl ic rilltl oi iniit gt lcttci ll tailian iviii1 lil iu tr thvi WA to tilitllilt Vii iiw lil tciitcniiial iii oi i=Il and if Allir Iaicctl that ii til lti lit ittlllttl for tlic pure vi Hll gttiin ioit cit titi i1 In liic toaiiiiiittct Iii iril lw tit than llittiii ti ltillililtl Mrs Witt his liiiliv ant iligt lirtil ltildltt tliili cliaptt oi Ihc froth ii the closo oi thc mccting dainty lunch was served by tho Next IiIcctinL at tlic of Mrs Walsh anti Mrs secOND LINE i=Los Potato planting is the order of llt tiay it this tlixllltl Air and Iilrs Albert White Elm vat visitttl with Mr and Mrs Wcsltv Johnston on Wednesday Mi and Mrs Ntll Kcnncdv hiiiiisinn ptitl Wednesday after noon lll Mr and lohnsloii Wesley ilrr lymu llowat is not yet able to be home following In operation in llli Soldiers lItllllllIll Ilospital Uiilliufi Mrs Brown George Brown and lloracc lohiison oi Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Herb Goddard over Sunday MIi iarcncc Guest and Miss Joy of ltlllllll and Mrs Clar ence Cumming and Lorna of Barrie wcrc wcckcnd visitors with Mr and Mrs lid McClung Mrs Harvey Johnston Miss Gertic Goddard Mrs Herb White and Mrs Wesley Johnston attend ed the WI area convention at Al lenwood Thursday ltine number from here attended the shoWer in Hillsdale for the prospective bride Miss Jean Dawes who was married in Hillsl dale Presbyterian Church on Sat urday June 17 similar warnings The front wheel of her bicycle struck the cable and lilltl lltl to ihcpavcment Police Co LliItjii Wright investi li flags or gated ladies ladies ladies Be sure to attend the big June Clearance Sale at Wilsons Texmade prints tlenims piques and many other mater ials to bejsold at sale prices all this week WILSONS DRESSMAKER SUPPLIES BARRIE Phone 3030 Still in Stock limited quantity Corn Gives llIOliy101Cl per acre than any other known seed There is still time to plantand harvest crOp before frost BROWN Co LTD BARRIE Seedmen Since 1871 Our New Phone Number is 50 For Parents Only MTVEPY OWN ioi liatli iai it CIAI ttii in nu amt 11 by Sp onhundiw liit Iltl ht Donn llltllill uh lioaid under limit at an tltliIII iitiott lit51cc Illlii tit llillll Iiiitlcs iioizi Illt It dcis nipihic lli ii although toiitioiic ltrilltlltdji itt in till It lot lhc Mntlid lit Itii itixSIbtilttlix Is tltiiiii in onc tlIIilil lliaii lmi lli llic IIUIIIII lll lloiii litint own Uil that vn itllll lfl Iltilri liltic otIiI tIZllln ml Ill childiciis chums track It tit vti tltl lllt ibit It til Illt ttil til 1h liti loiun tilll iciiiindctl litr son lgtt ilxuy him llinl Ill Not only tliildtcti nkcr iIl lit lrlllitl orphan ltlll ttlllill Imit ll licii tt with lllvll thinw lotili llll1 Iii Illiill vai with down iIilt II7li iic iioiliiii but each tllllil ouri Ilt tds titvcr iil tilllli Irticlt cltti EH brand belonccd What pride lllllt girl can havc iii cvcn small addition to licr ward Iobc such as new Iibboiif boy can be very thrilled by UCS or even priir ot lit tli brightly ill child should have his own lll hang it tloiliu iic cmncs into IIlt liilllzt mother kticp hcr housc tidy tli ailicii Inyoiic litt litltlt which It knows who 3lltf hildicn nctd tiaiiiioi lil Lani lint small sums ol moncg of III it lhc piaiticc of it caclt scliodl aut child small 2y IIIOWIIIIUMIS vciy illlltlllt Ulllltltl1 vcry own Sllttlllttltlll liit twn funds by papci Iiniitzi bull sitting or othorjobs aftci school The boy or girl with zincc and with tlic chance to taIii money in lcisuic time is to be tempted to lift small amounts CLAPPERTON ST pHONE 3672 BARRIE cayry out petty disl liltlEIv not apt money or honestics By Nancy Cleave MWMMWW as We Carry onipletc Stock Of Ladies il Health Supports tit illutx UII and ii iIci llllII Iilir lt llltltl tinlti lni pu iii itI In ill lll own room litixcs is tithill oiuiiuc ciatc caii ho iiIi tril in Illltltlth tuloi llic Illil titlilllllif iin iollcc lmeivncvd lady Diner logg lii iliiltl lo hcrvc ou Itll tllllll lat1 lilll not ltitl child iiccds ill lltl ttlllt In tlIc lilltiwlttltt which I1 tltill to clniw lo that tic lac tli his very own plIItt it iiiwiioii o1 his chiinir and mirth Wt llwtltri Essa Rd Dial 2823 GOOD WE PARKING DELIVER llErl lllti ilic housii and Iiiakc tllllltli iii llltll play Ilut il Sandals In White Leather OPEN IOI $335 Ed RobinSIIiis $333 IIIOM RADLII IO COLLEGE lust Around The Corner from Tamblyns uosr AMAZING NEWSIN HllD itiiis WEAR HSIORY ErIRItIE IiilldrenlsiPluytogs D0 EVERYTHING BUI IIIIIII Amazing new Monarch Happyalls have large size lifelike Walt Disney characters on the bibpadded out to give them three dimensional look Check these features Mercerized and sanfOrized so theyll retain their size Vat dyed material so theyll keep their bright colours Elastic inserted back that grows with the child Available also in elastic waist boxer slacks for boys or girls SIZES 5259 Sizes 46x 5295 Special Ilib Construuion Patent applied for Design Copyright Walt Disney Productions DIAL 5539