Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1950, p. 5

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rIe llro 1111 iv 111 of tin rand ll lltisirl ii and rrl iii lrrte Ans hours Itll Wu We of livnk HI Id I1 lin niaiir til hunt yearnIi 41 II Ml may HI LIIIM llt 1min 1th ah Moore ill ill lIM lIlill home tight titled lwrliie and full Iylil at llltlIJIUIII Il lorraine Simpson June Bride LI 7i for Li vriLm illl In it gt1 23 li tutti 41 pipmgI tll1rr Ilr tv Iitti it 11111111 tin iii llztt ilt tL iI frr 11r flotii lltl lixirr lrr Inli rIyrlt of Iirlititlv 131 if still Irlli rri How will lat IIJILZI rgt Iiltl will 11 ions IlrrIIv1 if vrrn ruin Ii htrul stii th ir loll vi fill I114 Iihllil ll itllI Irttttilt lift EM tll illl If It iI lee liiitaI tint zlildli Ill IIIIIIIII IIl III EIIIUIiI IIIM IIlIII IF our taffeta itlr or 111 pint iot nits If iTlv li ruoeri rilici ll IKIIV bl4 iidrl Hl 41tittL ira cuteIv till vor llliw rvl liiiiit litt HUM Hth JIM lll lilo lllttll Jllll tltt llvl Ill rill til 55 Ml All DUNN it arid tliu tertlllilif trip to Nigir Fall and ILHII VII H113 JP Ililt IS tin bride tillllif ill territisraiiid Illl of 1111 rabardnn itith part with round riecllrc maids tlt fire Ililtlt Mtvotdowii iris at the Jxtlv row birds She carried litttlilliilt of liliiiyalc of IlItllllisiIIiI anti rmll lulsullllil was married on 1930 at 2130 tnn rryalory ultrrc Music Exoormcr lAtK BUDDAIU or rent exaiiiiriatroi for will tin of lei 11 ti rtirti Ilvl liariiy ltriic LII to ll Tali limb piiiiirpai of the toy it iii Itl krill lair ar airlift branch Iiachri of piano for 111111 tt Iiill ll tittid tai it ill 1e1sipipilof Paul if st firm and It 11Nttliliii 1n riltlilll tilt zone from Toronto trillia itllintf3 ISunshine Mission iiiiiiirriiiiiiiiiiihfillIi3ilii Pretty Elmvale Band Plan Picnic 139 13111Church Wedding iiiIIrItIrIrIrrIIIIIII1I1 MIMI II III III II II II II IIII sliiirIe MIsrirrriIIyaIiirIl II held nitI no and HHllilhathdirtaiiilrriluiil rti iii hliluziiirldlllltrnliilililltl iiii iiiiirlirriiIliiiiiri Iiiiliiii iii siiiiii li lrme ill hymn yas sriirrr Jesus Loves Me followed by in ll Him Imm Umud Ircauiiig of the Mission and prir JUI llrtlllrlnn of Toronto tislhurcli Illrnyale to Ronald JUIllileII uroornsniau and the ilgtIil wasI JWk Illllllil Ml ml MTV TII II IIIII II IIIII III II iordon Simpson of 51mm nIWI lerliarn Iiiiuey of rasey Ilev III IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII The wedding 1er 35 NIIWIPG McIariane per formed the mar IIII IIII III Aliens Ross St Thomas choir 14 Ile sari Iii cause hiring the tIil The bride who was given in rnar The roll call was answered by inony Iiiage by her father were goiynrtinre your mother went to At the iittlillilli which followerllur Whit mnbmsca at Shanty llay IIaII the brides and small rolled collar bridal bonnet was of matching ma terial and she wore tigrirerl crepe with white accessor ies and corsage of white roses Also receiving was the mother of the groom in navy blue with rrorsage of red roses For motor trip to Detroit the rpiet of red roses and fern The maid of honor Miss Donna IIIMI IIII IWhitton of Illmvale wore gown M5 l131gtf American printed orgaridie over mm Mm til Oltrrffeta with very full skirt and thin return Mr auri Mrs iisllciIfronbhuuonvd Lde match make their ironic in Ilnrrie SSh fl the hm 0f 1m IOIHIIM m5 HI Lidress and she wore mittens arid 1H 11an from Mini is Ila Ngt carried nosegny of caiiiations and market ollinjzytood and loronto clurkm Iiie bridesnuiid Miss Kay Living ston of Illmvalc was gowned in Sign yellow eyelet oiganrlic over taf tfcta with wide sweeping skirt IllUlllIHtLlUIHKI bodice and cap lsleeves She carried carnations At Parents Home The marriage of Miss Mary Ililith Noreen Stoddart daughter of Mr With IChim bonnd Shc Ci rand clarkia Miss Irene Iinney was flower girl in dress of rose taffeta worn rI and Mrs Norman It btoddnrt of 51LII II 11mm to John Charms MUIIII Manley IinneyI of loronto was son of Mr and Mrs George Moore Ummmmm Ur ms women and Hawkvswnl Mk lrgttitilrlDrysdalc brother of the 1mm of me brides Damn sap Ibiidc and Cool TinuIc biothu of MILK Jul WI 195 III Huck the gIrOOin both of Elmvale acted in the afternoon Rev Hugh Shari 115 11 1013 non performed the ceremony 1hr fbdIlf IBCWIJIIigigdxgd ricge c1orii The bridt as gum in marriage by her father She wore bouff SOXNIIMIHIUII Hf IIINIILHSQZI II NOW 01 yIIlIlt Lriibioilerrd or IIIILYLIIGIO III I0 ilv IIII gandie over slipper satin fash ivmic gallstth oblidi ioned with sweetheart neckline rm wtinurov CH with and long sleeves ller headdress corsage of yellow roses The gioonis mother was in royal blue crepe and wore corsagc of pink roses The bridcwand groom left on wedding trip tOINiagara and other points tiie bride travelling in checked gabardinc suit of navy and powder blue withIa corsagc of American Beauty roses On their return Mr and Mrs Tinncy will make their home in Elmvaie Outxoftown guests at the wed ding were Mr and Mrs Reg Drys dale Mr and Mrs George Austin Donald and Dorothy Mrs Iof halo seed Ipcarls IigIItIlIIj long Illowing veil of einbioidcred net and she carried cascade bouquet of American Beauty roses and lilyofthcvallcy The maid of honorwas Miss Joyce Hastings of Guthrie cousin of the bride and Miss Erma June Stoddart Of Guthrie was her sisters junior bridesmaid The gown of the matron of iionor was vhitcl organdic with blue flowered emI broidery worn over blue taffeta and Ifashioned with bouffant skirt sweetheart neckline and MA USED CAR LOT 172132 Bradford St PHONE 5395 Ii Plymouth SpeCial Sedan LIKE NEW 1948 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL COACH 1948 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1948 DODGE SPECIAL SEDAN 1943 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1941 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1938 BUICK OPERA COUPE 1938 DODGE COACH 1936 CHEVROLET COACH 1935 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1930 ESSEX SEDAN 1947 MERCURY 12ITON PANEL 1945 DODGE DUMP HAROLD HILL LlMlIED CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO 11111111111 organza overisehool The scripture pale blue taffeta fashioned with niby Iluth lrossei Jean Spence re IIIHICI IIIIIId IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII bllIIIIfuiI skirt pale blue taffeta giidItEcittd poern followed by hymn CIIieii Mothcis of Salem and prayer ll IIrILIIIlIIWHlt read by Marlene Baldwin and veil and mittens and carried bou Edith K0 Hind my Mn iPIthth of Canada llitil To help the work along IArc youIan active member was read poem Our Family Grace and Margaret Sawyer sang duct Mrs Todd read chapter of thr booit The Flying Umbrella and was performance of In play entitled Mr No and Mr Wat The iiytnri Jesus Bids Us Shine was song contest was held and gariies were played The meetingI closed with the singing of the Good Bye song Lunch and treat of ice cream was enjoyed by all Mrs Cox To Speak At Croighurst WI The June meeting of the Harri htirst WI will be held at the lnEIrnelI of Mrs Mason on the 22nd IloIIIt call will be myt favorite flower and motto Sonic heartslike even ing primroses open more beatiti fully in the shadows of life Comment will be by Mrs raigI Mrs Cox of Barrie will give talk and demonstration on ower arrangement Tea hostesses are Mrs and Mrs Ellsinerc Craig Little Mr and Mrs Wallace ltoh ertson and Mrs Mae Biackiedge of Toronto Mr and Mrs Drysdalc iof Hamilton Mrs Clifford llliick and Miss Jean Elrickof Barrie Miss Ella Drys dale of Ilctctboro Mr and Mrs Rex Tinncy and daughter Irene Oriliia and Miss MarieIinney Goldwater Barrie VVl Plan July4 Picnic Barrie Womens Institute hcidI their meeting June at the homer of Mrs GeorchBowles Worsiey SLI Mrs Lcy read poem out of the Orillia Packet and Tirnesl which was very appropriate for WI members It was titled Do YotiIl Just Belong Do You Just Belong Are you an active member The kind that would be missed Or are you just contented That your name is on the list Do you attend the meetings And mingle with the flock 01 do you just stay at home And criticize and knock Do you take an active part Or are you satised to only just belong Do you ever go to visit member who is sick Or leave the work to just few And talk about the clique Think this over member Youknow right from wrong Or do you just belong Delegates to the annual conven tion of Centre SIimcoc District at Allenwood Werc Mrs Corbett Mrs Adams Mrs Jacbbs and Mrs Baker trip to Niagara Falls by bus is beingIplanned by Mrs Baker for August 15 gt Mrs Bogartdis delegate Guelph sent her report to be read by Mrs Tucker Delegates were shown through the Dale rose houses and each received robe donation of $10 was made to the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund euchre will be held September Watch for the announcement Each member was to bring some thing and also buy Receipts were $825 The institute is planning picnic July at Mrs Bakers Cundles Roll call will be an ar rangement Of owers lira 50in plate Everyonebring basket and friend THE DEATH PENALTY The countries and those states be low the borderwhich have abolish ed tlic death penalty have Inot found that theirurder Irate has increased on the contrary some have had fewer homicides than ev er before Execution has never actedas deterrent Pct er Mr and to 4911119GLEA119R 1f BRUNSWICK SIIRDINES 11111111111111 11111111111111 COTTAGE SUPPLIES 1111111590111519119115 9111 no 111111115 llllSll saw 991 24c 111111119 POlllttiBEllNS 1211 Orr9 19c ISFL OIOIILS Pork OBODHS igggiio SINUCE oz TINS 19 OLRIIKS MONT SIIIIEIIDS 313115 251 OLIINIIS OlllLl SRUCL oiliah 19c HEDLUNDS MERT BULLS Silly Iiiiiz 37 RYLMEII OOILLO DINNER 1341 24c BUNNS SPOON TILZ 41c BURNS OOLOUNII irlrz 33c HEREFORD OOIINEO DUDE iiiiz 41c THE KING or SPREADS Jff 13c KM lFOR LUNCHEONS SNACKS Tlz SELECT BEEFSTEllll MUSHROOMS SUNOREST EUROORIITEOMILK PARAMOUNT lied Oohoe SALMON ch irz 530 IGOl TINS firiz 31c 25c 63c TINS 201 BONDENS INSTNNT COFFEE JAR PURE LEMON JUICE Treesweet leiFilm LOBLAWS iitriiir 1111111 111111111 1111 leftists23 LOBLAWS 111111111 11111 11011111 5111111 2oth 19z LOBLAWS Lilli 13ml Brawl PRIDE of IIIIIIDIII POUND CANADAS BESTCOFFEE VALUE RLPNE CLUB LIME RIOIILY 111 35c PM 110355 riotiii 1111 35c TILED NOSE TED Orange Pekoe U112 580 OUIIIIER CORN ELIIIIES 3122152 2517 RITZ SRLIID DRESSING 0341311 23 11111113110 51111111111151 WHEAT 27 PRESERVINO SUPPLIES COMPLETE VASSORTMENT AVAILABLE now IN ALL LOBLAW STORES FOR MAKING ICECREAM II McLllllEllS lllEEZEllSY 51 25 CHOCOLATE cor0 sitvm 1401 OtilLlIIL CIIIIE MIXES PRICES EFFECTIVE JUN 15 16 I7 SPLCIALI SPLCIALI TODDY LGDIJSW SPECIAL DELICIOUS LUNCH MEAT SLIICED BAKED sucm SLICED UNSLICED AYLMER SOUP PUF ED WHEAT SPARKIES Quaker QWERTY FIRST IIITABLEREHDY MEATS MAPLE LEAP erNEns ma cmo are 47 MACMONIB CHEESE LOAF 111211110115 110101111 137 tan mum 101131 159 11111111 PEEDEESSED CHICKEN 19694 CLEANED DRAWN ALL WASTE PARTS REMOVED READY FOR THE OVEN SPECIAL IPICNIC STYLE HOCK OFF SMOKED PORK SHOULDERS FROSTED P18 TASTYSMOKIEDFILLETS 1939 CHOICECODFILLETS 1932 OCEAN PERCHFILLETS lb 393 tanniwsririiii COTTAGE BRAN tilt lHIiIllf IXUIINIIL lllllifslmt NF 13 I950 QUALITY PRODUCT OF THE LOBLAW BAKIRY LOBLAWS ICED BANANA CAKE BISCUITS WESTONS WEDDING BELL CREHMS pound 273 CEUiyrcnir SWEET MIXED prcELEs 0193 11183115 15111111 111111 PEiis writs EDSMITHS GRAPE JUICE Virom rnsr FUDGE Mix Manila KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING olf 11931 BRAND 19110111 om PICKLES EYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE art11 28c GLOBE CHOICE DESSERT runs HALVES CLUE nous 01111125 LoELiiws TWO CUP corrEEmsm 157 many 110111111115 PUNCH ALLENS APPLE UICE CATELLIS SPAGHETTI each 29c 29c 31c 23c 29c 45c 29c lSFL 01 NS 1471 oz on IZOZ PKG 32FL OZ JAR 2041 01 runs bFL PtMENTo MANZANILLA 01 MR 35c 34c LctltrPt 99 33c iiigtliixs 19C 12c PURE GOLD PURE VANILLA 19c IIILU 41c 10 151 21c lomato Ve ctahl llli us 07 IKfih mas FINEST QUALITY lb 69 11 57c ILK FEDABONELESS lb 55c SLICED 2402 2402 LOAF LOAF 111111 01111111119395 SELECTED QUALITY CRISPSWEETCALIFORNIA ONTAaro nor HOUSE CUCUMBERSV WHITEWHOLE WHEATCRACKED WHEAT kc75a 75651475 CANriiLoUPEs Nrw CROP CALIFORNIA VALENCIA 11 49Cnoz39CDoz35 4CHOIICE OF TWO SIZES IN EACH STOREV BANANASLI GOLDEN Ir Bill15 SEBBOTS Large sm 24s LAcri NeIEsEiiiq CroplINowwAvoilable ONTARIO DRULIFLOWER ARRIVING FRESH IDAIILY BRITISH wrsr lNDlESFOR COOL SUMMER DRINKS FRESH LllVlES LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO LIMITED SOSSoariPudsltIMc lilNSO 91133 nrrrr 1112532 ivoiirsmiw arena gigIsIoIlIgc 5111911911113 11121571 111111101111 3A 120 ii JEIT NDEIYDWNLDIUSF 33c HEALTH FOODS FOR DOGS 1111 11111111115 21 112 271 If OCIEDAR DOUBLE ACTION FURNITURE CREAM 6FL 29c 01 BTL CONCENTRATED JAvEi JllllEX ctr91159 WIZARD tiLIISS WAX 19 tbs194 RIPE ozllra 49c 911 DOZ Sc MRNYlLOWERS lllllll TOILET zICAK 15 SOAP

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