Jl 111511 1H 111111111IL111LIi IIIt Itsiut mw MW Mun The ExaminerRadio Column 011 11111111 WIVIS III 111s 11111111 Iis All HBB pronnun listed lirlow nn llrdrd Monday through Saturday except HIHIC HMIIIJHLI IVECV1 34 11 cub4230 on 111 Dial 11 $1111 until 2110 xrha 111 llt5t Spoils Roundup 11Il Ill llfiilltfnst llm 111 11 111 Elm611 Nu 111 tlir Irosl 111111 limo World VV EII 81111111ay Schnadi 21 111 11211111 li1111llilltl 1211 11 s11 Z11111 111111 1w Ill V1 ii 111 13 1I111111 LN mm Vl lV 12 gt111 11 V11111V1yIiollnuml 111 311111711 121 1111 5111 VV 111 111 111110 1111 111111 111 XIIru MLIry 1111 ti1AlI111111f 1111 lil Illiill Sill vly11l Ill tlili 111161 3111111111111 Morning 111111 1V 11111 VVV 111N1111= 111IU 11111v111lri hurch in tin 141ll11111l onwhuur 11 11110811111iat Morning Sinrial III0 omw of Spring 11 11111y Story Book 111 111 111 31 II 11l1 V11ll11 lcnny T01 11 3111 11111 II11111hts 11111 V11 11 luv llIuI 111111011 llcvcriIs 11111111111 11 111 11 111111111l11 11171111 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Bulletin Board 6591101111111111 Weather Report 111 11111111111112 on 1111s show may suit 1111111 11y sccuring Untry loruis 11 1211 111111 St 111 0111111112 1003 I111 700 TllISllllllVFIanlilc Carlo 111111 HHHVMML 700 lVli11chl r1 Scrcnade at chcn 700 Sat Don Mcsscr and his 15 What timc inthc morning Is 1111 710111111 Show 1045 In thc Chapel 1100 News 1111111111105 wcathcr thrc 511 211 111 11 VV ii 11 Ii 11 sV lVV VVV lli 31 Il 111 111 VV1 VVVVVi V1 1111 At Sperlods during that day listeners chosen at random Will be telephoned VVVV VV VVVt 11 and asked to repeat the saying Correct answers Wlll Wlll double passes Mm 11I 1111 ri m1 11101 lo the new Huroma DereIn Theatre BVeIYQllllllo dIStnCl has an Oppor 11 11 111 1111 511 VV 1V VVV VVV V1VV VV IVV tunltY of Wlnnlng one Of these prlzeSV llm Uw l11 1111 lw 111 HIM WHV 111 111 Mil WW WHM am HUl lv31 IVilillb HIIHIII HI Ill 11VV1V1 1V 111 111111 111 1111111 111 gt111111 1111111 day Vll1 111 111111 11ilt11l1lV 111 11 mVV 1V 1I VVHV VHIV1V1 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111111i1111j at 145 oclock loni Daliy 11111 annouucc aV 111111111 or famous gt11111LV TthI 11 MW 111111011115 during 1111 broadcast day phonc calls will 1111 11111ltIlltl it tli1 party callLli can 11p1atV thi1 quotation or saying 11111 that day 21 111111ch pass to thc Hurouia lr11In lhIzitrc will 111 111111111111 nowl twist to thi promotion is that listcncrs haw inothing 111 buy and no box tops to lgt1t l111tlicrmorc you dont hach to bc lIsLLniiig at tho time tth phonc call is actually being mackV 730 Mon lhe llassing Show Tues Playhouse of Favorites ch Holland Today 730 Thurs 111111111 RadIo TaliTit Show Fri Wayne King Show Sat Childrens Corncr 745 Mon Album Time VcdFri Album Iimc 74 Sat Hawaiian Harmonics 800 Ncws 8113 Mon lhono Q1111 Tuts Rhapsodic Gems Thur Hcres Health 1105111 chiou lalcnt Show VSat 81111110 to Camp Borden 813 Wed Wally Perkins Thurs Local Talent Parade 830 Mon Double or Nothing 830 Thurs Keeping Your Baby Well 900 Monch The Spinnin Inn 000 Rhapsodic Gcms 900 Sat Ilaylott Party AND THE VSIIEI nEws Every week day 53OECKBE PM 93 on your that 1111000111 10 YOU or tour SlimDEAL Virortant that your dialbc at 12301 1000 sat Time 0111 for Dancing 1111111111 111111113 11111 0111 11 SPECIAL This Weekend K7 International TRUVCK Motor Tires Rear End Complete All New READVYFOR WORK CASH TRADVEV TERMS Our Old carcan be used as part pay lment the balance throughour CanV5 venient GMAC Payment Plan HERE AREAFEWTU 1947 Pontiac Sedan likgnew 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline radio heater spotless 1946 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach 1935 Chemirdqch ABargctin TRUCKS 01947 GMC Pick Up like neW radio heater like new 1936 Ferd Panel new 1935 Ford Coupe new paint paint and tires USED CAR LOT Corner of Bradford and John Streets Phone 3775 LONDRY MOTORS Your FRIENDLY Pontiac BuickTVauxhll and GMC Truck Dealer OFFICE2 MARY ST PHONE 2449 BARBIE AW1WWOA 14M vv VUUI htlm HUWCWL mI 930 Fri CKBB Drama Workshop When Wood of Alliston will 0131 llappiucss is llouumadi 0210 Sunday Morning Son11101 1000 Family Favorites 1030 Newscast 1040 Quitt Corner Vll00 Drumhcad Sumim 1200 Ivory Classics 1230 Ncws 1240 Program Resume Ill13 Jobs for workers Workcls for Jobs 02710 NowVlliLs in thr N1ws 00 Report from Town Hall 115 Studio Itccital 130 This is My Story 200 Sunday llynrn Time 230 Hit Parade 300 Sunday Classic IIour 400 Ncws 405 Intcrludc of Music 410 As thc lwig is licnt 430 Guy Lombardo and orchcstra 500 The Ave Maria llour 530 Chapel Chimcs 545 Hawaiian llarmoiucs 000 News i1 010 Conservation 115 Dinncr Music 030 Photographic 111an 635 Dinner Music 700 Church Scrvicc 800 Melodic Encorcs 830 Sunday Star 900 News 910 Winnilrcd llcatli 930 The Music Hall 1030 News gt 1040 Harry Hcrlick 1100 News in Minute 11103511111 011 and Anthem Mayket Offers Peppers other GardenVPants chct and hot pepper plants sold with eggplant plants at the market on Saturday All plants including annul phlox swcct alyssum asters tomatoCs and st1aw lowers wcrc priced at 30 VccntsVbox The first liquid honey sold in ninepuncc jars for 20 cents Frcsh radislrcswr 10 CVeIIts bunch and onions remained at five Single cabbage plants sold attwo for one cent and cauliflower atone cent each The last of the patships were five cents pound and rhubarb sold at 10 cents bunch Yearold roasting chickens were 4th cents pound Eggs varied somewhat in price from 411 to 45 cents for large to 38 and 40 ccnts for medium All piillctswcrc 35 cents dozen Freshcut pink hawthornc was 10 cents bouquet Chippewa potatoes were 25 cents basket and $140 bag GUTHRIE June 13 June meeting of Guthrie Insti tute will be hcldat Mrs Mel Jam iesons June 21 Ralph Snclgrove of CKBB will be the speaker Host esses Mrs Hastings and Mrs Pilkey Regular meeting of the Federa tion of griculturc will be held in the Community Hall on June 21 speak on the subject Coopera tive Activities large represent ative gathering is expected 111 1v EMM EL III New Radio Show 111111111111 0001 Prize To Be Won VV IVVVVVIVTSV 11111111 111 V1111V11 housr 1111111 11 VoIIVV willng 000 News Suiwys 51111 11111 111111 111111 11H Sm CSCLIarm0ny 901 Organ Interlude