STRATHCONA DAY AIR LIFT PROVES GREAT SUCCESS ltom ttir dull Imrilin illtttli it In Ia Isi tEIItttl it tis Iiil ti ti it gtllru ttl ti ii aptly it the limiiiii tIili ill lumen off wt Lllllll firiii tin I3 theIohi Iit iicnu tln ill tglitv tItti llit liplall tovviitl liiilv It tl tllll tf itle the hectic iftiiriooiz lzll itlllltlIll llIllrl to Ilt itsgiict lltl1 foi iciizvciiatioie in ioiipaii llt that ole itictiid it illtitll Itailmeoiii ltiitii Loni li titticl 11 in held ilaiwy Hall The Iliil tlllltl iieiticnt invert lltllI till uneventful run pt tor few Illtil stomachs ti icatliii aloa off miiio tlll iiattiuii ii ititi liicli the celcbiaiie tIIJHIutI zie inniiial aftri dinner speeches lllt conclusion of the dinner iiilititlizlitgt retired to tile iv luiiivi who lIltlt twist to continue the atom Iioii tetiltirs wln ii held The oil Selgualitr Mess ball the ttlllll of the tuibilcit turmoil in It tiiiiiio Stiathcona liar and llllttl coch suddeiil tiiptid izlnnpre oi ti Iittiwnie liatl zzltail party was held Ill the Offi ito ll iime ittlx Megs Sunday eveniiii lllltiltir when in niciaii riicltil Mummy mnmmn ll IM hm ii 1IIItIl JHI MIMI Ihaptiy cicw boaided llzt aircraft IIMIW ial H621 his Mountain Time tililllll lhi paity llllttl iii tiliiiIv at Illli DSli to start the hop back In 233M Iioiiis wezi Net the airport ieality and conducted to the Stiatliconaa ftictrV Men iiriix ltiiiiaclr ititic lien lttttli wm tltl was llll ielueliiiz The trip back tlllftll except tor stop at Lakeliead near Port Arthur ind loit William Nobody lost his Amy 1mm Ipyur HIM biealtfast and the party landed at other NIAGARA features Every loan Iifelnrurod without extra charge No endorxeis required Rater are reasonablexconveiil cnl repuyrnentr tier of the across Ontario and growers are be int urged to consider whether their crop will be infected with Bacteiu department donts the aiiip Itordcii Airfield Monday evening at Iliflt hours How toilPrevent Potato RingRot Department Advice Iotato planting is now the or day on many farms iaI flint Rot disease this year Im per pi ecautions can avoid it of ficials of the crops branch Ontario of agriculture point out In fact they say it is not dif ficult to completely eradicate the disease However growers are warned that bacterial ring rot is very iii fcctioiisand there is danger of un knowineg infecting the crop and causing heavy losses unless pre cautions are taken llcre are few itemized by department experts Never plant potatoes in which there is bacterial ringI rot iio mat ter how little the infection may be Ilant certified seed potatoes only Dont buy tablestock potatoes for planting they may have ring rot yveii without showing signs Purchase only certified seed Dont use secondkhand bags or tiscd bags without first disinfecting them in one pint of formalin irr30 gallons of water for two hours be fore using as containers for seed If you have ring rotdispose of Navy and Army Combine Forces As Nursemaids to Newborn Colt in tt ill ill ltlltAl filillVltll ltlll IIIIL llUMll lllItUlIItl Ilcpair Scrticc Ior It ui ammo in iir nooyiii ltllltlls llllltl Combined forces of Army and lavy act as iitirseiiiaiils t0 Illitilll calf livc iiicniherg siiiio II II 0f Dbhw crow Hi I30 IIIKIIWIW tlittc iiiilcs from Morris its first meal after l7 Ill ill rehabilitation of their homes tontario and regulations to prevent its spread have been passed midir the Ilaiit Iitte Act An official of the crops biiiiclil Ulllllliil department of aericultiire suggests clippiin this list of tloiits and llllllti it for iefiieiice There are opportunities in ii ttario for specialized potato prow ters who are willing to combine tzood production methods with inod eiii merchandising Markets for constant supplies of quality piol duct are at our doorstep he TnoRNToN Trinity Womans Association Ihis months meeting was held lvin tlichasement ol the church Ilwhen the members of IItzbcrt WA werc entertained by the organiza Ition here Mrs Lennox presided and opened the Ilittllllt by 32 bytery program plus the very idcal wish of every woman of the congregation member and every member friend The devotional part was taken by Mrs Doggttt The Wilson dill VA Several loan PIG available Courteour private Interview all in phoneIor write NOW Humming FltttlCEi Ilgso in 1ding PHONE 5533 SQUARE BARRIE MCI ff Jane AslilcyIs Tasted RecipesSendpostcnit to omo Service Department CC 20 The Canada Starch Company LlllllletlPO Box 129 Montreal all potatoes clean and disinfect cel Iar bins bags tools and machin ery For warehouses cellars bins etc spray withonc pound blue tstone in 10 gallons of water For tools and machinery spray or drench with formalin solution two per cent Lysol solution can also be used for disinfecting machinery Disinfect planters diggers gradi ers and all other implements that may have been used on another farm They may carry the dis Icase Dont bring small quantities of potatoes on to the farm taking every precaution as such samples may carry the disease The disease is relatively new in 13 hip Sugar Tablequth Canada Coln SI 14 Teaspoon Salt from heat Add van without Mix lsrigar Cayfada Com Starch and salt in top of double boiler Gradually add milk mixing until smooth Place over boiling water and cook stirring contantly until mixture thickens Cover and coatinue cooking 10 minutes lon ger stirring occasionally Remove Pour into moulds or serving dish and chill Makes t0 scrvmgs Other variations including Floatiiigrlsland Chocolate Blane Mange Custard BlnInc Mango and Pistachio Blunt Mange arc in cluded in June Ashleys Recipe itoIIIder entitled For FinerDelicious Desserts ANADA on IKAR assisting the cow in dclivcryI As the Manitoba Ilootl Relief Fund rfkttl to its objective of $10000000 both rural and city flood victims can look forward to assistance in the personal pressing pleasure in having our lvisitors from our other charge present repeating the three lold aim from the WA of SItllCttvllttvlt and Mrs Jhompson Mrs Dougiett in niitnir trttl Iv Wt tlZUISIJ MIDHURSI sI til ab fi lziiit oniiniiiiily Iii llll June Worlds No1 Typewviter mm 5313 iiius Barriellusiness College il Ilist but ltlltttNlti sriiiiiit Phone 4824 lidliiirst Iiiisy talcum iii AW Plum tlll oiin tlttl tin phi ELECTRIC APPLIANCE AND RADIO SERVICE it Hi Vll Ill lioinpt llll tor itt llitIt iinl llltltltl of lIcilric Appliances liiilio tlstl Iil iciniils HOME APPLIANCE SHOP WWW MIMI Hm HI tlll ii iii IHIC EXAMINER AN FILI Hllt Inwsmvvvvw mWv accompanied Mrs Cari who sang shall not pass again this way The business part was confined to matters arising out of the min utes of last months meeting prin cipally Mrs Beatty from the visit shortaddress on Travelling alone Lifes way vithFaith Marjorie tHolt had veryenjoyablc contest on Picture Recognition The soc ial time during and after lunch was happy one when individual conlt tact was made with the visitine ladies Mrs McEachern expressed thanks for the afternoons enter tainment IIIRY AN EXAMINER WANT All PHONE 2414 Cups Milk 11 Ileapopns Vanilla larch illa cool ing group gave aVery intcrcstingi ClHEFTAINBEHJXEGGYtINDEHDGQR SEDAN IIicrc are many cars more costly than Iontiaes large and liiyiirioie Iziiltaim and Strcainlinerslint fen if any are liner Iicn you camiiic llltlll at war loiitiac dcalers you hill he happy just to sit in citso olnioiish titn inl Iltl good taste and detailed perfection ol its styling and tllilitlllllllltlti it mill Ill thrilled to drive car that is so clearly gtIIIHIII engineering tlIIlttil 225 on of still he proud to ounaiid to Ilt sccii iIiiiiijLaiicIia hire car so It IioiiriIl iIial Indie can more costly cars offer II In pay more lie Ioliliiu Iiictlviilis 11ml Victim1H4 are off Itll IIIll 41 throw llIil oi HIf liIrIllltltl IHemf cuisine lltl ltll if lwliii liilic Ilriie iltpiiwni in min thing on wheels GENERAL MOTORS VALUE FLEIETLEADER SPECIALzDOORISEDAN COUPIE Away down irritlic lowestprice field youll ndene carandpnecar only that brings you everything that matters in motor car It is fullsized six arforollar is Pontiace Flectlcadcr offered in either standard or deLuxe appointment ltl is every inch Pontiacyet its price is so lowIit will startle you Wliyllake less II II IE Landry Moms 21Main Street PONTIAC nurcx rrir riiiiizirs Phone 12449 HII passenger Gar Its styling is famous Silver Streak Stylihgl Its power is ample surejLhead enginelpmverl Its superbly finished bodies hre by Fisher That car LL