lo THE BARR EXAMINER Illlltlt1 NF 1030 NEWS OF COOKSTOWN totnitttee begin llll WW by IlTSSY 1T Vo liilttlit llltl limo rnotantte llltlttf mtr all the lllllt Vlltn xi are unaltttlp ltiwt noitdrtlitl ltlh litlitiyltt went ii llt ill ttlt hithr illllllltll tn wu Ii HBON JOIST itil FIGURE l1ti tun Although nutsonrv ml in eertatn places is tltlttltlllt used it is practicable lt IIie ohstrtlcttons are usually ntle of twoinch ltttlut as slttmu This is tlte Illh iii series of articles written iii the interest of readers tlto are contemplat ing building or buying house Brings Price of $4250 At US Convention Sale touryearold llolstetn heifer imported front llttauue Allistoti for sale at the convention Ltilettott lteld June iii connection America at Syracuse New York lion NY The heifer vas Oakliall Sovereign Ami dauuliter of Montvic Rat Apple Sovereign front datn classi fied as very good iii selective reg istration atid with twiceaday tttllltltt record of Still lbs fat from lItll Ibsdmilk The only attadian purchaser McCaguc Holstein With the annual mLuLLLtLLJJl Lhe+kapg Spy 1g lttt he amount Ilolstetnlriestan ssoeiatton ot emitting powder tised was tip brought 34230 The purchaser vas Cashmau lartns Hopewell Junei marm 1m 110U0 IAIan HON vas Elmer Stoltz Alliston who paid 81000 to Tyler Farms West lNdetlItl Verniottt for the tittie ltvtl llvitae tlusld ltII and lltlltlilltl uh iav and Idlitlt ltl mm MUVHa tttttlliitl la 11 in zto tite stone lhe 1e tt llilt vill tt int tilt men is l=uili or flu ate in the old 1411 Italiatltx tlticli were on llll11lltlltlltlgt limitsh Liilttlsoll ill If tlii1t is next to iodll ness litre were tll he little need fer tllttiiiil It the tay lttltt t1tllttl to Army ltd ttttt tltt 21s tto that littatltarr lolile ustu Iiil Itltill more soap soap easztle pounds that is 77 iii 13H than in 1947 And us it 1111tii The 1t 1111 told utttt tttttt natdltt flt ti1 ts dispropor lllflllillt to the llltrttl tn personnel and harrteks aetoittniodatton lliey urged economy Similar ttteleases tn other clean in materials tztdtiate that barrack hloeks across the country are hetne till per cetit and tloor wax ittcreas ed it per cent in the same period Canadas number one enemy is litttlillettttte not cotmnumsm Ma tjot the Rev LoganVeneta told members of the Cameron fligh latidets of Ottawa at tttltltlLIllill diiiner iti Ottawa last week There are forces at work itt ICanada he warned seeking by subtle and treacherous means to undermine the very things Canad tan soldiers lied for overseas It is not communism It is the blight Quiet Village tatti it lloitvv ttt Irwrt iii lune mold for ttttllilfl and otlll ltte mix tttttitu lulyxixllll pudding lilkrs on it ltt look and tihte tlteti tilIllll Iv leI jetty It is perteet elitttzn lo titty llllul lensl lltr lg Home ha Dexter Vivmyllyll hold in 1I1Etltned 141 liill oeonttr Tapioca Parfait tttt tr page rliv leihltl My irate 11 1t tttxti lxll1lllt to in ti twl Ptessme 00 or itittt Rid Sturgeon Lake Of Predatory Corp lv LINELSAY Kixtc 23 duty lull tt ituil at tt ti lllllL lt rn Lie toxin fretted But it it Irhlltlilltl ins of tt inch and it Lake Tit tt itt interior Add he been the up it initial to lllltt i0 mu It ltlttlllV Ar ti rated to lakes and atl luv ind tlt litv llll WWW All tt2 the pottiee lo ICLth la Had lllll 111 itll to pump the lift lit the ttt net lll 210 ritualized ltilll tzata int the ttllr eaip lands and totttts tutn ewttirl tl tllltllllll ed and tltteyt lurk Tttl otlitt ten ttalth tl ttorli IIHUA MW 1me Will be toth xvi li past ttlll some t1 fun it illttft 25 Lute llttl In etni uete dept iii of tn llllt tuv lt etee 11 sous ti hexp 1tltta yetttot to tiiitzct Lte t1ttittgt and lash popttlatwtiv A11 lily while the ttt tut bent tllioritl 131 to Le itriitlt 01 BROII VISITS MONTREAL 11 ltiii ttt tolotztzl pitttit Officers and numbers of the at an the short Sphinx Shittie lettiple oz llazttntd IttiittlL tzettittattts Lotttt tttltltllltl topp et ttti Ile the year Sphinx letttple tiit itttaetton is loii1ttl on the tlt Let spun spotzttttt iozti er to patttLipate want on illl lalr trereniotital tettvttie oi the hatred ZiHts lltl Iliat tlieu Statue ttmple itted Attrt all they Irlllth Shrtnets l6 the ilattti once tti the wilder liattii tt rit ed the sin 1111 Motttteai llt were headed l1 Iotentate lolin Iepson Colonel June who has solid IRag Apple pedigree fill amt armor MartiRE 100 uaum Hit or TOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRES lNflIRNAllONAL AMIOREE More than 500 Boy Scouts re presenting 36 Montreal units tra velled to St Albans recently on special CNR train to be the guests of Long Trail Council of Ver mont at an international camporce The twoday camporcc fcaturcd 4hevarious crafts and skills of scouting and culminated ina mass camp fire meeting WEPROTECTIONOF EMPLOYEES Protection of Canadian National art of the companys educatfnal irogram and special car equip iicd with modern visual aids is ised to give instruction in the afety regulations set out in the rule books Railway employees is an important 77 Eisr to ROLL wywa4mtmmmt DELIGHTFUL to SMOKE mmllhsoll hell Tlltl Farms entity indifference of the country lie begged members of the uttitl times in which they live to train to work hard and to nourish the spirit if eomiadeshtps vlitch extsts to inever to become indifferent to the high degree in highland There is something about lhighland unit that only becomes apparent only reaches its best in time of crisis hersaid They must be prepared to meet thatcrisis In the Air Force Visitors to ltockcliffe airfield near Ottawa otiAir Force Day had the nearest thing to an onthespot vtctv of the Manitoba flood scene at its height huge mosaic of the area probably the largest ever pro duced itiriadarvastncparedbyil No Photo Establishment Rocky The photographs takenifrom air craft of No 414 Squadron Rock cliffc show the complctc course of the rampaging Red River The com pleted mosaic is 53 footnbyiniiner feet and is composed of more than 500 doublesize enlargements of the original nineinch squarenegatives Winnipeg proper occupies space the Mosaic aridtheflooded areas of thcscity areshown with amazing clarity cltffc especially for the occasion off under what would normally be ditions Working under cloud to Rockcliffc COOKE CAFTAGE BR STORAGE 5Year Guaranteed 43 ESSA RD MOTHSPRAY WE 9m of approximatplyi squarcieet iii Ordered to complete th opera tion while the flood waters were at See these great new truck buys in Our show rooms today Prformance Loaders PoYIoad Lbaders Most Powerful Cost Less GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 3ltllllltiil Vle tat itit ietot 11 started as had 77 11 iv mist Fm stats attiton LIVELY zesrruu Li it llztttve IT21ti Hm 1mccDbmzmm ll H1 real hottest tttgiitgttllti anti 11 Ii no Ns mllil yuu on 313 hurt titttt Whamal Hmrk retttsltttiittt Hlll lipol VI pl tEt ttttt iptttl in the intuit Ill Tum duhmus lirwycuh 1tl ltttttt Vlliilillh mmv ll 31 that MilHM Il llll llli Nllll PA tastes good gout am you 11 enwt tttvpittftv ill tnttttt 111331 the 1930 ylll of II get more ounces too So enjoy 1p tt 14 tlitvirt linkll tlye ttttitl ltl II MmrklinxMMyingMIWLImd it ttt ituit lll llullliii llllrtVW Hum 1H Illtn rt rtsntititt it 111 laxtt Eiut ut they itngi that too panes of the record of Essa Ioxtnshlti dours 21ml hm mum um 1M mat Itl natures lnteiesttnt information never btlmt 1th II it or ttilti lft IIP llithN Ill nhmnmd WWW it tit it tttgtttittx le it Hffglyfd ppfm rosr Prim ADVANCL corms oac TAKE LESS gt Stewl iw lt 11 1w 13 vl moanwt mit an ill lt llhmml fee ttttnutvs alter he attd ill POO Box AIhSton ont II Huliilliyl hllls one new stun by bees Ilm 51 out out RLUS orrosn WHEN PEPSIS BEsr Popularity Ibaders Preferred over the next Pfice Lbaders Outstandingly low cost RINTING NEEDS Chevrolet Trucks Ever Built On thvmhills oFdn the straightaway tho fttcient newChevrolet Trucks are for child in performance Theygive you ton per mile The rugged construction periodhavebutsoldthe next two makes and allround economylof Chevrolet combined convinclng proof of the To Operate Per Ton two makes Per Mile contbrnecl of operation and upkeep Farahead wh Iovieroperofing costsper Chevrolet trucks for the last Tilmonth From low sglhngjjrkedolhigh resale avalue youre money ahead with Chevroi let trucks Chevrolets rockbottom initial cost outstandineg low cost of opera high pulling power over wide range of their height the Lancasters took considered unfavorable photo conl base of 9000 feet the crers corn pleted the entire project within few hours and rushed the film back usable road speeds and high accelera tion tocut down total trip time gt trucks cut running and repair Costs let you deliverghe good with ral reduciionsyin cost per ton per mile owner satisfaction they hovb earned through the years proof that Chevrolet is far and away the most wanted truck tion and Upkeep and high tradein value allacld up to the lowest price for you tbse ITIlREE OREAT VAllEeINHEATJ ENGINES the Husky TITOImp TorqueMaster the Now lOShP LoadMaster and the Improved 92hp ThriftMdsler to 93 Pwer Per gallon lwer per loud MPROVED CARBURHOR AND MANIFOlDING smoother quicker acceleration response DIAPHRAG SPRING CLUTCH for easyaction engagement 9SYNCHROMESH TRANSMISSIONS for fast smooth shifting HYPOID REAR AXLES up to and including the 2Ion models DOUBLE ARTICULATED BRAKES for complete driver control WIDEBASE WHEELS for increased tire mileage ADVANCEDESIGN STYLING with the Cch that Breathes BALLTYPE STEERING for easier handling HA ml CT4SOB MOTOBS LTD 339 Elizabeth St3 Barrie