Keri Iurmlc Winnipeg Won fill lHRlle EXAMINTZR THIRSDAY llf 13 Hit 13 An us Cemeter Prof Wires Placed Underground In Toronto Iec DISOSIGI Balr on Aid From as Far Away as BC i7 51 III 1111 nuuzii iili11 ms 11 IIII 1111 int lltllN Mllll3 II ill =1zgg1zi 11 is 111 My li11 11111 1l1 13 fl flr Him LIII II Im 11131 lilusll 11 ll3H It 1119 1n 11111t IlliltlIIrl III IHI LI kliilx I1 rl Ilm gt 1L111 11 II vluifl 1i an lilillllilul llali1 lhoriiiovi 121 10111 111 11111 JIIII Hm human 1Hbolero111 111 Rolling poll xl11 11ml of 1111 pun IM KUIIL 11 All Ml LCM It 51 112 12121 mlin 12 11111 ll 1J1u lul oiitu 1111 111ie11t 11111111 IN BIZ 1iiir IN lllAFFlt 111111111 111 lllv wimati Ail ILH 11 Wlli lrvel 1l111 111 the r1lit Lilli l1 lIlll lIIUx I1 11111111 11w L11 11lt llllt lltit ll gt de Veme illnnllfi U5 in Hlkilill xetutort lndlvtdunls Ailmlmsliulo iurioss stieet ul lltll r1r 111 i111i111 l11e 8111141 Mil Ineseivu communes corpomhmm husme FLOOR 111111 111mm 111 11111 1111 11111 Cemetery eomds llouulul 11ml Illllll 11dtaiel111gtl111l1ist11f lIHF 11 Rll 111Il 11 I51 11 llvl 31 lilitlll ti1 3111111 THE 777 up Ilie 11 11111111 ilul ll11 311 11111 11111 I11 11 131 1111 lHNliltAl oiiIour him 51 WI SFRAHJURI MI Itll Ill lll1l1Illllrt11=l=1 2111 I1111u 11111111 I11 11l11111A tl1111LerI CORPORATION 1w Imui 1111113111 11111 11211111 1111 11ltl 11111111 triu 111i r21111111dyI II Ill 111Il5 Umltll pullr l1Ill 11111 11 11311111111111pun1111111I1I end 0mm 100310 13 J11 gtIll11e 1111111 1e 111x11 II II MM lb 11111111t11 11111111111111 1111 111111111 111 11 11 11 Borne Ofce 13 Dunlop Slice ll Im llglll 1111l give 11111111111111lllt 11114111 l1111l1 1111l 11111 1i1111 t11 1E Im Hi Ill1 IIUllll WJI I11 leading tllii 1i tl11 llII1111111l II IIIHI llunlt 1111 carpentry 11gt 111111 IN IM IIIHIIIHII 311$ H911 11111111111 WWIZWHWJ IlIlmIR wur gal1t 11 111 lb tl 11 11 1ltl Nelson IllIusIIlp 111 Fin Hmldm Nilliumll Shmmghiw 1111 SWIM lollies lleel l1tt hlonlrial red All in 11 Id New floors expertly sanded lienlly llll number of 1111idiaiis Iwllm WWW VIW 11 IUW nish by momL 5km NAHUM 1m WWII Tmw I15211111 the work 111 the Sim=11 1111111 She told 111 the 111111 111111ses III ll Ull fl III who re on 11 ll lt 11 ounu Il1 iieatioii Serin I11 t1n11 111 11111 11 11 11 111 11111 Illlh 111 as 4511111111 1t11111 11 1111 1I Hwa and nished as Nib Immm and Wm Immwunr11 1mm was III MINLII IN MINIMUM PM ll1llll 11 HIV or 111 mi 114 itne at tlu iulhrie 11111111111111l1ell tI111111ch11111 llti 11111111 this mi ll 11 11111 111111 II 1II II 1I11I I111 workmanship guumnwgd VMHMHM his WIN mmnundcd lhrll It 1tltl p111 lll1iII1111 111 1111II1111 11 1121I 11111111 In tlllltitt1tlll 4411111111 111 II 11 ln 1t 11 lIUl itltem 11 111s review 111 111 111111r 1l gt11 111 Ill 111111I 1111 5114 111 111111 111 IgtI1111111 with mm Hum mud mum and found it lmth 111 111111111I1111 mm III gt If Ill Iproduets and varioty ml rstttll 11111 unique event I1 1111111111I 111 111 hwy my 111 11111 Clue 11 111 11 Mull llllM1l3 eliandise destined for Inidim WWl hm 0mm Ilillllllim Ht 1I111I 11111115 11111 the Illllll 1511 II It 11 111 1I IIII markets in the West Indies lllt 111111111111 11111111 llIll 31 1111 11111111111111 111 11111111I1111mm WW II III I1 AWm 101 the 11111111111 1111 111M 111 111 511 1III1 111 PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 2414 The main event of the 11111111111 11 11111111 that the111111II111e1111 Slllil1lfS SIIMMIIlt 75 Imml llllhlllll itlltllh mm ll EIm ml l111lll rot 11 11 lllll311s 111 1111 It Ih Ililm VhiCh lV WWW mummnmm llmlqld hp IIWI lllii 11 11 lllwlcliillh tllll fllli My I111 511111 Hum 1111 31111111Ir31tl1 lit 11 man 111111111 zliil that 1111 1111 11II II 11I111i11111 gt IUl Illl panel were Mrs Simpson ll HIV tItlllllltll INTIII 51 VHIS i1 jumpII I1111I11 11111 vnmrnum Ahx iwlw Um dimlan mu NH mi Vlhhwm VH 11t1t 11 1111 11I1 St Louis hliss lhtlllnt 11lle 1111111 Illtl lllltlll W41 Hill Ill 111111114 11 111 131111111 11 11111 Iy recreation tllltltll ller ll III hllt lllillk II IIW 111 111111l 111 the 11111111 1llolt athrart Midland Leo llerlhelotte Wll llilll VNNI III NUlli I11 1211 mm 11IliI hit 51 Louis and mirloii lodd ll llil HI lllf III llllttlllllulliiltlt 11 Ilh ILhmclnllI Svallll Ullll HUIHII illll NW 11111 l111111 1311 111111 l1111l 111 BofUlo pump ulmvund lltIIItlflIlIlt IItllIil tilIIllll III 1417 I111 turn valions chm11115 In Isl gm l1 lll Ill 411111 iltsi11111111l aged man portrayed by Antth 111m Ilnwwlmulllm dbl UKRAIIMHN mm hos if Shunt BV Will llls lllUll 11 I4 It lIlh In Im lieu of long days to fill and 111111111111 lfllhlkm Imm li I0 do in them the teenIger Miss 11 lgtlu ml IIW lIll ll MY llelen Nicholson Barrie who was up WM MI lllll 1111j1I1 5M1 11 111 isolated from friends and had little MUWU mm swung that 11 111111 shoe i111 1p 11 flood 11115 CHARLES WILSON LIMITED TORO To 0f InulLSl 10 It 111 MT ltlSLlIt mm HUI to l1e11llii1rti1 here will p311 111 vad 11 those who had had little opportiin 11111 to Halt 111w Ken Robin 1mm Im It111ool trailers he wanted tnI son Barrie who saw the tax rate Ml 1r 110mg md 111 their youth and rere now got 11111111 111 3111iitolm 11I11 111 cm can be sure of many years of Pruedlon and p1 11L ptopi 1111 ml out WW Imd WW ml Irhased 111 lamzlznhl 111 1111111 111111 111111 Wlly C0dd10d thy IIIIS new re hire WI cmhd My this Im never been 11r11 beauty for Your house and buildings with BISCO ROOf fiieamml lfadll tho lmln wm was millmin MilI 101011 gutIt 1L budl II ings and sldmgs Made one of Canadas oldes planned Cmmumty hull his Ll Wood thi r1 I1c hi it 13 portrayed by Mr mm 11011 on the progress ot the Simm 11 rng manUfaduresl Blsco Roongs and Sdmgs are 10mm and the lady mm woum llllltlllblll Iltdiiit lmm lilll 1h IV like to see leisure time activities mmry us your fl the council of the oii1it ol i111 elesmnl 00 Sam wear Wlnl mid Weulher WI he 0mlmlV bl hummus the hle or lwdwshm too liadpassed ll1 mutually are easy to apply reqmre no serv1cmg The last role was taken by Mrs ll uminhmg in blmcw why If piwehon Emw Creation serVice and new board II ld had bum ImpohmId by thoCOMM pacIfTB l59produdrforyouuof51nd1hlewallrIs mtfjwm dimltvbedelwlthWm111 1mmmr11I rammmWWk lining an although 11 WI board are Elmer Wood 11Ilia Ask your BISCO dealerto show You the many attractive b01591 OI ltd Itd RR 11111111111 11 w1111111111111 SOIUIWW KEV made lllllllh IltIMUI RR llov llicklinu Biirrie llll ours and Patterns avaluble now irommiks Charles Griffin hlllllthlllt 11 as suggested that it as im DutllllWillIL btayner RR portant for young people to have opportunities and to take the Itime =to learn leisureltimc skills so they would have an interesting and en Mrs John Whitton Elmvale lor don Todd Churchill llll The council made grant of $5001 111 the Simeoe County recreation ser Manufacturer of lONDON ROOFINGS ASPHALT SHINGLES SIDINGS ub1 III Smooth and Mineralsurfaced $930M hilghrltktnnjls1that oldri welt tthis ytar With flllllltl 11111 ROLL ROOFINGS Wichin VO mhy 111 111 11 11 1011s Iioni 91111111111311th 11 11 Eu ones some ot ant prlLLZlLVlyillulslllIl serum1 SP their skills such as carpentry and Iand grant from the departmenII of education the budget for tl11gt year is estimated at $7500 SHEATHINGS FELTS BUILTUP ROOFING MATERIALS mechanics The teenagers prob lem was expanded to bring out the PLASTIC CEMENTS Ilactkotvculturzil and recreational Mr Wood urged thecooperation WATERPROOFING PAINTS ac 11tics in many small comniun of church school and farm groups mes With resulting lackadaisical throughout the count in the d1 INSULATION 1t nage gIOUP The farm young Velopment of sound and worth people have Junior Farmers groups land special agricultural or horne Inaking clubs sponsored by the de partmcnt of agriculture but many village teenagers have not crea Robp COATINGS while program of rccrea ion Miss Fern Hampel assistant to the re creation directors then led brief but delightful period ofIsinging The social recreation which 111 alsot BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS ND Iantsal Legacyupensi8oeuF sumo Iive activmes in their comnmn lowed was much enigyedI lties Any commuhity planning lunch counter arranged bv the QUEBEC Pq MONTREALPQ1 TORONTOidNT hall Ishould assess its needs and Guthrie ladies provided delicious finances decide what it wants toI refreshments at the close of the use its hall for and make careful evening plans Miss Louise Culley recrca lion director said the recreation THE EXAMINER CAN FILL Service had lans to so est FILL YOUR PRINIIN NEEDS would and 11 agrned tatgirioilgl Everyone PHONE MM en yo Llll tapped leademhip in Wtly 00m I1 Th lad COAL COKE Wooo II gil Ha people Mile tucslcd portailt t21hre thoulght lI really 1111 to worthwgevogcthggs 193135 SlmPSOH 0f Thornton 83Ve an 0X ample of SUI prisms1 amount ot Ems and crafts ladlship found in her own small Village 56 Ellen Street PHONE 2517 Burma The group agreed at the WI ll WWW 91 alderman had to be interested 1n the recreation program Tom Daley and his assistant from CKBB recorded palt of the pahel cSCUSSion and arranged for it to be broadcast the following day rvn 315 MISS Hamper provided musical accompamment Which contributed greatly tOtll Overjall effech II FOHOWIQE the panel Miss Colley gave bllef report on the work of lhe County recreation service She hgard something nlce about Strlsled the fact lhat leadersmp you this aftemmm bl it Mme as II Framing organizing and supervig SUCh surprise that forgot lhg special gIOUpS and giving ad what it was 1I Essa Road Barne Phone Quality dyCars On DispIay Mary St Phone rd 0rd St Phone 5566 Barrie 25 Take holiday from the kitchen these warm summer lays you can do it Kisin and still serve your family the one hot meal they need Just reach for tin of Libbys DeepBrowned Beansheat and serve Theyrea dish that youngsters love with the nourishment they need Crownups too relish the deepbrowned succident goodness of Libbys DcepBrowned BeansILibbyS Beans are tlelellt extra tZOlllflll because theyre prepaftl by patented Libby process No other beans can equal them try them Just once and taste the delic1ous difference i1 Picnic Special DeepBrowned Bean Sandwich Whether youre heading for the country or picnicking in your own backyard these hearty tasty sandwiches will hit the spot And you can make them in jiffy II can Libbys Deep Browned beans tablespoon libbys Prepared Mustard tablespoon Libbys Calchup 14cup diced celery 12 slices of bread Mash beans Add balance of ingredients and combine Sreadbetween buttered slices of breath Makes 01 sandwiches lnu