93xx The Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legion lltlllkY Nltilll llll$ Ftllt llllll lltlllis June 1516 Ji PO Square Newmarket Dixons Spoil Valley Girls Home tIsDxtittt Neldt ltIte II lson llllilltl o1 liil titat lax liI Iloi coma on in the two2142 Areal et It timer Iole as il Millll tttitnt tlI it Iitt lth Jli Ide tI tIl Hi Initials to place llIti lttl um piI IIi Iliill leari opt tout to tie fourth inn Iieiytuiio lilcv up lo Nevertheless the vis in ltixoin Ietepted the elialleiit iIIL tinI fite ailII ltieu lllllf tltlIltl in the tittli was IInIaIaIIl which was only Ip ptnpziae iiII lIg tttlllltl gt111 Id lot pair the sixihwhich xrappol lt le nall came it was oin one for Dot Miller to drop but it would have been ittst FLOOR SANDING New floors expertly sanded finished by modern Skill machines ld floors also re be tatettdziic tltlIl alleys 1lllhn the lltlltl pening Ball Game district Lula IZI Li iiitlglt III list Lady Goliera in County fvlaa Al Midland it Trii 21 ltiiItIIl ltiI III III iItIItrI wt iIIIiIt loi the to er ti iltirtIti tnI lliiiitlltgt lltellnnwlux we gt iI tle the stone uitie ladle9 iltay lllllL1lIill MI VIII lienit Tlrs VII iiIi lr lalYeisiIn lI illus lie lllllLLvili i1illltlllligt lIite Ir llyall of Iinp loItIi llie lletty llIibltiinti Iil Villlllldtmuwl tl low of ill II the lite tlilllt llllt taincd It lltttttt itollowine the match The ladies section of tin llit II Tli IIgt lfl Tim lI liilrtx llt cute il lie tiIEi iioIIsI llaiiii 43 liruuise to 111 They could amour but tie stiltllts off Bow iIi one for extra bases Ii lioaviizati one of Strouds iitil hindbys lied up to his lrlltlill notice with two doubles out ltlltlt llis three hits were llilllitl by leadoff batter llod lliiei iio punched out two sitt lIIn Yllft and Amos followed with Mis Wright Jack Mogcc vin First Mixed Jitncy At Alondolc Greens Bowman Leads StrOud to Win Over Everett iCIII iIIIIIIt nult nilI lltlil l1iii ll vil lit tout South but an lair liII ll mitt all thI Sinai out fortunate llltlitl llts gttlll as poor total voniniitted ltttll iilithiiider ii tlllilllttl IZI nouthout llowenI II IIIt than made up for It liIiI with Li ltllgt ecii lo I1I bases tfiil that lltlltl disaster iii iv it eeond Stroud ll eIIl ltl three hits but took iII ol toui eiiois and Iii lIi MIHI sevett llliltS lim iil or lI mound for l1erettl the lilllll of the niilortunatc Neiettllelms toRI Is le4tt cana they didnt Etlltlllllflt as le Illl double llarvey lleeel Inch hits apiece ltIIIhk even contributed to his 1th last luesday IltIiiIIIIIt held in tultsrt by placing Everett at the the first local aiiadian Late iiillriiiItI llc hammered out single ers Union match of the NIItstll Ind double to head the department Corhy won the bail with lieu Invtiiamn ludlow and Lawson sup Iscore Iplied one each SIMONE HuRLs TWOHITTER MURRELL MOTORS DEADLOCK SECONDPLACE Off to late start lIrIl lo tors one of two South Simcoe gtttll ball entries from Bradford illus tratcd why they shouldnt be count ed out of the peiiiiaitt race Thursday nipth ttl Iooitstown they gained tie with llarry Cause and failed by inches of pro ducing an upset victory Steve Simone produced Al till COOKSTQWN ltoss iiften connected for one hit each rawford and Carr Spoiled Sinioues nohittei And while Cookstown and Brad ilord fought to tie lottenham smothered Churchill 134 at Churc Ihill Youthful Don Browning was jthe victim of the avalanche Walk em tlieesman and Claiidgc paced 11 ARNlVAL AND TALENT PROGRAM BROADCAST OVER CKBB In New iettiiig down thiiIl base for MlltllI lttlt Irl lll Hlll held the unreal ltllrlllll Iainst lezI zple leal iiithe llinioiita IlonIIzt gene at the Iloyals tii I11 iii ylIiitIeal lin lithlul llllil lltsl potent hat Ifd lltltitt stieit In llnt Iiteis it oimaaizn tuitiI lnzn an oil titer All Stat =e SPORT ANGLES lly illtlltGIl STOREY gt Htioileis thiougn Queens lark in eek were able to catch alimpseI of all the sinior lgtltltlll clubs tn IetIIII and it is now league of its liaiiis Motois thIeeyeai Ilelendin wminpions received sudden jolt til the openei but houneetl baek ie tanadian General Iileclric good run heiore bowing To their mutt straight loss Now if they can appear hopeless enough foi vttied stars like Fred Noiiis and Dotti lamsay Io sited the Ltolfinc Jackets then they will not be coun cousin And for those who think llarris Motors are deep in the woods just take Ltaiider at what they can do The defending champs clung to nine scattered hits ltsl 13 tor lmes Electric in the first drubbing iid they contrilnueIi ll errors lwo nielits later fani wouldnt have known they wow the same titlttlltfgtltltltt lhe airtight support in the infield allowed sophomore Al Stevens to stay on the mound for the Ioinplile ll lIIlll even thoneh they wele edged by CUE llis mines committed but tun erroiswa definite improvement over their last record And ilLIillllgtl what is sipposcd to be the Ibest mound staff in the loop they slammed out it hits with six of them coming when the chips were on tiie table So maybe the titleholders are just playing possum lrovidiiie strength Can bii obtained for the outfield llarris Motors will remain worthy opponents anadiaii General lilcctiics true strength will show up on Tuesday night lllt they play host to Emms Electric However their showing against Harris Motors proved fly werent too weak at the plate onsistcnt hitters like Bill Rayeraft and Bob llatt had the oiitficldcrs lizly throughout amt there is still Bob Mallion alid Jack lurnliull to hear from They too can pack heavy willows But lls definite strong point is their pitching staff and most everyone knows good club can be built around pitcher and catcher General Electric have Raycraft and Mallion to shove on the hill for Tuesdays game with Emms Electric and both are nllltdllllill lads This clitry may find rocky road in the litltlin department For instance Ilatt carded two ruii error in tltcrightli against Harris Tuesday and we can remember identical miscucs by the same fcllow last season Ray Smithson at third liRsJLisoff days too Of the three clubs own and nished as desir effort against Cookstowns veteran 710110111111 m1 JaCk and Mile cd ace He allowed two scattered hits itlllslilblc and Manse Harnson wrurrkmallshipcrnranld butCookstown salvaged two Lin lllrildltls ChlllChlllS 11113011 earned runs Bradford touched Coast for six ll It 11 Eli 15511 PHONE 3107 3133 BradfordSl llliYS Complete Stock of BlCYClESn BASEBALL TENNIS 36Bay1ield St On Display RAW MORRISON CO LTD AT LOWER PRICES FISHING TACKLE hits but sensational clutch pitchine nullified most of their efforts Steve Simone was top man for Bradford with two singles lloyd Giffcn Bus Carter Joe Magahi and Phone5555 Ed EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT at the Five Points Orillia Girls twas nothing StransmansGeti fViClory Over Barrie Straians proved there mg with the club Ihat pitchng wont cure Makiiigrlhcir first home appear Aand receive good fielding so once more Luann turiLuntJbJastthucakcst elding buttitsui minor detail when you look at those hurlers Ollt cant tell in one came but Emms Echtric do look like the team to cause an argument before its over They rtainly showed no mercy in downing llarris Motors and may be the Chi to throw monkey wrench in General litectrics dugout Trhcy havche hitting power Eric Hall the find of the year merely chTd by the Motormen as he worked on big margin Murray Richardson Hal Hoppor BobChittiCk and Ed Laws commenced the season at terrific batting clip so itlooks like lively battle for the title Opening week in the scniursoftball showed the following statistics lwo games resulted in three liurlcrs going the route ancc of the season at Shear Park Wednesday they dumped Orillias new entry 96 their initial win of Ithe Barrie and district ladies soft thall league The highlightjf the contest was Zhe return of Edith Hare to the lineup it was her first appear ance on the mound since 1948 and although she only worked three innings gave cvidcnccof great in ilielp once helstIIfl is reached Straiismans paradcdthrcc hurl ers to the mound in ancifort to halt Orilliaslncw entry Lorraine Magcc relieved Hare but when she hadvtrouble locating the plate DotKtiapp was rushedinto action Afiverun outburst inthe first inning paved the way for the lloealS tritiipphf Dorothy Hopkin who started on the mound for Oril lia isstiedfourwvalks to the Open ing five battersand then allowed two hits She was relieved by Dow who succeeded in retiring the side But the damage had been done Eand Oiillia WClClllC remainder of tltC contest trying to overcome the rlefit lheir best attempt wasmin the sixth when they counted three times Cole and Smith paced Straus inans with two tilts which while Barrett salvaged two of four hits Oiillia obtained TOOK RESIONSIBILITY WlNNlPEG ICPl boarding school student recently smuggled into his room forlornlooking cat The next day the catwas found to have given birth to kit tons on the bed of roommate When reprimanded the youngster said Sir will you have cigar ette which is iiiarkto licproutl6f The two games prodiiccda total of 47 hits ll for extra bases Three home runs and two 2nd plil ltkldult Iliaried IiIIT hin gait Welland liiIli Opposing ltoi letiilht in he it depends qu the mound PO Square Drops Decision At Welland iiilw liariie lloxitn llLillltllll lion Iiiiitimjitni IlII fierouiid in his first land stai inain iltill Itlli ieetiii iIII ltill the lllltltl on tin lllttittgliiittl lvfihe Metiillnia Iilusl teeletl to somehow or otliIi oi 11x lltIl lilt lln lllvii tttil voed Mciilliiay hlth iitilttt Ittetl lllt tptlttnai Iii Itltililfxttitate ly Ettltl fans ENSO ZANATTA MAY FACE ALLCOLORED PILOTS FRIDAY ltarrli is to have floodlight baseball panic on liiIi night starting at El oclock at the Fair Grounds lissa ltoad The famous Washington lilots an allero team from the liiilcd States are just starting brief Tanadiaii tour and they will meet the the North League Earric llyers of Simcoe Baseball Star riglitliander liill llauaii local boy will likely get tour on the mound against the visiting sciiilpros but in addi tion Manager Roy linims ex pects to have here specially for this game big lIiiso Zanatta spcedliall riglitliandcr who has been pitching senior ball in his native city Sault Ste Marie Ontario in sets Zanatta who played hockey with the Junior and it Ilycrs in the past two winters prior to being traded to Oshawa Generals last December pitch cd for the baseball Myers last year Esid 1894 r0t GOOd SATISFACTORY or Money Returned Alriplcs were carried total of 20 errorswerc committed it by Harris Motors Runs to cross the platter were 36 for an wveragc of nine pcrtcam And already there has been one extra inning played Barrics baseball entries are flying through their respective leagues The North Simcoe Flycrs dumped highlytouted Ciccmore 153 Friday night in Creemoic to stretch their undefeated string to four RCAF of Camp Borden provide the opposition tonight at the Fair Grounds and now it is jtista Question as to who is going to stop the roaming young sters Bill Hagan is bound to drop under the constant work but so long asllTCrCCCives the support hes getting that time will be in the distanccfffhe South Simcoe Flycisyhaveichalkcd up two straight vic torics since their opening sciback the most recent 172 win over Thornton Friday nicth with Paul Emms recording fourhitter James Parker from reports is avery respected man hi lad has built himself such reputation during his shortpro career that opponciitsyhrclfard to find Following his only defeat about one month ago Jim has returned to form and oncciagain hay iii no trouble tagging the knockout blow Barries DonWalIaCC is doing well in amateur ranks He has bccnlwinning but out nftown judges arcr0bbing the lad loft and right His latest was Friday in Welland where they allotted Ron McGillivrdya splitrdccision aftcrWallacc had carried him the last three rounds Barrie 1602 ag Groiner $72300 Ton Barrie l5 Hog Finisher $7200 mo Buyerftof5upP1YBags iiiiiiiiiii noun MILL COTTON BROADCLOTET White Sanforlzcd$ Sizes 141 to 17 Wcllniadc dressy Shirts of fine quality cotton broadcloth with merccrized finish Attached fused collar Doublesewn seams and circular sleevefacing for long range durability The kind of Gift Dad will welcome It ZELLERS LIMITED STORE HOURS Monday Ifuesday Thursday Friday am to 6pm Wednesday am to 12 noon Saturday mm to pom 60 Dunlop St Barrie 01mIvygnu1mInnaPPQuantumwitroamwomowomvmii June 15 16 lt rIaiI iiiis on llill tlllltt wonn The GAYEST PATTERNS FINEST FABRICS See how llad will beam when you present him with several of our becoiiiiiigly colored quality fabriced ties Weve an impressive selection of everything from pure silks to wool knits FT AFlltAll VELY BOXED liVlllt And many many more gift siiugcstioiis that are sure to make this loin remembered Fathers Day liandkcrchicfs belts tie clasp sets with llliltelllng cuff links Arrow white dress shirts and sport shirts slacks hose fine wool sweaters MtBllllt luggage in match BARRIE Dunlop St ltlC tlllltlti FOR DADS DAY Sunday lune 18 SPORT SHIRTS in cool rayon cotton Sizes Short and long sleeves Choose from beige grey yellow blue green wine navy $159 $475 SOLIDCOLOUR iRAYON GABARDTNE Available in those attractive con servative shades dignified Dad will likeiery niuch wine royal bluc light green tan With crease resisting lining spartan Quality as PHONE 2439 mum we SOCCER PRACTCE tltltlts lll ls TUESDAY NIGHT AirI llarrie liir lnen IIteptIIl to uttw the Illlll Mater ngminailill nah toiiipeleiit team lllttsl he IliosIii players interested in pliiii Umttllitl are requested to attend piiI lor hllttl llltts tire Iinii Tuesday It tllli lair iruuiids when train will Watch For Details be ted lrIItic roiniiiInr vs pm ELECTRIC MOTORS on allace iimiiuni st at John imam FathersDaylune 18 CRAIG SUNS The Store That Quality Built