Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1950, p. 5

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Barri my new wmmv AHAs HELP WANTED liltlJiiElSiilliSLlAN ll lit 1o lflnli slug ti oiir lot tiii lirfl tilltIS llliill 11llltllil li lot Izaiizini ui puitdle ii iiit in ipia 1il1tiit to me to travel Wrrt liiillllcl lri tl iad to 14 II=VV dressesmournlniieii 11 lillit of you 111111111111 1111 11 lili llillgtlr for full or 311 ii1o ll Iiilvlltt not wiili Wino 1111 rlr Riiilwiai Ltd Srzricwg int 141301 aw Iltllllflxtilzlllli hauled 11 loi onto linialIl consuls oi lo llll and in11 years old SH room house iltllotrit loliit lor inaiieni position for capable house luveprr Wrrto Illt Ilil iiiisiii tion to Mrs Don llllllillW iiaiilra ltoaii loioiilo or phoni Illldson 0100 43 AGENTS WANTED VACANCY Rawloiirir business now open lli llaiizc lzado well cs lahlislied lfcolloni opportunity full time Write at once Raw ltritiis Dept AIL15121400 Alon tieal l1hl liltil lERlillORllZS vacant for persons interested in door to door eanvassinir loi $171 lilo offers you the opportunin to start your own business 211 well known and ltllillilllltttl lito products toa eoflt ice etc Very nitoicstirii sprcials every month Illidays trial offer without risks llel ililti Saint lluborl Montreal ll17i1 Accommodation Wanted IllitiMED tarnished llilllllllltlll with bath in llarrio bsiaurcrs lliono llliil after p111 ll t1ll3p UNIUItNlSllED apartment for two adults Nonsinolxors and ab siainers For reduced ront lady would do lipht housework for own er employed durinit day Write Box Ittl Barrie Examiner lll1l7b AIR FORCE GROUP CAPTAIN desires to sublot house or apart ment in Ilarrie or near for July only Must have three bedrooms Has two children wishing to enroll at Summer Skating School in Barr ric Arena heace reason for family spending month here Apply Bar rie Examinor HutIvle MISCELLANEOUS IIIERRIAN BROS Stone masons houses fireplaces tlagc stone walks Phone 4423 5424511 ATTENTION Builders Farmers llxcavating grading tcrracing fence lines removed dozer work of all kinds Reasonable rates large machine Contract or hourly Prompt seihyice Phone Cookstown 30111 540th MIMEOGRAPIIING Let Miss Jane Fachnic attend to your duplicating and secretarial problems She will be glad to help you Contact her at the school office Barrie Business College roronto St Phoiie 4824 530th iATTENTIONMakc more money by repairing Ronson Lighters This work is easy pleasant remunera tivc We sell all parts for Ronson Lighters Pricelist of parts sent on demand Bricrc 0789 St Denis Montreal 544p LOST FOUND LOST3 aluminum keys tap mark ed Earls Service Station Midhurst Phone 2100 Barrie l745b LOSTA round brilliant pin on Wednesday evening Keepsake Re ward Phone 3789 17312 AUTOMOBILES 1934 CHEV Standard coach $275 Phone 5223 134546b 50 CHEV COACH Radio and air conditioned Phone 4065 1345p 1948 MORRIS to in perfect shape Will take older car as part pay ment Phone 3210 134513 1938 DODGE COACH real good condition Browns Corner Service RR Elinvale Phone 1817 134445p 40 PONTIAC Club lCOUpC new paint and under seat heater radio life guards clean condition Call at 29 McDonald St Barrie 13444511 35 CHEV Master Coach Owner moving must sell $t50 or best offer Running Also Kcrogas burner coal oil range complete with utility oven excellent condi tion $20 Phone Strand VlOrtft 91335 SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY for sales lady to snow first selling dresses lingerie knitwear in homes of your community Liberal com mission for full or part time Ex ish Knitwear Ltd Simcoe Ont 14445b FARM EQUIPMENT 32 FT SILO McCormick Dcering corn binder Mike Coylc New Lowells Phone 228r12 Siayncr 3945461 MANURE SPREADER on rubbpr Used 1110 season in first class con dition MacDonald 2de Line Flos Telephone Elmvale 7514 39451 CULTIVATOR for Ford Ferguson tractor Otaco and furrow tractor plows Otaco Spreaders Pressure systems automatic hot water tanks Wilsons GaIra Min esing Phone 103 443146 WHO WILL KEEP nice Collie dog for several months in country Food supplied by owner Contact Mrs Bird 104 Hudson Drive Toronto 3040 PA5TURE PASTURE FOR RENT about head Mi memoir hd LlnIe Flos Phone Elmvale 75r41 V22745p Rtiillo lilitrliv 2031 lix Examiner Classified Ads High in Results low In East or Phone your AdDlol 2414Boforo 530 oclock Silurduy or Wodnoidoy word cosh minimum 35 word charged minimum 50c FOR SALE EUR MUD USED RAIJRB phone ictla Ldrfb 1113131 ltJR 3111 li1 it lrriit 21 13 tip ldlN LAititlhfilf II it colalllu than 335 Phone 5313 iii HANGING IIASKECI tii tud CAR ltzxllltIit= tioniiitioztii lll lilliilo liltiti 111 UAR ltllti bill Apply lltltttlll E1tii Snail 111 ilioiii ltiJT yr lii FOLDING ISAHY CARRIAGE or 1lililllii 11iiooi llono 1171 Ollililit llif iii bill Copper in oa and on Alflrllvl now liioiii Lille l1t1 SlI1llltIi55 tzlllt Il rid lllllilllt Iui 11 12111 I11l Rm til 1112111 i1n1 NT AD ETS TheseAdm were received After noon day before date if publication and were too late to classify under hud lugs iii l1i Ifil Ill CUMMIilftlAl Klliziloi Viliiy orator li kit ll llarno Hon iti lino ltlt illtlti 111 illllll1lit 10 iii 5171 10 lilac lillllltl hatirirti till Im sale titre piece um um tl on iooil lilltlilotl gt1 iiiiira 1213 14 HllR SEWING IACIIINI lll Hill lllSLAY tnlllllll also V11 sale Hi conditioned iiot linolit viable display stand anr lllil to llion 3313 sliplliii and motor linhaiitood Ihono 5401 Roy liacy gtIt llRAAlJ NEW lloat liarier Mc irotoiy Store llioiri Harrie li ANY kiNii lt11 tirlt c1111 llllll make Apply lnt Ioint iiianor at and up All ioeoiaii illiilltl BIliillilllltltl Illltl Quot 40 iiialoig Roy Tlot llioio Iflli SEVERAL 11114C1R1t lilit iixy if It lines for hall and livuii room olIWIIANliD lltiS foi slll Violin 111111 outlaw litRSIlllillHt Phoni 2020 l1x lllCYCHES CAI illst values for your dollars Ask about their lib tlilVe wantod William 19 lall Thornton lhono loiroy 101131 ii 111 ROOMS AND kitchenette lot Mimiw 111535 Utillll icirt llzudwood iloor hot and tlilt Street llltlpl1jw1toi possession June 20 Adults Twitllll 134 Henry St alter pin lRKlllAlRlz AND Rilllliellt Suni 11 iiii shine for quick sale Apply Mrs 11111 llottso 100 Looprilip1ll SALE Smart attracativr Bordon 77 45p ADDING MACHINES and type writers for sale or rent at Barrier Business College 30 Toronto Stl Phone 4821 769tlb BICYCLES Tires tubcs mirrors pedals hells wheels carriers Coin plcte stock Urrys lti Hayfield Slleel 4149le MOI1AT HEAVY DUTY electric sto1 burners and ovon $15 Alsol burner plate $71 leimey RR Barrie 7l1p BEACH ELECIRIC stove good condition also small McClary Que lo cool stove coal or World good as new Phone H75 77 45x WllY llUY used outboard boat when you can izet new one for less Inoney lrom llrinsincad on Hayfield St one mile from town limits 7I1p CLIMAX KITCHEN RANGE res IerVoir and warming closet burns wood only also box stone bath used one year $510 Howard Camp bell Phone Cm 4319 74245p TYPEWRITERS office machines iportables adding machines cash iregisters Sales and service IGosucy ll Francis St Barrie rPllOllC 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona repr 724th iDAVENPORI little used dining room state pieces nearly new beds complete sprint filled mattresses cupboards dresser taJ bios and chairs numerous other Varticlcs Phone 5448 74540 iLlGHIVlNG PLANT Fairbanks Morsc Diesel Driven Generating Plant 60 cycle 25000 Watt corn irpletc with builtiii Control Pariel For full particulars write PO 792 Peteiburough or phone PetcrborI origlijl3529 7454611 NO running water required why continue with the outside privy etc Write for catalogue 731 Mer ton Street Toronto 12 Ontario PROPERTY FOR SALE GVROOMED HOUSE bathrooms IfllCC location near bus stop and school central Apply 41 Sanfdrd Street 1642451 IN HILLSDALEG momed bunga low and lot garage well and large vcrandali Hydro Immediate poss ession Mrs Turner Hillsdalc lG4445p NEW INSUL BRICK house in Vill age of Craighurst rooms hard wood floors builtin clipboards good garden and garage Priced right for quick sale Apply Lewis STOREXAND Lhalf GI moms and Excellent locatiOTTin residential area Close to school and bus Lot 50x150 Down payment and take over mortgage Apply 73 Holgate PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED BEDROOM Central l0 Worsley St Phone 2712 15451 MODERN OFFICES to let 17 Clap 2253 l530tfb newly decorated own entrance Phone 5559 1161451 SINGLE ROOM apartmenk furn ished cabin style Suit two people $6 week East end PhoneI4818 1544145p FURNISHED ROOM good residen tial district central Breakfast and owning dinner optiOiial Phore 2724 gt 15444511 clothes press also bedroom with light housekeeping privileges CENTRALLY LOCATED bed sit SEED FEED SUMMER COTTAGE EQUIPMENT when modern sanitary inside toilet can be installed very reason ably Special units for Tourist Camps Service Stations Schools 73945pM Carr Craighuist 164549pM bath Recently built UDOEITNHAT Street 1644013 POULTRY WANTED Live and perlon StAVailableI May Phone LAST CALL fOr chicks Weiwill peliencc not essential Write Brit LARGEIUNFURNISHED IDOmS FRONT FURNISHED bedroom Phone 3991 1545p ting room with kitchcnprivilegcs for breakfast and supper Business woman Phone 3171 95451 RONY niet for children to ride or drivefl Gordon Breedon Nevil nRoblnsenPheneGoekstmu PEI POTATOES tilbl stock Special price to store tra eClar encei Cumming 67 Campbell St Phone 4504 203845p 100 BUSHELS OF WHEAT for sale Apply James Byrnes 6th Con cession Vespraj near Upton cemeL tery 10451 ioonied dwelling on loirii St in ira good condition it piece bath large hastmerit new furnace par auc large lot leiins possessan Six ioomod house nearly now on Mary St large living room bod roonistl1ieo piece bath baseiiiont furnace lovely spot terms poss ession Other propertios for sach including acreage from 10 to 200 acres in choice areas Let me know your requirement 1f have not got it soon will have lloake Broker Barrie and Thornton lit Lip ROOMED HOUSE for sale on 20 lliirhway mile from school and store Bus service and tlttlllr city at door James Dixon Minc sing lti Alvltip AlTENIlONWerc as near my your telephone Barrie and dis tricts block laying cement workl Concrete mixers for rent Free estimates McCartney Coni tractor lhonc Mintsing 511 rcversc charges 35715511 MASSEY llARRIS Scufflcr for sale also deep well pump Bar rel pump All used one seasoni Lloyd Birnle Stroud Phone 421142 39451 1930 MODEL Coupe for sale1 Good tires very reasonable offer Apply fill Ilirksidc Drive Phone 2765 lit411 PERSONALS Mrs Cowan Mrs Wint by Mrs McMillan anddVliss Ber ta Scott motored to Niagara Falls NY last week Hollis NITRobinson is at Niagara Falls today and Tuesday attending conference of branch secretaries of the Imperial Life Assurance CO Mr and Mrs John Boys re turned home last week after trip to the British Isles and the ContinV for the past three months In PlAris they Visited their son Peter who is studying at the Sorbonne Mr and Mrs Atkey 0f Clin ton wcrc weekend visitors with friends in Barrie Mrs Atkey spoke at the anniversay dinner of the La Lions on Thursday Mr cy fornfer president Of the Barrie Lions Club attended their regular dinner at Community House on Friday 79 MON EY TO LOANS NATIONAL HOUSING roam builders loans properties financed at current rates mortgages pur chased Henry Eliick Owen Street Barrie 3440501 POULTRY i00 LIGHT SUSSEX Pullets start ing to lay Maurice Jones Anten Mills Phone Minesing 914 75 SIX WEEKSOLD Rock pullets 55c each Apply Mrs Maxwell RR Barrie tnear Holly Phone 2132 144151 Dressed Good prices paid Har win RR Stayner Telephone Stayner 7513 Will call and pick up 1444111 CHICKS have our last batch Of Incseason Juncglit Some started chicks available Phone HuntersePoultry EarriiiStroud 1315 244445p ITS NOT TOO LATE for some baby chicks at Gllmores last batch June 13th Seine good bookings avitilable Started chicks also avail able Gilmores Poultry Breeding Farm 60 Penetang St Plume 2735 Barrie 24+4245p == LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PIGS 12 weeks old Apply Em erson Black Phone 52012 StgynVer CHUNKS average 125 to 150 lbs Bert Horvath RR NO Barrie Phone 81414 after six 9451 15M George Cadogan Resigns Board VICTIM OF FLOOD Heads Simcoe iiilll 111511 Iri toliiiilootl on Satin Causland who passed away June mm invbmmml with ml gtRemembrancc is golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain To have to love and their to part and was veteran of both world Is the greatest sorrow of ones wars serving in World War It as The years may wipe out many Bordon But this they wipe Out never The memory of those days When we were 1030111013 lie was Sl1iiner and was active int lll Family 451 1445461 Afollowiiigiisaicorrchstatement namch to the Voters Of the Electors of ItheVillagc of Wasaga 1301ng qualified to vote on rnoncybylaws and that such vutesshallbc takenen Friday the 110th day of June 1950 between the hours standard time of nine oclock of the fOicnOOnIand lye oclock of the afternoon at the polling pluco 5050 illillhllltti namely the Municipalllall in the Village of WIasaga Beach 94513 BUDDY SUPREME Premium Per cheronStallion 18869 Stand for Service at Alex Fletchers Stay nIer Ont Phone230r22 94548p nL HORSE YEARS 1300 lbs Will sellixeasanable or trade forheifers or anything useful Taylor RR 1110 Hawkestone Phorie 0m 515 945p ditched DIES or PNEUMONIA Dr BARRIE HOSPITAL TO GO to Durham mmr er mum Conservatives peg dual in Hospital 51 hum litlISlllll tilitllftlll LAlrtlfirxN Hill PmlllllUlllJ Dlllrdtltl lialaiixl ii 11 1iiiloi to tile All tllltl in T21 iI pm IIV VIM Ll my lirtl titer flood wafers to 1113111 ll1s Sid ItllEh 31 he lliiii iril1 llil the 11gt it ix l= ii of 11 11 null 71 atfittraiil HJdv 11 NW 5j mp Hui ini had llll llllll when Dr VV VHM mm II YW My 111ue waded into the old VVI iler near his lioino soullr oi opt 11e io in Viapti 11 to llit lump il 1me MHHHI pp Hui Dr fragile ienl lu loVronto 1H VV VVVVIV IVIV HIV JIM VHVMVM PV iitiirlly and IVIllthlll iiiusr put IN HVIV on his sisters farm iiiir IHI IV VI IV II llllifilllll last Saturday llll sl til 31 IHIHHHI Hm VV lls Hague and the dog he boarded llllll to return to it rIir1roii i1iii1iii ll rapt liniiipcg lint hi collapsed on IV ittaihri that Ainr lll Lllrl 1111 mi min ml modulate to llit school board ill meul lhrrir ls ha 311 Catlin111 who ironrinardi lt 11 Very Rev Stewart for Knox Church Midland H111 ii ri It iDies At General Assembly 11 El 51 lit llllllll lilll day ltllll 10 lil10 Arum AltCiro II Hot Darker beloved wrio of tho 51 11 Tl KW liilllFlMll NWT iao Donald llcli and doari=rnh Midland Iiid rll loiiri llllllllkl oi ultSll ILlrs iis1II Wynn 11 Laurence pi Sanii Sic Marie Md itlontital to Lr iltm 15 lent the titmin 111 of 11 flairre iiiiit lalliryn lAlis 12 Misti 11 ol Milton in lioi 213111 HWh Hfm Tli 11 IIIV MHV up id $11 ml lilti 111 loinior lllllt iziloz VVV VIV 1+ IVV VV VV V1 VV Clare Troll Funeral Home for in 51w hurl pot11 anon tlVlU Mtllllli 11 Pvlll of Knox tlullcli llltt ltifl liior it torment liesliytorian toinotcry HM Md rm 1an VlV IVV wilwlcll Smldmy at tloiiiineton 111 Stratioid lrw Hi iosidenioI I1l Rushlon Rd lor Mk AVIIVV HIM VVl VVVVIVVVVVVV VlliVt1ttll 4V onto June 1010 William Dal ton Iloihwoll doaily belovodNHL Imm husband of Helen Apncs llen llis horiv is lltlllt ietlrlluii to ppm iiaid oldest son of the late John Midland tor lllllrllil solvicos and pimp 1r 111 llii Hl willme lmwnwlgt will rest 111 state 111 liriox Church 211o lliiltll llotrini 111 Ulm mlH mm from 11 am to p111 todnesdaj fliigr in It lolllii ednesday BROOKS Al Royal Victoria 1105 humuwm App ham HVV MI VI HIIV VIHVIIVVVIVVIVV irital llarlie on June ti 1050 Russell Albert Brooks aged 00 years Funeral front his late res idence Thornton on Monday 1112 Sltwart leaves lll wife th IIIII it All live 1310 VK 1111 lllllt 12 at 230 pill Service at formor Margaret zimlrluil Mellon ill tol11 lri ti 1111 it 83 inj giravosido tllfl there at I1 ITIIpI tIII IliIiI 7110 Wotlriosdday evening Ii MINI II 1I St Judes Church lhornton at is 111 1111 111 Ii lt14 II lth or It mll 11 iit1o ivl 11 pm Interment liioiiiton em MUhIVV 101le ml VHUIIV WIHV1V II mi lhmMIIHI JUN HIM NV Pliom 13R Siloud 17 hoiric and one son William lliokeiiinu Via1 11 III lti and triiio iiaii ll tlIlll lfi DOWNIZY Smldvmy rlhmis Donald Stewar lomhroko floor ro la ii tollirritvsoori illiudiuiy 111111 soul of MAS iii ION daVy luneV ll 1010 in lalmvalca HI mp imam IspR 115111 punqp William liicld lVllLl iiiloved VVVV VVVVVSV VVVVV TV VVVV VV SVVVV husband of the late Minnie Former Barrie Resrdent 11 DST ll spioiiirI lliNES BARB WIRE NltlmiyV rlll VltVlllt father VOL it liolliul lill iii1111a of rillia Ont Resting 00 leP enson hm him Hi 1V HI 13 MOSS AlVl at his late residence in Elmvalc luneial service 111 St lohnsIDIes SUddenly In Toronto United Church on Monday June FUHVVVIIH IUIVVVIVV VI HIHIVVM 11220 it ct rll iallvl1430131 Hm Stephenson 10 of Wallloss Crescent floronto assistant socretary of the 11 13 HiiI Hi lBrokor Dealers Association of in 3Wth IN llllltl who died at his office Thurs Sm minivanSignVVSTOWLE day was held on Friday at Spoors IM WM ory of our mother Mary was 111 Hudson Que 13 1942 Ontario socuritios commission LVIi Stephenson was born at Iludson heart captain in tho RCASC at Camp llllll Ls Capt Stephenson and family ro adcd in Barrie at 104 Dirnlop St lictieral Ihuldinus lrovinco oi to Sadly nusscd by the family in the Masonic 0mm 45p SlCAldiD lliNDliRS addressed husband and father Thomas daughter Suzanne and two soils until It plug rlIDSlVAV li1ursdipl Reid who lied June i040 John 11711TVV lllllt 212 15110 tor the supply or Ever remembered by Wife and coal and coke tor the Dominion holdings Vthiousdiout the Province of Ontario Posts Harley Potter constitute REWETI 1Ving memory or listinct industry llhtpare coni litrlllllt lti itlllltlllll SPTHRH dear husband Marshall Reivc imm mip conditions attacliod can be obtained from the lurcirasnie mercial Commodity with markets who passed away unc l3 1040 one lonely heal heV of their own There are Canadian AIM murmwm Ur MIN Often silent tear business firms devoted exclusively mpg IHVV Md SUIII Always beautiful memory to the reconditioningr of used bags in Iim1I ii Il11r 51 111151 him loved 50 1001 When the flood struck dealers and lorontogt1u IRcmcmllkltd always DY llrlh 1ic0nditi0nors spouted up the or Tenders should he made on tile Mk 411 mnl tumpovof wilV0k gm foinissuppliod by theVDeixiitnientt like builders ovewthmg lmm and 111 accordance llll departi ipental specifications and condi Wmlpeg FIOOd 05 their power so now there is eorr mm mmthml 1111 WI MIL swallowed Potato Bags Sldemble hole 11 Normal lWicrslicense munhers must be eiwn right to demand from any success ful tenderer before awarding the order security deposit 111 the orm of Lllliltl cheque on chartered hank 111 Canada made came in the huttorobusy spring srason and some indusuy sources believe the supply willm up before July potato harvest time orable the Minister of Public Works equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the Iendoi or Bearer llonds of tho Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Rail way Company and its constituent companies unconditionally euaraio teed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada or the aioreineirtioncd bonds and certi lirtl cheque if required to mako up an odd amount Such security will serve as guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract HY llllCT ROBERT FORTIER flood bags may advance two Ul tiiiee Used burlap baits explains The cents one dealer estimates VILLAGE OF WASAGA BEACH Public Notice To The Electors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Municipal Act and the Lords Day Ontario Act 1950 that the Question of which the STATEMENT OF QUESTION Depaiimeni of Public Works ARE YOU IN FAVOR or venue GAMES AND scours 0N WW 4546 THE Lonps DAY TO nu inmumrsn BY MUNICIPKIT 13v 63 II LAw UNDER THE AUTHORITY or run LORDS DAV on lARlO ACT1950 is submitted by the Municipal Council of the Village Of Wasaga Beach AND TAKE NOTICE THAT Monday the 19111 lay of June i950 at the hdur of ten oclock fstandard time in the forenoon in the Council Chamber at the Municipal 112111 the sittings of tch Cqurt of Revision will be held by County Judge 15 llarvie for the revision of the Voters List The first publication of this notice appeared on Monday the 12th day of June 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN Like new low mileage lieut cr defroster Dated atWasaga Beach this i01h day of June 1050 ITIIE MUNICIPALITY OEZlIIF INCORPORATED VILLAGE ll Chas Proctor Clerk Excellent condition New paint good buy Century of Progress THE CENTENNIAL REVIEW of Also good values in Used Trucks from ton to ton Sizes Box numbers 25 extra lllli HARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY llNl 1030 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1lrllllllullll to WOlCh FOI DClOllC that against 5551 itll ELECTRIC titi lltllll lliislrt iltllll IlI ul llllll gtj PHONOJQUiZ AVV 1111 Tori lllilt iiiir NOTE N1 1111 tiiiliil llllrllll Railuav Umpaiiy tlt11 ll I1 Vi Io Iiiiirlil IV VI OFFICES IKl tr l11lr ll llir iTMli inn ii1ilrt1ti VIVVAVIVVVT or Zulul port liv Iitl liiiiiler lltll tiIopliorie fsl ll1l rollccl lIlciii Ellll or Inn Will ll 111173111iiiiioio El in It 11 AUCTION SALES lnnc oii il ola imlt lwzicliip iiiliiiiil till lkiiidiliillsriktziTilili iiiiit lll1t osi Call Craig Hunter llllli lrl oi ItERlILIZIIR Anion Mills Auction San oi lilllllA and no 11 1d lcoholios Aiionyurouil laorary 11V rpm OIL Sup All lint Slesurr Ariel 12lti on hing lrrli llllillollitlIs lllSlr Vcdncsday Julie 1kirion Allision lot Count Road Ill iiiilosVuoiih of tilt lluzlr VV 35110 11co llttlillli titlii at of wav for complete dispersal oi Rlih MLCAUSLAND 111 lonni 111cm Chaptl lund1s St lllltlllltlll VIVVVVVV IVVVVVVVVVVIVVVV SLV mm WV IVVVVVVVI Imd VVI hum Hugs HVVI ltllh carrying the blood of Markss SirVililllll Sale at pm iltllll Iliursday June 12 Esiaii of tin SALES RENTALS lt1d1ojewki Sig lot miles till of Sale iallll arne 118111938 ege stock and Iie implements llltllltln WV 1m Jose Loni Sale lilo p111 66 TORONTO STREET Slossor Auctioneer Iiix Phone 111111 and Sproule Auc latt Coir llirllliloll lniiistil Auction and Terms cash illt tractor llINDfilllSlOR COAL AND tllxl may THE BARR EXAMINER CAN plea can only Twl 3301 SUFVIVlnii ht ll llll tire tilitirlslilllrtt and elittoisrtt FILL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS REID111 Iovinpvniemory of dear former Kathleen ler1fold one laiitiir for Coal Kalil hi lrLr Wed Barrie 16 Dairy Ration Buyer TO Supply Bags BARRIE FLOUR MILL ll Ond install Vistocks when tendering one byproduct 01 me Red Riwl 1VOnunutolvmc mu domde The ltilllllltlll reserves the ers rampaging is an acute short age Of used burlap bags reports The Financial Post Millions of them have gone into the desper AilrSllflmidtrellge 303111501110 Iii thcmeantiinefprices 0fnsed HOWARD SOUTHWIND payable 101illJlftLLlLlllJ1411Lnt NIAITCOQYore V7 THE EAMED WEATHER MAKER Summer Conditioning for Stores lliecs PEASE ECONOMY FURNACES VI We have the equipment to do SHEET METAL WORK Of All Descriptions WH KIRK SW 64 inryiieid St BarrieV Phone 3020 Acting Secretary SEE THE FAMOUS OTACO no 21 MANURE SPREADERS Famous for more thanthlrty yeargtlie place No 21 Manuro Spreader is designed Ito make your spreading work easier speedier andmore protable All rotating parts Except the conveyor are roller bearing mounted Wooden bux Autom otive short turnctceringLoadinthelght 40 inches Spread to 754 feet Equipped With pneumatic theses shown or Iteel tired uiheel models cotter MOTORS LTD NEW USED CAR LOT 25 ESSA RD AT CNR PHONE TRACKS 5431 Essa Township More than 100 pages of the record of Essa Township in stories and pictures Interesting information never Ibefore compiled in one historical review PONTIAC POST PAID ADVANCE corms 55c PIOVBox 410 Alliston Ont no 121TRAIGVTORWSPREADER ier WHEELED Plume 2429 all persons the llllt lia Itltlli lllll on lirnce oi to Lillie iii 111 lixcellrill loiilioi IIIUNI Ilfii lllllltti 11 11 itil Ill l11o if it dolor Nrvno on hmr east afnt li raisii ioorile Tornrs cash WOrldS trvpewfifel lll7 sWeetened $7200 it Air Conditioning Units PLUMBING HEATING ALSO AVAILABLE

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