11111 with the GRAND AIIILI IINIIZRIAINMIZNT Eve Shows LAST OMPLETIZ SHOW 840 11111 STARTS WED COLOR CARTOON FEARLESS 1111111111 3111111 11111111 THE 1111 0F WlttltM 111111111111 IIIIIAMA 11111 SEEIHES WITH 11111111 PUWER 111111 nssmm $80 HQUSE 91 ES MON russ ONLY rwo DAYS GRANADA ENIERTAINMENT MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ACTION PACKED HITS Matinee Wednesday 230 pm 11111111111111 11111111 is tMUSl Best in Barrie FEATURES ItOISI IIUITON RUIII WAltliICK and 835 pm r912 31 DAYS on llAllNIili WED 230 11111 IN T113008 11111111 31111 CtIUtlE 111111111111 11110 1111111111th tnnu Atl llllBlIlt PATIIRSUN CHARMS W111 2nd HIT new riff 1101101 CARTOON bill1 Eve Shows and 840 pm BOY GRADUAIIIS Another Oro boy to graduate last week at the University of Toronto was Fred Taylor son of Mr and Mrs Taylor Shanty Bay He received his Bachelorof Arts degree Voteran of both the Army and Air Force hc att llded Vic toriaCollcge Fred is slicnding the summer working as assistant to Wilfrid Jury at the Old Fort Martyrs Shrine Port MCNICOII An Invitation LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 840 1111 Tune in CKBB Each Morning at 1030 com for MOVIE MERRYGOROUND mxmmm All citizens of Barrie are invited to the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of Ilillcrest Public SchoolToronto St Bar ric on Wednesday June 14 at pm SPEAKER AT KIWANIS Tonights dinner meeting of Bar tic Kiwanis Club abCommunity House will be in charge of the U11 lderprivilcged Childrens tee with Redmond chairman IThe speaker will be Mitchell icxecutivc director Kiwanis Boys Iand Girls Clubs of Toronto and member of the Riverdale Club His subject is Its Great to Be Can adian Commit Il1 1111111211 111 111 1111 11121111 11 1111Ii 1111111 1111111 111 ItllflViIlft of 191111 13 111 IntI 111 nuiscn 11 111 11111 111 1111111 1111 111111 111111111 you 11111 do 111111 11211 111111w 111111 11111111111 c111ifuliy 11111 11 It 11111111 111111 is 1111 11111111311111 111 11 111 day can 11 111111 1111111zs 1111 7111 1111 1111 satisticd 2111 1111 11111111111111 111 lllllllll What fortify you 1111111M 1111111 Iltllillll 11nd courazzc days Mu lt 11151111111 I111ltlltt 2111111 llt1 elicctfulticss 1I1tst 11c gtlalttl arc supplith 111 1111111 111 abundant x1111 cacii 1111111fy1111 11s11i1 this 11111 11111f111111 ppm mw Hi SHHMI THNWS Unulmiun HElltllltu 11s 1111111111 1111111 car Wynn 1114I at 11c 111111 111 1111 latter part of Jinn1 mm Hlql Hm in Hmumuuu HUM UN In mm ddvguh 1111111111111 11t11s1 11111131111 1111111 1N111 unn1c 111 111111 tar ill llild ltLlislctcd 1111 lmulllilitDingllhtxuX NHL lhm IIltl Ulltltlllll ll 11 11 i11111111 Iinalp 11 11 11111111 Irustcc 11 IIIIIII 1H mm NU 11111111 to 111akc llll itil inessngc 1111111111111 Illlt1ltltlll 111ss Iiclcn 5111111 1111 51lllill Itlukc Louustaffc 11111111111gt tlt 11111111 111111 111 131 NIWW IHt only 1111111H1 11 1111111 11111 Allssdtsrlc Ii11111cc ftcr thc 11111111111 Smith wimu WW outh High rth Sir VillIani Oslci success your man w111k 111 your lifc endeavor to 111111 lttgltcst regions of Iltc arm and 1111 blc piofcssion to which you belong Ilcv IIO1I1 was introduced 1111111111 111l A1155 11 Rulsum was 11111111as llc1rroll and thanked by Repeated tn 1111iii1111111 Minn1 1211 11111 111l1tll 11 111111 till 1111 11111 111 1111 1111 of 11111 and cut1 with 1111 111a continuation 1011 t11111111 measure turn to the Lord day 11 ti111 11 13 1111111 11 111 1111 1111 c1111 lllntllt 11 tltttitIIII1 I11 1cl111111d RI II If Ililtlllll lo 111 and put it to 111 11111n11 ss Itluda 11111111 ire 1111 11 part of Linn1 111II IIOWII ILN 1111I 512111111111 11111111111111 111 Iias Ynlk l1lt Message Famous Medical Man to Graduating Nurses 1c1al cc111111s Only Children Five by Dec May Enter Kindergarten in Fall Only children rcaclnnu tlic aptI 111111111111 tlic datc was Feb of five before Dec will be allou in was changed by 1111 board 111111 LttltMtlltlllUlI with kindcrpartcn and primary tcachcrs principals school board confirmed at its nitcling on iinspctIor and cducation authoiuns pititltcrcd that children startini school at too bentfit from cd 1111 Thursday Dec The parents Ivqlltslillg with birthdays first of the month he admitted to start school in fhc Scpltmbcl the public school date was lt1veral weeks ago and shortly prccctl llscwhcrc Opinion announced the l11lltl1lll ati age do 1111 The board dccidcd no exceptions could be made WIREWORM ONTROL IlIIiICI0WN ONT 111 Ilx pcrimcnlal work had been in receipt of letters from lhc llilllllllt tllttlll warrant ddm mtChilme mm 1mm th Thc occupants Mrs Sthan lat Thc enquiry Itrlltmtd 111111 an 11 house and Morris Charland wcrc 11111111 of the choir singers they had wet 111117lllflllltlltd btit 111111 the ppm molostod by police when they 51RA10H1 WINS 1oisc Ihcy hid bctn adllll IOI stopped at rcfrcslnncnt stand chcral hours in rough seas At at one point they had attempted to tow but had broken an oar or They left their swatnpcd boat watCh For Detals and walked for about two milcs t1 on 11141111111 Prlmary Classes Ilic residence on the island of Tom Essa Road Warren He took them to Beaver control 111 In prairie ptmintrcs 11as led western Ontario experimental farm staff members to recommend similar treatment in this area They believe losses can bc cut 111 per cent with use of gammabenzine hexachloridc an MODERN LIV used to be It is up to the famin to make sure the best use is beinL and made of what is available recreation is worth sacrificingI somc oldtimc prejudices for TRENTON tONT COURIERADVOCATE won IDate Corrected In Ihursdays issue of The Ex amincr there was ancrror in the late of the Deanery at St Pauls The correct date is Tucs Innisftl day June 13 Todays apartments houses are not as roomy as living quarters Family DR BELL HIS WORLD FAMOUS GIRLS CHOIR ARE chING TO BARRIE One Night Only Wed June 28th Barrie Arna Dec 31st 1930 bcr BARRIE PUBLIC scnoorjBoARD VQMWWQQQ counties ws Huronia Theatre lLoeated two miles 51111111 01 Barrie 1111 con xccssion 14 Drive south on Highway 27 turn Ieftonn first road pastlcltiverleaf nnrtrnour T0 Tin DRIVETN NIGHTLYFIRSTSHOWATDUSK XTYBring the childre no oysdttng pro 1lnidivlductlcar speakers INo parking problem 41 Come dressed as you please Ideal for shutins warming serv ekConcession stand STATE FAIR DICK HAYMES Cartoon 1111mm DRIVEINOTHEATRE We are Happy to announce the very low price of $100 all seats and on the same program wi PROMISE TICKETS INSTITUTE BAND Under the auspices Barrie Curling Club We offeryour ap Creamery SAM STRANSMAN Proprietor For The Year 51111 111511 Iunc 11151 Will Take Place In Tuts Itmc 2311 111 111111 11111 110111 typographical error in the handbilliwhich wejeecntly distributed in Minets Point stated that iiesirmitk would beisupplicd by Barrie Creamery The item should have read Dairy ST MARYS SEPARATE SCH OOL S1 Barrie To be eligible for cnrolnicnt for the above ycaia pupil must be six years old before Proofof age of each chilth must be furnished the school before the child will be ad mitted to the class in Septem Barrie Separate School Board MR FISHER H15 BARRIE COLLEGIATE YOU THE GREATEST MUSICAL PROGRAM EVER HELD IN BARRIEI VAILABLE at the usual agenci and from members of the Curling Club after June I4thGet Yours Early ologies to the Barrie HIS es 11 11 l1 11 11211 le Int 111 Wm Iil1111111 1111111111111 111gt 1111111111111 ltltulltd 151111111111 lb 141111111 11f 1111511 11 1111111 1111 Vt fllvx lm minim 1mm 21m sailsfud that 111 11112111 111 I1I Luisl 111 1111ti1s 11111111111 sltlllbbsio 1I111 11111 1111111 1111111 11111 111 111 III 1111 tlic 11111lI 11 WW1 13 Mil mi Kill U2 llllim flu1r t1l11 1111 Mt P111111 If lllt Jim HHHT hm LU 1m hdmill MUIMH Ni 121 lmd not takt 11 the action 2110 did Itllmllfi 11 HM SAN H1 NP llwfil mm dwmm ITS up they would not litc 111111 1111111 in WHHWI HLIUHW 11111111111i1tls 211111 cd lnc 111111 infoi 1111111111 1111 th1 pimplulu hp impnvr UN s1t1 111 11111 tys 11111 111kc1 sliowcd tolotcd 11111Its 111r part Desks for Schools May Cost $29000 11 11111 111 1111 11pi1111s11i 111131111 2111411 it 1111112Exoneraed VIOLENCE puts THE Ys 11111111 fCGr Search Case toncn ro Huston most nausea AGEI Yli IIJIIII 11 514111 33111an nip 111 11 11111 11 1111 113111511 11if11u1 bunEl 1111 114 51111111 111111 13111 111it1 21111 1111111 1111 11111111 511 1f11 11 $11 111 11 11 111111141 111141 11 111 11 11 1lL11lu 1131111 tc111l 111 14 11111111 11 1111 Mb will 11 112 Attutr 11111 11141 Inlttc it 111 pimpHM 311111 lttgaldv 111it 1311111 1I gth 111111111111 11111H 11 LL pp 1111 11111l1 I1 11 1111111 11 11111141 is 111 111 111 11111 131 1111111 vblri 11f Ila11 111 21111 1111 11 my Jutln ago z11 11 1111111 11111111111 11I11l151111111141 on 111111113 111 111 pitpm 11111111l11 311 1111111151111 1111 lttl11l 11 111111111 1i 1111111 11 211111 1111111111 Ii111 1111 111111 11fft1l 11111111111 if 111 yI1 111 111l1 11111 Itch11 Ilt 111 1111 41111111111 VIM11 111 1111112 1111111 singcls 111 111111111111 11 111rli 1111 1111111111111gt for liquor 11111 111111111l1 istifmi 11111 of tuaptuli 11tl 111111 ntI 11111 11i1 11 11111 p111ii1 1th 11111111111111111111111itchs1 lt11111it1111l il1t1 11111 11111 s1iri 1311111 1th 1111111 111 1151111 11 11111111111 5111111 11 11L111I1ntc taken 11 111 11111111 1111d 1111 11n would 115 1111 Antwan11111111 gt121i 1111 liit 111 llll pl 11111 111ir11111C11s11111 1111 111f11111111111n 111fou 1111k1 1111111 11111 11111111 2111111111 111111111 13 Spazlin 11 1111111 justifird in watching for 11111111 11s icsuit of 1111 unusual 1gt11111111111 11 111 MI Itnttt 11111 111111 111111 111 11 111111111 Icaitictl tIIc libarl llltlt 1111d sanl 1111 lltllllcic111l111 ARLEEN WHELAN 1113 p111 llilll 11 11111111Is 11 1111 ic1 1111111 11f11c1rs were 111 11111111 tuxmowertum1111213651thMum 11111 11111111 last wmtcr clotbts and off duty 1111111 thcy lutdtnllyatbmtCP1W1vl 11111111 took pl1c1 pl tI11r 1tlll Into 1111 rc III ftcslnncnt stand to 1111kc pur 1111a 5111 Ill ton in his cruiser OII lhcrc zir Missing 12 Hrs Two bccn alcrtcd for possible accii dcnt btit the boat and its occupants tlrittcd ashore at Thorah Island at least 13 Inilcs front where it start chasc Mr IOrtcr added 11cn 1111 Lsaw 1111 group 111 How of rcccnl 11111111 disturbances Iic dccidtd to1 itllOCR for liquor AdaIrs III was 1111 his 111 with lady friend of PC iSparlinc Mr lortcr said many lllticpcmlw Um icnt witnesses said btforc Inspector Moss during his enquiry that 11111 lactions til the group wcrc noisy tnl thc ctrcmc ll on Lake BASEBALL IONIIE Monday JUNE 11 RCAF Camp Bordonl rillia pcoplc in an rd motor wcrc missini on Lakc 1co1 for 12 hours Sunday lro cial police at stvcral spots 111111 Stiggcstion that thc officers had been drinking was denied by sc clal witnesses the ttorncyIcncr pHONo QUIZ 630 pm Admission 35c ranged to transport the two back to Orillia Wma=raimsbx 11 11 II It II II II Fl If 49 11 II Manimba 100d Relief Fun TOWN or 13111111111 PROCLAIVIATION 11 The catastrophe which the IIOod waters have brought upon the people oibthe Province of Manitoba constitutesa Challenge to good citi zenship and Canadian unity With the grad ual decrase 2in the leVeloI the Waters the ex tent ofthe damage becomesmanifestlygreatest therefore urge fall organizations groups Idservice and Jsocjpl iclubsiar1devry individbal resident oiltheir ToWn of Barrie to contribute With all possiblegenerosity fodhe Manitoba FloodRelief Fond Contributions Will be received and acknowl lodged by the TownTreasuraeIrT Edwin