THE BARR FXANIINFR IONDY IINF litIi Army In Flood Fight At Winnipeg li11 til1 11111 it 01me i151 Retilui lltxnttiis flopping lltlll1lill1llllltl hut liniws Andante tll iv31 dill 111 vl altsi 11 111l httle 1111l111i AGED 311 11 13111111 ITS MELlOWtTS FRAGRANT 11111115 awn 1111 l111 HS SPARKLINGns FAMOUS llitw Ilallktr llvil 1l1111 l1 ttv oal out the full ll11111r of 11111 1l11la llllflll llIi VStltJll Milli any of llll llnre ll1111 111111 p1 llllm 1111 l11111 It 111111 1111i 11111111 Illllt it lilltl ltll1 t1ftet1 1113 tied in 11111 11l11py 111111l111 11 11111 li1l11 Strulh 11 led Vinegar Km WHITEvCIOERMALT Quotation from sent lime Vool irowtIs letter of May There is one way 11111111i 11 lHt1 leta costume to llt sure of TOP MARKET PRICES for your wool elip IIOW 1111111111 lhrn with ll ll tilOOI lrlitittlo a11adian ooperative WOOI Growers Ltd SECIRI BAGSlj 11m lYIIC Glll ii 11d graded 511119111111 i111 1111111111ul tau IIIIING YUIIK VIHH111l1111111111r III IIICQIII lilttl 1111 1111tli111 711111p11at1141 Wool rash adv 1i111111 hipment met if Itsuerl 171111111 H151 for bags tuine tags do it now lfiiutftlitxllt1 wt111 1l 1111 11p winr 1111l 11 the door 1711 intall pitl 11pci11r1 COOP Phone 2429 BARRE CROSS YOPR cove ASSSSV 00L We are in strong advancing wool market at the pre Canadian 11operat1v1 11 CIIlllil 111ttilll ltllllllliti lope dance 111111111 111 111 liltttllt sequined de and till Illlt 11 111 completet 11 11111101111115110111 1111111115 111111151 01111 WHENUS DOLLARS do your part to create goodwill and condence among our US lvisitors It is good business for Official rate Ofeichang of $110 Canadian for $100 it will remind your salesstaff of their responsibilities 211 so Hart vsr nu 1mm US Funds Accepted at the Official Rate SLOO US SIM antiill 511 issued HANGE CONTROL BOA under authority of the Government of Canada Copies of this cardVate being sent you by your own Iradc Association or Chamber of Com merce Additional copies may be secured by writing the Secretary of your Alsatiatlon or The Foreign Exchange Control Board Ottawa iby you to accept US currency whenever tendered by customer lt hh you accept US currencyyoutate required to allow the full The statement on the front in spire US cu are simple rules and examples for ma cuvrrenc l11111rl 111 11 lllll 1111111 1l 1v1il gt1 111 1111 1111 sudcli 111 111111111 111111s tott 1111111 11 1l 1111111 if 1141 11 lttl ll t1l illllt l1 1f tram1111 in 1111iI111l tl1 gt 11 1li 21111111l lill W1 11111 unlit lllllt It 11 1l1l1 t1l11lll 11 111111 111 1111l t1 tn 111w 111111 l1e I11 l11 1lt1l I1 1111 1111 1w 1l1111 tea Mt tltlr 11l1ill ll1tlll 11113111 1il11tlil 1111c 111l111l11111 1111ll1l1ei11p lll 13111111 that cool 1111111111111 the 1111 11 Seal paraffin 111 heatwall 11lit1d t1 1lt 1111t 11 H111 Suitch 1111 tllll Ildllttl Hull ll thitltlltitn 111 11 lu 11l11ll it it dlli II l111li11plant 111 sueeest that you In Hl place111l1p11l111 I11 11 is fill 31 IM 11I 111 111 1vl111111 trtinzerator Vllll1lilii Mild until all 1111111 111 tilled illll 111 11 11 11 111111 11111114111 l11111 I1111 loattlj Hm rm111 Knapp and 111Il Such Illllls lrl1l1 and lttl l11tx111i Sui 11111111111111 1111111 l1ltl1tlttlt t11iht111es and tnnp llltttlvlt l1t1l prcial lung 4ill1il4lllt3 lll flltlt and keep 11111 131111 1111 the 11ml11r then 111111111 11111111111 11ltl111on of The tuiale 11111s111l 1111111ltl mil mmml Ill 1L HMAK my Han 1pptai1t11e l11tt11 1thaVtttp McQua lt1n111 tilt 31111ullplilliE qltt It WWII 15 Pl Itll roll shoe toutiue was pet1 gtl 13lilWl Ntllllil NW All lllonchm 1tptacl11w and similar 1l111pl1 v1s also lt1ltill andifHtm 11y 111nm Sylvia llulletr l11r 1111 81111111 Itereuson Mary Ieriy tiolurta Illdet llilllilllt Webb ltan Warehzun loati Ferl cuson 11i Iwry Ii1lu1i hvvie 11111111 ui gtliltt hornpipe and pantoi linune with mops and pads featured llltllll Nichols Norma eil livelyut Smuh loan Ferguson and ll lid1r1is Ihe 1111111 chorus per I111 med hornpipe 111 11l111 111111115 lmm skins 11i1s1i1le l11lt pack aizrnu peaches and pears to use lsp citric 111d 111 the syrup 111 1111111t 1I1gtcol111 1111111 Stiawlietrtes hold their shapel and do not 111111 in syrup it they are left Itlgtmli 1n syrup over nizzht helortlep1ck1i11L the same holds hub in 11111111111stra1 hetrtls ti lr1u1t 111111 raw 111111oke1t keeps lrozcn 111 quart 111 nt jars prol idinn one inch 111 l1e1lpace is 11non McQuay sane the words 111 the Teddy Bears Picnic danced 111 teddy lcu costumes by Douglas loe1n htrel Richardson 111111111111 Murdock I1111nal1lson Sharon Archeson and Karen Ilare left before placing on 11 rubber band glass top and screw band Vegetables may he frolen on lhel same day as fruits and placed 111 the same SlZl cartons The opening number of the even 1111 was tap petfornud by the lchortts to the music of Id ye laked Cake THE QUESTION BOX Mrs ll asks flow can we cook heels in pressure cooker to keep them good red colour The Start of lypical Class was serus 111 dance exercises Answerwlo cook beets in prcs done by Susan Sunpson Carroll sure saucepan wash thoroughly West Iacolyn Denny Gail Wilson illail McLean lcan Cunningham loan Brown Carol Itpitbtill Mar iearet McVeigh loan Patterson and Joan Mitchell lluncers in military tap routine in red satin military costumes were leaving all but one inch of tops and the roots 011 Place beets on rack with inch water in the pressure saucepan Adjust cover and allow steonpto flow out the vent to release all air then place on indicator 11111 cook for 10 mins at 10 lbs pressure It is necessary that the saucepan be cooled immediately by placing in the sink or in pan of water filled the entire recital on the 1lilllt to mum its depth Runow lhe dance instiuclress entertam ed at the True Blue llall ihc11zmvcr soon 15 1h llltfhullvdh Qhe holds hm classes luormal 111d skin beets Season with on Friday it let ervi 1D to maintain the evening for the pupils and their parents Joan Mitchell Wendy Waite and loan Patterson Mrs Page accompanieed red colour fresh fruit pie from boiling ovei ArtswerAllmv cupsvol fltll for inch pie and blend togetltr with cups sugar tbsps llozr Canadassf 35 purchases must be 16 111 juice Wrap piece of wet parrh ment paper along the edge of he filled pie plate and place pie it preheated oven of 450 dogs f0 10 mins then reduce the heat to 350 dogs for about 30 mins TO relucc the heat we simply move the itdic ator on an electric oven to 35C and lct the temperature fall eradially Annc Allan invites you to write ito her CO The Barrie Exaniner ad in your suggestions on tomc making prob ms and watm this column for replies US APPLIANCES TOASTERS 01110st KETTLIS he condehce of youl stomers On the back king change for US You save fifteen mime out of every ironing hour Vifh the GE Featherweight Iron Meighs only pounds $1250 URRYS WINE3 asks HOWterrcvenc tsps tapioca and ll tbsps lcrmn Stoyner Wl Sponsors Child Health Centre Public Speaking CNE Contests 111m wumvou NEED IT 550 SIOO $500 $l000 1111 11 11 1111+ t1in1lv1lll III Ill Alllil SlI llctt Itt1 l1 1tt= 11 31 11111 1111 i311 111111 ark were rescued Zleli ll or 111 1111121112141 11 washout 11 1111e 1112131 11 11111111 IV 11 11 ltl1 11 tuned in army and navy tlttgtziltill 111111111 the gt tritltittn tlzu i1lltlttl lftlltlllltlt121 111 srruit 11L111 12111 11 11 11 UP 74 MOW RCPW t1i1htlt112lui1 toIitil1111neol tlu ltllxWsi ltw1 111 if 4211 1l1i=hlt1t the 1l1111 pit1311151111111 the transer 111 load nut1211 which 11 12111121111 11 111 IMHH Kik llllilllil 11 111 llti tciltlflv 1L1 lllllhllr ll llly NAIIthU ItllAINtif llltilit 111Ieltnl 111111111111 1111111111111i111s ICQIOH Bowlers Un1 ue onor or OH THE BARRE cct mm 63 5101 Children 800k 11121111111111 1111 521479 00 11111 111 111 1211111111 tampon $49045 Jug I3 1d 1l111 1111l l11111111t 111i ilr $70058 wind 111 1111111 111 the 1111111 111= lrnil 11111 jufljf 11H 10111er1111111 60011 PURPOSE 11 gt 11 nl Iltrcl 1t 1111 11 the 1lllt 1111 111 1l I111lLv11 1111111 1111 Phone er 0p In today 11lto 111111t111sts II lict 111111t11l 111 1111111111 11111 111 lhe 111114 Irattklxn oi the write IN 111l1tit III ha 111111l will HI ll lihllui lh1at tll1l1 laid v111111 11111119111 Il1111111111111111Ill 11l111l 11 llttil 111111li 11 111 am MM 5314 MI 11 rmk 1m may 1111 to Hi littlilltlf ilvllltll mai 1l11 Inn 11 11 Ali l1tt 11tl Illtl1ti II 26 llxaboth Street luliil 111 1311 txlt 11111 11 11d il1 11111111 L1 ll1l1 111111111 1111l vls Ph 5529 In IIW Ill il Sunday 121 i11l1 11 the l111111 111l111li 1l 111111 1Ii ti 81111 on 00 on 111111121 today 111 Howrwv 1lt w1111 11 111111111111 111 111a 111 11 ARR 111 11111111 11 1111 1111 Street 11111 1111 11 11111 111111111 ORIHUMNC Itlltll WI lllill Ill 11 The 1111 eluit 111111 1l11l111 111 lht 1111 111at1111 oi 1111 I11k MlIllwaavsit gulltlndnal1Jhlnn ttllilt lllli il WW ifl llilltlltllll tin 11111111 Iltllllw l11111l the donut Mr 11111 10 1flm1l27lix1fuiom 11111 1ss ll1111 11Itlll 1th Ill tort lt1111111111 1111111111l 11111l11 pun 11l11l tin 1111111 lot the 111I=l MESH V3 151 luml l1l liecn M11 111 pull 11 111111 111 11111111111 hr 1l11vn 111l tour lltll closed the 1v111111r ti11 1ti1l1ii111s l1t1 111 111 anuda mums 1111111111 111111 1s WI liiltgt it It llwklm 111111111111 rhatiman liltli llam 1111111 111tl11gt Stl111111l11 1111t11 II the lIl1llCI llu JU Itlliil III llll 1rt cluh it the workmt 1111gt111l111 to Mt lnlmhttl MItllltill 11 the 111111111111 1111l tl11Jtatt1l1l1u 111111l lianttllil Ill itllilllilll mate thought illr woil displayed 11111 111 111 1111 June and 111m limit cahhre the annual l111 glll of the tanatl 1111 Authors 1111111on on June in its children hour In addition to the New llrul1gt1t1ck 1l11p1r1111111t of saves mnUIes or more The book ri published It Mt education has authoried 11 for red Iellattd 1111 Stewart lagtt Novent quircd reading 111 1111111 pulihc our every ronng hour 1111 and 111 he published in the school ttttlt 111 gm 11 1111 111 G1ftwmpped for your convemeno tulipsAlert ompany illAlllll IlHICb 1111111111s o1 Iranklm of the pretty cowtl had made low Arctic have already been lttllild mark in 111 exam and she went to 11141 1111 tlls Cuckoo lock we the professor alter class House program and other sections D11 you grade on curves asked 111 11 mil be heard next winter in the youne thunz YOUR AUTHORIZED ill the lillltllill school liroadcusls The to 11111 sputtered the Irol llllllt1lll broadcasting commission 11atit on what you put tl1tl or DunlOp Stu alize the hook dlttltllilllll to so your paper AELE 112cm 11 Heres why th GE featherweight cuts ironing time by as much as 11 third Because its so lightonly three pOundsyou glide the icOn backwards andforwards fastecand with far less fatigue Because it has an extra large soleplate you cover more ironing surface with every Stroke Perfect balance and the cool comfortable handlg make it easy to keep up the high speed right through big ironing ngertip controlled Fabric Dial tunes inlwthe correct temperature for every fabric See this iconsoon The moment you take it in your hand and feel its light weight and superb balance youll know that the GE Featherweight will iron out your ironing troublesAvailabIe wherever electrical appliances are sold heat control at your finger tips Eay touse aasylp set easy to check Always cool to the touch Its tastier bej cauu ills lighterl instepdobfivel So perfectly balanced 1001 31 BAYFELD ST ATTHE 1111 POINTS VICII CANADIANGENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY lIMIfID Head Office TorontoSales Offlcosrfrom Coast to Coast toocuts ironing time by 0th three pounds Phone 3721 Its faster be cause the extra large soleplate covers more ironing surface with every stroke Itrleu tlrlng because of its ightweight and perfect balance Comfortable handle heebs really cool 11