I57lll The Home Newspaper kwi IMONDAYc mm tor Barrie and District County of Simcoe in Year NM sicL Lt1 iiIbrWdltiI HE ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER vittsvu people of the district some idea the recreation service The pan concentrate on communi Huronia Theatre Located two miles south of Barrie on run ccssion 14 Drive south on Highway 27 turn left on first road past Cloverleaf Bring thchildreoa sitting pro In ividual car speakers jNo parking problem Come dressed as you please Ideal for shutins Free baby bottle warming serviceiConcessionst MATING or MILLIIE GLENN FORD EVELYN KEYES Cartoon and Short WEDNESDAY THURSDAY CHINA GIRL GENE TIERNEY Cartoon HURONIA DRIVEINTHEATRE Qssb GEO MONTGOMERY centres teenage recreation lea crship and program financing pi blems Wood of Orillia will Syocial recreation will be led by county director Miss Louise Cr ley and her assistant Miss Fe ing esy of the recreation board Last the Dutch family the situations and problems met by chairman in charge of the meeting Hampel at the close otthe meet Films to be shown arctlie tech oI el be lit Ill it of Roosevelt which contributed tvo United States presidents is Henri EARRIEjOthARIO rrrWisif litthttlatiaietQDIL leuiatedustitutes student year book eapalily wiritte students Is now off the press in 7lllleopy edition 75 attractively laid out pages packed with interesting features photographs art work and accounts of the The book ha at the school included are graduating la IImCh mumC WIII I10 DIOVIdCd work and other activities are also by the ladies of Guthrie and coffee pictured WI be sewed through the court1 Reports on the various forms by Itheform reporters are carried Near the beginning of the book is mess age from the principal RBow man whose picture ilCCOlnDdlllCsI the flIigt IvhfvliiUVY Several editorials II gtllltltlli are pact nfithieilgoolz uliill also includ Its CalcndaiToI School livents II and compiled by listing activities Iiwi glie past year Edlitlllstllltl IIs lirry fuck btuin associate eilIiiii Mary Ellen Young Diane lllll ITxtllillitit editor Bmrrley Allsopp alumni editor Nuiity Rodgers business manager Robtrt lainson business assistants Brittle llalfyard Allan roydoik Joch lcarsall Sandra ltuth Anah Ha art Lloyd Itkinson photo past years activit ics photographs of IIlt ssesk all the schools nicolor music Short FiddlcDcelt clubs and groups the band llu gimp B1 Vlmumf 19130M015 Dee arcanocing and boating film schools sports teams continence glrmiillhlmlc Villfft jfldlllc rs and Paddlesand Creative merit exercises staff of the year b0 Xmllm IIII1Ihldlnm H3315 Short film on nger book Sta BCI the high school schoolcvents Mary llaliis Joanne Wilming boaid and others Athletics drama Whmlllldc Sttlffadvisers were iylr llllxlltilllh MISS riald hliss Smith Mr Knox and MitCutler Them lbusiness thanks men supported publication of the 7Cill3bookwvilli their advertis mi staff igxiiiessed Willem Frederik van Rosevelt an lexl Amsterdam Chinese restaurant In the Literary Seetioii are poems 1r Ndilrtfmw lessays and short stories with the GIVQ US lllIVmIinicpt I2 nun utes and will spend $ltlttlll0l Mills DANCING 91 Special Gel Acquainted Dance Friday June at PINE CREST Ittniiles north of Barrlc on nghyvay 27 mile west towards Ante For Gay ifFun Packed Hilarious Evening DONT MISS THIS DANCE It IUCS it that the year round DIXIES SMOKE bllUl JACK NS GRILL SM STUDIO Vllldler DRUGSTORE or ADMISSION 50c ANY EllIt le MEMBER blleliltl loeal business MONDAY AND THURSDAY Sc Copy $300 Yo OI than to ID IIi ight Graduates IFri day Iune at8 pm Town Hall Stayiier IcamxsmomrwmmmxcnSta er clergyman winners In Barnes Annual Fish Derby ii III womanems Mr II Illells of Services RVH Class of 50 ismmmvm am If iii ISM arm mu II and at asa no littvitlthluspeieit III III hi ILHI iii ii II HOUSE HITS or This attenuated II lma ATIII IIIIII In tip II It in Iiv it in II First With the Best in Barrie Utimm or you so II IIgl Tannin IttIll flint tlti Ill III Iilzlllltttt IiiIii in III II It lw contvzmiit to lgtlllltt IIII ii pupil ilII Ii HA an mi lmnioam Can C1 Man Make Woman DO Thlngs mt pinata lin poizilanoi Vrhe present NM dump my my IS IJ tl iii itiiiiivii who IlIIl tin Yul lio that lltli it posIIII II WW mm mlmmx it Linn ll thr want In illIIIll WWhChIIor lit Iii tinli in not tittlli plums II ram in Iti tr II Bob unmng hill In ilrt il ili XI llli lr III an WI Iii tllitlllillrlltlll and gtt Jn II II In on lvillllilltttl tltllltlit iritl II II on lllllllitll tour at Iixrl ttin tune LN n3 Tm mm mi 11 In drema oi Homing MN 01m IIIHIIIIIHIH antler Par II villi tni liiilltilnp of in tIt gm and tin lttllll1 layiin It tia LynIN II IEIIW ncunl Iliill You 09 III to uni aii tliltllhl lllltl mu Ilt miiimg maidcot0l ii citation trutciiiizotiou on lt itllltillllit loi Iuitlni iiai Isl AItKf mp moir lllltllll support ot the tllllltli lltIWEW dUIY MEI III Bell littll lurid he called Him In the aims of woman III hlIOHS Ill III Mm fur vwwmlmwu bmndhd SPY Ill llcv Itlllllli of Stall III told oi Iiiildinii Itttt til IIII WW HM on mum iv mm It =i ii llllI LII km REM my WWW mler ivlivil in mm gm 1Int XVIII flock ll tllt Irsiiil III ll linii ii It iIL iI iII ISU law Lililtlllilt ll tiliiil ml ltlt ii II ti ltt told of snoushoeme throuzni II Ens llaliliurton parish to hold tl ZIIHMIII hml H1 llts for handful o1 children Iit ll SI Illleliey oi the St Illllit II IVl airfa fl 1h MW in WW1 1T Nni on llii II ship explained that the mission Ipiliil lll ino MI ili ii It lift tIIIbILIIHI III II PI WWW ll taken to tind lIlltll Itllilllllll 1i We 1ZIIIIIIII Ill IIIIH IIiltl IIIIViillilltSl tltluilll III II will lull IIII1I ILil llltlt AHlllgs Elli ititlll in the 21 II Iiiin ii lziI II ll II WMIER Im Antihlcm HINT toninieicw Ala Zi Iloodlls iI iioi III in oil Il1lI It fill lItiliii iiii 331 WWWOWJWESGLMSONm drilltintfllr lanky Hlltllttal Mnki Ilt IlliI iione Illl tutti MW WWW mltl Wl mum ziltl llll lili lllttl Illlt Ilir about lw li SEALED VERDHHIII mph mun Him dim Hm Itixmhn lg lly lilnlltlIjl flltttlllltiv IIlgt Iltitlittlli lilii ila LIllt of lli ii iii ill itltrijtllll to Group Insurance Plan IH sllouii once oiin each ll the liiiileswn Itsiiitl llll Stew llnliiiil litit iliil ltfll Iii l3 opened Ill llast York early in quc imih rm IEXPIOInCd To Members Iglllv xIJ lIIls said that the oiin available place Chambcr Commerce II 133 II or nurture it community hill ixscd equally by Roman atholie iIIIIlI Illlllllltl oi ii llaiia and lleslterians on Sunday and ilIIiliIi III oiiiiiiIiw tiI Maw WW gt 77V My ioi puhlu gtlll thissts tlllllllL lllt ll imam imam III wotIL lii aim ri memm mm T1 mil hiwmw Molniglzion izh discussion oil tension lilllltl 3300000 Allti gllinltl lIIIlilllll giloll illliriituul In moms it mei no 1mm ms iiili Il iiii Win OWW IIZHI lttttllltd $3l7339 IUI JIiItIlII to oiuiiloawi wt tulip ITII In rimmnxnd lmn mnwii my clipH Sllltli1tins talc 1H 1I mm rigmiwz Nm alluliun Parking signx on the west Sidt if Siztlttimt But the MIDI added 11 mmmwl llWm Marv sue 011 llltimllmt 0W UNI illt WV leoiniiaiir ltitlltlllli it could spend immediately and pi Hm I50 WIS Xttild Kliltlud III WWIIch my fitiilbly molst of half lllllIlUl Ivlmmlr NH In allpmil have granted mo in allowing itls for funerals to park In ils AI we can lo lllllll lIIt in hi circumstances is to use what we Hmn II EL hi VI lt lt lVIEIIDIJAIIIIliliKE rillirctll mm mun IL Mr Iran The lrrrililc took II5111 ltl MW Wllli In mum Mm 15 1113 WW WWWMWR MATINEE 11 with HA mm family needed III liiit luluiesc thsnnsnnnunussxsssssxsxusxnnsnssmmssssxunnnsxususs VED 230 public Lsclildgls tilt lIIlIl IIIII There were 715 ehildrlen at thelGli CO emergency housing projector Scarbom for whom hem Sundm SChool facilities should be provid Cd he slid THISSL Two LNTRANVIS the Barrie Chamber ofICommerce Fish Derby on May 24 failed to in prize but they nevertheless made Last Complete Show lsach Evening startsat 840 p111 their efforts pay They caught 20 VhiILIIhi Illlltslll lltthl Ill It PLUS THIS ADDED TRLAI II1tl0IlIII 1lll tits 11 The people of the county will be Imum TWIN JUST BULL Livcn an opportunity to review the gm 100 Whillf no wmm development and progress mm trout and at left is partner recreation SCrVice at special Ru Ferguson bum Ball ll creation RCVICW Night On WWI STANLIIY HODGIL till Barrie Ill MI CSdaY CVCIIIng JUDC TIIL 10 was one of the fishermen wholl gt 777 Iv View night is being held at Guthrie came in with giiiirl witches in nitlg Tune Each Morning at am Community Hall commencing at Chamber Wimmvin i511 lplhy 830 till May 24 Ill ltllil trout mmiwi for special satin901 the program Six pounds Ill tunnele Wlll b0 panel discussion in skit amwJ formtcr givethcnccrcatiamminderk 7P prize riinicrs III llll work listed John Dictenbakcr lit Ml liamousInternational Speaker Iuliair Iergusou ME MI MEMBER or iIARiAAMIiNr ron slitices uoirrn Di OROK Piesidni GILBERT Secretory