Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1950, p. 9

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ui WILSON BUILDING DIRECTORY the Ilarrie Irniincr rd Illl Itllllirl illtpsotl Limited Ildwin Wilson llitiiipatliic llixsiritn took tonstruclifni no II sptlcn Laboratory IIit IiXttlsioi Life Insurance lumpany Industrial tttlllillltt orparation Niagara IIltltlllt ll Scott Public School Ipspector II llarris Accountant Ilarric hamher of lommerec 210 an LEEDDY product Iltly Perkins Ilcntist YOUCA ldllrCE tattle llrFI it it Liiif ltI liti ir lit lit IIIlitllI tt Il Iii ll ll It ti s23l 1500 591 SHIPISL 4f Surveys show the preference for WtIlTE SWAN is llimes the next brand in Onl Que and the Maritimesl REALLY BEAUTI FUL RESULTS thrillineg NEW Merely matter of minutes Youcan TVSFTIHIEXJ OVER 30 THRILL ING COLORS No othervdye comes in so many colors And Timex is still theqsamelow low priceiBrinintex the largest selling 15 Dye iy iinees in opinion ilor thJ iilllithlSlllitS but the folInlaysiirrii Place in IIlitilllli In cottage provided rentfree irelrnliilitatiiia is thr tiiskof the Manitoba lilood Itcliiif Final ildirielly with lllllil in lnniiprc or paid into anyliank in Canadal IIlIIU Iiiiinclirakers Wedding an iniver es llililllil celebrateii at wluelr the niarrretlilireziri flour Sczrld tiip Hulk Stir Lounlc is showered with trzari in tillili IIPtliti ti tablespoons tiotiai grit ilhtri are slight differ shortening ir birth1 ti taii as to Illfgtllllltll5 gtIl1l teaspoon ll Ill1lfl may he used xilhoult hesitation rut rumor itsunsrtn riirirsnn use 1950 Rehabilitation Taskfor Manpon Flood elief Fuhd it Quiet Wedding At St hicrryf Gcraltinc lrvlltir selflessly shares doughnut with her Ester lianda 33IIreir home itll licrmor Ach St Vital has been inundated by the Red Itiver and now they rrclivirig or part of June they EttIL orrl by an equally selfless cot tape owner at Winnipeg Ileaeh llieir orrtribrrt ions may be addressed ItIIFRIGICILYlf ROLLS Sit liiiioiw liltlrlltlliLii il Ilil up cake yeast Dissolve it in cup lukewarm water Dentin Tent Caterpillars iThreaten Ontario 01 llliltl ili suftei this ltill from Some time ago voting married iili lilkrliiliell PWlt1 10111 CNN lwoman came to see the Salvation iillllrlilllItILIEIS of thc Science Scr loan in order to buy bedclothes illIltlit The Officer not the woman to iThc bags are not to be removed illTItII all the guests have shaken Faded fabricscome alive every old color becomes 1911 FPilr tirst mixture Beat in half the StWlltl Ylillun llout Beat the dough for mini lhrd yiarmlitlillltl lis Add the ltlllilllllll flour and 11lil ImFl Sin intat rho tottth until it blisters Mm lili WUMI illace it in gueaswl bowl Spread Slxm iilzml3 Im the top lightly with grease tovit StVtlllIl yeahCopper otbrass 10$th KN it in 1rigmm linthth yr rdlillllll 01 Iillllbtl for at least 24 hours When it has Tlmh 5rillTl Aluminum doubled in bulk cut throrreh the lWtllill ltillgllk gt0 Ilm dough to permit the passes to es lhirteenth laee cape Take ortt the quantity needed l1l1ttlllll tl llgllll iwith spoon or with buttered lhWlllvlll ltillHChIW hands hours before bakinr it Tvtllllllll1 lonlwllvw air lllacc in greased nutlin pans fill lilllltll ltIllACitllflm ini the pairs tril full Spread tops SXlllilll Dillmmll of the rolls with soft hotter than mit them to risencovered in Well it lles not matter Relatives Elfin 13131iHlflnmg or lricnds may decide to take tlietdumccS my about nnmm in trove them at once from the pans rlakes about ill Anne Allmvinvitesyrnr to writi to her co7 The Barrie lizqaiiiinir Send in your suggestions on home makine problems and valeh lltt column for replies Who has the party you may ask feted couple out to dinner and make presentation of suitable gift more informal party may be held at friends home where the plan is similar to bridal shower for the couple Then there is the surprise anniversary at the home of the happy couple The At Home parties should be organized to the extent that food is provided anee Hotel Assessments Some may bring sandwiches Are Reduced Ai Penefang cthers small cakes or ice cream tc An amusing stunt for Paper Midland Free Press Ileraldl Finis was written Saturday to Pcnctangs long history of Iltllfi Add thinit Illllltflitlil to the the best knowri among these in few months later the same IItRIgt Ill Illhl IIi ii In li marina ii it an iir Lari tla taxi in iil Ltiii iI iiit lII my lllrll iii llI llIt win ltllJdr prurhl Misu Itll llli iIIICIiN lIIIZ IS SI room iiir iit iii the Hill IIlit patch lllI up llllili liiiir ilth radish itr will oiiri Iii wit ml the tfi arid the illltiIJl Iilll ltXltlllllttll lxltltlill lr it prartire souiin wini llllll crap like rye oil buckwheat etc lliis iovei thr ioiurtl Iiicic itttl provvth and when out or plowed in late in the fall makes xiii Ecxcelleril ItlIlIltl In roilrtior in irnrichiilg 1hr not their mouth6 ilso adds eswntral Illtlllll SIMMEII LAWN IIIC rice the hot veathir start it will trot bc liltlill and it not advisable to cut is ourtc so ol ten or so short llrc lawn may need more kltlilltltl however lZv perts caution iillit glrllliillllt 3One good Utlillt iLIl itl oil Itl days Illlllll dry spi II is worth doeii ot the other kind Moit weeds in the lawn ui iaiily dis posed of with llltlill or two lull 2lI Of course there little to lll lIl May about the Illlli the leaves begin to appear When Illl cater pillars are full itrown ill the lat VX siielltreil places amour foliage or branches or often in thr ctevltir of tences and buildinus and spin yellowish cocoons in which they ispend the pupal stage The incon spicuous rusty brown moths emerge in late July or early Aug ust and lay their claps on the twins lot trees Holiday Resorts lSPlRlTUAL HELP illiiiiu main Ontario tourist areas Iainotls for their natural beauties Irllizli It Will llilhlllUS 0f Cfm Army Officer in charge of small triil arcnot taken according to the country corps She asked for tauaila Department of Apri for hor little home 011 of these resions is located tell her story She said she had ll itlltl Itlllll SIOUX ItlUklllll married the sen of farmer few and ltllitnulht lllltl lll 331111 lmilcs away ller motherinlaw Sly Midi Tlll lllild l5 lllt MHS was very displeased at her boy helm mm marrying servant girl and had Similar conditions are expected refugcd to give them more than 10 Mimi HI llll WtSllll1 llll Or one room would not let them use llrllillllillll Island and smaller in any furniture and discontinued her tesatioiis will occur throughout allowance in the son the Iovllltr of Ontario The Major wise and expel1 Althouin the caterpillar is diffi enoed woman got the woman to CHI tllllltll WI lilltlt 11mm admit that she had not endeavored landowners can obtain effective to understand her motlrcrinlaw control over limited areas such as and dull she had taken rather ornamental trees or around brrild hostile attitude to her Thc Major ings throuth early applications of advised the young wife to try the insecticides as soon as evidence of boiler way of Christian 10in glndl fellatio llllllnlnh is noted One Of helpfulness and prayed with her Stttieides is DDT readily obtain young woman called again She able as wettablc powder at was disappointed not to ndllmi concentration oligitl per cent It is Major at home but told the Lieut mlvivtl illh illtl ill lllerlc 0f cnant how entirely thingsihad al two pounds to 100 gallons of water term As consequence of her or as directed by the manufacturer interview at the Army she had The mixture metr be applied on first of all started with her ht trees with standard stirrup pump hand and together they had raised and an estcnsion hose to increase the Family Altar in their one room the height to which foliage and house Then she had endeavored buildings cairbc sprayed Migrat in every way 10 some her mother int larvae tcndto congregate in inlaw to show her kindness iii large numbers on tree trunks and return for unkindncss to keep the sides of buildings Advantageicalm humble and loving and to may be iakrn of these habits to let her husbands mother under IGSIIOY the Caterpillars by SDFHY stand thatshe appreciated her anx ing not only the foliage but also joty for his welfare the tree trunks and the roofs and In this way she had completely sides of buildings small exper won the affection of her mother inwntal spray project of this nat inlaw and she wanted the Major tire which resulted in satisfactory to know that house was being control was carried out east 0f brrilt at the old ladys expense for Sault Ste Marie during 1949 under the young couple She was much Wedding Shower is to give each guest as he or she arrives paper bag to be tied overthe right hand aches on the rcasscssmcnt oi the town made last year Clerk WI ll Hewson finally received the ri tario Municipal Boards decision on the appeals entered by the thriiii hotels Northern Canada llonsri hands with one another paper strrntrr thatgives the and 73mm guests an opportunity to show Net result is an $11050 reduction their artistic ability is the creation in Penctangs final assessment is of paper bag puppets With pa ores Clerk Hewson told council at per bag and crayons each must its May meeting draw face on his or her bag Ears and nose may be added by ed the three hotels fared as pa the use of same extra paper and past31 Fashion together with string and then thread two on Individually the report reveal manrtedrrced $2025 from$32900 the direction of representative of more grateful for the spiritual help the Forest Insect Laboratory of she had received than if she had Sault Ste Marie obtained large loan of money The caterpillars are hairy and dustybrown in color with slate blue stripe down each side Along thcback there is row of con spicuous diamond Or keyhole shapcd white spots Mature cater pillars measure about an inch and halfin length The insect passes the winter in the egg stage on the twigs of the trees The eggs hatch SORE FEEI Rubin Mmards Linimcnfimenerouslyd 10WS NONI Homli mm 5955 and feel the relief steal over the aching musclesF or muscular pains aches and gt to $3087 Canada Horrsreduced niness sprained anklesMmardvs $3575 from $36450 to$32875 Hotel Brule reduced $5450 trim $54950 to $49500 lt Cler Allewson was ableto give the follOwing 1950asscssment fig ures as compared lolast years 1950 1949 Good for dandruff and skin disorders 00 Get bottle today kecpit handy JI 39 Canadian Garden Service I950 Ily Gordon Lindsay Smith has been well known for over 60 yearnla BUYSAPWHYS 44 AWEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE iltlllllli If youre busy housewife and these Apron days seem to be times of great activity around the house youre sure to appreciate the lrrnesavmg qualities of leIltl Ienrptiiig tangy iiiswirls can lie whipme up Ill matter of minutes llil JICIt llIll ItllltS and dual think the fairrilv wont appreciate the gay and colourful saladsthat can be quitlily and easily prepared too The seven exciting lotkeiLin llaioins make lellO one of the most Vt lilo products on the market et you can enjoy ltllt for less than le NlYtllg You Know that tva once cost SIS ll pound and was deetrihcd as cure for ilriror anything ov lea iosls less than Pitt cup nulirvnn milk and suprrrlanvand ll kllow that lllttllLIl it wont vim tinytlnngnil one of the most ltiitSlilllL drinks we can treat ourselves to Ironi heveraur that could he allordcil only by the wcilllivit has become favourite ironomieal drink in thousands of homes all over the world tanadians ilriril overZliiiillion cups dayaniltliosc that want litlfl good cup of tea drink IIICI IIOSIC TEA lry it todav iit ItllIilllll and Im sun youll make it maritime lavouritcl lior littl Iitlgttl Tea is good lciil liioiiomical too lur lirrc has been no fluiillAI in price of liril Iftlxt lrii And remember that lied ltosu offee is as good as lied llose Ica Lorri Rafting reader writes cnlliusiaslicallyl used to find it real rlioiculd thill tried AIillAIICI IlAIIfr ltlllllllltl Youre rightlyon simply cant go lltlllt with lairiinellY Yes even beginning cooks enjoy successful satisfying results when they use tiluiircl lizrkintz Iowdcr biscuits and sliorlriikmare baht and tendercakes and mullins arc feallicrliglrt and delicious Iiicii Linc willrrltunrtl You see rlunrel double action protects baking from start to tinislil In the mixing bowl thousands of tiny bubbles are formed to prepare the mixture for baking The second action takes plan in the oven where lIltlllHllllIS of new Iillln bubbles continua raising the iriixtnris to feathery lender perfection So you have help all alum the way when you use Tahnnel Xoyonder thousands of women say its the nofailurey way to biikcl Salads Willi Lots Appetite Appealhaveonz thing in com mon Whether the salad is served tossed and green in woodcn bowl Smimlliiug Blue and gold and white belongs in every brides kit chen its the brilliant new 1950 iiiignition in Love ColdWall 5v lIclrlrgeraturl lti hotlnng else can or colour etlll 1L SIHH frrlly arranged in fruit dishesa ing white and gold with its smart really good dressing makes IceBlue interior trim Has new world of difference And whenita adjustable and sliding aluminum made withlfcinz White Malt or shelves extradeep porcelain Hy Cider Vinegarsits bound to bi Irators flint can be stacked and goodl Its wise salad insurancc many other wonders know will to make your dressingswith the make it joy for any liomc best vinegar you can buyjust maker And this new liRlGID as you make your salads With Alltll Dc liuxn ColdWall is only good fruits and vegetables Thats one of four new models in sizes vliyl urge you to aslerHEINZ and prices for every home lakc VINIQGARSniized and mellowed my advice and see them new at in woodl lleinz While Vinegar rumc which displays the Frigidaire marvelorrs for light salads and Dealer signtho emblem of the smoolh boiled IrcssingsHeinl refrigerator made only by General Malt Vinegar delicious for Motors Ircartier saladsl Sucli Good News your favourite corn starch in brand new pack age thats easy to open and close Its such CORN STARCHI No need to pry it Open with ii knife and make mess Just break theseal and inside youll find Durham Corn Starch neatly protected 111 papir bag Then wlicriyorrve lin islicd usurp as much as you need at the time re PliIfOtIlO topltlits snuglykeeps out every last particle of dust find prevents airy starch from spilling out Youll be foot string and hold kind of puppetdance HansonGray Food for Paper Anniversary DeaIErrNoitlr EastWest Party may be served On lipapcr Eame plates if you wish to carry out the QN paper theme and may consist of salad and sandwich plate with 1087 icoffec 5110st Suggested gifts are memo note 10 A3 Lbooks desk blottgrs writing pa per paper napkins towelsplace mats tablecloths and picnic acces isOrcs Boom and magazine subr gx J78 scriptions are also appropriate 104 tie CHICKEN AND ALMOND Thll England ScottandE SALAD ggaaresultsd la largte gall kcnbroth ng an er ypica Ztcgg yolkskal clLrptsc rcsalt gp mu vumemble Three SD Rap EDiamond opening by their it horseradish 14 cups fine Opp North player East had to ed chicken 12 tsp Worcestershirc aka action dang maidens Eli sauce 114 cups whipped cream twoway ou ha cup chopped toasted almonds en layrllsidggglelarfg gums11295 velope gelatin crisp lettuce 80 Combine egg yolks broth salt In=Room the English East paprika in double boiler stir Opeueri One NOTrump Wthh Soak eve one passed South led continuously until thickene to RS and AI gelatin in cold water for minutes followed after with then dissolve in the hot mixture nlng with South conE VJ The next trick was won with QR and he shifted to 09 after cashing two Hearts East now led to dumb and ducked the Club return tricks COOL then add chicken almonds tinned With 10 to dummyg horseradish and sauce Fold in the cream and pour into greased pan labout Chill until firm then serve in sliccsbn crisp let tuce Serves 101 gt Secondary lschoor $2229943 $1633074 Public school 1423959 986222 ProteStant Separate Ci 8059847 646852LVL Q$QssxSsts ELECTRIC APPLIANCE AND RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED Prompt repairs for all makes and models ofElecIrlc Appliances at Radios also wiring repairs COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR THE HOME Authorized Repair Service For WESTINGHOUSE BEAT HOOVER PHILLIPS PHILCO srAirrON HOME APPLIANCE SHOP DEAL 5577 24 ELIZABETH ST delighted with how much easieritjstp milliliplesrll pllddtngLWlirll Durham in its new package And yorill be thrilled with the recipes on the ipnckage lryn Durham Corn Starch Lemon Pie soonl Allie beat youve ever tasted and so economical tool Plannin That Shower For The BridTo3eoilmosl as muchifun as having ii0ne thing aboveallitliat youll enjoy dorng is baking this wonderfulMarshmallow Gold Crikejmade extra lender rxlvm delicious with the FLOURI MARSHMALLOW GOLD CAKE Standard eggyolk cake EgsllfllgSWEnS Down egg yolks beaten until very tspns Calumet Baking Powder anltigifnf lemoncomm l4 tspnsalt 12 cup butter or other shortening mm vanilla or 12 ism Orange extract cup sugar Sift our once measure add baking powder and salt hhllfte urgesl Cream butter add sugar gradually and crizaariidtggetthtgrg wgfm fully Add egg yolks and beat well Add our alternate small Imount at time bentln after each additionuntl smooth Add flavourin and layer pans in moderatg ovenbefllllstrifeu my ake we greased 8mm lemon mlrlhmnllow truth at pleasure now to open package of DURHAM nest of cake ours VDSWANS DOWN CAKE 25 to 30 minutes Frost with

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