Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1950, p. 5

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rm uncut rLiiiiii TIiIRSibxiT JTSI Home Rule for ScotlandAnd England II II III It IUI lllt ltl IIH IIlt II Itlli lIIlt lrII ll BILWIN HOME DECORATING STUDIO 5Dunlop St Barrie liISlItlltS orriplete line oi illltI illi iiiiAIIiilili VliNItiiIAN iilll if CUItiAINS IllliIIitiltY llIIillfii For Information Phone BILL llllli es 32887 Renewing the Past Planning tor the Iuture Maple Cattle BreedersNAnn FIFTH 1945 ANNIVERSARY 1950 Tuesday iuiie 1950 pm You are invited to see the Progress littttlt in llt Years by ltiit Litrfgttil Itiilttiintttion Unit in Canada PROF RAiriisr Nutrition as It Pertains gToeBreedingiIciency GRAHAM Deputy Minister of Agriculture who Opened the Unit on June 13th 1945 will also belliere INSPECTION OF SIRES EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS ARAleiOILSLIINEABROIECTIONJZRCJVIIJEL Everyone Welcome DARLINGTON Pres 95 III1I ti lllI itliil itrztt twig lliH llll writ liljLijt Ii hunt in it liitti Slim itmti lt Ki Vl vgti lm tl1 ISHII ttIIIUI lt ti1t it ii it it it ll ili tiwy ti LEFROY ital PIi Ittlili tw IItll ilv tlil lulile if liionto spiizt Viztvn Norrie loionto was ilii il Iiliiiti ili El inli tit Sutton it lliltl iti tail ttllltllt gt un total in rlil Wiiitil Stun 10 vem noini Saltiitla ti itiriltii tir slitttlt the intrrwetioti toi tlitl Itiltl stiltroad ta turuetl til gt int lillll tlllrlll in ltlltll titiiiltlt he who tinned the ear and facial cuts iltlli but was able aiouiitl lll Vi day For Eu ias tititellina alone is hit was It dainzrt it it lin ear in eeneral took tad lii the llnusday at tituie Mr and Mrs lr it llillJItIl Illtll Iiitllttll anniversary Relatives Lind are tltaiiltitil th no more as it lllltflll Ll llgt been lortiitli Wedding vrurivcrsary and li tiltietl Stewart rill fiiiiiliwiiq$335503 PRICES OF WOOL titMifiliiitllJilin iilii iiTiiiitilAT RECORD HIGH tttt in tutor relatives and friends alps ialtlit ielibiated their lortietlr 21 tltlill inneigtai on Iliursdav li llet were at home to Wrl tit twin We hear of It and liliittii thl the atteinoon and from to it in the Itllillt Ihose from instanti ilt Mr and Mrs Will so anti Ii= Btllrr Wibb or la Mr and Mrs Emerson su or Toronto llev los Stt iii and Mrs Stewart of Tra lii Mr and Mrs Will Stewart lIiiiie also friends from Ihorn ioiz liilit Stroud luirchill and iiioitl Ir Mac Stewart Miss Idlxilii Donnell Mrs lidith Ward nil liuiniiini Wright bridc to be iisltl iii the dining room Pout int tea lit the atteinoori were sis tirinlaw Mrs ll Stewart and cousin Airs Walter Allan and in the itlllllt sistersinlaw Mrs Susan livid Stroud and Mrs 11 ten table The couple received uliitions ants and flowers inhon to of their anniversary variiiiii wad Nutrition Value Oatmeal Porridge Chemistry is stepping into the picture more and more as the de real nutrition values in farm pro PASSGIS for Estimated itirHrt Hm ItlICS MISI iiit NEW lltllttl him He sufl Itxlllt niailiiner with most of it ltilllttl by the separate sale ol lxnittini to ol Toronto presidenii dilution and in some instances lat The recent issue itWool News Donnell oi Letroy presided at the siance Results el such analyses atiSttltiil be in the position of hav iiianv telegrams cards of COIILJHI tral Experimental Iillll Ottawa order to keep their textile mills are vergvstrikine running lwert grown at Agassiz 110 Scott friends of those who produce wool Sask Winnipeg lVian and Ottawa are wary of makng forecasts illie average protein content of ill iBearint in mind theuncertainties liitthest at Winnipeg and Scott The possibilities and probabilities sug eisiye agent in establishing the ducts and their effects on animalfim 63mm II HlTLhLSTWhU ifin HTU comttrres of heavy wool sour serrn Decoration Day Servrce is Planned in Appearing Here June 28 At Angus Community Cemetery June It Vin vdd up iii it re hitter t3 View iai tt iiiiai donated UNA Jdul wiid iiit hoard pei WWWw WWWWWW nil JtitillllrliJi iilflt tstit in internals its Seltur it ll Kirby IIII Ilit Ilottietittitai Smut II tainian li ili if tilhitaon xIn Lu liiior MN II iil IIiIt ta and iIis it Kiim Itie hi Im it ILJIII littltttlt II ii 3l IIlilI Hell Itl Ilntaop 3P0 Lewis or Barrie i7 Vi to It Flies Mitchell Aircraft Annuol Oshawa Air Show Midday and tin ltViillllifl titll lltlli it oil it til oiiil and ground ttlgtlilit alt ztt em it in it Amped tliia Air Silo will in it Ii ea itinda Ma The slim Led It An VittiIIrIIlirl mitt it Sitinoii tlt Altt liaiiiitiet ii ll Ill Stlllm Vltruillldllll Iirnton rm ittAls cut of Toronto it ll Itllttl squadron pavi in itVIItltllltll of precision Ioriiizition lillt Itiiliittl by solo aerobatic ttlltItl rit ill ILIA tltr ruinwt triii ll ilix hitnitiiii to IIiiltl itdilv liliir ilir tl oin tlii iilliltlittll pilots Ill LID lllllmri tluti oi Iitillt llillt vvt It ligt iiieliglit the ears of few and the II altSlt tl lItl ol the season coming to Barrie on my my mm am Wednesday tttltlllt June 28 will be the famed Leslie Bell Miss sieiiii iw iu iltltl pm invmlm mum in Sinuers lhe tVtlttllt of music sponsored by the Barrie Turl 11 11 Ht ttitll flown by Flying tliiei iI tins iii int liib vill ieaiure as assistuis artists the Barrie Collegiate ili of mm and mu llrt intttilii is lllt Ilitlltltlt tll tosr ll lon of talzari and Concert Band under its director Allen Fisher It tumti lltil in ati Hi mm inugm lift lilttfilolt anal UIIiLIIiill Iiiil Flynn HIiv Ale Ila1 vt it oineaiL Quebec provrded nioiei Hlfllzlhrk modern touch in aircraft It program we lizzlit ttitii mil MUNd hLmLCh med sale IlltIIItItl llul itie striiadroiis nine llarvards lltllJIIlllrIlIIIIIIUHIIIIlrtltlttI centre Unlcd church llI2tIttl Lil Illt conclusion of their wit nie tItIItitIl iolois Glee Huntsville iltJli or the show The squadrons Lu Winn it ML irl pipe band under Ilandniaster diw WW iii31iij llhivlit Serialant Strachan ol to rltttllti eave lie ve skirll of Illrf iiietlioils ensure ioiiiplitt IIllltIIu tie ttiitial liiitetl Elieliiipes ind swirl the knit tol toiiiei Jtislattioii IIIAL 24 71 For Prompt PICKUP Service Includes lunatic Ulgt17ltllgtUUtltt1t1H limitJr pointing lrlMiltlt liai Itlltit Lionel Itltlttl iieattt iiit new ministerial order issued Midlands uoollin blanket niilliiieized tlltt to$21llttl more 11 1an WM yum Authority Of 111 Animal wrote rpm to chequered career Whm Mmkrl Uppmnnn retardants ot lllll numbers onlatutyis IslMHIMSACI and dated 1W wk mm Nip mm Itilliiilt toiltin on the liail lhlaieh Hall provides that no no In lent till ttlllllllllllL road and Sweet Adehne and aiperson shall import into Canada litultnne that and in iinent tossilm llllill sell N1 llilvl tliisthnig anian not it Iltltttlllllll any place any containers for total Itllllll Illilll the sale itaitine ind ie toutinued in ilid Irrmk in mm INN Ws mmS Hummers mpt to lll tinder SitiiJititi with III ltlIIl with certain of the macliinIShmdim mum 3i mmgumi ms 1le 10nd an MW lilhWl mil WHM 53 1mm by was duel it lhit Iii iro teriilantl tleirn ttito paid lllt1ttll the llell iiiei woollen mill employees thymun in MM gmimt ltllllllili Lltltlttdlll It illttl lLtioris of Sam ltotinan to mer siuii by Mrs if Leiiover sollili BAIIIIIIC IiXAMINIIlt ANV ltlllltllllt lllW tlllll ltltll eliariilise the entire iriuntilaclurinu prano Director of the tilte lub LI YOUR PRINTING NEEDS ltllilhtii lllilllllltl Mldlimtl unit as an operating business were and Robert Iillltil tenor PHONE 2414 within the nth ll titiittllts unsuccessful Such bids as were Barrie 16 Dairy Ration lliddiiii was not brisk for the ittltll were llll below the sums sweetened tl llllill Sillli Iilllltlilll ltl Illt IIIDII StlSttll VIIII IIIXItS It Buyer To Supply Bags man 10 WW mm record levels in all highproducing merit was much livelier altliouulii countries and on world markets here attain Mr Itotman corneredM mmi ilim15 yum Wm II at experience in woild emir nmts hunky mm amply mum Ullt are pointinp out that wool al iii sixeahlc quantities by liitzili 5015 llylilwd lh lhf mp Nd WW mm Um general economy lhe inferertCe rs wmmm mum that unless the worlds iconmny Proceedings opened ahonl ltlilfl Slim In flimmfnml the am and were concluded by put ljlillllil ll P110128 litlt iMiiilanti riei lriw lliialili liiii of individual sales which awil Insurance auaiiist Fire or Theft Expert check before return StISIthlltlll or no charge NUSERVIC CLEANERS HIGH STREET Delivery Also To Camp Borden going about Stilttitl to llell land lttltltlillit and equipment lllllt in some instances luring Illl reports that producers of Wool en mmzrurir TOMATO KETCHU in 24 HIINiFIUITSMEATSVIGTABLES Inlant Foods 3513 25c MIINIFIUITSM EATSVEGITABLES Junior Foods 25lt HEIHZIN TOMATO SAUCI SPAGHETTI nit27 HIINIOVIN IAKEDIN TOMATO SAUCE PORKtBEANSir l7lt HllNlCIIAM or iliursdiv not fail to continue on favorable levels lliehesl bitl tor lll lllllt cont lciits of the building was $7500 Ilmmrmom mus be nomd ERITISH COLUMBIA PACKFANCY RED Ommd by Tman buyers This that because of the high prices that rII was reiteed by the auctioneer in hle lmwUIVd Stocks 0f VOOI NATUIIES BESTcrime Great Britain and other major TOMATO JUICE tr19 the Chemistry Division of the eii int 10 make heavy purchases in at varieties used for these testsl In spite of this hopeful outlook varieties tested was at Agassiz and that surround world affairs and the fat content was higher in the gested in regard to synthetics and Scott test than at any other three iin inanufactming processes there points istill is wisdom in an urge not to abandon sensible caution and to Shield For Canadian maintain reasonable conservatism in regard to flock extension Before embarking at Liverpool Regardless of what may develop manufacturing countries are low CANADIAN MAID protein and fat content for illlillld that these countries as relt MOI Evaporated Milk 25c Lunch Available KEFFER Seey Mgr iiiian included of Agriculture where tests have been made on oats grown iLJId0 1v separated areas and of different lvarieties The results show prom list of better guidance for the diets for farm animalsand or tiidee lovers ioiular oneeition of ood variety of oat is usually one Willi leood yields hiin weight per bush tel and thin hulls Such variety New may no You are Invited to View and Inspect this distinctively styled gt Model in all its Glamour NOW AT Barrie Motor Sales UPHONE 5573 BARRIE 647 This fact has been demonstrated reeently in the Canada Department illlllll ii establishing balahccd may hartgit iriycli better idea of IS in charge of the Football Associa production however there still is SALADDRESSING tion team making an eightweeks little danger of an oversupply t0 Tomato SOUP at It tour of Canada and the USi the point that will make sheep 3245t25c CIDERMALTVll presented shield on behalf of the unprofitable in Canada as comparf FA to representative of the ed with returns on other classes of 14 Canadian FA The Trophy is in livestock nd 00 sound Insist hm tended for competition amour an of invest entfand co is for labor feed and shelfer MincedSalmon ii11s PiNEiiiiiiia nab Hunts oruour CALIFORNIA um PRU ES Vhgiizv1c MORECHOICE OUALITYCREAM STYLE comm corrrr ireM23 iIAPLE LEAF LUNCHEON LOA it 59c ILICED TO SUIT YOU 351g BENTOS CORN BEEF 1355 innsrr teenagers Em 31c 7W7 Arriving Fresh Dairy OntiGrown Tender ASPARAGUS Serve and enjoy it oftL en in season swear men on 453 an 7CANTAIOUPES 19c CAL LONG WHITE Nrrw 5le 29C Mammal RIPE SWEET CUBAN Size 12 Ba Worm Motto mullt prim PINEAPPLES 29c iiiEiiiiitiiiKaisiii station 027 rrrri IANrum PEACHES Miss cANAnHHoru corumu Raspberries Gosh dear dont Worry about me Havent been in one nightsince you left Purity Flouri sail FIVE PorNrs Fish and Chips FREE Daily except7sz$nday DELIVERY 5mm 253730 31 mar 4553 Valuer EIIecIIvo Tliurri FrlH Sat June 38 Bayfield St Barrie piio

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