Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1950, p. 23

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24 THE 111111 liXAllefR 1111RSIMY JINE 1950 tllr Us H01 Freddie Aircrewlake alfcfifl ln gm 1i it t1 1111s ltltltls f1tili 1111 11101113 1i 11 11 11 111 11111111 Supliau 111 ii il ilti 11 111 11 5111i 111 11111i1t 111 bl 11 st1l1c1 the litAl 1111 111 1l11 lll1tl1ll gtt I11 111 but 11 of ti llwl nl p11 Iitlli the llliNlil ti of flu unit 1111111 lli 111 1tttl111111 tlliimc 11 111 11111 1111 111i tlllnl Ilttl 111 11 ilihcll so llllltl ll 111 i1tltl1illi 11gt hl 11111111 11 out Tc 1t 111111 1111111111 11111 to 1111 iii the 511111 11 1111 Mltll 11211 1111 of out 111 llll 1o op 1111111111 11111111 Ill 1111 cvrdltlztiou 111 111 1111 l21llllll 11 1111111111 our t11 11111 111s31eu 11111 and 11111 111 llll 11 111111o1 11121111 lropln to 11 111111 qi1liliil enlailt 11 in bl 14 l111i lit l11l1211 t1 lltlil11l Illlli 11ltv It 511 till 111111111 tltll 1x llttlllltttl that llhwl lm 1111 11111 x1e 1ll1 111 ll llmmlml llltlul 111 11 21111 11111 111 clinili fit 1Hlllilltlllll the of 11 arm i1 II 1111 11111 1illllllll and thank lid on 11111 11itl 11 1111111 ll Ilt Johnston for 11h 111111111illlflil hills of 1111i 13111111 ll11ll it llas 111 honor 11 1111 iili I1 11sli thi gtt1ltgt111 the Junior 51 MN tlmnle of otiunetcin l11l sllg HI ll ll 31 11 11111 lhis fall 1111 1111 NH My Hill Inn ml lhllw if 11111 11111 mi 11 bur1111111 1111111 111 1111111 113111 lllllflii el MUH mm Um III liiill 111111 s1iltli 1111 ll iletiiinttthlt lllLL1tlllllLC it llle TN II gt ii 11i1111 11 111111 10 111 gloss 13111 111 limo111111111111 111 11111 high1ilidtilsliixlxluptill51111111nclltstvtll Utllt dint1 littl1 the siitia1lrolis 11111 lilllwt 113111 lvttllllll W111 hing durum lmt gnu 11lth should not be houbhd 111 111 llmr IHYHvll KHAN 11 III 1111111 11111111111 lrol1ls Xlu 111si1t 11 311 11 Hutchy extended ippreeia 111m 11111 to 1li1u tlzuk 111till 1111111 11111 tltlllllll 1111 111 leeplt flatter for his cooperation 111 plac 11111 1111 the facilities of the Armoury Slli lt1 lltiil itlltmf 1111111 11 the 1llgtluiltltl of the squadron ll llvill lm HM illl ml 111211 11 the N4 staff of the unit But llllllllill M1 Im 1111 their asstsiitllte Nymph mpmhvlvd by llalor tlzirlt accepted in Air lIriue Sallie litia 211111 George 1211 rotce 1111 on behalf of the legt lltlllill 111 Owen Sound to pre llll to 11111111 comrade and good friend 111 11ur regiment 81 lladglc said We learned thatllI certain World War 111 veteran in Owen Sound has religiously 11 raised every morning and lowered lll 11 sunset an 11 1111111 ensign at II ibis home since lll son 111 111 like this new ensign given to him llxcellent color filliii 1111 shown Phone 5531 5532 These Prices are not Specials nor Feature Events but our every day Selling PricesWe are proud to offer brand new merchandise 11151111 the lltAl understand tattered 411111 Vi very llll IS lltl luring tlle flag we would ll of the squadron church parade mru 1111 pipe 11111111 provided name3 during the screening larellts and guests were invited 111 remaili for refreslimelits amidst I111 colorful setting 111 the NCO lhless The tea table was attrncd lively decorated with large floral rondell of the Air Force 111 the cen trc The silver candelabra bore tri colored air force candles 111 the background silk Union Jack was nlz 454 HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WhereYou More For Less STAR CUTS TUMBLERS RYREX Pastel Blue Oven AND Refrigerator Set You cant help exelaimiiig at the wonders of nature when you see the gorgeous colors of so many varieties of flowers so plentifiilly sprinkled 111 every garden these days Approx only s210 value llere is your chance to get to know IYRIEX liettcr 111111 ever Imagine set of gleamingPYllliX llllictheii andRefrigerator1115111st in pass for only 99 Dont Delaysec us right away This offer expires lily 51311 Full line of Pyrex Glass ware and Pyrex Oven ware priced right 113 10 ill 11 11 L111 blllEltBlClS STAR CUT Sllllllllil llAlliS STAR Ul 121111 1I1ch 121111 All these little shall bottoms lUl lRlCthLlCS 1111111 like the larger trikes KlDlllI KARS are each 599W or swayz THE GREEN FRONT STORES Tilll lfic 1151 finch $805 53115 ccM TRICYCLESTWO LINES $1395 $1595 $1695 $1995 $2150 5111111311 MET $159 $280 AL WAGONS $995 $595 BEAUTY TO ADMlRE OUALlfY 10 LA Garden Tools Spades Rakes Forks Hoes Special Sizes for the Ladies Cultivators 11 mowers Green wire Border 10 ft for lardenite and Sheep Manure lite Bostwick Miracle Spray Products Roach Fly Sprays $129 $198 Air Conditioner $129 $198 Spot Remover s129 $198 Plastic Finish $129 $198 Moth PrOOfer $129 $198 Chrome Enamel Spray Fire Extinguishers $159 $139 $198 Super Health Aluminum Cook Ware CAMP BORDEN DELIVERY BY OUR TRUCKMONDAYS llVFdlCI WI at design beauty lele ll choice of the dis Cfllllitdllng buyer prolonging ST ATE the 111 11 tistic 550 deeply Engraved its heavy SllVCf fj yrft plating and use fatness HARRY ARMSTRONG 98104 Dunlop St spotlighted louring were Mrs Badgley and Mrs Rodgers Tea assistants 1e iMrs Ronald llardy Mrs Doliald iWake Mrs Wigg Mrs at Money Saving Prices everyday olthe Week citiiiiiiio VALUES Army Type Grey Blankets tillx 110 Ideal for camping $298 11 15 Pure Wool Blankets red and green 00 80 312981 11 31 $1493 pr flismond 1111111111 Blankyts all colours 50 00 $439 Mens overt cloth werk shirts all colours and sizes SSV$S VSV$ lgmmmnnv 59 Mens Khalil Navy sanforized work pants denim dungarccs and sailor pants $298 pr Mens Khaki Airforcc Officers Shirts with cpaulets and button flaps 1111 pockets fine quality MENS GARARDINIC TROUSERS all colors and sizes exceptionally well tailored zipper closure pleats and out side welt pr Mens Fine Quality Tee Shirts white blue yellow 89c 11 Evangelist ZEllll Mens ushion 5010 Dress Ankle 50x lnderwcar Tops Fine Quality Knitted Shorts all colors 1t 59c Sleevelesslullovers botany wool white and yellow some countcrsoiled rcg value $395 Special $149 Towels Stlbstandard quality Special 250 63 Mens Army Type Fine Work Boots unbeatable value $650 Mens repe SoloSport Shoes Uppcrs are of fine quality leather soles and heels of deep spripgy crepe rubber Ex Jerry Tans with flexible spout $395 cellent Value $495 pr TheWalking Bible SUN GLASSES him lasses Vllll leather cases Guaranteed $195 pr Hard as Rock guaranteed unbreakable $295 pr Ladies Sun Glasses $195 pr Vcnklnd zipperiluirlc Bags $298 Razor Blades we good quality 50 for 8100 Way Wheel Wrench 891 Flrst Line Palnt Glamour Girl Spinners $119 Thorpe Hambrock Murphy 1aiigii1llir rnweumg lms 290 Feather Dolls Motor 11 39c qts 29c Gal 5115 Headlight Adapter 1015 Complete $549 Aluminum Clotlicseliine Wire 50 feet Iteg $100 Shallow Well Pump with motor tank and all fittings $9000 and other well known inakcs Grey and Cream Reg value $225 qt Special $125qt ABBOTT PAINT for interior and Each evening at illillbun day all 11 am 245 pm and pm Thursday Can God of ll flitw if exterior use all colours instock 1131 lt 69 vaHaVL HL Lmj Punlshment Tmmmm 111 $295 95 FridayWho is 1111 Anti aq amt We have small stock of gal tins grillibrdayllie Resurrection lt of War Surplus Paint Come in see if Govomnmlt Surplm Body we have the colour you want While they last $1295 for gals Paint Brushes all sizes 120 and up CLEARING AUTO TIRESAND BATTERIES rue SURPLUS MARKET 120DunlopSt BARRIE Phone 5454 Sundayll ant All That Christian Needs 245 pansFROM T0 PULPIT The Thrilling Life Story of Zeoli 700 panCrossing the Dead line EVERYBODY WELCOME Services Broadczlst Sunday at 11 and over CFOR 1450 on your dial Complete with Motor and Couplings $2750 PRISON ed St nillnity and the loss of beloved wife and sis ter Josephine lloward PERKINS The fatnin dear mother 11f 112p 110WARlllr Adllty lloward wish to express for their expressed bereavement Pauls Church Rev 11 The landlocked salmon which came from Europe RELIABLE USED CARS from 1934 1949 kindness during their also for GOod Variety to ChoOse from alid brothers and sisters of deceas their gratitude 111 their many friends and neighbors sympathy recent sad the many floral tributes especially Fcnnclls Coin Blake deep and in 42p lcns Sweatshirts all colours and sizes never goes to the sea thoulglr 111 Mens Rayon Sportshirtsin host of colours many cases It Could has 113 Work Sox prs for 100 scales than the Atlantic salmon Penmans white sweatsox 490 The brown trout was introduced 110 Canada during the last century GRAVES 111111211 who have sold used cars for the past 11 years in Supertest Serv Station PHONE 5533 Morris Cars and SEE Barrie Now at Cundles Service CARD OF THANKS the lt llatc Mrs Elizabeth lllllllll to cxpresstlieir sincere thanksto the many frientls and neighbors arid to the nurses at the RV1 who have been so kind and thoughtful at the ttime of the recent death of their GUTHRIE Mr and Mrs Walker at Mr and Mrs Bell of Winnipeg visited with Mr and Mrs Wright at the first Of the week Mrs Muir who motored to Montreal with Mr anders ouglas Mui of Toronto andspEnt week wth iher son Kenneth Muir has returned home Mr and Mrs Douglas Gilehristl and baby Anita and Miss Jessie Gilchrist of Toronto weekench JD Gilehrists and with Mr and Mrs Norman Camp bell 25th Anniversary WA special ahnivcrsary meetingl ll will be held in Guthrie United visited Mr and Mrs Earl Edwards Church on Wednesday June at 8307 pm Mrs Reid Seabright will be the guest speaker All are cor1 ciially invited IVY May 29 Mrs Earl llirons is spending few days lwith her father at Book lcy Miss Amanda Lyons of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jennett Frank Gibson is confined to bed Mr and Mrs Claude Banting spent week withfriends in St Catharines Mrs BI Jennett Mrs James McDermott Mrs GLL Davis Mrs Earleeid Mrs Lee Banting and Mrs Harry Banting attended the District Annual meeting of they South Simcoe Womens Institutes held in Bradford on Monday May WA Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Womans Auxiliary met atthe home of M15 Geo Davis with good attendance Mrs Jas McDer mott presiding opened the meet ing Prayer was led by Mrs Mc Dermott We Were remindedmof the Deanery meeting on June 13 at St Pauls Church lnnisfil Our Dorcas convner wasplanningto have bale packed and sent away chapter from Irish Saint was read by Mrs Jas McDermott missionary story was read by Mrs Applegate entitled Parish Priest in Columbia The program was inI charge ofMrs Davis ReadI ings were given by the different members Take Thee John was read by Mrs Davis poem by Mrs Elulood Jennett en titled Dont Tell and How We Kept Mothers Day was read by Mrs Jennett Meeting closedl with prayer Thelhostess served spent the Phone 2801 6mmemWW2mmml VASEY Mrs Mr May 29 arid larkc and llobart United Church last Sunday last week Mrs Ken McLeod and Archie Detroit spent the weekend with Mrs Delbert Brown Junior farmers are taking their play Whoa Auntie to Wyebridge Jpnc and to Eady On June Junior Farmers will meet at the home of Misses Joyce and Frances Edwards on Tuesday evening June Mr and Mrs Eddie Collins 21an Joyce visited with Mr and Mrs Morgan Edwards last Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Lorne Wyant Mr and Mrs Wm Collinsg Stayner Sunday Mr and Mrs and son Lefroy spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Morgan Ed wards Mrfand Mrs Lorne McLaughlin Orr Lake and Mr and Mrs Orval delicious lunch and we all enjoyed very pleasant evening The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Claude Banting COME TO Morley Clementl lldwards motored to Weri Sound crl Sunday Mr and Mrs Dave Webb rs Lorne Webb and children Victoria tended Decoration Day schICCs It children Toronto visited relatives Harborvisited with Mrs Delbert Brown oh Sunday Brown Hamilton TICKETS YET ON SALE NOW AT Dlhlls sMOKE sHor WZVJACKSOMSGRILL SMITH STUDIO W11111YS DRUG STORE or ANY KIWANIS MEMBER Holiday visitors Vlllll Mr and Mrs Brown were Mr and Mrs Clark Brown and son Mr and Mrs Earl Brown and son botil of Toronto Mr and Mrs Eldon E$MITHS FOR GOOD RELIAgL ruRNITURE APPLIANC ES AND RECONDJTIONED STOVES AND HEATERS rRAoEiNsronEJi 1331 Dunlap Si sale Phone 4492 Below are listed just few of 111 Barrie good buys now reatlyifor quick YOUR PRESENT GOODS ACCEPTED AS PART PAYMENT ELECTRIC rRONs ELECTRIC HEATER OVEN FOR COAL orL srovE COAL on STOVES WICKER FERNSTAND OAK TEA WAGON WASH STANDS BATTERY RArnos COLEMAN GAS LAMPs GASOLINE neon PORCELAIN SlNKS good condition $1511 $350 $200 $3011 $1090 $3110 1111 lt $600 up $300 up ROYAL VACUUM CLEANER complete with tools $2000 $600 TRUNK 24 30 good condition $500 BUDGET TERMS 10 Do Balimoeln Easy Monthly Payments sQsssss9ssss$sssd smsss wn ow 611

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