lvu zz iiii uAttttlt lAVlttlt tiititsini itsi Initial Harness VA Meet June 28 NineHeat Card ll1 SoilballActiOn Starts Monday Tuesday Nights SPRINGNAND SUMM family mouths to uiiV 1ll Zl llil mitotiiolnlv int tit tillli litnkes lllVl 1111 to their suitly Tito ixitl have your hra ll it your tuilii 1mm ieiiie Water Saiety If your hriilzts need rt lining let us show you the extra henelils nnl elii brake mileage youll get with Clityto Cyililioriil brakes And they ostl no more lVlIllit in appoint ment today Your car will he ready on time proiiiiigetl iiAVE roiiii liirlt lirnn iitl1i 1ll Ill IKMII lli llllllvl1 titiiiiiiiii to lilrll tllllltl liltl Irv wilztr litiil 111Ioiiltil liu lll oi lltl 12 tllilv 741 It lrtli Ill lllll 111 lill cation NOW Vlo 11h lliiiIIltI llllll llt lliltill illill llltl IVlltt Ill lll lllt 1w iiltlil lltl llxi ill illt lilili lllltll HI rim llilgt lon Jmll Ioi EIIIIJI runs and or iiiile litiiiitxliilo pillhers ltllnntl lill ltill iiitl lillt llltll illltilIr 1I1lt4 lolantl and DANGERFIELD nMoTORs 65 ollier St llltillt 21187 iiA itmil itll lllll lit jvsitn Hall llt2I nioiintlsmzin 11in tor loin Irames 1M FISHING TACKLE FOR Au The New Nylon Lines Casting Bails Vt Flat llSllrtlll sizes iikee Minnow jointed or solid Iran din Nets Girl is Reels Rods 177 Wobblers and many other lures ALUMINUM citNOE with air compartments to At long BRECIAL $9000 MlNNOW BUCKETS TACKLE BOXES ETC LAWN MOWERS $995$1o25 $1675 $1395 $2175 is 750 JOHNSTONVSVHARD ARE EsVsaRdV Phone 3997 iGOODPVARKING rly llitll no iiiiii tlllll tollvtliil tillit hits over the routeI ili ptiil illltl lllll to Hill Iir oil too llitltll swinging VIN EXHIBITION TRIUMPH hm rtltiillil ol misl 21 lilixlltit the hust paths liin liltllll tl toiiteiilll 1121 1hr onll illlllllltl lll retlv 137 Im hum Tiltft Ittl an mlI1 1lltli Hull 11 It lhirti to capture t1 lend its Mur liiV Itiiliiirtisons threerun ziml IIildit Laws followltup circuit VVVVSki Instructor in California Jim McCOnkey Illl ltl Nui 1l Sl lllIZI Wllll ll lttlltl ol Ytl 11 litiltiii ij it it IIIl llilitl Hl timiti llll ii ENEMS ELECTRIC SHOWER villttl solid relationship with Lug lizi lel outstanding authority on ski be found Jim was it iItLY Rocks lnii once my rmlmwiivd Junan ed on at Baiiff yith Luizgi and worked for the Chain Lift Asso llltll he IoE HURLERS writi HITS pair ol tleelrieiil hiiildies liltllth lilltllh and ttlliKllillilhlm ESentrill lillt rie ll rtlttl liiiiie aoilhall lanswith iiii oiil itl 1W Ell 1V HI siiiViVicnriiiineiiiauous mu l5H Hi ildlt 11 21 llllll an adventure on the livi lzlvllllt tootoil ltI lit 11 dog1 milks 1lli tllVlll olj liitlllli inlo iiiiis loh lillllt1lllitllltl Veili Lillie luinluill on tho him there for three litl and then sent lill liiiytlilii on1 tor ilelivtiy lttiytinll tiilVL till liilll hits in two innings so re tnezl III ILtvor ol illiilliiin himself iill1ons hath1s didnt Ill power that VlIiiiins gtlltl lhey tliiit lllli posses hill to say the least walks preventi lirmns Electric lriiiltd at the llll of two lritmts when lael Iitiiihiill siliulttl home George lie iil hit they came hack in the homer tIoiii did the damage From then on they literally siliiiipered across the plate They Liond six limos in the lifth on sev eii hits llome runs by Cee Cook and Bob fliiltiek and double by Jim MCCHllIlL spelled linis to ils Bill ltayeratt Nevertheless it was Bill Ray iriitl who supplied the longest mnsh ot the game He tugged one of IBiII lyleNallys pitches that sent1 Itll Iltldtl Ray Gariepy in retreat for lowering liner It was good for tworun homer GEs mound slait showed ex ccllenl control for the first game liiyciatl Turnbull and Miillion only allowed one free pass apiece but with the exception of Malibu lhey had trouble cutting the corn liimings ers llaycraft gave uphinehits in two Turulull seven in three and Mallion tour in three frames lVlalVlion led in the strikeout d6 parlment too with tour Turnhull FllllllHlliM tlllt2 in iiIlitl1ill siv tiltii Ehi lillHZlIit Illli Ninonul liiii tluiiiiit the win 0gtltgtUU Thornton Loses Utopia Rallied iOpener Against To Tie Alliston tl ltiil on the iiet two Iiiillirs rm39 mu tlopiii shoved another two ruii it qwmil melts in the seventh ii Yost lll 11m moon the top llltl ill the Inllllll oiilei toilldnt liti I111 oh liJintler IN YOUR FAVORITE l111 lllllltltll ll litl on the it ll littl I847R06RS BROS PATTERN And today Jon is Ktllltlllll tillt tiiiitlis opnoleii 711 lllttttlr tell down lllllli 11nd eminlv holloiizless tiivitt Iii reliiliiip his experience liiii It to iid liliieked out on lllt wily WW llltl ltiv that lliltltV course to Be um he on 1i 11 llt pvul of llit IUW IVIMR MS ham run Its here it lthll loii ie lieen til the testeiil and liis prohnhly mm til Uli ligt ii oultiooi tllv II lm tgus illlll IUlll IIUIU 11 In wwmw litiriztst iiiiiiin hm llllnil days lll ll WM mlul FLHIi He 3mm 11 1Hi mV try stllst Itllllltl had plunppd in HIM Slupk lV HVl lmm PM mm It Mmi itiltllillll and up to my knees in ml ltIIV It II ioi1Iliti llliiitll or ii innit or Nov on letter then hlurlud rvllllll 1i tiltt lliVVIlelllll hos piilleiii lllltlllHtlV IIIIlltttl lie tlljti1tl lllk wot and math flil liking 11 t13t HI IZH 111 lllt1 oi ll lull the Illli til II til lli hm IIHHU lhh ii nu Hl in or mount now lllll ttlllllllllltl to pull In UH II In pHq It 1e spotted Iiins lttl slieltinr out tttiItllL HI 11 111 IIItlt with teiiiilier ltlli Jim pol word of WW lillliwi oui mt rhool for iIigtImrIors helm litiii nil 124 you need to your Illllllt set You can Go relaxed 3f If VV pHtor to 111 11 lieltiuporl Qtithtt hy lllt It VIVlt IIVIlllV llVlVlanl 1V VH VV 1llltli oil into litltgt inidiin Ski Stliool Vi Tiff VV UN ll 81 llils lll Silllly lll5lllllll it in mm es in tllllrl lli ltiiew Jlitit he wanted St mm UN Slltt ill ltll ll llrnlq intlzn Iiltl simt lllllll and sutftied torn ligaments If momma milk IIHMV I1 in it in lH HII lhbllm In Ioken ribs and broken collntu i5llllll INN imv HIM VV My 1illt1 lllht matte suei me int VV Our expert tuttoit 7111111 ii NH ml Lugm WWW 5m till as tonimid to hospital Hil Supp in 317 mechanics t1llt shot lioulilv ll itd Ill 15 11 illSlllHlm ill Gl mm in Id filmy llti II It it Mimi mm ltltl lllll Qlithe lollowino lht ms hum1m lewncncol Illildlw lift 51ltll llt on oet neutron Vl 11 till Iltl tlt tl wth Jim umvmm and lim ltiintd ldlll lliil many ms and costly out yv mom mm minim NH hr rm hle WM irmy maneouvers over the huge 4gt missI the list MW Inn Climb 1iieieis during the war had ltlt start tilted in men falling down ereVi aetompu it itll 111213 to relation until November Then in December 1948 McConkey recom partied Luegie to California for the winter Jim is spending tow days with his parents Mr and Mrs GeorgiVt Metoiikey before returning to Ban for the slimmer months were make movie ith other exceptional ziniidian tiers for olumliiii Pictures But ltle did liiii know that the arm Ile intl Iiid liItky rode with llzisseiiuer trains in Canada couldl not Iitltls ml twti rho trouth makr taster time than they do but rrlvieis lim made slip schedules Eire padded to illow is shot from under 21nd Iieloi iintoresteii delays Itlll lis Siiiiek Setll hiitler spreutlers how weio all missed them to ioiiiiil out ltlli llogirs llros Ilituiie Col $1 lll tor act Salad Setll salad Forts to make the 311315 simplest sallyqliptunt JEWELLERS 7m somecs 5R0 WWI21 MW coo trioo Indivi INDIVIDUALLY PRVICED EEORYOUR CONVENIENCE collected three and Raycratt ton Eric Hall showed the most prom ise for Emms ElectiicalthOugh his record in the walledepartmentmwas six He tanned seven rover thefour innings he workedand allowed three scatteredthils Poland was right in form Des pite another year added to his vet teranship the popular Irishman showed well for the first outing lHe only walked one batter allow led three hits and fanned two in llwo innings Control was young Bill McNal llys chiefiprablem Hethrew lot tot stuff but couldnt nd the plate llie opened the third inning with lhree successive walks and added lanother but got out with only one lrun He tanned none gave up three hits and walked total of ve ampn simmmbmnwvw IMpmwwv WainIm heat resistant plastic taps in assorted colours Style end refectory Sty1e JackKnife Dun can Phyielstyle Tables $4695 yOur kitchen $5450 129131 DUNLOP ST vlt uswpnmummmmnllvwWa mm mm netu Plastahide covered seat and back will match tabletOp colours Buy the number you need for each FURNITURE PHONE 4492 70000t0ttltlttl004t0dtll0UUIl0tI100 il Sets Record an t7i Beetn ssusus3 n1 VV ANNOUNCING VV VViV no trio it tiilxiwti 11 st it will ti li 11 itv Iiitql iZV iiintl lt 55 Center Si Next to Bus Depotl Barrie 1ii1li1iltill ll l1 11 11 it ll it limit AIR CONDITIONED PONTIAC SEDANS Initzrxuio rim 111 WW AN WWW hvi VMVVHV up hi ll If ldlii All it InterHi lliritt Ct iii ll 1V tn it ittir Vmglidizi guild sss lizt Almli illonttl illigtiitiii Nllvlm li lililllii Hm hV AV JV mum mth l1 ritual tootint llie VVVVVVV HVM Mtg my Ii ht 11 it oil ilvlltt llu tiils VIIIi III llnll IIH tllHtilll Mm mm Vim VI illV mil VTIlIIHl on IitI lllis llltt iiiti ioitil on iiiyle In iiil it add llti lot izaumi lltill hitters or lit ho iii tiltlll in the Va H7 NM NV lll Ill iilli as lll mates HIVVVH WVH In In Vm wmmn iiViiliitle lll Ill hm by LVN Jpn Iolil Irin of VV Cut wl vlltl llii ton in the sixth Liilttl grim II It mtv KEY lll1ilV 11ml Wllv