Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1950, p. 13

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lle bAttKlr EXAMINER TlllRsDAY IINE 19th Exercise Fishing Engaged Small Fry Camp Borden II $5 III III Desist II VI xttt it bill It Choose your repoymeat Inn Stir rhtit it Into tit lt 510168 $21479 ilf $49046 Isl $70058 CANADAS OLDISY ANDLAPCESI CONSUMIR NANCE ORGANIIAYION our OF CHOOSE lltlditrlott IT Is Inuktt IN Ic EIrt=lP lIrIt Iit va II Coi tIIIis VV iiII How plot 1M4 II It MONEY WHEN you NEED III rifts Houssnom FINANEE 26 lllxabeth Street Second Floor IARRIEONI Phone 5529 ORIIIIA BRANCIK wllllla SI ml 2nd floor Phone 2191 =I II How to or am mud to Iutdwi Stars III rI Hamilton Toronto 17111112 III0v anadiL Limited DirectVan Service to Eastern and Western Canada For Information CALI BARRIE 4803 Montreal Lulu Vitltlipeg BURGLARY IS RIFE YOU MAY BE ITS NEXT VICTIM mFPORTS on the present crime wave ll show that burglars go after money 34 and negotiable securities such as Victory Bonds To protect you FNorth America Companies have issued ltVSPLClttI Money and SeCurities AII Risk Policy which immediately reimburses the inSured for any loss of money orsecurities whether caused by burglary fire or other mishap inside or outside of the home store office or factory The cost of this insurance is low Ask your Insurance Agent or Broker for particu lars of this special North America Money and Securities Coverage Barium accepted role3 throng2 Agent and tr2km TITS URANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA COMPANIES CANADIAN HEAD OFFICETORONTO stats MARINE CASUALTY ServicOfccs throughput Canada IINSllRANCE COMPANY or NORTH AMERICA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY or NORTH AMEItICA THE ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY or PHILADEIPHIA PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY MALcoMsoNs InsuranceAgenc 41 Dunlop St Dial 3735 THE HOME OF GOOD INSURANCE SINCE 1899 AE FLYNNs 89 DUNLopsr DIAL 2443 gt2 ll ti Iwar on mosquitoes Aerial Photo Shows Submerged Town of Morris Manitoba llsV ll uttezln and dainaue twin cruised by Mani is provided In thr aiiore ziciial phoIo spitarbor tIii ItIt=l Itlu Itu flood waters Itttlttl of the iiiaiotitv or Ilzc units 1100 resi slwitrrul in sitlevtiioxet nIIv coaches Directorate of ol No no Illlzl IrcpIrIIl In the IlIIIIIt IiiIJIItllls Itllllll IIIIIIIII ll IHIY III tI tiII ltIIIti Ill II Itllll Iittll tlt Ilti III III IIIII rm tlllt lttlll ti otl to tluI IIItlI ltttl 7hr titus ptcndni II II Ii IIIIIIII II II III iIlIIt litl of tlulliwuclt troulIItId zippcr Illii to It few the record ti It nothing to do Iti It has lllt civ III llIIl 117 III illtIII so hard VT iIIV ion it oIIx tlvtiyonv II tttll especially that jl tIItI iitit til lips illf lricriu III LII gIIIIIttl II IIIl IItt to stalluiitry tIII ct it Canadians dur tlc SIII III oilltt VaI cost thc ltul It III IE ItrtiillL wuli iltll in ttII llitltltllt IIllllIllIl III1i itint IIIII floodlighters Iain ILilIItItI Itlltluiid or waIIr IiltItII III of lIltIil NUMII ti Itlllurul iiiscct con illtiizstlttilti Iof lAttlltllllttIt IIicld llliiIvIisity of Vortcrn ltllttllti Itc sctucli iii tlllx field of instct con Itiol by IlIIIII itIMIII IIIIif only biliitltl llnill IIIEI ifIIlIy paid by at IrIIIII It iIzittIIn IiI iuldItioii ant iIs IIfsAIt We paid land will IIII pant to lzfII III two winners of yiitIIIIJI CHI winii awarded to per oclIIII commissioned an annuity of it and an iIfIIInJII inInuity of $23 for cacti liar awarded NI bars were award to taiintiiiIiis and of the four IIIliIII IttItlIZ IIio won the coveted tiIII tv II ut rt killed in action III IiuitIIs of Sltltl are paid to wit tr III III Military Cross tIIl ltlucis oiilyl Distin IIIIznI Cross tiitzain to Wait IItiIctr Iiily Conspicu ous lathiiitiy Iltdal Distinguished ServoI IitiII Distinguished Con duct IIIItiqd Military Medal and ligtIiIIIIIhcd tIlynis Medal Dur ittrf tLIc Sccoiiti World War It Alf and 21 IIlts and one bar it the lF were awarded to War rant Officers Ithcr Iranks earned 162 Itllt one with bar lgtI liils llZ DSMs two with bars ltiit5 Mlls nine with bars and one with two bars and 2513 DFIVls ono Ilh lizit lIIII InnuitiiIs and gratuities list ed IIiovc apply only to awards for stIitIcc in the aiiadian forccs and aaxcttcd since September ltI IN THE Alli FORCE During the first national convenI in 100 HLAF Association more than lllt icctritly tion of Ottawa dotceatcs fttrt across Canada were lll attendance Only persons miss inr were the delegates from flood ravatfcd Winnipeg and one gentle IIIII tronI the Maritimcs who wired that the shirt was airborne and headed his way but its ETA was ttticcrtalii naIIdar for Estimated Time of Ar rival he ltlttttltl from the Winnipeg delegation read Number Five Hundred City ofVVinnipngWiiig iIiiabIc to attend convention wishes rd flictlclcttatcs representing 9000 form Air Force men and women lwho matn up the RCAF Associa llltill unanimously approved Va mo ition cxprtt sing the sympathy of tlic organization for the victims of NFWnniiaegFIloodssand Quebec glowdcvcl spraying operations along Ihc flood marshes of the Ottawa lRiver The aircraft will go from Ottawa to stations of the Armed Forccs at Fort St John and Fort Nelson in British Columbia Wat sort Lake and Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory and Norman Wells in the NWT The operations wilt finish at Goose Bay Labrador with experiments in the use of spe icial aerosol sprays attached to the laircratt engine exhausts The project is joint operation lot the Department of Aghieultute 1939 ETA Air Force ver IltaditiiVoltthtctr All FOIC lgadc on Red River Dikes Rt Itiliol tillii Vftres Rcecntly lispeciallycquipped RCAF Dakota airraft declaredV It carried out and the Defence Research Board Inn to llIIIIllII the lirtchnII Iltllttiltl Ilit lllI around Ioul III In piItd in strip It Ircas pollic III iIIIIstiuitIIIs lllttl tlItIt lai III ILllltIli lllt iloiig put lows Iftl yards Iparl spiny tEItII iitoIIIIti Iuixtutc oi tilltdlllltl It pound lllll to one gallon of fuel oil ltItI oi III Inixtnrc will adr spiay ovIII an acre of The llll remains active for Ilitilt weeks Ground surveys have shown fatality Itltc from spraying opera tions of over tltl pcr cciit with thc larvae and about tII tl cciit itllitrlll IIIsIIIIts on the wine IIitI II rtiict Iful LItIIItt LtllliltttItItItl EIIlI IIII It cart Int Wlillli till itltl tl ill ltltllI ltIs IllIlttl that IIlt cxptiiuicnts hunt to new Instovcrits and IItI Dr It lwiiiti Iiicf of lIlt Medical ITIIII Divisioi Iltlttllltlltt Dcpaitincnt of in charge of the by Dr pi ageing was rc tlucstcd Ilic IItAl primarily for use in northern work of the Arnicd lIiitts IIN rIiI NAVY rank It isVuIiiversaIIy known that the striking of the ships litII Is the medium by which sailors tell lllllL But Iiot so universally known is how this practice started It orig inatcd hack iii the duys of the halfhour glass It was the duty of the ships boy totuin the glass at the end of every half bewareTommi SIItQHl tliat ho was doing his duty he would give the hell on the quartcidcck 2i lusty swine tI timc Iic turned the class Latch ships quartcrmasicrs found that this was an excellent method for showing the passage of time and balling the next watch They further simplified the system by havingr the bells tolled In iii crcasing numbers as the watch progressed Thus one bell denot ed the first half hour of the watch two bells the second half hour and so on until eight bells which signified the end 01 the fourhour watch When the new watch came on duty the bells would be tolch anew Ii Somewhere in Saskatchewan there is an ixNavy man with clearer conscience The story he gins or ends if youprcfer with the arrival of small package at Naval Headquarters addressed simply to The Naval Secretary Ottawa Ont Carefully wrapped in the package was stop watch in good working order and com plete with the broad arrow mark ing all naval stores careful examination revealed no covering letter note ltV other identification for Your Bumped Rustedout Spots or lab SPE Iloriis Is 11 miles upstream from tiniihiog uniIII Is Hot also Ilirczttenvtt The last Iiece of dry ground in IIItI lltjgllAJVs connecting fzinitotIa Lott IiIIi2ItIII jammed with rat and trucks Iitthe first ot the wot IinIIii Iiowtvcr ltlYItlHI Iln partially obIItIIerIIII inIII llttlItI that the purcil innit IIIIII iiiiilILI ltl Sushatcliuuan IIt hI name of lllt town nII tIIIIinIlIt IIII ltIiiI IIIIII top watch lltSltllltd by VIIIIVIKI authorities to borrowed Iduriizz thc senders zViItuiie rciv Itt It the Navy now hurl Iii jIlIII hands of the naval stores offi IiIII Il Io tickiiovlcdc and illlttlili the anonymous scndIr Sand Iiiilizips put his Iltltllllttl tUIl Il Ithl iII titlltt Maior Causes Tobacco Disease lllacl rootiot virus niostiit tllltl IIrIIuii iIIIItrot arc the major to ilgtttttt diseases In Canada They icanIc consitlIrablc loss of income to tlic prthIr by reducing the Vyicltl and quality of his cured leaf Vllhc oltiIr tobacco growing areas IIIIII lIlllIt severely affected than IIIII ttv ones because the Infectious organisms have been built up in lint soil over alonger period of ycais Stwcral methods of control Vlitt Itll recommended such as Isccdbttl sterilization crop rotation land Vthc growing of disease icsist lant varieties 0f the various means iof control suggested the production Iof iiscnsr resistant varieties is thc tinostctfrctivc and the least costly Black roolrot islthe most damag liriu o1thc diseases It is particu larly destructive iii heavy soils during cool wet spring bc f4lHII to the greatest advantage on iiitcstcd soil Fluecured Dtlcrcst Burley Harrow Vclvet Huron ova llariiioiiy Cigar Resistant Havana 211 Dark VrarjIIiIVIIlHl strains not yet released At the present time there are Inerttally in Canada that are re sistaiit to virus mosaic several strains are being developed bylhe Tobacco Division Central liin uniformity before these strains are tested for yield and quality Brown rootrot frequently is serious menace to tobacco when com in particular is grown in the rotatioti preceding the tobacco crop The infested tobacco bE comcs stunted and develops slow ly reducing the yield and quality to marked extent The follow ing varieties are moderately to highly resistant to the brown root iot disease Fluecured All common varie ties exccpt Delcrest show consid erable resistance Bnrley Judys Bride Harrow Broadleaf Green Briar Station Standup Kelley Dark LittleCrittenden Green wood Cigar Cotnstock Spanish Zim lmer Spanish Connecticut Broad leaf Connecticut Havana 38 Penn iIsylvania Broadleaf INNISFAIL Alta CPiThe towns search for an increased wa ter supply appears to have ended yrecently when drillers found 90 yfoot well 24hour test showed flow of 45 gallons per minute iSTOPI LOOK+ DRIVE MchIees hotly Shop or Broken Fenders aVBrand New Paint CIALISTS IN COLEISIONVWORKI NO WRECK TOO BIG NO JOB T00 SMALL VPHONE 5418 229 Bradford St BARRIE 1ro 5Q no varieties of tobacco grown coni However Experimental Farm which appear to possess satisfactory mosaic rc selection and breeding are necessary to estab iiiI ccoiid look at the outcrl 00 Crows If Could Infect Poultry Eastern Ster Give 3207 To Flood Reta II It lltt In It II III I1II IIE II itl out AN Llliltt All PHONE IltIIIiI Ito gIII 1I II1II tItII It weir lam ltttll tlllllt II tIII tit III puiliiciit tl Ilttllll Ii studyl IIII and III IIIllllt tIII II till IllIltItlllIII In III IIItI II1 Iltltll Now IiotlII II IIII Ii Iddl wt to EliI IIlititilci llllY II tlttitt lllt III II IIJItiiIIlIIiigtI II illilmll Ill in lll IInct small car et Iuiilt rnmtuin in motoring Ioueitolmctlitatltltlblllll lItl lillII llllvct So far tin crop all oiiiv lIoIII Ittii tlnluilii said Iinion Vltiutlior Illt IJI II lluthII iii ietcnl Vniil of CIIiinniiIIian Medicine uitl Vttciiiiury SciIIIILtI dInlini with VIthiilt SIIIJVIKII IIt Iid that It has Iiot yct llltll IIItciininctt if crows in other parts oi tanada illt also iStIIIlttl to tultciculosis but liopId ilIlttl tartas would report that by tho common crow Highway No 27 BARRIE Ontario yam Cooke Motor ioCimitetl its any IItlltt of llltht syniploinr The autopsy tinIinizs on the 33 iii fectcd crow showctl only slight cxtciisivc lesions lclcrally toiitincd to the specific or IIHIIIIWH IIllitli Is dIrIIctcd in IheIltIllWIIIIt lltllfol Which DOS55 lltlil ittackcd with no nizirltcd ten 3mm Ha moderate to high rcSIstancc CtllldCLy mnvmlms which DR Mitchiill Iilllltl tho absence of cinticiation ltcsioiis In III with It showing more tIIlIIltI llll tIIIIIII tiltr lubcicul ll usually produces tinI lVIlliILIiltI or rundtwyn condition III Victims the crows citiIiiicIi tlltl not show IitIcIId IIIth IIiiIiIII IcIA tIILIIIIIIII ltltl tIllItIlIIII tltr turn pIIIIIIIj Iotlt Intlcpendcnt IrIIIiI Sitxpcn IIIII Moiiotonsuaction Iud saws wetyht niorc Iiiilcs pcr gab IIllIlIlIII prrtortiiuiitr iitI kIll IIIIlnnulircl IIch Ioi cua Iooiuy tiiltIIIl liIc III III II Animal iIIIIIIIIII loIII IIIIIIIIIIti tilitl tti Illt of tin ttiiuliin lour woilitas in othci on the extent ItlII carried rcsI Icli this IISIIISI Is lIut stiuInuIy tnoueh ThcsII we acn 2489 Bloor Street West considered perhaps ox ON OUR ROOF VWIIII Bruntlord DoIIbIe Thick Slates Double Coating Double Surfacingon the exposed section make these machinemade slates Double Thick You have added protection extra strength and lastingweather resistance thats made to order in colourful IBrantford Double Thick States To enjoy yearsof carefree weather protection extra fire resistance the lovely harmony of nonfadirtg ColeursVdo your roong With Brantford Double Thick Slates Four tasteful new colour blends as well as severalsolid colour effects give you wcv nouan PROTECTION 2wide choice of pleasinngecorative effects Ask your dealer your builder or Brantford Roofings nearest office for full information about Brantford Double Thick Slates as Ii VBrantford DoubleThtckf Brunch Oices and Warehouses TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIBEG SAINT Joan HALIFAX all Planing MillCm WltMM wm valuc Itmcrliiil new rnyutc spiltugly beautiful new Iiiic llltlcltllthllIlltllllllllttll tIIlnnr lfCltllJ tulomn ta Ir change tIigIIIcrIrIl lot rtonoinr Slates Brantlord Rooting Company limited Brantlord Ontario tityliiulci cutInc Illlll utc zlttllllt and wide that usurious mIIiIII IItCIiJL yelling IIIII lllll reliability and Iovs upkeep Loulx IHtIII IIII lllt MU 8231 Distribuloo MIVJRRIS WOLSELEY MG RIlEY JAGUAR EENTLEY MINORSROYCE Itslhe coveitngf that Counts Limited

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