Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1950, p. 11

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ll llll lllltttlt LXAMINER Living Was Cheaper But Not So Elaborate Ilt Inn it that tiiiic pulAlois wild tur ta Eu or in lllllil lJiltll Ill ll it time pork st lril Cnl li ii linltiili int plums 3H pur litislwl lJl lw train lt liirluxs MN glti illlll Int Al iistiliitilw ll IUT lll litmus lil 3th ilttihiiis Dill tiltlx llic iinc lilil lit ltl In ipptw ltiril iiiipli uii 7i yard ilit llhtltlll ill tor 3i liiril iomi ict lml TH curd antd ttiiski be ll Illllllll or liiiiiilillr tl ltH lit in nil ft lb nus llt proportion anodiir to an llltlllllllllil vi llu lil thiili liiii llhl illir Its Aliiistiuii lion llr it ii tuv ll hotel Iiicprr no 1w cl il iiii ils li iiscil in lilll ii to hi lilill1l Liriii o3 in Muir iiito iiiir ml ilLl vilv toi lirllll my Hi It iii liilil to those pins too Ion illii it piiir tIH lttfl THURSDAY JlNE 1950 ill NE lT Sip3 viii LE MAN PCT I5 hi HMM PIN WHEEL oarmarge ATOM KATLET$ 5512 nearu HATS sat urns woozyw iNDOORS TOO Moat OUT i= WE capo aim WE imftt SOME 295A LKE TMT COULD Quit weer EEFORE MAKE HOLE THE TOPtJUST DIG man To HOLD MAMAS DELAYED ACTION LOCOMOTIVE THIMDLEJHEN PEOPLE ARE STAR THINK ILL GET SOME FRESH AIR AHMYOLD In iln llll lllilll It ii we ll we tc Illgtllilll ivlllt Wilt lliziiii my Imam buried Weir Jitllltlltl Izoi ill li lloii poi ltYlIvilit lltl tiic llltv aims ill tll Iirw lost ll cloius lIl rim ikr lllN and tt iltll Iliililil icitl lliiv in When noonl tune oh such dt tltiii lilltc ll Himml When lzitiks ircat ll1lllltitli ml lW 11H our eves inst 1t and givllttil til Hill And illelc flowers more lllillllllll tPVii ill SHWHI Will llllt of blue and white and red 11 lilii Tltn lune llltlis zit om ind too the moinun glory viiie1l1itI tlillllllmif l3lvll that climbed up on the shed ll illwa Il ll To be wonder and dcliglit so lr fresh and full oi dew WIl lo bud atid open in the niehtlt Y0 le 55 93 ft sec them now dontvou tlooti can air lilli ll Come take little trip with nit tW llllllh Til WE gt0 pic has let untold thousands mcu Humu II II HIGH STANDARD Housi PAINT stowAGEING Slows downvvear and finish ages evenly surfaces are troublefree for repainting llarric iArmy On the Flood From The amp Borden ilizeti daiigerous job patrolling the miles of sandbag likes holding the ranv paging Army lllltltlsltlllflr including some from CanipBorden similar afterdark patrols overseas when mistake could cost lives that the price of mistake could be just gether they regularly check every foot of dike representing Winnipegs stand against Old Man River especially at night when nusstep toret the things that trct or you may close your eyes and see some things that forget Fred Grant 1930 nt lune ill Us lonely lLSIillSlllL and Red River in greater Win ipeg but its job the Canadian The majority oi the 4000 soldiers ow on the flood front eiperienced untold Now theyre only too aware as high Thats why to with civilian volunteers Its not job for the squeamish ould plunge man into icy black water Nor is it job for the habitually carelcs So very much depends on the amanreared bill Whites stay fresh and clean throughout life of paint lm waiks of sandbags and clay on whether they hold or whether they break Theres the past present and future of city at stake errm our465 Better hiding ability means 50 they walk the dikes hour after boiii forle hours aha stretch and hunt for signs of seepage and the telltalc bulge that warns of paint covers more area impending catastrophe And its spertectlyl notgtiieasv alkHipliudi rub ber boots were not made for stroll ing and the ragng sandbagged par mzIy MI monoor Weathertested improved formula adds seasons of wear PERFECT FOUNDATION tor the FINISH on man STANDARD 260 PRIMER WHITE Holds fast to wood concrete brick or stage tPenetratescisurvr face seals pores Makes finish coat Weather Fast SUPPORT THE BEAUTIHCATION ehildren at play the barking at apets were not designed as lov ers lane feel their way along never more than step away from the swirling muddy waters They clamber claw and Its worse at night Then unless theres moon theres no light to guide the weary watcher other thanrthat east by Army search lights playing over the dikes Arti ficial moonlight its called Weak spots are reported the moment theyre found or suspected andaidrds rushed to the location immediately by Flood Control Headquarters The watchers parol lonely beat Because thousands of famil ies have been evacuated fromthe threatened areas they gaze upon quiet yet disturbingScene Almost gone is the laughter and shouts of dogs and the hum of traffic Wom ated from mostareas bordering the turbulent Red River and traffic is restricted to official and emergency use only Looking out over the swollen river watchers can see boats of all sizes and descriptions moving evac uees and carrying food to these still marooried The boats travel slow ly and stay well clear of the dikes so that their wash does not put an undue strain on the makeshift bastions And all the while allthe flotsam and jetsam of river in ood and onthe loose goes by packing casesnlogsqboards baby carriages and even houses torn from their foundations farther up the river CAMPAIGN IN YOUR COMMUNITY It is not by accident that the Army is getting muchot thenight EILJJnd children have been cvacu iiiiiipegers tnifl neioy homeless desperate lhvir icestablishment is not just their problem niakc sharing lli their plight sent lltttlhllltl someday he yours The Camp Hordei ainp This is YOUR Unit repre appointed within units to canvass for volun taizy donations has been organized opportunity to nelp sentatives tli Ililtt Manitoba llood have been Ull bv cii pit Fund These gifts of money lll be Used 2llCl$ 01 FERNIE BC tCPiLasi winter take years to complete for it would Fernic set new record for snow probably involve Combination of tall for the area with 17 feet 1013 iartificial and natural measures more than previous record set in 101 inches for the repair of home furnishings and beddingeslroyed by the ilood Althouvh any donation is acceptable for those of one dollar more receipts will be issuedi which may heyused for the purE pose of income taxe exemptions DONATE NOW ssowEn UNDER feet six for HAVE FEELING N6 AT MEOOP$15 THATA FIRE OELL HEAR Niniutobo Flood Lesson For Onto io Csii ti ilanxlrv luvLi 21h Illllt itlt Ii to ill lliuiit H211 at iot ieE tiii=iit lamii titan or cl that iiioii it caddy recLiI e1 am iul tour at tas oi Huh iiai to ofc dnce lo torl it may tu wiaiied that rel iit iitie lldgt ictn tluriz wt lltuitl tttll wp to Itl iiciiu of llltdtl fir ds tru itii Iigt tcctl in the It llltil izti oflzti tlll tin loi lintr lor lilkgt on the iaiiE ml and Grand Illtli Vane centts generally and Lon loi and other communities along the ilzaiucs llivcr SplllLL floods in tilIgtlll tholisaiuis of dollars iaiiiaeei llTiClttll been lii coniiroii in the past lllltl as far asi ne hivc sccii little more than iieeiiinin been made on llooCl control projects and these only in two of the arms tlicr beginnings may have been made and not publi cited but judging from current de llil art inands IUl contiol program in Ontario apparently inspired by Manitobas experience this SplllllLLJ the no adequate attempt has been made Ito control Ontario rivers known to ibe liable to flood The wisdom of planning and un tiltlllCllllIlL such program is ob lvious To establish control of the rivers riteiitioiied in the preceding lparagraph would admittedly be ldifficult task and one which would reservoirs and reforestatiougfor ex liilil lowtl llli lttltllix ample It is program however NEE TrtaS ow snow in tiii in an kill ll whit it the llKi ll iizit tilt nod 1111 Ititullki lu lltl lit ii TIM To It SI INHIOI SIIS Illll Tull LESS WHAT iiltilllul tt in mu MLN htkmmw ll ioi ot ori nontriourv ii In DOWNSTNRS l1tlliti latit has been lull noun inth 73 il iuiiila VJitll Niall PHUNE 1566 Ily lilvll iiito thi lunsllltdiw afterl Al27 Mi lfilll tiip am 1iTllElIXANIINERCAN FILL Yours UIll All Muihmilrli Illll Jr lliunlln Li1itli itll iniitd outdoors PRINIIR lull PHONL 14 llll ii it ill 11 leaiis xvi ti tat ll unlit ji=lilti fio tin tt irtigti lit llll iliil it ilii il il tHav llllll it season in his chaii The town is hous tourist this summer rimnotiir uidc publicity no and answering hundreds of last uirii twin riopictie tourists now my whmk BRANCH OFFICE 14 Peter RALPH LANG CLU BRANCH MANAGER ARTHUR JOHNSTON name Representative Dover and Midland City Summer Season Of I950 tblltlliillt livi ll llvlultl lixdiction of inntii laiziziin iliillltsl HuiIrii to liiilit liiiadw hf liyoi ll llitiitvi lllill all nunilnz cotddll tlt =tiit oi lciiit Lon liiii la tllllllil lll llolil llzulnx lliiusda night this summer ll Mnyor Ilun litiltlSlllllL lillllltltlll ii zMayor lluiittr went the lctletli of lXiuLliua its most Ilain Street in brief resume oi pro nients made to the dock area siiier The man at average means can easily leave his family guaranteed monthly income until the children are grown and then cash sum or monthly income for his widow through Family Income Policy with Gabardine TROUSERS it Blue Brim ircy $1050 mm THE STORE $5000 In Bookings We have already over Sis iii bookings for the boats er president ofdirorgiiiii ILiy Tourist and Strainships ltd operators of the Midland in and the itv of Dover liii iltllligt on lttI llxooltines tll over tu cisoi if ihli Illlllltl cxpiiiiud li lllltiltlE 25 zoidd he lililileii ooii had cailui decried critics of lenc oit liltlll reclivellainz who said the town Iva dead and tt tigtliltlllltttl and that notinne ct iiiippetiid it dc iiltlll oi iiitlll there illi lll PW think ii eiegit deal lli llttl 131 iziccouiplishcrl iii the sibort inteival tolloviiig the war years declared llis Worship ICXHXVTIXG VISITORt Starting at the Annils at ther Eiliil llltli Int Itlin lsoutheily entrance to the town ucs and additions to ousiiiess cs lle also stressed iinprovw season With parking space available tor lot or itltl cars ASK YOUR MUTUAl REPRESENTATIVE ABOUT FAMIlY INCOME POLICIES ORILLIA ONT The modern factorial of The Slander Motor Co ltd at Country England omplill over 200 nun With over million it ft of floor mace and over 10000 Ilrilled pcrxonr Standard builder of line can Jill T903 729 Your 227de VANGUARD Standard Vanguards are owner odiust ed because they are owner tested Throughout 76 countries of the world Standard Vanguardi have been driven in every climateon every kind of road Owner suggestions the findings olireiearch experts and the superb the Standard Motor Co ltd have all combined to engineering staff at give you the new unbeatable Standard Vanguard It is the car of the future yours in I950 Drive it today The famous 522de ern SLEEVED engine removable cylinder liners gives you top performance throughout the life of the cat Ask your dealer about this exclusive feature ANDARD Moron co CANADA LTD lawlonBlvd laronto Canada Standard Vanguard Cars Standard Exlnta Can Standard Panel Delivery and Pickup Trucks Triumph Cari THE ST LOP PORT appearance of NEW DESIGN surmsssss Strengthen tire against accidental damage Add memo the with highest standard otpAyiicnucEn IN ii ms gt VI DISTRIBUTOR BRITISH CARS VANS 880 BAYST TORONTO PAIGE lt5 IENNETT BARRIE Tr Increase skid resistance on wet Longthens tire life Harmonich with body designs GRADUATED RIB wuims Improve load ounirnEAD Mmii Maintains roadholding qualities through life tire and increases mileage MORE ms Greater egdbility designed to assist roadholding qualitiesiat high speeds istinction MOULDED GRIPPER CUTS wiosii Emmi riiEAn Greater numbei of tread edges to resist skidding distribution To added safety on all surfaces SAFEIYSERVICE SILENCE STYLE surfaces modem cai substitutes of silence and 5er ready to give you pride of owue ship and carefree confidence every mile you drive of topnotchrnmlcrialcanDunlopagain produce this the the worlds leader for over 330 yehra And now itsihere that sets absolutely new standards in safety service The worlds finest lirellis back Iliecrowuiug triumph of over 60 years tirebuilding experience gt Now you can enjoy EXCLUSIVE SAFEILENGINEERED ADVANCES that make Ibcncw Dunlap fFort beyond compare in1oad grip 17553 resislanfcfalrerigtli dependability and long life lt During ten years of slidrtzigesl Dunlop rcfused to cheapn this great tire with Only now witb the return premium tire

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