Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1950, p. 10

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NEWS OF COOKSTOWN rv iiiu limit l1 liiixintw vtrILIJl 1I=I 31 ll litllilltilt and t1 itit ttt iiIlt Fur IJi III tirtiitlz iillii itri Eris iriit fths or lt riltltl iw to tire valikiiiid New floors epertly sanded it finished by modern Skill machines lid floors also re Saturday ed AI liorknransliip guaranteed CARSON lillchlrllan FOII IIIIIII IISIIMAIIlI lr and Mrs Miller hnvr lcturncd home from ten days is Miniimiliwhls munl Amlnw dtim in mM iimy Hum it with Derby Miller iir iashinutou ML My Nimimi Im New location BOYD ltlvlru liSlAlli INSURANCE iiixior sriuirzr Opening at New Location 22 BAYFIELD sr IBARRIE NICXI TO THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Thursday June am trrr liriii old IllINIL Ilss Stir li Illirlce of Iiriiitito the of an Mrs Illlt tur ii ritil illtlllvr Ll lttl Airs ii Lawrence irluriii Ill llll Itii Hirliitdl ilwnc ill town 31 Inltiili inil tIIlIlllt xviihcia iicus 1th Vlillilllll Iliioitl Illgtftll of Sihuiuliirlt rail brritiir tl LIlallzr iriililrru rlrs Loretta IItltltI atrd Viilliltr Ilood were weekend ritors with IIIII and finished as dcstr Hamming min sound Toronto spent letintsdav and the wool at the home of her mother Mrs lSA and are spending the re ASPHALT SHINGLES SIDINGS BUILTUP ROOFING MATERIALS A56 Ellen Street buildings extra yearsVOf beauty and protection Made in Canada for generations BlSCO products are the nest quality madeanywhere Manufacturers of LONDON ROOFINGS Smooth and mineralsurfaced ROLL ROOFINGS Asphalt and tuned SHEATHINGS FELTS PLASTIC CEMENTS WATERPROOFING PAINTS INSULATION ROOF COATINGS 6562 BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS lTD Plants at LONDON OM PORTNEUF Sta PD Warehouses Branches QUEBEC PQ MONTREAL PQ TORONTO ONT TH snarl or GO President can COAL COKE woob ix BUILDERS SUPPLIES BARBIEi Phone 2461 Mary St rolect your rOOFs with BISCO repair materialswdnd lengthen the life of your farm buildihgs BISCO Roongs and Siding beautify your house and burns They Ore easy to apply or resistant to fire wear wind and weather and give your Consult your BISCO dealer folday Red Cross News lJohn Corrigan on Friday May726 mm presented of COunty convention PRfilfCIIOll 00 cutieER ties since the organizationo the serVice Will likely be required for PHoNEfzsrf Bdrrie lRectangular Plan Keeps Construction Costs Low lit ittlil lltrml lauriitry lain to Iizrns IOCOnoILOOA aw fr tilist lb NIS wr can St nrairirlcr of their vacation iii tooiis Listfut gifts Several speeches were town iitin Mrs James Miller made by the iiiruhbors fil0hiitt no 5mmIilp ml Mr Mrs Nrvils to the community The Sotnnrcrvrlle of IIrni visited Mrs ill THINK il 5PM Norman hairtlcr of Newton Rob inson gtptllt Sunday with IllS Sisters illr Malicl and iladys thantler Ill town Mrs llcnry Davis Miss llelen lla vis loc Davis and Miss Eileen Mc Donald spent Saturday at Mitchell lvisitiuu friends ICVcning Auxiliary Meeting The livenini Auxiliary of the lMS of the lnited Church met on lliursday everung May lli at the home of Mrs Donald Monkinan Mrs Monkinau conducted the meet llll and also as treasurer gave report of the finances Mrs Everett larrc of Toronto were holiday guests hotik irowingz with the Years of Mrs Shetlers parents Mr and The president Miss Illcanor Cor Mrs John IItllllltill ripan gave the lrielilitihts of the Mrs Ilanuy Mr and My recent lresbyterial meeting held at Frank Wray Mr and Mrs It Mltllilllll MIS Alllllll Wllll HEW WNW dunmm we hump Vie an address on Christian Steward innS Mm 11mm ship showing the joys of Christian Mr and Mrs Zert Ilarman and llVlllhi illll MYS Wr Ildll 19d son who have been visitins iir toivn Ilill1 Til PM Nllinii for several weeks returned home lltll 11 1h hum Ur MIS ROI wusde park oncs iilford lhc hostess scrved Mr and Mrs Eddie Averill andWllllllnls children of Toronto were weekend 0llrummov visitors at Mr and Mrs lionglr Imps The marriage of Miss Vera lrnmb IMF and mm mm Mcmmun of ley of ookstown niece of Mr and Toronto spent Victoria Day with the Um liiggillli COMWW formers mother Mrs Mc All JUI leli 0f Ml and Mum Mrs lolrn Allen Nicol of Allistou MmhBussmgthwniloToronm took place on May 12 1950 at spent the holiday at the home itlll30 lPom Ulmd Church hm momma NOann NWHS muiTtlltllt with Rev Iligginson offi Mm NW1 ciating The bride wore lime ML and Mrs All 170mm andlpreen uabardinc suit with beige baby of Toronto we Sunday Vdarcessories ller corsagc was red 015 of Mr and Mri Anhur Glassy roses ller only attendant was Miss me Misses Dhmmomfand Mm Wm Isobel Dermott of Cookstown who Goodwin wore yellow suit with corsagc of weekend guests of Mm James yellow roses and sweet peas George Miller and son Craig Mr and Mrs man FOLIOWIHII ii reception til Tibb Miller an of Tommo amp bride and groom left for motor Damn111 Washingmm DCf trip to Niagara Falls Buffalo and Rev JUN Kon of Thistletowu southern points On their return Gordon and mm Apporley OI T01 they will make their home in Tor onto and Art Thompson of lottcn mm ham were among the Victoria Day Unitm Church YPU Social workers at Lewis Cemetery pie attended the box social held in Marital te Hel Vlm 1U is the Unitch church0n May 22 The en and Isabel and Sawyer were guests of Webb and Miss Marion Webb on his 75th birthday on Sunday Work Room The convencr Mrs Lewis reported 152 articles of sewing and knitting and 17 quilts had been ship pcd iii Ontario Division Toronto George Farts accompaniedby Mrs Ira Wilson at the piano duct was rcndcredby Isobel and Evelyn Currie follQwed by surprise Wesley lllndlc Thisw as in the form of Court Caseliitlr several Campaign Report II Marwood treasurer re Two lively numbers were played ported the canvass had not been by ten members of the symphonyi completed in March due to bad load orchestra Misses Helen Mapes and conditions With one area and one Betty GillOy dilECIEd the floor Show other canvasser to hear from the which consisted of several couples total is $26555 to date Ortr objec modelling comical and old fashioned live is 30000 costumes as suggested in several oldtyme songs Piano solos were rendered by John Arnold The re The executive of Cookstown creational part of the evening was branch Canadian Red Cross met at in charge of Mr and Mrs Ivan the home or ReV andlMFS Atkin Wright The wide selection ofbox 50 ThurSdaY evenlngi May 252 as was auctioned off by John Many reports were lemmedi Wllh Houghton The prize for the best Mrs Chas carri the President box was given to Mary Lou Baker the Chair and Hi MaIWOOd Coffee was served by the social con as secretary Erin absencerrofTMrser ivenemhunndmgyhe meetings Webb til September 11 1950 ng Ch Manitoba Disaster Appeal omans llS ran emper dn Ma 13 anappeal was recerv ance Umo met at the home of MIS ed from Ontario Division Disaster Service for donations Of hip wad ers work gloves socks and flash lights By May 24 donationsrwere 72 articles and $7311 cash to pur chase more Two shipments have gone by Malton Airport containing Clam 09thJun 31 31 Amefng 141 articles These items except 0315 WC flashlights still urgently needed rs omgan gtMilllt0ba Flood Disaster VFund Badge of Service headed by Manning is strict Mrs Couse Charter mem 1y limited in purpose to rehabilita ber was presented with Badge lion of flood victims The Canadian Of Service pin Mrs Lewis in ad Red Cro has been appointed the dressingher spoke of thesacrificiar official agency to render emerg servlce she has always been ready Ency t0 evacuees until their return to givetorthe community and of to their homes Already over $400 with the president Mrs Carr in charge An interesting report was held in Collingwood in April Plans were made for baking sale at Mrs the splendid work she hadrendered 000 has been Spent1m emergency Red Cross as converter Ofcivilian vwelfaleand Ilif for fOOdi bIOIh clothing and in so many other do ing shelter and transportation This Branchjn 1940 Mrs Atkinson lst many weeks The Ontario Division vicepreSident presented the pfDTSHSWTLREHBfCOmmillEe IS HISOOW Ladies were present from Hollows full tithe duty at Winnipeg Red Institute and Ross Soial GrouanOSS b00k5 are always Open for and greetings sent by First Essaemergency funds Donationsshould Willi in appreciation of Mrs Couses be sent through local branch or work with the township gp0up5 direct to Onta IO DlVlSlOn 621 Jar vis St Toron marked Winnipeg rShower for ME and Mrs Nevlls Disaster large crowd gathered at the town hall Cookstown on Thursday Temperance Study Course evening May 25 when miscellan The 22nd annual National Tem eous shower was held for Mrl and perance Course was conducted in Mrs Norman Nevils recent bride October 1949 Thirtythree entries and groom of the Ross community were received by Cookstown Wo At releVen oclock the chairman mans Christian Temperance Union Colwell Ramsay called the crowd from pupilsof Cloverdale and New to order and an address was read ton Robinson public schools Cooks IIIEZ Il lil ti1ilii iv iiLllitll lh coral Iltitl LMW Hugo Jnlitl room into riziiriazi Ar itIIlIlUIIl lllll Ml irlriiir tau to tzii rear by lelllat lii prim iiionr tiiltslsllltl of lr mi my Hw Wm ll irisuzatm value of Gennaii and lltxlllltll Ill tilhl Iil llli Lolilillb ation it kiltlicti llatn root and asphalt hi virall tllllJIlltIiS rri placed at 38 feet NIIIN IRAIIIIION Erin squzirr iei whilr the cnhare of llll$ Mn pl1t oiirriir ii tiziitsor homo of tli For ftlllirii information about IIIII DICN Sellers and Itiltltlltlt toutts courts If Nllllffl rot norsrcs Iuice in lltl irio eiiniai it All piliiigvrquwwwug roqnt what they crinsidor to be lu ii tslvlltillt Ilil IIIIIiII how 11 lq lax hmplmml mi pmrt rho illliil Ill lttatu was Iltiitl bi sc an ici Iirzli wit ivmkpmw nd gsron to lilllrt li lll IIlt niil ll iii All DIELIVIJUIUS anroun of ironey they thought was ht we itlltlillll li ttllt toolistown lit 85 mnmw munu iil and reccni ll marlv lltl 11gt he lllllt bist answris of each mum MIL rJl rage rgioup are entered til the otlir 1h ilgttlimloops Ili declared inlS is Mr and Mrs Arthur Shetler and lilue save chapter of the stud mm Milk We and MW Bob Batters of Cookstowri was grooms iTlllI BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE 1950 WEEKLY CHANGES HANDS litlfstillufl lit gtr iLi Illr Iii lit Specially Iritlcn Iur Ilir Ilarrir Luminer in NORMAN riniiinss FOODS iv Ur ship ir ALLlLLI traditnirr ir lip zi iiv iillt rl ii ri irv ir it it Bee Por xltl lilrlt illt iii WI EIiIIt il fIirzri tlt itliltIlIJ IrIiI to Little ilrulniii IIIL urchin It tilw fzgti itl Ill ltril tiirlrir Jagu an tittld horse that can arr Iltilll liill oillured by tr tilizf rril llIkl but later so an Sea Foods Illl ilt tllitlt lalgr iiltitlgll or run 1M sinii 1llitisri lravrnr llllil lll 11 mf iljll Itltlltll Ill tut rznilvr 53a tialirzooni and Hit it IIVN bini olcnt tuml ll ii 1min ilrc lutiiirrilir plan with us Iitiltilii lla IttA Illlltl lI return costs of ciiristioe tttnt snootiou ilhe ships uric illlmihliv Illt Visrt trial IIIII litiliii Nut iln itcrei tiriih of siding up Ni ii the wait til it ti iu col ill ianl llm ivzlt iszi riv tr Frozen Fruits Vegetables ltIIl Holt iiri li hoot arm in iiiiniinntal N1Ulmp 31314 so lull iJIlE1 ti lot or oil llitili ttlliit II atryc IIIIIIIIJII for Nairauno llt tuilrl iiiiiuslziai ll in izr illt Small IIlrlisi lilmmmi um illLlttI opposed bicakrnp with the livid Minn lllltltlll lililc ttiritilll He said it 11 Mjm Lrv inas harmful to tilt morale of the pmng mph Wu mm lllltl Ulltltii Isl ltobm lrenchooks thll liinlorl hmpp go ind my ir awo lltllllllt the men who narrcrorzs riiomas Birdseye Orange IIIISIIIIIAIIC IIIIC EXAMINER CAN FILL YOUR tontest from the local Uniiu rf WM PRINTING Nicicns PHONE 2414 IllIll Johnson and liiiser air tied puntmp inn becomes notions for first prize in contest for Simcoe mort or less than theft ounty and Districts of Muskoka RM Thou Svrt5kivinl said No statement was made to eeivrd also 5star of honor pin Hm mm mm WWW obtained Ii tlItlfltiiitSitkollltl not be distributed and they itlliSIUWH DUIS llt looked forward to It as matter of presented on Sunday May by tradition and llllll Mrs tarr and Mrs John 1iiis at the lniteil hureli ser SPRAN 34th SAMUEL ROSE llttil lillllt Sinclair parliamentary as1 srstairt to the Minister of Finance CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT InrteilAnniversary sprang to the gunports with an Anniversary services rini hold Ulllltlhlllf my If there is one service which should be getting prize money it Is the Canadian Army he said Infantry and tanks captured thousand tunes more property than the Navy The battle roared moving from in the boiled thrrrch Cookstown May El llltl The large church was lwell filled in thr morning with members and adherents and with lgoodly number of Sunday School scholars Visitors were present 69 Collier Street BARRIE Telephone 4949 gt Birric etc The special music bi hymn Mm Ubswmlg thl fall of the shots Defence Minister the choir with Lorne Arnold at the max mm In fen 011 organ was well rendered and ap was prucpcding in the matter preciated There were four anth Ur mm mmwy up up guru may tlll URN illld MillWlllllsH Onirilv of inert who served at sea Worship the Kings and beautiful would like us to proceed solo by Mrs Louis Monkman In 011 words 11er chip amp leaeh Me to Pray in the morning To Prove You Cant Match and Praise the Lord and Saviour Asain to lhy Dear Name We Raise illOCTORS TO SCHOOL and solo by Orvil Carr Slllltt Thel alll hmt Clilllglllti SLllQlll lgcr If Galileo in hp evening was bells to summon them bub more greatly enjoyod than 800 Ontario dociors troopcd Rm Ail BHWIL BA Chum tobcdrently all last week 711110 AMIS IFr Chapman M11 21nd MISA Appmmmely forty young pm which haterand fear seem to be the evening was opened in the formofI singsong which was led by number ably presented by MrsI of the young people taking part Love was very timer message inview of the worlds condition in dominant factors in our modern society and was very mrich appre Ciated by the large morning congre gation The evening address was in reference to sowing the good seed of the Kingdom In modern agriculture the four different kinds of ground could all be made into good ground and so today in spite 01 world conditions the ministers and teachers and workers in the church may be able to change what seems to be hopeless situation in to vorldiinlwhich love and peace and brotherhood may yet bring in the Kingdom Of God The service closed by the minis ter giving theBenediction and the choir rendering the Vesper Saviour breathe an evenings blessing Thus great church that has given great spiritual leadership and service to Cookstown and community for 172707 GLLFORD May 29 Mr and Mrs Ross Neilly and Bobby were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Art Kneeshaw Bradford Euchre Party Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales enter tained the euchre club on Friday evening very pleasant evening was spent at cards and lunch at the close Prize winners were la dies lst Mrs Norman Davis 2nd Mrs Steele consolation Mrs Arnold mens lst Alt Davis 2nd Harold Cronin consolation Leon ard Stovald May Mrs HCooke of Mount Forest is spending few days at Parker Kelceys and Mrs AllanWice and Raymond McNannis from Toronto mim of Simw prvsbymry and min iconvention mcdicall school to learn iswr of Central United Barrie inlithe latest 111 the tight against the ispitc of heavy cold uave two Merv world NO killercame inwirinn 1d th They also heard top illLfllCllL if 55 mommgiauthorrties discussing the latest address The Overflow 0f GOdmcdical weapons in the wgr on the Master Model for 1950 ing rooms at the Chateau Laurier No killerlreart disease Occa sion was the 70th annual conven tion of the Ontario Medical Asso ciation Various dining salons and meet lwerc turned iirto classrooms corn iplec with black boards chalk and slide projectors There was much talk of the two griew wonder drugsACIH and 1Cortisoneused in the treament of rhcumatic fever and some controv gof heart disease developed by Drs EE and Shute of London Ont In joint report the doctors irclief from Vitamin treatment ians of the future will regard the controversy which haze been allow 1silliest and yet most amusing epi isodes in professional annals to the layman 100 YEARS OF PEACE Up in the Senate last week they wcrc talking about world govern visited Mr and Mrs Bruce Wicc On May 24 Miss Nellie Scott visited her sis ter Mrs Ray Webb on May 24 Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Cowans were Mr and Mrs Jones and family and Mrs Harrv Arkley of Toronto Mr Smyth and Miss Verna Smyth of Orillia Mrs Joel Prosser and family of Churchill Mr and Mrs Rodgers of Bond Head Mr and Mrs Ford of Grenfel were visitors at Mr and Mrs KeleyFon Sun day celebrates Ninth Bililfay Donald Shannon was much sur prised Wednesday when 16 of his school chums and friends gradual lyarrlved to spend the afternoon It was Donalds ninth birthday and there was lots of fun you may be SUIE icrsy over the Vitamin treatment mentioned nrrmcrous histories of patients they claimed had obtainedf They predicted Medical histor edt devloa orfl another milestone has passed in at It was all very interestingeven Wherever you livewhatever the size OfyOur familyrkilchen or budgetbe sure to see the new Frigidaire Refrigerators NEW improved MeterMiser forl950 See the four new NEW gheiygs an pummel models6 76 dnd 92 cu ft sizestee why yourNo Ichoiceis th worlds Nol Refrigerator FRIGIDAIRE NEW swingdowu shelf folll NEw g6Idanawheumgepg buercheese small items NEW spIilshelf ollowsroom for large bulky items and rustresistant USED OnD byxMrs Nixon and Mrs Beat town Bond Head Thompsonville ty presented the bride and groom Sunday Schools Cookstown prize with ll table full of lovely and winners were as follows years 5050 GUARANTEE Quality CARS ispldy MORRISON co LTD 3133 Bradford sr Phone 5566 Barrie latch and trim NEW gillporcelain Twin Hya NEW SupeFStorqge design dal55jhil5Iakjlri with fulllength door on larger NEW allporcelain Mela models Storage Tray Come In Get the facts about the new Frigidaire models for I950 Irrimediqte Delivery Easy PayimentiPlan EMMSL ELECTRIC 47 EliZabethSt BARBIE erroneous

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