CHURCHlLL ii Ito llu iiit Mustuni iIt mpii IIII IIIIyI ltu Till lilllll1 til 11 L51 II Iltit2 il lllt lull ll li4 iltl it iiii Ifiil do iii iv my KM II II III III tll idrtti lla llii 5w lt II II lvviili Nitii tI II HI1lit ill llH ii Iii1 Win II II li idllt thiiih 21 II 11 ltlltll In II lill ttill iiati ttm II itall ilircitl in ill mdk II IIIII II HI II iui ftlus tt Hinriri ti III II III IIIII ilaiiiit it It imiw filaki II It Up It MI lt lliiilti tannin til tlltt II II liti iiiuiiih til ti him it IIIIII II III II III Illnmi lllllt1lli lilf tir in tfi in TIM It itiii ii so no illtlmt VHWIH Millil 1d IIII gin if ii Elillill iiti Ntzlitiii ilt lttllW lilill III IIIIIIIII littitltlli tutti lilillJill tfagrinl mu iciaii lltIllt tltalt Itttl niisliilit Vllstlll lIthttl llillltt ltlntlii tiiiI itiil llii ttm TirtllliJJ ltititl Haiti 1ilt ion of Illltlliilitl and Scotland Ill tr ltltl ii llu Illillll tvl liitiiIit IZUI Vl May May HM LJillilitkl tti Salmon lI lajvlui Iatoiiii tlll tttii wit vii siting lvtis IJtLti lllt rtatliariiio lattisoii can LI pair tutti It and int It tin Ft tll lloiiiaiiti tIl hoods llltllllUl um trial ltttluit ltiv inli illlltflt Illt spiccs tlllIlitlZlilll tlii tliillll ti llitltilllt ii piiiiiziuppti and tlltt Kay Sioari iinii lliv ilsllitl Hand iill llItllttl poiin Ittltlltlt llonir in May lrirwi iiail llii llilili contrast on tlu lati of Jult Iiptnri lltt llltlil Iiuiix ltlti cph irsiiltctl iii guouii Mair In lllltI lr ltthwl liilllayloi Iui lllllltt and Sloan pin llillilll oi the hook ltuv llll Ilnihrilla was ltltll tr MIN Sawyer story lv lit is Illltl novelty lltltl ha kct muttst was won by Miss Iain itsoii and atliariiic lattron 11 Rzllmn VIP HICSUHK was ciijorctl and llltll S1ili Hm MW Hit chord with Mayor IlltSIt liiiswi illurltni Ilalilwin Kiy IrtIrcil iccrrcain suiulno who and Sltiiilt Ititl lttili Altiti Stmrart ttll5 illllllil Stcwart and lIiliili Iil 5H 1nl Ililiti Federation of Agriculture itll itlltlllttl hymn Iisus ltii no Kmmmh WIS Ilit IClllllLltill Area Itdcratioii houp licltl its last iiiictiiig ol thi scasoii in thc Community Hall on lluirstli ticniiiit May ti Kciincth hIchill Wills author ol Iho Owl Pm and llv Moon stoiiuCictk was the spcakcr Ilc strtsscd tho rucd for creator ipI pruciatiou aiming rural pcoplc of our agricultural history Mr Wolls qucstioncd if lth individuals in thc proiip kncw who clcarcd tlu farm on illiclllltty lltl if llltIV kiicw who invcnttd tiu scid drill and llll first moldloiril plow llc said that in England armor and Weapons o1 tcstriictiou of many cciioratioiis past Vtlt kcpt in buildings for that purpose th lltlt our rst implo IlltlllS of construction thc cradic for uraiiicuttiiiu ttc wirc not lillllttl Ihcy should hang on llllt walls of this hall tOlllltitilltd tlic spcakcr Mr Vclls urqu tlic taiui Icr to be proud of his occupation Iand to stand firmly hchind tlrc Iltcdcration of Agriculture llc ipointcd out that labor unions fin ancc their own organizations and ltl Slitplllltl was sum and Tim complete WITH ATTACHMENTS new GE Cleaner with powerful ncccssary Robt Campbell thankcn thc spcakcr for his intcicsting and the group ncw outlook on com inunity history Monty Lcigh ticld man for the County chcratiou shtiwcd thrcc films during tho pv cning The Bright ath illustrat ch Hydro Dcvclopmcnt in the Pro vincc of Ontario The rainmakingr tinachinc and maple syrup indus try inI Quebec were shown in thc tilinEyC Witness Saint John Valley4vas trip througih Ncw Brunswick These pictures are tcrtaining as well as cational social time ovcr cup suction Not rebuilt cleaner plcasarrkclosc UTSPIA gt May 22 oncc McCann visited friends inIIoParry Sound over the wcckcnd Mr and Mrs Arthur pobson vis ited lILNOW Lowcll Stindayi MissEva Mitchell with Our of her pupils Maurch Elphick Mar garct Ellis Billie Iitiax and Ross Higginsom motdred to hcr home in North Bay for the weekend VACUUM CLEANER EPLETTS Furniture Electric 139 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 3721 plicns Bruce Miller Mary Wood Blossom Sundayhw yvuJRoise Your Baby Chicks THE SHUR GAIN WAY with 7911191 Sither Broiler Mcrsh Growing Mosh Developing Mash Laying Mash Foftening Mash Your Dealei xlllllNSUN GRAIN dndFEED STROUD Phone 52 Specializing in Custom Feeds GRINDING ROLLING MIXING lrtler TotlayFretrllclivery IPrompt Attention to All orders 958sssgsss955sssssssggggsss lm ilwr hows owr the wreckage of ststcr ship to Which two men and woman are dirt in iw lll imhvd Uiilc rescuing the woman from rock il Iuiw tiinw tl ili llorsvshwi Falls and tr tt at llilitlltl lolui tuiii Jack Dirt titI itittiitttllItl HM litllltt in the lltti import in the snill bugit Int SARAH LAAJHALn tittitmmi its not Lewis Bowls 859 Wins Singles at Dicks Tourney ELEINNYS is lIlll AIIA WW KW Ellfi AIS VI start5 Barrie Business College ll tutti bu ttittttti Ilillll phone 31874 Iii tlcasc li WU wish to thank the paripr at limp mi thoiiriouiulinq Us lIltl iUl llltli whirl lli1itll iosptinrac tlltl milliiisaittrtin in thw Gitiiui Ito11peiii11g of our cornplrtcly llli gtlii nixed store We no liOllUTHl llltl plerisul that so many of you wore Ohio to visit during our Grand Rerening Ilvont We extend our sincere appreciation of those who took part in the renovations and to river recently orith between one wmcn Gordon ROYIKEL In the Etiiiu ltIttl liy llll itttlntl liv lthat the Federation could too ifl informative addrcss and for giving being crlii ofcoffcc brought the cvcuing to Garfield Coulson Georgc Stc of Mincsing and Dorccn Dobson motored to Niagara and USA on liclls reCtiitly lhc WomansAssociation met at llltllUiTlt of Mrs Roll on chiics day May 17 with mcnibcrs pi iscrit and visitors Mrs Coch ranc LEEJQJIIIIEIDLKI from thc study book EVERETT May 22 Mr and Mrs Frank Patterson and daughter Galc motoer to Pctcrborough 0n Stinday Congiatulationsvto William Car roll and Shirley Patterson who were married Saturday May 20 in the Anglican church here Mr and Mrs Roy Laking of Tor onto visitccl with Mr Laking and Mr and Mrs It Btllamy on Sunday An Indian fairiilyliavc movcd into Evcrctt occuping the building of BlythcConstruction and vc welcome them to our village Alfred Goodson local fisherman Pine rivcr near Everett measuring reports plenty hf thcsc bcautics still left so come along sportsmen iirirlItiy your luck mil Aw mind Well your girl friend know youre supposed to be out of the me say it once shes heard me say it twenty times thlafsprlnz Mal caught thrcc Rainbow trout in the lronLZO to 24 inchestn length He park by twelve If shesheard row on =4 those who so kindly Sent flowers to the open iuitiiixaiitl tin lgtl iI Ii mg 133 drbaqf IAK or ixtiiniisr II t$ lhlIm ilIinIhIIHI Illilillil1lliMfi ll llll iltlitt til ilil l=iii ltit inlif l1 fthl and ti iiiiih ii lanai lilttl 1111 Itaiij 21iziip ltuilitif ltlitl Air ll ilitttllltlil ii 11hr Ittl tin 11 liniiit llilill iii Hitllllll 11 siltt Aiit iiiiniirlwi itl lphoir tit 4r bIHIII tltl iw 11l iv 1mm to iziciit of mm tmum Ivzl nwlIi it tUNlIiSI tlitit was total of 38 bulbs in tho lamps and tixtiiris displaycil in Ill1 Ir tht Fitttiiri Studio The following were ticd in this muttst Itriii lritiik llllt moi Iiiltl my i1 slug Donald Sit lapptrton St Marshall flit larltsidi Irir ILiik llaiit Til lml VIM lohii $1 Irs lzicli Plant 31 John St Hamid flit llliikc SL iiid Mrs William iit1 mm mm WW 37 Th Th ll tltItllttit iittiml iwn will in rm in iii at 800 pm to tltlttltllllt lllt uliiiitr =5 Ily IZSAK Ea ltlll1ltllt1litt iiit vlo Ilzt ini ii ttlitii with 1ltIHttiltlilllltl HIWL lI IIm ascliall zippinii ll in ii ti rf ltll ll it VI 1mm Him WIN lmlml Eitlttll Iith Ittui wil I55 til Ir Itt tli m4 illll If Sm Hillth lIIkl Ulwdilillttttl tttii iiiil llil tl ii iviwfiip cluiilj in IE IElmml Hml llwitlittiiuh ilu litl Ill li ttvtl iiui izi miuim lniii itlllllllllllliitlll lIItllllllt lIILItillSptilESIHIIIII51IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIII III IIIII III IIII IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII II iIlltIIlI flari tii tltiIllll iIil IiIiiitI Iii IIN in My Imp II WI II II IIII IIII IIIIIII III III AWAww itl llil Itllt tillIilt liII til tilllll was tltllitl to Itisi titl ltlt Ntultll lltdf toltliil up llltl iiilliil it iiiiitt NiuiiI is Ifi iii pirliit ttrritoi and spoil llltlgt for tans in that xiiia to Itltlx lip Illlltil ltieiit giii1 ltl who tlli tii lllll liiplt hall lltl lltl tlt turn on Ilillllll and which ihil Now Yuri niiii til iiirTltill llttl Sm pliIiii lliiis tar llttfl Iron no sports ttaiii has tlllll horaurc of liill them liltitlli tIl Marion sports promoli 101 haxi litkll Iiiiiil lii lltt Patititi Coast II xixiic iliiiic for ixainpll drop of tilt itiltlitlillltt iii the first inoiilh attrihiitcil tottlirisuiu lot llllll naiiitsI aiizidiiiiis and anatliaii hands to itlatc hayiiit llttll itlcitti hy IV iiit llIlI roiii will tic thosi iii lllt lttltlllltl and Montrial districts first whtii ltltl1ltill sturtodlry tho Ht And aiiailiaii promotirs hayi ibtcn lelitl attaiiist it Itptillttl ily litttllllIV latk ltinpslty told igroup of Montical sports proiiiotcrs not to pcrinii tclcvisinu of llltll itVtlllS or thcyd siiffci ltllwisioii is wondirful t1 Ifoiiii ot Itlllilllllltlll tsltciillI HOLLY May 13 Mrs illll and Mrs llaniiah of Stayntr arc isitiiiu at tho Ironic MIS KtlL Plymouth gives you practical styling that com Mlv le MIS Mi1lt5 Tomnmv liiiitslitaut antl utilitIil llitrtsrooini ioiiitoit iimd MF imd MIR Wme Willll th for adults illllliltlllltltl aiul Sllltllltltl rooiii iCookstoWn iisitcd at anip lixcrl rcar scat fool igfst lliat proiiilcs plenty iii leg room rtjgaitlltss of front scat poition Add llyiiioutli fcliairliigzli scats for knciII supportingr coiiilortI stats that lll you sit upright aiul host llttlHtllltlHt Icaturcs with an automaticcliolw ignitionkc starting and tall ltlllUptlllllg doors for cas tlllltllltt Illlll take features like SafetyRim Wheels that The atlru tlOlttLItlll in case of tircfailiirc braids that have cannjjl an cnvialilc rcputatioii for Silltly Add the reliable pcrIoriiiauic ol llymoutlis Iliryslcialliigiiiccrcd liiglicompris sioii engine blttllllg that donsift maki Iwu ivork at tlllill iili Iiatiircs like tinw and many many more IlIimoutli is patkiwi with Ytiluc and ready to prove it Viellatkel gti 55 31123333333 AROLD HILL LIMITED grWongzizr GREGORYS GARAGE Bradford Phone GRAHAMS GARAGE II llist0iL