iv lNNlSFlL NOTES Aritslirii ioi no in in roizii isiziiiirrw ll it ll rl CIIgfr gt arriwm3 txltgzszaziav mellll tilIrwins II Adritutirgm merino 1i PROTth gt LESS MASH usu III HEALIIITP mom II Ibtiiurtiiieiiiou xtiii ifli For Sale By VIIIi llllltlt llllttl in Ull iiiMIA IIII IIlwlitl or Iili ti iil il llltn Illtll ii 19 Iii II ililttl imam iziituroiiu iiii sumr riioiixros Wilson lllli Ira lilsou lttliSlttllN ti will ixilii ii in Iii tiii tii ti in rim illl lit llllitl 1v Htlli ll lllll li 11mlle to trim llll hluiigtiiallllllill Pllll Makes lining aster mug Convenient spread out payments Eosy terms to suit you No worries Cool is deliv ered in plenty of time Youre all paid up before Handy coupon payments moke household budgets run smoother year round SAVES MONEY TOO because you get the benefits oI aeciul Budget Prices THE SOONER YOU START THE MORE YOU SAVEPhone today BARBIE FUEL Si SUPPLY CO PrioNi niii Victoria St SIX Powerful overhead camshaft 6cylindcr engine Light sure steering and wide clear vision for driver Luxurious seating oxrolm sensation in motoring ulltc Powerful new engine Alrikingly heartitifrilncw lilies iiiilcpgntlem front suspension withinwheel lizisc heating wiihinwhcclbasc lctrlltuttllilnln gear clniiigt riiinicrrml for Harmony yk Mthl Finest small car ycl liuilt ludipcndcni Ironi Siispctl shut Murioironmaction liotty and Chtixsis saws weight more IlllL itcr girl lon triilhaiilx piitiiiiiiiiii cttiu iiiouiy rue Morris reliability and low upkeep costs llen Highway N9 27 BARRIE Ontario Groves Jihad Coow totow imiteol 2489 Bloor Street West MU 8231 Dilittillllq MORRIS WOLSELLV RILEV JAGUAR BENTLEY and ROLLSROYCE llontiinoi vi it til Ii ii Ir it it 31 PM 14 lt it in vv ill m3 Errors liil it ii let 11 It It im 11 llttlllltl til tlu air iziii iv iiiii ii llttilt 11w tiit rt ll ili with lllll lltl llt1l in tilt iiil llit WEMBLECHJN ltitl 1i at illl xthiii WM kl MOVEST HE THE NOBEL ngZE lt in iiiiiiiil GREAT mmgA WH ti ti ill iili in lziciiiir iiul in tttlt tvt1 iiiil lt 11 lm li wiiii iiillllvtl Dominion Stores Limited Enjoys Best Year In 30 Years Sales New Peak lii optraiiiiii Sliiiia lllllllll tor tai tlltltll Match 11 15030 again had ticItil gtii ml Stili7ltlti tit liitllI iii slthtilT wric ici its Ilttlii Ivvar of mi littlll THERE WST bE SOME MISTAKEI NEVER WON DEAN GET THAT iiTED res NOBEL Plaza ERE 050 THE 50 IT WAS YOU WHO TOLD HIM WON THE DEAN JUMPED TO CON CLUSiONS MEANT THE TURKEY YOU WON LAST THANKSGIVING 1145 maze RAFFLE AT FRITZ NOBELS WHY lttl llzc lttillli ItllllMllllllg IIHII INN SIIIIIIIIIIIS III lltilll iil 33w ll dollar of salrs Iinioiiin 11is Kcnnv ot loriiil iri lltllili to SM sliaii and ioin WI HHIMW NImIkIx pziii illl aliitllifltt txi Still May 20 htli llh PHVWW llTtll Will Miss iitliorinc ONtill of Torl Hum rmMl Mr and Mrs McNalil slicnt whcn salts totallcil $527732Ht In Inn WI mm ri wmxkhndI hm I1 Wild ill Sunday With Mr and Mrs Mo ilitlifiu thc cost or goods sold toilt Mn tirnm Hr Tipth Shin IIriii llIt IniiIiIcadiI III HINTS Nabh 11 Strand ill ti in 937011 orcratuit toslsl my gt UHF All 11 Hnil usarIv ru 5vlIILltltitIg Itlltl tltpllttltillttli Smithy ZISIIHV II II India Ma 34 Mrs lvlitlllll of hp W051 ll1 ininstcr lit spcnt Saturday with illt lliillitlt toi lllttflllt iascs il HUI SIM II IIIkII Marl I14 Mum MIII IIIIII WI IIIIIISIIII IIIIII MINI iltltttttllt now lltll iiiitl ruptu cottatgc tit Li out Mr and Mrs Iurlcv have rc tiirncil to Miiiiuo aftvr spcnding Ittk with Mr and Mrs Kon nv lsiiiis an iiuriasc tilu pririous Irixir lhi policy ol intrittilirplziiintd pioiiiii for coinpltii niodcrnila taco tillt day last wcclt llarolil Smiths house iiccupivd IIol9 llllitltl was ntirc Ilowcvir lllt iilgii we brought tlllltl ttllllltllI Ilu lirc tlliillll tlistiirbcd itic vil tthhir CLONES Mar Iii exl me if intitiii in history with working pi his mmhmI Mm III nilkph Hm tritium 1lottil lion ot ilictoiiiiiaiis taciliiics con and Ihllh Itlltllllll ITO mlii thttltltlltlt daniatc Mrs la Iiulwrll rent tow ll tinutil apart Villiaiii lloisu IIIIIIII IIIIIIII wmtmmu lonmmI mu WHIMSIHWI PI II II IIIIIl mix lrcsiiliiii rcports that lllllllL the II II Illt Liiiu is iit bath in llltll honu lurc uh I1 rinr thiiiccii lit Iasicr Markcts Mr and Mrs Iao Somiicrs Illgtti Ml 11 MW WW HWY Ann Milllt lTlrick twovcirold MM UIMIH 11 10 Shirltv and Iionaril of raiizliurs IIIIId mm mm 1mm wuroIloit Simrn lltl MI and Ml dathuhtor at Mr and Mrs icoiuc IH Ikmd vim Bong tltisctl lcn ncv Mastcr hltlllitlSI Ml=ll liitk tiil hci tingcis scvcrcly on $31 arc undcr construction and anoth my lll llVlWWVY 1113 Sh drawing bourdI xiiists at IItiltl lliilpsltiit tllI1lkru 1U RWY ricwmu HUSpimlIt am Igt Ill Ittttllt thlt dclinitc indication of thci onipiiiiys tittttltitiltd rxpztnsiont program At March 18 205 retail outicts tll lll optration coiiipai May fll Will 331 VWI 31 Mrs Il ltiiillt is visiliiic with Ililillit lhcst factors into considira Mlrnmi Mitt warm rillia iioii awrauc wcckly salts pcr stort MlI and mm Stuart nnd show an incrcasv or 7343 family of Toronto visited with Mr Balancc Slltll at March ltl 1931 m1 Mug lpLg gummy Iiccords tho sirongvsl tinaiicial posi IDickcr of Toronto visitcd with static EDGARI mi 37901000 lilgittt til 33581562 Ratio of currcnt asscis to currcnt Mm BUNn Ur dunInt Vim Ii 1iubilitics is 212 to and share1111 lyrusgmwS My days IR lIhiiIdLrs cquiiy or not worth isjwockI Will Shark Clmlm Mr and Mrs Staulcy Mchnn of in i6 51 Fm lllVLllIOiillizi spciit Sunday with Mr anal iorics of $356984 rcprcscnt aIMrsI1IIuidw II supply of lcss than four Mr and Mrs Patterson and iik5 WSW 11 Sillti Nell Miss Aiiiiic Iattcrson of rillia llxd 55915 ill tilled ill 31l913tivisitcd with Mr and Mrs Bust uni ttitt and in this connection Mr lsundv illiirscy points out that since IQIOE Mr Imd Mm CI Wynn If Tom lame $4 millmi has be in to and Mr and Misflighdoruison oi Wilmes Acmfmi Coodwuod shciit Sunday at Stra ovcrISI million wasIspcirt but zipachunk proximately 53 million of this LL came troin sale of propcrtics and Icquipmcnt The majorin of thci propcrtics sold havt been retained for use in the business under sat isfactory lcascs based on reason illllt rcrilal Costs CROSSLAND May 22 Mis Iohri Blain rcturncd homo on Saturday altcr visiting tricuds in Toronto Mr and Mrs Wallacc Potts Btil icros spcnt Sunday with Mrs Potts and Mrs Allen May 23 Jack Barnes Gall spcnt thc Quite number of fishermen 21 iround are reporting good catch Mr and Mrs Lorne Chapman of Cookstown had tea with Miss thcr and Watson Downcr Sunday Mrs Sawicha and family who spent month with her siSter Mrs ISokolowski returned to Sudbury Mr and Mrs Harry Smith and Mary were in Toronto Sunday vis wcekcnd with his parents Mr and Mrs Barnes Mr and Mrs Thos Beilamy Not tawa spcnt Sunday with tho Ship hard family Mr and Mrs Harold Doder Pcmbrookc NY spcnt Saturday at the Allen homc Miss Gwen Beacock nursein lliarric wiicri soviral stilclics wcrc land daughter Mr and Mrs Ver meadc Mr and Mrs Scaurs East spent the wcckcnd Mrs Lanp of and Shirlcy with Mr aiil Stroud chkcnd visitors licrc wcrc Mr and Mrs lcrcy lhury and Skip oi iloroiiio at Ii Bidwclls Mr and Mrs Gco Dickcr and Barry Byers of Orilliaand Marion Dicker 01 Toronto Mrs Smith and Dorccn llttlttl to closi tlirii tuiizcrs CENTRAL ORO May 221 Mr and Mrs Gco lcarsall Al laIiitlalc wvrc Sunday visitors TlIUt Midimrst VI DiCMISI Ill and Mrs DIati McArthuis Mr and Mrs PLtcr McCuaig and Mr and Mm Halley Simmle Lani McCuait wcrc visitors Sun01 Conmgwmd sued mm lay at rlltlllllll51 With Mr and 1th Jim Llundu lht ll also Mr and Mrs Ralph Carson Mrs lulll Maudslci and Betty Anne Mr and Mrs DIuws 3lllmhy 54 ROM Jenner and family Of Barrio wcrc Paislcy and othcr relativcs in th Sunday visitors suddcn ptlSSltlIu ot lrcd Paisley on Sunday May 21 Mr Stcvcn and Miss Annie Dcckcrt attcndcd tlic LiicksIclPzixiiiens Institute accepted an invita ton vcddinu at Aurora Saturdaytion from Edgar Womens Institut May 20 ito attend their nicotine on Wednes Mr and Mrs Grant Ansdcll and day May 17 Miss Lawson from the dauizlitcrs Built and Shirlcy spcn Womens Institute Branch of Tori Saturday at Oshawa and Black onto was the guest speaker Her water lccturc and demonstration was on Waltcr Lilvingston is home after spending six weeks in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie much improved in health Earle Rcid motored to Kingston last Wednesday to bring his bro ther Clifford homc aftcr completd ME his your at Queens Medicali College Sam LcstCr Mr and Mrs Steel thc wounds 3n Womens Institute chcral mcmbcrs of Clowcs Wo ctablcs and meats non Mr and Mrs Claude Teaguc and daughter all of Toronto visit cd with Mr and Mrs Hutchi instin during the weekend GUTHRIE May 22 Sympathy is extended to Haroldi Husband in the recent death of hisl mother at Milton iiIiliIndILi M15 and MIS Howard Buri training Kitchener spcnt thc lt gc in on tn ll Egbert WA will mcet on May 31 ecmffhrIwBewtgck lm Thornton WA instead of June and Mrs Cooper PrestimI inv1ted our orgamzation to Miserean Barnes Tomnm and MII and Mrs Melvin Barnes and boys Stayner spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Barnes have attend their meeting on that date Miss Sadie and Ernest Woncn and Mr and Mrs Grcnnacre of Killylcagh were visitors at Mr and Mrs Chas Mooneys Saturday ev Icning COngratiilationSto Mr Mrs Robert Luftmanmon the apriyal of baby daughtefruwif vaZelmaiDIestouche Torontn spent the weekend at home with her bro thers and sisters tAlma Arskey Toronto spent the weekend with her cousin Mrs Carruthers and family Miscs Kay and Helen Hounsomc of Toronto visited with their par ents over the weekend gt Mia and Mrs Church returned to their home here for the weekend after spending the winter in Ham ilton Contirmationservices were held in the Anglican church Sunday night when large number were confirmed Mrs Cecil Preston is visiting with her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Orval Adamson and family Oakville New Minister CA number from here attended the induction service for Rev Gor don Gendron at Hillsdale Tuesday night Malice lt for Your BUmped Bustedout Spots or Iob SP STOPi were WE Mr and Mrs Capcl and Mar iIion of Owen Sound and MISS KreSS of Toronto visited at Gilchrists last weekend They had attended the HObIeyPueGilchrist event in TorontoIon May 13 odyj Iliop Or Broken Fenders ct BrandNew Paint OLLISION WORK N0 WRECK Too BIG N0 JOB Too SMALL PHONE 5418 22913mdiord sr BARRIE as May warWW drainimam mww rim The home canning of fruits vcu liciiiovcs Iiiwautcil lluir tlolcs and Warts EyeBrow Artliiug ELECTROLYSIS HELEN BLACKMORE Late of lliscott Institute loruuto Will ltl it ltcginn lurl Shoppe 58 lllllillltlll St from May 29 to June it inclusivc and for one Htk in catl1 month tlicrtatlir Open Tuesday and lliursday evenings Consultations Ircc For Appointment Phone 4311 Ilarric ag Ijrtiwcr $68 00 Ton llarric Hug Finisher $680 Ton Buyer to Supply Bags iiiiiiiiiii noun Min CAI You WILL BE PROUD TO ion USED CAR LOT 172182 Bradford St PHONE 5355 1949 DODGE SUBURBAN Station Wagon 1948 DODGE SPECIAL SEDAN 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL COACH 1941 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1941 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN 1933 BUICK OPERA COUPE 1936 CHEVROLET COACH 1935 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1933 FORD SEDAN 1930 ESSEX SEDAN 1947 MERCURY 12 TON PANEL 1945 DODGE DUMP HAROLD Hm iiiMimi CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO BARBIE Made of TopIGrudo VIRGINIA BURT and mount Tobacco You too will singwith prziiseiwhcirjyou fay the MILD balanced blend the cigarette that never tires your taste Accept our invitation try weekwith Winchesirey91111vxatt0 my with them for keeps if Winchester CIGARETTEIS to em YOU SMOKING SATISFACTION ModetOlVIeosure ttth tit to lltlltt iiii II TI WOLLD HQVOQEO 5i 64 TA VAT lrititl for Valui at in ll 7d $5250 $5850 li xiiil Vit lili lliii ii if xiiitrto 5n Li ii iii iituz iii luv Fiiii Mr iriit 321 ii it tii To vvtilll gin Shintm iYI ltr ifniial OSi3fp All illii ilr HU llllt it QTIZEN who LAKE ALL iiiii Tl Ilui iii rd lair GREAT NENIsNIEZI AWAY VI iii Saritiin ii lt iit lt ilnl lmion ll is ltttliii luitiirti iltt III 121 IIii lllllllt llilllll illltl r4il itititrii it tii 1t WVWI Ii Kilt Wu iii gtMM at aroproiuccos momaawry10mm