Church WMS Hold Annual ng in Midland eti N113 olrirtu foi tlii1e 111111111111 111 11111 11111111 11 11111111111111f1 14173 11 int 111 111 111111 11 1111 111 11 IINNH mud i1i111 1111111 twirl111 piecatedt Iil 11111111111 1111111111 11 111 11111111t Imti 1111s 11etl by 1111 Midland lidie 111l 11 111 Ilii lililvi 111 AllV 1111 talltt liiiiill gt1 5111111 filiilittl 311115111111 iiwliiriz 121111 11111111 1111 111stntti1t 11 111111 IIIIIIIIEII 111 ti111 unis1 1111111121 1111poi111 1111121 111 eiy Illtl til nimul rimlri could easily Maw 10 11111111111 while 11 ii 111 have such dearth of 111 11ers 11 11 1111 111111 1111 the 1111111 111111111111111 1111 41 11111 tiltl of ailviie and 11111r11 11111111 1111 1111 111 111 Iliiltli Il11 51111111111111111 gun11 It 111 Aliplm1h1 11111 111111111 1112 5111 1111111 11111111 111 12111111 111 Stilllldllirljfdlltl litlptid tlilttlsll the 11111111111 111111111 lllitt Itl yiai $1111 louder 111111111 Mrs Aberrietliy 1111 Lil 111as ber 111 Bloor St Toronto 1111111 11 2Mimi and told of the IllSIltIltl 111ll 112111111 111 1111 111 111 1111y111 1r Nations Iii 1111 their 111111 ttitlli1 was 111111111 311111 111111111111 infants and 111111111111 from an 51 tlttt 11111111111111111 IipiIl iti cents llii illlllllh 111 all 1111 1111111 SIltitl 11111 hetii ietll 111 on Itraiich vlzich tlLifllll stiess 1111 111111111111 ADVANCE liristian Stewardship 111 charge 11enionstrate11 11111 practical tiiiieig ths stewardship 111 all 111111 tlllllt1ltll to each of She 111111111111 lltll is made by 1111111 but life is 111111111 by what we This discussion allocation for year and it was aimed 111111 that we accept With the hope and 111111 of increase as had been 111 the past was discussed that instituted with the time set 111 11111 eiy iiiipiessive voisliip per 11111 was then conducted vale Affiliated Society Montgomery was ask the 111111111111 111 the same and it was tirele be Irayer by Mrs F1 11 vertYOur Comfort at Heart Thats why we make Spatial featuief the no In every detail they are planned Etheir smart good looks and the L10 Folding Carriages bys comfort Youll lik truly worthwhile features Come in toda and let us on get in the new 1950 oyd Folding man show you all the extras Carriages Supercomfort springing of ingIolds in an instant fits any handed 113110 trunk Adjustable heighthandlevchangev free ride gs Simplex Supereasy compact fold quickly exacting but 3153111 1111 Kyttfittt 1111111111 1111 111 IMtx 11 air 11 111 11iuii1 111111 l111111 1111 111111 11 gt11tivtlt 1111 11 11411 11 111111 mixlr 11 1111151 ti 11111 1in 11111 111 31 llu 11111I 51111113 lit 113M 111111 Ill lJ ll 11c1111111111I 11 13111 1111 11111 11 intuititioi 111 111111111 111 111 111 511 1111111 1H 11L11r1 the I11I1Jizt1 iiULi 111 11 1111 11111 1141111 11 111 111y IUIIIIL llllr 1c1 211 1111111 11 x11c111 111 it 111111114141 M1 intist 11111 11 iiliif111111r tl11 11 1111 fast el itinlruil inn1111111 11 p1111 111 111 higher e111 leiiifIL Ni 11 1111 8111111111111 1112 31111 1111 walnut 1li11c of MD ANN 1p mum 111 111 1111 toiiii 1111111111111 II1II 11 Mel 11 hips 1111 Newton niiwioiiaiy oii furlough 111111 the WMS 11 111 111111 111 different stations 111 an 111 In 1111 West she 11111 111111111 11111v children who had never 111111 111 11111111111 gt1gt11111 111111l 111151 1111 1111111111111 to noon 1111111 which ll 12 111 11 tiishippiiiiid 111 11111111 hum twin mph 15M oratLeii of 1111 31111 iilillnezrttly of Juries wrie told of Ilel 111111 11 lilltillll pieacliri and teaclir 11111 ervan of her people 111111111 111 1111 111111 coinniuniuiis and 11 as 11111111111111 11 111111 St liar 11s1er is yes tery much so 1111 the children who help soon develop 11111 such splendid graduates that 111111115 have been increased 1111111 to 111 the 111st president of flood Head 11 ell 11 111 years and now 11211111 l1ro invitations were extended for 1111 litiltltltii of nest lrerhyleu 111 11111111111 and these will be con ndrred in executive stionzz appeal for 1111 iiiissuiiitiry 111 111111 expeiienctd 111 the 111111 1111 her Master Following roll call 111 all socie tiis 3111 1311111 piesentrd lvlission 11111111 awards This had been splendid aeliieriiiient 111111f1ve Following message of appieciti lionfroni Mrs torrican the Mid land ladies again graciously enter tamed at tea for the delegates 111v Ilillltlgt orgaiiied bringing another 511CC1SsIUI lres Mrs Seaman as Dominion Ilozird primm 11 close treasurer gave very enlighten 1111 address and stated that her aliry on Dominion Board was the 1me as when she had been treas liiier eIlI ago for her hlission llland She pointed out that so inuich of 1111 work is sacrificial giv niiii and the Mission Band is the tiaiiiing ground for adult work iods plan is founded on love In China the greatest advance is the emancipation of her women 111 Korea liiist still walks by way 111 the missionary Trinidad is pro 111essin and their women have sent $1411 111 grateful apprecuitioii to the WMS for the scholarship 1111111 111 Japan communism will take over unless we advance A1 ports of entry to this country all immigrants are met iir workers give them their first contact with the church Over 1531111 came to aiiada last year Work with the CNE Announces New Competitions 1111 women the Helen of Troy competition for men the 111153 Shave contest are two of the sew eral new and different coinpeii tioiis announced 111 the Sitpane Canadian National Exhibition olt mens prize list now in the mail to thousands of CNE wouldbc parti cipanls across Canada Maintaining that all women cant be Helen of Troy but that any wo man caii be beautiful who believes she can improve on nature this competition is test of makeup genius Cosmetics will be supplied and the best faces will receive cash awards Our 3lose Sliave competition is open 111 all electric razor au diets explains Kate Aitken direc tor of CNE womens activities Shaving tools will be provided for contestants who will be judged for skill speed and closeness of rliave Open to all innateur cooks snack artists and Wimpy fans is the llainbiirgei on abuii competition with first prize 11 $511 For this contestants will be asked to fry hamburgermix and onions Cash money here goes for speed of cooking handling of frying pans and quality of the finished product For the Miss Dixs and King Sol omons the Qiiandry competition IASPEII By Sinipkins IAIIIINI Born At Coledon In Peel 150 More NA Buyers Mrs James Munro 72 Dies Following Illness Mrs Janie Muiiio itrltltlil 11111d1lt ltoyal Vltltlll1 lloqutal on Satini lav May 11 after 11 lengthy illness She was ill lier 71111 year taledoii Mrs Munro wto 1111 former Anni daughtei At BIF 111111 il11l 1111111111 1111111l 111111 ltttlllIV llllll Ninth opeuiiii Ii111 placed at ortlii 1111 11 Till1111111111p1eilr isililn 1111111111 1111 111 handknitted Vancouver gt11111 11111 llitl v1 mm 1511151 111111 11111111 and 331711111 13111111111 Iiel tittlllv 111111111es1 1111111111 llorii 3111111 Nelson James and Elizabeth Ncistili She ella 11 11 111 1111 131111 1111111 111111111 husband three sons Wairani Officer Munro oi the llrl at Calgary Noiiiian and Clarence at 151111111 also sis ter Mrs Norman Itolger IorontoI ltev It Sinclair Ill fortn erly of Ilarrie and llev Iaines Fe llllts lieshyter iaii Church officiated at the set held on 111111IiiiHnlltllltlllil liven in 11111 trade for 1111 years and You get SUNS ltlt 11111 11111 11111Ey 111 11111 Iliittsi than they 1111 iiiaiiufacturei 111 1111 l1 illrll 1111111 11111 lll 1111111 l1a11 more IHIFIICRICNI SII 110118111111 1W cirson itlI 111 11111 0111 which day May 115 from letlnekSmittii Interment Ilarrie Union eineteiy triatires and friends attend11 Hamilton Inglewood vices veie 111111111111 11s long time Hitciiliar slant on life 11111111111 111111 1111 edges 11 what landlords 11111111 are perfectly normal roofs Funeral Home was BRRRS 011m 31c 11111115 TEA 1110 ac 59c 111111311 rain spouts and 11111115 suit 41c 11111115 1111111 511511 at 21c tiletltiit and Toronto Nor wood ll om Iestoii several Simce County centres Among floral tributes were these 31111111111 from the Briitlierlioiul of Locoiiio tei 1111 N11 132 live Firemen and Engineers therliood of Locomotive IIngineers Brotherlioml of Itailway Iraininen Speeis Kidd IA ltoad toiinty Itoyal Black llttti and Itoyal Black liio Irecoptory No 1101 Pallbearers 7111k 11 latterson tlt Essa Presbyterian Church Maison and Ileis 1111 minor $111111 2511 1112111111 11111 Swimmer 11111115 Xs 11111111 111111111 13c is arrrmgcdflachmcontestant will be given sct of everyday pro blems which include management of husbands wives guests child ien dogs iiilaws bosses Contest ants onthespot with the most Stll 1111111 solutions will be winners or tlicwomcn with flair for cakemaking theres chance to win $100 by baking anddecorating 9x9 cake to commemorate Golden Wedding AnniversaryThc 10 bcstventrics will be presented to SuperComfort FOLDING CCICIIIOII tiles Cools To Newcastle 1950 wonderfully smooth vibatin II grossing millions annually in an instant Converts to strollerjeasily Deep supercomfort 11111111111191 Soil at Bottom of Hole Icntcr Pour Starter Plant Food With Let ight Draw Soil Into Solution to Hole Softion Ovcr Roots It eate frotectsillant from Shock of Transplanting the manufacturers dir Dig hole large the roots spread out about them Taking care not to in jureithe roots hold the plant in its place then pour the plant roots solution While thc so hole draw in the loose soil and rm it around the plant lhc solution not only supplies nutrients butpud dlcs the soilpabout the roots mak ing it easy for the plant to take up water Root of plants shou Replacement of lost roots re the plant Golden Wedding Anniversary cou ples in special CNE evening It 15 put necessary to attend the CARRIAGE CNE Participate in most of the competitions Entries are open to Canadians from coast to coast Hundreds of cash prizes are avail able for children in homeknitting and necdlccraft for adults in 1Iin ens cottons towcls bedspreads 111151 afghans crochet lace tat 31 Milling hooked rugs necdlcl planting as 111 operat plant as patient and to make sure that it is performed with mini rntim of shock It shocks plant to move it and gives it setback but there are advantages in giving it an early start weeks before seed can be sewn in the garden that stand the operation best are stocky rather than tall with strong stems and abundant roots If grown plant bands or small flats hem with roots undis But LB 85 111112111211111 1111111 ENI FLAI moor CARTON cctioiis 11 10110111 cover the soil When the amateur gardener sets out in his garden plants which were started early in greenhouse hott bed or window of wants every one to live The way to ISIIIC thtsis toiregard transy ion with1hc noug gt1 MIRHLE 111111 s11111 nunssmc or 0N CUP TlllitlllttllASE or ANOIIIER meimon 01 71 1111111 MARGARINIC his home hcl 1110 the hole over 12 int of starter paint childrens clothing homJi plotion is in the baking canning and handicrafts in pottery metal wood Icatlicr 1011 Entry closing dates for competit ors are listed in the big prize list and they varyfrom May 15111 to Aug 14th depending on the com test Prize lists maybc obtained by writing to Womens Division Can adiari National Exhibition Torolo The plants ld not be pruned imust take place befo can grow very much Tops of plants pruned as shown by research re sults Pruning removes part of the factory which has to make the new plant material carbohydrate upon which growt ing is likely to tak than necessary dead tissucdoes no wholly dead lca iiipots hould not be so you get tiirbed so much the better even bare root plantscan be trans planted with proper It you grow them week Shipping Electric motors to the United States is like carrying coals to Newcastle but that is exactly what arin in Bristol England is doing The order materialized after the chairman of therm had made personal tour of the USAi investigating the market and studying problems of standaidiza1 tion Now the rm is aiming at North American export program care wn plants feed before the operation with liquid plant food and water them well the day starter solution bag contain food in bu ting it soak overnight of 4114 mixture each gallon of cial soluble plant food accor depends Prun 011 more foliage Dead or partly harm though vcs may be picked your bgforeBrepare hangmga cloth plant ing eommcrcia cket of water and let Use ounces or similar to water Or use SP dinty Shading is good practice 11vhen plants are Succulent when 5011 and air are dry and when sun is hot But good plants can usually be set to successfuliv without shade CH0 MHNGIOWL 3291 iiPuDmDClckms atom 111 59 1111111115111111 or more crymp glam IIII BARR IXAMINER TIIlRSIAY MAY 25 1950 FRUITS fr VEGETABLES tt Ix IIII IIII Itt IIlIIIiI The Manitoba Flood Victims PINEAPPLES 29c II ls SELECTED QUALITY GOLDEN RIPE 1111111111115 191 111111111111 iiiiiiiiiii6iiiiiiiers L1 491 catsuit scams 251 ARRIVI NG FRESH DAILY FRESH TENDER RNTRRIII RSPIIRIIIIIIS SERVE orrm nut 1111111111125 5111111111 29 INIItIIllIiII IIIIII IIIII 111111 111111 250 Deposit your contribu tions in the Special box at all Loblaw markcfs TS RAYMOND SWEET PICIILES ozflia 24c 3101 41 GRIIPE JUICE smm 0171311 23c Swiiim 115 33c IIPTONS BLIICII TIER 1111 1113 55c 4111 anytime ioiiiiiws 1111mm 111 COTTAGE 11111110 111111 250 505 5111111 PIIDS 14c 51 11111 33 1111111 51111311 coin 1m 59 who SA 01 330 LARGE PACKAGI 32c it Fri 16 LARGE 111101111 3c 1111111 5111111111 11011511110111 1111111511111 121 mniai will 1111111121255 111111115 we 55 LARGE PACKAGE 33c VIE fwsaosesLsuntt mauacmd Uh CIWIIIY TOILET SIIIIP Rigid 8C Sign 051 50C XYDL we PACKAGI33C N1 1111111311113 111 30 51111 11511111 PACKYISEZIIC 1111 336 13 151 CIISRMERE 10an 11551111531111 32a 11 11111 19gt snirrs 1111111151211 25c 112111111 miss wnx 35111 Grail Dr Balliirrl Pet Foods 15 oztins 250 HERB PARKAY MARGARINE 35c tor PACKAGE WORTH 10c 0N EURCHASE LB 19 I6 FL 7I1R 32 FL OZ JAR KRAFT srrcmu QUALITY IRODUCT orrna LOBLAW BAKERY Lonniiws MADEIRA cam EACH SPECIAL WESTONS Miicimooni cmsr BISCUITS POUND 25c JACK 81 JILL tomws cnUNKY our PEANUT BUTTER 113211 370 LOBLHWS RED LABEL TEA 111161 0111116 m6 1112 52c clams 130m BEANS 1N CHILI SAUCE oiius I90 gtKRAFT MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING ozfih 45c GENUINE SWISS GRUYEBI CHEESEESIWET 28c AYLMER PIMENTO MANZANILLA OLIVES 112111151 I11 471 AYLMER CHOICE GOLDEN CORN Skit 02291111291 ST WILLIAMS APPLE JELLY Hilts 29 AYLMEB FANCY FRUIT SALADV 02151111 28c QUALITY 111111511 MEATS our from FAVQURITE PORTIONS AND SERVE omu never need oiling never Lloydliegal FoldingVCarriage 19111 del No 504111 $4475 Other models figgilfw j1291131Dunlop St Barrie W9m==loaoh===9no AVTABVLE MODELS 111111 CONSOLE cousin111110115 REDUCEDIO TO 20 TERMS IF DESIRED TEDS 1111111111111 APPLIANCE 311111111115 111 oz caucus 11 25 FIRST QUALITY 51111111111 1111111 1111111111 1111 49= IABLEREADYMeats mas 111 891 sunrises 71113771 ARROW BRANDRINIDLESS See 0111 Display Of SMOKED SIIIR IIIIILIIII ARROW BRAND Fiiosrrsii r1311 3lllllE 1111 101111 5111151111 13491 Somv rumrs 111 391 oar113911 44Essc1 R111 GOODPARKING 1it13eo9 as fkflhfj megs Qa vs 1m 01 umalswo13935aumaM391 IEOIHHOUNTWSTY mi 1111111 1101111 511115111115 1349 con ulnars 113 3ch LOBLAW GROCETERIAS co LIMITED PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 25261211 11