Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1950, p. 3

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I1t=r nir Feel the long of lreslt ocean brew 134511191 10 thrill of dip in the sea This year visit us down in the Maritimes See our his toric towns and beautiful countryside the rugged coves and sunbathed beaches along ourshores Well welcome you warmly Worm11s lrutilutr 3111 ri1i $11 111111 11 ilitj 11 nxlli ilrr lrl 145111 1111 linii 1111 15 13 Wlxri 1t 11111111 11 r11 1i 1141 11 1111 111 1111 11 111 111 liilcuatcs wir rppoirritd 1111 1111111 Arrr1r liraitrtm $111 Short culzrsix 2111 jcir 1lr tlirlJEXtl 131111 111 ll 14111 chow it oil It 113Ler iv1rilit1 11111111 ilt IU 1111 rlirltllrlkm likilt ltlirci ii11 illrni to 111111 par tor till 1111 111111 11 Win 1111111111 11 lIlr 1Irzrrriurrrly 1411111 putt inc II111111 uv l1 111111 liorri iergiarIri Mn Rialtluwu Carin11111 1151 llix 1117 v1 111r of England it ti 9111111 I111111rl Sitlill IIIlzilicd 111 12 iictctl tlllltti 1111 Ion2 chvIIiorn chu 11111115 look p111 11 pro IIIrrr Iltllll Zur11lr Llllllilll Irv tiillil gtIlltlltllfi talk on IIIIL 11 111111 11143111111111 111 good 1111111111 II Mrs W111 1111111111 1st jrccprwiihIrl 11 injoyahlc 11lllllitllllii il llllklllttl 131 All Maitirc owhri Mrs iloy iooiltcl iow spoki on 1111 Hand Book 111 lllljttlit of 1111 WI and Its 111 I1Irranci licginning with tlrc luanih district arca FWit Fi and gtStltiilltl ountry Worncn 111 ol riculturc and Industric of III lrllllllll for mcmbcrs and iam Ilics at Midirurst lark LEFRov whcat out last vcck Toronto Misscs Jam and Mary Barr spcnt 1111 vcciufnd with thcir ruo thcr hcrc Miss Edith illackrnorc Toronto Iand Hilary illackrnorc spoilt 1111 vcckcrrd with Miss llosc Barry 81 Mr and Mrs Donald rouchir Toronto spcrlt thc wcckvnd with Mr and Mrs Corucr Sr Mr and 11rsCiInrorc of Mcaford visitcd with Mr and Mrs 11 Imorc low days last wcck Miss oncc Woods of Dalston Mrs Rowat last Ivcck Marilyn Scott at Killarncy Bcach lust wcck Mr and Mrs Earl Scott Mr and Mrs Frank Mcighan and Miss Annc llcivc all of Toronto visitcd with Mr and Mrs Aliarr ovcr thc vcckcnd Anniversary visitors with friends Mr and Mrs Alf Webb Toronto and Mrs Lucas with Mrs Jcetd MIJHMIISR 80135 cut Hugh Donnellys and and Mrs Harvey Hughcs with Harry Sttw arts hurch Meeting On Wednesday evening members adhcrcnts and children gathered to the church hall to have social cvening of Christiartfamily observ ance few games and film of family home lifewere conducted by Rev Mr Morris the WMS Mission Band and Trail Rangers and YPS All had small part of the program with sing song and prayer as closing The ladies assisted by the lunch 111 1r 111111 111111111 113 rues ARI Low $5115I $2550 SAINT JOHN 3735I SYDNEY ROUND ISubject to change HALIFAX QUEBEC $5850 RIP stowed on them for this anniversary 11500 Eyes With an average weekly output of 1000 artificial eyes an Essex rm probably the largest of its kind in Britain wll exhibit range of 1500 articial eyes at the Can adian International Trade Fair in Toronto These will be of all sizes and color and suitable forrany country in theworld 1111 World The Juric niccting Is 11 ll lrclil 111111 21 tllltltl corivcrrirs Jack Allan scrrt two carloalls 111 Chaplin of Perth were guests of wcrc Mr and Mrs Boakc of Thornton with Mrs WardI in the county young people served an appetizing Sunday May 2151 was celebrated in the United church with anniver sary services Rev McCor mack of Alliston speaking both morning and evening dcliveredI most impressive sermons at both services The local choir with Mrs McCormack as soloist provided the service of praise in the morningl and Bates Hill ladies choir render ed beautiful anthems in the even ing The church was nicely filled with friends from the several con gregations in the community and with the beautiful flowers draping the altar and chancel together with the lovely day Lefrdy people felt very thankful to the Heavenly Fa ther for all the many blessings be Has Presbyterian Charges Medonte dale last week when Rev Gordon Churches Beckley 0f Thornbury given by Rev Burgess ofl E1mvale RexDr Alfred Barr 011 Pcnetang addressed the minister and Very Rev Dr Stowartof Travel To Toronto Midland addressed the congrega tion Cotton of Penctang sang Open The Gates of the Temple Accompanied by MrsI IIIHurdle of penetangI to radiation detection In the event of another war the early detection of harmful rays would be important and vital to sented with over 300 present from quish Diva Fiml form in Israel II ly grccrncnl llllll Isrucl and tho lutcrrutiortal Ilcfugce Organ ization 111101 of 1111 lnitctl Nations sonic 30110 displaced persons 111100 institutional cruciplus 11011 111111ntlrrits will now find new irorucs in lsracl 111ch qu ixh rctugcc of icruran origin sumsng from licurt liltll is cscortcil up thc gauglllank of an lsracli ship dockclt at Naplcs by l111xtini1u nurse and sailor RU will pay $2500000101sracl to 11pr wow Iivc institutions for ugcd refugees Exploitation Conservation lSinrcoc llctornlirl Exploitation 1111111111111111 and Irupruvcrucrrt rcprcscrrt vlmh IS kxlntltd WW 1111 111ml 1111 thrcc typcsoft111111511111 that may clrzrractcrlzc thc rate of 1sc of soil rcsouiccs 11111 much cxploitaliorr tcsults from 11111111101111 cliually lruc that thcrc arc many cases whcrc iu spitc of thc Iurcssary krrowlcdgc 11111 1111 greatest dcsirc to corrscrvo 1xplortaliorr occurs bccausc of thc cxistcncc of sonic form of ccoriomic prcssurc This may takc airy one of many forms For cxarrrilc t11rrrc1s propcrty may bc too Sorry to rcport Mrs Paul Ix small to providc arr ccoiromic opcrating unit under the host patient ill St rostphs Hospital 1111111 usc irracticc or 11111111 111Ivily in cht Iic may be forced to scck cxtra income by cxploitiug his farm during periods of high priccs thc other 11111111 bccausc of largc amount of fixed tzosls 11c ruaynot bc ablc to alfqu propcr soil conservation practiccs during lowpriced 1cprcssiorr pcriod or it may be that 111 is unablc to got sutticicut of thc right kind of credit to permit good soil corrscrvatiou Morcovcr his rental con tract may not providc any cconomic induccmcrrt to conserve but rathcr to cxploit Thcsc or various other forms of cconomi lprcssurc may prcvcut tarrucr from farming thc way he knows 11c should in ordcr 111 conscrvc his soil It has been said that an exploitation form of agriculture Spent few days with Mr and is mor protitablc than Inc of conservation This statement needs qualifying Exploitation in agriculture loads to dimin 15505 JCmm EVm WYl ishirtg yicid ovcr It pcriod of ycars and cannot be compared with sustained yicld agriculture 1101ch the returns tend to be maintained or increased ovcr period of years There arc probably two sols of circumstances which in vitc exploitation in agriculturc One is the situation where the probable priccs of cash crops arc rclntivcly much higher than thOsc of livtstotkIand livvstock prodhcts Generally Speaking conservation farming involves increased emphasis on livestock The other situation exists whenever land is cheap com pared wlth labor and 1110 many forms of capital It has always tbccn considered good economics 10 use most carefully those 1tiniigswmctrore rclativcly dcarnmljre loss particular about If saving or couscrviug thosc that are relatively abundant and therefore cheap If in the coursc of 111110 the demand for and therefore the price of farm land in Ontario increases there will be corrcsporrdirrg incrcusc in inlcrcst in the subject of soil con scrvation It is not without significance that some of the most active interest in soil conservation exists in areaswhere farm land values have risen the most An example of this incfeased in terest in soil conservation where land is relatively source is of Essex Here county soil conservation pro gramfhas been ipaugurutcd find it technically trained soils mart has been employed to promote and direct this program This should he lesson to other areas tits Steps leading to thecall were table ltgt ARMYuPRACTICES WITH IGEIGER COUNTERS During thoservice Mrs Gareld The Presbytery was welllrepre 19 Furniture FUpholsleringyRepairing 1111 Amy Good Sclcction of Used Furniture quHome or Cottage Uhesterfieltls Rebuilt Cleaned Sprliigfilled Mattresses Rebuilts GOOIISDILLIWTOI UpholstcryMalianorliknplnthvaehchullaGe v1 59 ELIZABETH ST Canadian Engineersivillbe based this summer in Ottaylla For4 Ice Boxes Chesterfield Suites Eavetroughinq Dining Room Suites Kitchen Sets SheetMetcrl Wdrk VARNISHES PAINTS Warm Air Heating Remember MORAN Ross Strcev Emotes Ilia 5441 DeIvrI 1311915121 ENAMELS WAX REASONABLE til 13 111R EXAMINMI SE THE ENAMINER FOR PRINTING NEEDS Ibvggcrel IReply To Editor 11 PONDs CREAMS COLD or VANISHING Soothing Cleansing Softening the Skin 37c 6c 105 1111101111 11111111 HOT WEATHER COLOGNE In Thru Dcliglrfnl 01101an Gardenia Petal Lilac Time SwectSpice GIN PILLS For Bladder Kidney lrritaons 80 Size Reg 250 125 ls Lame Back 1N CALIFORNIA HERE COME We are motoring to California for the month of August Can you tell no what clothes my humor 10 ond should take Wt want to travel lightly For diughter overalls or slacks and Tshirts plus coat aInd sweat ers Also during your vmt to your aunt she WIIInocd two or thrce 01 ton dresses and better dress For yourself you will find travelling In suit with cotton meshi sweaters cool and not mossy An afternoon dress two or threc cottons and coat along wrth stockings and lingerie should keep your packing to minimum GIVE AWAY HOME it true that mull bungalow will given away at the Canadian National Eri hlbifioo this year Do need be veteran to qualify You are done right sir will be given away on the night of September 9111 at the Canadian Na tlonal ExhibiliIon sary to be veteran to quality Drop around and1 inspect the house at your convenience Coliseum West Annex NURSERY EQUIPMENT Ilo expecting baby in luly manger in Canada tell me what baby clothes should buy and what nursery equipment will need Under separate cover pamphlet has gape to you wrrh all the infor mation requested the new heir apparent limited time only EC FAMILY sIZESHAMPoo AND DISPENSER FIIIIIIIlllso $225 IVALUEI Coldwatcr Midland Pcnetang Rev Gendron Stayncr Crccrnorc and other cen house Following the service social hour was enjoyed in thcchurch auditorium vith Rev Bur gcss acting as chairman Elders of An imprcssivc Ordination and in1 the variousclrurChes ministers and duction service was held in Hillsothcrs spoke Among the minis tersattending were Rev Jack Gcndron of Penctang rcccntIStmncr and Rev Sharkey Divrriity graduate was installed as 1Crccmorc minister for Hillsdale Craighurst and Moorlslone from Rev Mr Gcndrons h0mecon Igregation at Penctang They pre The presiding officer was Rcv Isentcdthc new minister and his wifc with floor lamp and end It is not neoco VERY SPECIAL OFFER To Save You 75 Your Favorite BRECK SHAMPOO in Generous $150 Family Size Plus the New Handy PLASTIC DISPENSER Valued at 75 Both for the Price Of the Shampoo Alone $9 It will be in the we am Can you There was large delegation Good luck with Plane Send Your Question KATE AITKEN 225 Jarvis 50 Toronto Ont F9 111 91 REC ataymecd MENNENs SHAVING CREAM An Aid 10 Real Shaving Comfort From The Camp Borden Citizen HARRIET HUBBARD AYER 11113111111 In the Shade to Suit Your Individual Complexion 150 612 REPELLEllT Proleclion Against Mosquito Olack Files and Other Kinsectr 59r CKESS Soldiers seen Ilugging portable The newly inducted minister II Geiger counters around the Ottawa pronounced the Benediction Ilea this summer W01 be pros pecting for uraniumore Army Headquarters explained today Theyll be doing practicalexercises both military and civil defence authorities How best to detect llheIm what type of detection or ganization would be most efficient and what types and quantities Of equipment might be Ireqhired are now to be studied by an experi mentalteam set up by theCan Newl Exduslvo with Tonil MIDGET SPIN CURLERS for park noclrlino Icvrl formal far fosforl Special cIurirs fornhon apecillly hardtodo curls II the necklineTA welcome addition for use wiih oh plastic curlers you now have Got Yoursle In 111 SPECIAL VALUE TONIREFILLKIT mut m1 111111 You no Shampoo 61mm in twice v1 An thm for only To Tint or Dye Celanese Rayon Cotton W901 and LinerHr Silk The small group known as No aRadiationiDeteaionrnikRoyalr is Now SPRAY DEODORANI Protection Against Underarm Odour Painless Way to Remove Corns Overnight Special Bullbln Atomlur 1125 STORE HOURSMom Tue Wed 830 mm to 123 pm 79 pm 35 for as DELIVERY ri Phone 2650 5050 GUARANTEED Quality USED CARS On Display II MORRISON COJLTD 3133 Bradford St KLEEN sror 11111131111 11 13511 Phone 5568 Barrie DRUG 5101115 SPECIAL ENLARGEMENT for This chk From Your Gun CIIhoice Snapshot Neptive Mounted in Neat DE LUXE FOLDER 59 Throw Couple 01 114 FREE POCKET With Each FREEZONE CORN REMOVER Achieve Foot Comfort Painless AUNTI KATE CANDIES Delightful New Confection Flip 16 or log 65 23 43 In 40 KEEP SAIE MOTH BAGS 11111 1111111111 soAr 321c Mirror MAGNESIA 29c iter TONIC pins 436 33c for 65 PETROLEUM JELLY 01 its 99 69 29 Real 27 snnvrrrras or SEIOLITZ POWDERS YELLOW IV on log Roe 17c 23 srru uosnurTu LOTION oz log 33 swzrrlunu 1111111511 11111 29 111111111 rLIIIIIt 1111111 27c 111111111 SHAVE BOWLS 39c VAcuun BOTTLES 59c WINSON LOTION WHISKS 117511 NEET OREMI llllll REMOVER with LANOLIN Removes Normal Hair in SMinutes lthgiving 68 11515 IMild SUNSET DYES 59 98 The Easy Way Mixtures CRANULAR 15 MODEss THE NEW PACKAGE 50 Safe Sure leg 113 log 49 ENOS RU IT SALTt Invigorating Saline Iv Laxative 1143504 Slight Pressure on Valve of New FLYTOX AEROSOL Means Instant Death to Flies and Other Insects ONLY 169 Ah 830 or Hurs pm 501 830 am Io pm5un 12 Phone 3811

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