It llll IH llllil lXlllll ltisltH NEW LOWELL oiiix iis 1H iItlilJ lll lllltl llltl ft lflil Ilarrie Hug liriiwer $6800 is llariie Him Finisher BABRIE Fl $6800 $22 Buyer to Supply Bags To WCtSCtht Beach Starts Friday May 19 011R MILL EEKEND sinice llIrll lllllli llI lilll lituli lot pm it lll Hoittil li llltli ll BARBIE BUS TERMINAL PHONE 5571 GRAY COACII LINES on xruiii Villttl lloll tiiiiii Illlain Send and Monday tlllilll lDIlZl liclgcts and Information at =lt in iiill ani 00 pin 00 pm CN Telegraph Operator Stayed At Key During Quebec Fires EDENVALE and limito lior liirv itllllltlll put on lui tltlltlt Htltt oil lhuralav Woiusii lax lllLLili boil to plan this liu ll iilllll iill iil lrc iiiiwi llcii tl lic Hotliirs Ii hl til lotiii lra li ltlli on liiistian Vatci ion Siia Ztl lllltltgti KNOCK fli ilitl Ms Hoe oi loiontol pciit Illlltl at Wes Hows Mrs ii ot llliiiilc luliluctt ll tl the home til STOP LQOK DRIVE iN we rMcAlees ioiy Shop for Your Bumped or Broken Fenders Rustedcu Job Spots or Brand New Paint SPECIALISTS IN COLLISIONWORK wNo WRECKYTOO Bio No JOB roo SMALL vv gastronomic irimyosnir mosaic leN or GOOD FRIENDS 52 mosaic PHONE 5418 229 Bradford St BAltlilh see slice in vi 1i 51431 Brandish Manager Barrie Ont was IIIi dauelitc aiik ouair Ill ll oiioiito si iit Sunday at Ill lltl Mrs lid Gibbons Al in Simpson and George Roberts of Toronto spent the LtlClldVlIl1 Mr and Mrs lloward lopc Beverley ochrane is homca am after his optration ior appen dicitis in the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie Sunday visi Mr and Parker Ie Mr and lM Wm Ford of GI ilcl and Mr and Mrs stie and Gary of Toronto itors during the week it Hcrb Shannons were Mr anc GeoPiiiice and Ms Smith Barrie Mr and Mrs Crawlorcl and Dianne Mrs Ray Webb motored to Nia Tgara Sunday with Mrs AlYll Webb Cinmingh in Mrs Graham and Mrs McCuish They reported the blossoms lovely Sewing irctc The Knock Sewng Circle met at the home of MrsJ0hn Cowan on Wednesday May with twelvcl ytiltlttlJtlS and three visitors pre sent After the business of the cting was over Mrs Ray Webbl was asked to conduct the election my ytii tlitl iiiiii oi hiisiiics iil lllt ltll iltllti la in bl invl ttlliiltnl lilt tiuc lIUI Him gltWV AL LlNK iru and the tlftiillli trier JI tutllt oi the liiinouxLi Ill it iici Li itliili lllt Illt idgcil lltltAlliitix li ltlilllllttllttl tttiltl ltlltl UlnttJ gr IltiYi vio union oi the ildlllty ioi la lllt LIN lltll tlllltltll ltllllt ilgtit in liil rim ll uiin itlltllt ii thin liiiiii it it lllt Suni ll rltill hoini li liiiit itisilitil hcld tliii tll llu clutol last PM HI president pit liiill Will in Favorite that law gavel Iiltlll ittu and lllt llllltl liitriltli conv lircti iipli niatili tor tlic with uoii by Margaret In The Lulus sandl calo and con and or ioi lu rliildiL BAXTER Ill and Mr ltcniicr oil1 with llltlltl lit Staxiirr on Sittttl iiitiiistid iii tlu pioiiiotioninng Knight HM mm ll lIil11 tlttt tiaulcy attendi iuiiiiil oii Illlll gtiilii licr parents in loionlo lltlltltll iioui lltiL nurtured in ll illltl lilt tiaulcy gt tlltl iaulcy tlitflltl itli tricnds iiiVcstoii li and Mrs Mooney attend1 wd thi iillil1til tl ir niccc Ber looiu in llarric on llllilt flu is comaliscin it tlic honic oi ltll dauuhtcr Mr Smith aztci wool in Alliston llt Mi liitcliic ot Terra and Mrs lioy Baker of Foru tlil ol le were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Dul tin Mrs lciiiiant of Toronto lield meeting on lliursday evening in the school housi tlltlillllllltttl llomc and School Club hchachlan is pi sidcnt Turnbull Iallcom treasurer and Mrs lilltttl Denney secretary SECOND Nios Mafi Miss Marion Keith Johnston is cndin few days with Mr and Mo Mill Barrie Mis Tyson Rowzit who had serious operation last wreck is im proving quite Allan Jac son Visited Mrs Albert Mount at Victorial ll over the weekend Mi and Mrs Wm Richardson and boys spent Sundt it Stroud with Mr Mrs Mr and Mrs Guy Martin Cook ill were visitors with Mr aiidl Martin on Thu driv and Mrs LloydTome Collingwood The Silver laplc Womens lii stitttte met at the home of Mrs ilxcndall and little soii also to llllllllt IIitI Ittttttlll lltll II ll ll liiiiieii llt iigainxul gait SCACA Plan Open Meeting Thursday Evening tmiiloii oiiliiiit itltlkltltlll the tiiiidiiii Arts touncil til lN tin siualt at the annual iiicc inn oi lllt Siiiuoi oiiiity and Matt sxociition on Thu ttt iIllllll llis subit uill lgt llie GHHSlliQ liitciist iii oiiiiiiiinily is and ratts and llgt Sitziuiicaiu lltilllli be told at thc ilaiul toiiiiiiiiiity llotlsc iii llai eoiii iiuiicuiq at dill phi lllllh ot interest to artists iiiuNmm SUN 51 lltltli will be shown and them hnlmmnd tiic promis streamlined fActive Jehovah Witness EMrs Cooper Dies RFC Veteran of WWI Dies At Mercy Hospital lixltl Walhi lilttl ozi tii loioi izioiiiiiu ii liti lIiii liv St Mans lto=i oit iUllUAt ii iti tlil on Thin llLilliilll in in St lii ii ili Sitilvluii war it llit ililtl lllltl 2min oitliiitis toi lttlllttl nt Ma lll liil llltll patuiit Miic llovintal to tlu lit iou llt it tilill it the Hub lion gt cl ll oll wood loi lltill Iitl lltltllt coiii no to liaii l0 lloiii lltlitltill tin and on iuu llt son of the tliarlcsaud tlzailotti Siuhliiius llt tltli to Canada at an rail ictuiiiiiii iii lllllti to id ltl lic inariieti the late lai llicucr lo lllttltttitttl hiiu on Feb Jtl ltllti Ill returned to azi uia iii liltltl llotoiv home to the Lolliinzwooil distiut llt liad taiiii cd lti lickiiiiuz iiiar Oshawa ltttltt tlu Vt World War from 1013 to ltllo lu lll lllt loyal lliiiu tori in ling ltoiiiaii tatliolu Mr Siltllllllllli had been lttttlllJll oi the lloly rs liuicli ural party llc tgt ltllttl by llt brothers iicetida and speed transaction otlml 1hr HUN MW lllttilllLZ ltlltll lltt llHktll lllm liiu and tour ltlltllI ot Guelph is particu 1luiisiiu Mi liillt is tlurs and tlllit and brine tiuu tiiciuls of his sistiis still 1hliving iii and son Walter ll slithlilllL tit Donald St llai randcliililrcu lallbcarcrs at tho tuiiiral Kttt ol is and ciatts iii the small Ullliulihmd plump prank mumu Hum lid in lllmltlllti Ulltlillcrinaii loiiiliusoii and Noriiiaii ioi crcatiic artists in slllltlltluu ciit iLs Wk Wm in Wednesday tiltlllt tlic 0le Tm My Floral tributes ttitltttlctl one sctit iiiiinci and staff illia Community Arts andMu cums in mu in SLI iatts Society is holdi tealislml Huh Nun Swim KM May lood liicli and prosperity to lliitlly ltltltlYt and friends sw And School Trustee il ct Ilallai tr ll Knuth liar StilillVfl lil toipvnd iiril tlu litiii Zola llt inrit ANNOUNCEMENT Wc wish to announce the initiating chances lll otlitc hours to inch the convenience ot our client and Sav ings customers Wednesdays 930 mm 1200 Noon ommciiciiig May lllst 1050 Saturdays 930 am 430 pm Commencing June 3rd 1050 Other Days No Change 030 am Al 30 pan The STERLING TRUSTS Corporation lllt Sl liAltltlE Epletts Furniture Electric GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer WE SERVICE WASHERS RANGES IRONERS REFRIGERATORS TOASTERS IRONS VACUUM CLEANERS GRILLS POLISHERS HEATING PADS FANS ELECTRIC BLANKEIS AND CARRY LARGE ASSORTMENI 0F PARTS 139 Dunlop St Phone 3721 TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN Ceown Hill Farmer prominent tiowii llill taiiiur Woods who has opened lttltltlmd hml 11 ltt lldwziid Horace hop in the Village Vclcoiiie lioinc to Mrs Wilson and new baby boy lait died at the ltoyal Viclt iario Hospital in Hair on Sun day Miy2l llltl in his lifelong of We wish hon voyngi and happy ltrict Mr Part1 he wasthc son ot laiidiiic to Mr and Mrs Wil the late William and Part simnwtm their 13m ridge and was born at Crown llill land and lltlltil llic lcaiicr mettine isbeiiic held at oldwatcr on June and it is hoped for goodly represen tation ot the local WA The Womens Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs Olivr with ten members present Mrs Rich ards thc presidtnt wz in the Mrs Sutton was on hand on On ibcr ltltt2 He is survived by his wile the owner lititll lltlitl llicltline and three children ol Harriet Mrs Milton BUllltt Adat RR Baiiicaiid Rus nu rric The funeral service was hold all the PotluckSmith Funeral Homel in Barrie on Tuc atternoonl May 23 at two oclock llev Ii with plenty of sewing this being Chas or ill Fro Methodi the DomS mommy was VCIWChurch Barrie conducted the sc plcaant iiieetinc with Mrs Oliv er Sr who was visitor at this time vice istcd by Rev Mactaggart of Dals on Pallbearers were Ver non Caldwell Charles Luck Irwin The iicxt meeting on June 13 illLUCk C00 ChHDPCll Ciul IDIUIF the vliomc of Dintzman NY and William Partridge liiLerniCiit waan Crown Hill Union Come1 tcry Floral tributes were sent by thcl WA of Crown Hill United Church Ma 22 and the Free Methodist Church in Oscar Bates and Mr and Harold Arnold spent Sunday with friends in Bccton Mrs Jcnnett attended the lthl of her uncle John Breck of Duntrooii on Monday Mr and Mrs Kenneth Suther land of Toronto visited with Mrs Geo Wilson over the weekend JeSpecrs sent Couple of in Barrie with relatives Mr and Mrs Clev Patton and Patton attended the tton ot ULUCCIS 01 the Willing Wan Harvey Johnston on May it witri Sealer wedding in Stayncr initcd with results as lollo 81 1311s Mrs good attendance with scvenvncw Church on Saturday May 20 Bruce Wice VicePro Mrs Herb Shannon Se Mrs Paul Pope Treas Mrs Cl Webb Program Committee consists ot Mrs Bow man Allen Mrs Frank Cowan Mrs Thos Bowman Jr with Mrs John Cowrin and Mrs Bruce Cow er whose Hm 4s or won an attending the Red Cross Sew ing REZNDSHL members added Mr and Mrs Ray urch Paul ine Carol and Ro of Midland and Mr and Mrs Johnston and and children Mincsing Stinday visitors with Mr and Mrs Wes Johnston coursoNsTiiu May 23 Amelya Hauibly Mimico was home for the weekend Mr and Mrs Chas Pepperall and liTeTcai on Sunday Mrs Pcpperall remained ltora few days Mr and Matt Kneeshaw Kneesliaw and Isobel spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs Jack Coulis Cookstown Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs mas Gibbon in the death last week of Mr Gibbons sister Mrs Frank OConnell of Athcrlcy liridc 0t Few Months Killed The community was shocked on Tuesday to learn of the sudden death otMrsAdney Howard nee Josephine Reillyt of Morton Sask who was instantly killed when tractor she was driving overturn cd pinning her underneath The re mains arrived at her former home here on Saturday Thctuncral ser vice was held on Mondayin vSt lauls Anglican Church Coulsons Hill with interment in the adjoin ing cemetery HALF MAST Mrs Farfncr When lIiraiii and Were in the city we went to night club and the dancing girls were in mourning theywiire their clothes at half mast ADVERTISING iN THE ExAMlNr ER BRINGS RESULTS Mr and Mrs Charles Hill of Col lingwood and Mr and Mrs Frank Hill of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jennett Mr and Mrs Oswald Black Mr and Mrs Lennox Blackot Stroud spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lcnnox Mr and Mrs Harry Banting ac companied by Mr and Mrs Robert Redfcrn ol Holly spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs HIA Pratt in Toronto Clcan Farm The Juni Farmers inchin the school house on Thursday evening this year is Clean Farm The lanternslidc on spraying weeds The meeting closed inusual form Decline inseam yThe number stillbirths for each 1000 births in Britain dropi noun Hugs ARE ped from 30 twelve years ago to 23 last year Barrie Friends and relatives from out ol town attending the funeral were Mr and Mrs Beecher Parkhouse of Fergus Mrs Manly Partridge of Napanec Mrs Cordicr of Tor onto Mrs FJCaldwell of New inarliet Mr and Mrs Geo Johnv son of Mlnesing Donald Partridge OLSLHXEJI and Earl Rut man and Mismic BTStayrrcr and Mrs Beatrice Marshall of Tor onto Announcement that program of vocational agriculture will be established in several high schools throughout British Columbia is wclcome news to the farm com munity This is need which has been felt by farmers for great many years Armstrong BC Advertiser For Eavetrouqhing Sheet Metal Work The new project for the countyi warm Alr Heating sbccial feature of the evening was Remember MORAN Ross Street PHONE 2297 REASONABLE 5050 GUARANTEED Quality SED CARS 3133 Bradford St On Display MORRISONCQ LTD Phone 5566 Barrie gunman or YQtttt BANK Here is typical bank manager 43 married with groiving family He is active in community affairs When he joined the bank as junior he was 17 just out of high school He soon movedup By his late twenties he was accountant in branch He Worked hard All the time he was leariimg about bankingbout Canada too in various branches dierentiareas learning to know people pthir boringEarsgproblems ethe importance of the burnan factor At 36 he was branch managerQNtiw he has another linger brunch And his way to advancement in still open His general manager started as junior too and carried with him to the top the buiiiijieissir experience and human understandin gained along the why